Скачать презентацию Artificial Intelligence Introduction AI You are a Скачать презентацию Artificial Intelligence Introduction AI You are a


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Artificial Intelligence Introduction Artificial Intelligence Introduction

AI You are a caveman (or woman) I travel back in time and bring AI You are a caveman (or woman) I travel back in time and bring you a Lap. Top and show you some of the things it is capable of doing. Question : Would you, as a caveman, consider the computer to be intelligent?

Big questions Can machines think? If so, how? If not, why not? What does Big questions Can machines think? If so, how? If not, why not? What does this say about humans? What does this say about the mind?

AI Long Term Goals Produce intelligent behaviour in machines Why use computers at all? AI Long Term Goals Produce intelligent behaviour in machines Why use computers at all? – They can do things better than us – Big calculations quickly and reliably We do intelligent things – So get computers to do intelligent things

Some Advantages of Artificial Intelligence – more powerful and more useful computers – new Some Advantages of Artificial Intelligence – more powerful and more useful computers – new and improved interfaces – solving new problems – better handling of information – relieves information overload – conversion of information into knowledge

The Disadvantages – increased costs – difficulty with software development - slow and expensive The Disadvantages – increased costs – difficulty with software development - slow and expensive – few experienced programmers – few practical products have reached the market as yet.

Some AI Systems that are Better Than Humans Backgammon – TD gammon was the Some AI Systems that are Better Than Humans Backgammon – TD gammon was the first program to beat the worlds best players (Gerald Tesauro) http: //researchweb. watson. ibm. com/massive/t dl. html

Why AI? Engineering: To get machines to do a wider variety of useful things Why AI? Engineering: To get machines to do a wider variety of useful things – e. g. , understand spoken natural language, recognize individual people in visual scenes, find the best travel plan for your vacation, etc. Cognitive Science: As a way to understand how natural minds and mental phenomena work – e. g. , visual perception, memory, learning, language, etc. Philosophy: As a way to explore some basic and interesting (and important) philosophical questions – e. g. , the mind body problem, what is consciousness, etc.

What is Artificial Intelligence ? making computers that think? the automation of activities we What is Artificial Intelligence ? making computers that think? the automation of activities we associate with human thinking, like decision making, learning. . . ? the art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people ?

What’s easy and what’s hard for AI? It’s been easier to mechanize many of What’s easy and what’s hard for AI? It’s been easier to mechanize many of the high-level tasks we usually associate with “intelligence” in people – e. g. , symbolic integration, proving theorems, playing chess, medical diagnosis It’s been very hard to mechanize tasks that lots of animals can do – walking around without running into things – catching prey and avoiding predators – interpreting complex sensory information (e. g. , visual, aural, …) – modeling the internal states of other animals from their behavior – working as a team (e. g. , with pack animals) Is there a fundamental difference between the two categories?

What can AI systems do? Here are some example applications Computer vision: face recognition What can AI systems do? Here are some example applications Computer vision: face recognition from a large set Robotics: autonomous (mostly) automobile Natural language processing: simple machine translation Expert systems: medical diagnosis in a narrow domain Spoken language systems: ~1000 word continuous speech Planning and scheduling: Hubble Telescope experiments Learning: text categorization into ~1000 topics User modeling: Bayesian reasoning in Windows help (the infamous paper clip…) Games: Grand Master level in chess (world champion), checkers, etc.

IBM’s Deep Blue versus Kasparov On May 11, 1997, Deep Blue was the first IBM’s Deep Blue versus Kasparov On May 11, 1997, Deep Blue was the first computer program to beat reigning chess champion Kasparov in a 6 game match (2 : 1 wins, with 3 draws) Massively parallel Searched the game tree • th most computation (259 from 6 -12 ply usually, up to powerful supercomputer in 40 ply in some situations. 1997) One ply corresponds to – Evaluation function criteria one turn of play. learned by analyzing thousands of master games

Robotics Shakey (1966 -1972) Kismet (late 90 s, 2000 s) Cog (90 s) Robocup Robotics Shakey (1966 -1972) Kismet (late 90 s, 2000 s) Cog (90 s) Robocup Soccer (2000 s) Boss (2007)

How is it Currently Done? Crusher and, more recently, Percept. TOR How is it Currently Done? Crusher and, more recently, Percept. TOR

DARPA grand challenge DARPA grand challenge

Stanley Robot Stanford Racing Team www. stanfordracing. org Next few slides courtesy of Prof. Stanley Robot Stanford Racing Team www. stanfordracing. org Next few slides courtesy of Prof. Sebastian Thrun, Stanford University

What About the DARPA Grand Challenge? Autonomous Navigation in the Desert over a 132 What About the DARPA Grand Challenge? Autonomous Navigation in the Desert over a 132 mile course. 5 Teams succeeded! – http: //www. darpa. mil/grandchallenge 05/gcorg/index. html This was a monumental achievement in autonomous robotics HOWEVER: This was not an unstructured environment! – GPS waypoints were carefully chosen, sometimes less than a meter apart.

Stanley’s Technology Path Planning Laser Terrain Mapping Learning from Human Drivers Adaptive Vision Sebastian Stanley’s Technology Path Planning Laser Terrain Mapping Learning from Human Drivers Adaptive Vision Sebastian Stanley Images and movies taken from Sebastian Thrun’s multimedia website.

SENSOR INTERFACE RDDF database PERCEPTION PLANNING&CONTROL USER INTERFACE Top level control corridor Touch screen SENSOR INTERFACE RDDF database PERCEPTION PLANNING&CONTROL USER INTERFACE Top level control corridor Touch screen UI pause/disable command Wireless E-Stop Laser 1 interface RDDF corridor (smoothed and original) driving mode Laser 2 interface Laser 3 interface road center Road finder Laser 4 interface laser map Laser 5 interface Laser mapper map Camera interface Vision mapper vision map Radar interface Radar mapper Path planner trajectory VEHICLE INTERFACE Steering control obstacle list Touareg interface vehicle state (pose, velocity) GPS position UKF Pose estimation GPS compass vehicle state Throttle/brake control vehicle state (pose, velocity) IMU interface Power server interface velocity limit Surface assessment Wheel velocity Brake/steering heart beats emergency stop Linux processes start/stop health status Process controller Health monitor power on/off data GLOBAL SERVICES Data logger Communication requests File system Communication channels Inter-process communication (IPC) server clocks Time server

Europa Hydrobot http: //www. resa. net/nasa/images/gem/HYDR OBOT. JPG Europa Hydrobot http: //www. resa. net/nasa/images/gem/HYDR OBOT. JPG

AI Applications Games: AI Applications Games:

AI Applications Games: AI Applications Games:

AI Applications Robotic toys: AI Applications Robotic toys:

AI Applications Transportation: – Pedestrian detection: AI Applications Transportation: – Pedestrian detection:

AI Applications Medicine: – Image guided surgery AI Applications Medicine: – Image guided surgery

AI Applications Autonomous Planning & Scheduling: – Telescope scheduling AI Applications Autonomous Planning & Scheduling: – Telescope scheduling

Why is AI hard? Two usual ingredients (for standard AI) Representation – need to Why is AI hard? Two usual ingredients (for standard AI) Representation – need to represent our knowledge in computer readable form Reasoning – need to be able to manipulate knowledge and derive new knowledge – many possible ways to do this, but most give rubbish – finding the successful way usually involves search Both of these are hard.

The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) A salesperson has to visit a number of cities The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) A salesperson has to visit a number of cities (S)He can start at any city and must finish at that same city The salesperson must visit each city only once For example, with 5 cities a possible tour is: A C D B E

Combinatorial Explosion A 50 City TSP has 1. 52 * 1064 possible solutions Age Combinatorial Explosion A 50 City TSP has 1. 52 * 1064 possible solutions Age of the universe is 15 billion (1. 5 * 1010) years There are 30 million seconds in a year Age of universe is about 45 * 1016 seconds A 10 GHz computer might do 109 tours per second Running since start of universe, it would still only have done 1026 tours Not even close to evaluating all tours! Need to be clever about how to solve such search problems!

AI Generic Techniques Automated Reasoning – Resolution, proof planning, Davis-Putnam, CSPs Machine Learning – AI Generic Techniques Automated Reasoning – Resolution, proof planning, Davis-Putnam, CSPs Machine Learning – Neural nets, ILP, decision tree learning Natural language processing – N-grams, parsing, grammar learning Robotics – Planning, edge detection, cell decomposition Evolutionary approaches – Crossover, mutation, selection

Course Overview: Three areas AI fundamentals – Characterisations, terminology, methodologies – Representation and search Course Overview: Three areas AI fundamentals – Characterisations, terminology, methodologies – Representation and search – Application to game playing Automated reasoning (deduction) – Socrates was mortal Machine learning (induction) – Every man has died, so we all die

Some Famous Imitation Games 1960 s ELIZA – Rogerian psychotherapist 1970 s SHRDLU – Some Famous Imitation Games 1960 s ELIZA – Rogerian psychotherapist 1970 s SHRDLU – Blocks world reasoner 1980 s NICOLAI – unrestricted discourse 1990 s Loebner prize – win $100, 000 if you pass the test 33

The problem with ELIZA Eliza used simple pattern matching – “Well, my friend made The problem with ELIZA Eliza used simple pattern matching – “Well, my friend made me come here” – “Your friend made you come here? ” Eliza written by Joseph Weizenbaum 34

Who does AI? Academic researchers (perhaps the most Ph. D. -generating area of computer Who does AI? Academic researchers (perhaps the most Ph. D. -generating area of computer science in recent years) – Some of the top AI schools: CMU, Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, UIUC, UMd, U Alberta, UT Austin, . . . (and, of course, Swarthmore!) Government and private research labs – NASA, NRL, NIST, IBM, AT&T, SRI, ISI, MERL, . . . Lots of companies! – Google, Microsoft, Honeywell, Teknowledge, SAIC, MITRE, Fujitsu, Global Info. Tek, Body. Media, . . .

The course topics introduction to AI AI application areas Knowledge representation Search space Machine The course topics introduction to AI AI application areas Knowledge representation Search space Machine learning

Course overview Introduction and Agents (chapters 1, 2( Search (chapters 3, 4, 5, 6( Course overview Introduction and Agents (chapters 1, 2( Search (chapters 3, 4, 5, 6( Logic (chapters 7, 8, 9( Planning (chapters 11, 12( Uncertainty (chapters 13, 14( Learning (chapters 18, 20( Natural Language Processing (chapter 22, 23(

AI definition AI is a branch of computer science and it concerned with intelligent AI definition AI is a branch of computer science and it concerned with intelligent behavior.

What is AI? There are no crisp definitions Q. What is artificial intelligence? A. What is AI? There are no crisp definitions Q. What is artificial intelligence? A. It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. Q. what is intelligence? A. Intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world. Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some machines.

What is Intelligence? Intelligence: – “the capacity to learn and solve problems” (Websters dictionary) What is Intelligence? Intelligence: – “the capacity to learn and solve problems” (Websters dictionary) – in particular, the ability to solve novel problems the ability to act rationally the ability to act like humans Artificial Intelligence – build and understand intelligent entities or agents – 2 main approaches: “engineering” versus

Success Stories Deep Blue defeated the reigning world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997 Success Stories Deep Blue defeated the reigning world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997 AI program proved a mathematical conjecture (Robbins conjecture) unsolved for decades During the 1991 Gulf War, US forces deployed an AI logistics planning and scheduling program that involved up to 50, 000 vehicles, cargo, and people

Can Computers Talk? This is known as “speech synthesis” – translate text to phonetic Can Computers Talk? This is known as “speech synthesis” – translate text to phonetic form e. g. , “fictitious” -> fik-tish-es – use pronunciation rules to map phonemes to actual sound Difficulties – sounds made by this “lookup” approach sound unnatural – sounds are not independent – a harder problem is emphasis, emotion, etc humans understand what they are saying Conclusion: – NO, for complete sentences – YES, for individual words

Can Computers Recognize Speech? Speech Recognition: – mapping sounds from a microphone into a Can Computers Recognize Speech? Speech Recognition: – mapping sounds from a microphone into a list of words – classic problem in AI, very difficult “Lets talk about how to wreck a nice beach” (I really said “____________”) Recognizing single words from a small vocabulary systems of 99%) can do this with high accuracy (order

Alan M Turing, Hero Helped to found theoretical CS – 1936, before digital computers Alan M Turing, Hero Helped to found theoretical CS – 1936, before digital computers existed Helped to found practical CS – wartime work decoding Enigma machines – ACE Report, 1946 Helped to found practical AI – first (simulated) chess program Helped to found theoretical AI … 47

Can Computers “see? ” Recognition v. Understanding (like Speech) – Recognition and Understanding of Can Computers “see? ” Recognition v. Understanding (like Speech) – Recognition and Understanding of Objects in a scene look around this room you can effortlessly recognize objects human brain can map 2 d visual image to 3 d “map” Why is visual recognition a hard problem?

What did Turing think ? Turing (in 1950) believed that by 2000 – computers What did Turing think ? Turing (in 1950) believed that by 2000 – computers available with 128 Mbytes storage – programmed so well that interrogators have only a 70% chance after 5 minutes of being right “By 2000 the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to 49 be contradicted”

Turing Test Three rooms contain a person, a computer, and an interrogator. The interrogator Turing Test Three rooms contain a person, a computer, and an interrogator. The interrogator can communicate with the other two by teleprinter. The interrogator tries to determine which is the person and which is the machine. The machine tries to fool the interrogator into believing that it is the person. If the machine succeeds, then we conclude that the machine can think.

The Imitation Game Interrogator in one room – computer in another – person in The Imitation Game Interrogator in one room – computer in another – person in a third room From typed responses only (text-only), can interrogator distinguish between person and computer? If the interrogator often guesses wrong, say the machine is intelligent. 51

Can Machines Think? Turing starts by defining machine & think – Will not use Can Machines Think? Turing starts by defining machine & think – Will not use everyday meaning of the words otherwise we could answer by Gallup poll – Instead, use a different question closely related, but unambiguous “I believe the original question to be too meaningless to deserve discussion” 52

A sample game Turing suggests some Q & A’s: Q: Please write me a A sample game Turing suggests some Q & A’s: Q: Please write me a sonnet on the subject of the Forth Bridge A: Count me out on this one, I never could write poetry Q: Add 34957 to 70764. – (pause about 30 seconds) A: 105621 Q: Do you play chess? A: Yes Q: I have K at my K 1, and no other pieces. You have only K at K 6 and R at R 1. It is your move. What do you play? – (pause about 15 s) A: R-R 8 mate 53

Some Famous Imitation Games 1960 s ELIZA – Rogerian psychotherapist 1970 s SHRDLU – Some Famous Imitation Games 1960 s ELIZA – Rogerian psychotherapist 1970 s SHRDLU – Blocks world reasoner 1980 s NICOLAI – unrestricted discourse 1990 s Loebner prize – win $100, 000 if you pass the test 54

“Chinese room” argument [Searle 1980] image from http: //www. unc. edu/~prinz/pictures/c-room. gif Person who “Chinese room” argument [Searle 1980] image from http: //www. unc. edu/~prinz/pictures/c-room. gif Person who knows English but not Chinese sits in room Receives notes in Chinese Has systematic English rule book for how to write new Chinese characters based on input Chinese characters, returns his notes – Person=CPU, rule book=AI program, really also need lots of paper (storage) – Has no understanding of what they mean – But from the outside, the room gives perfectly reasonable answers in Chinese! Searle’s argument: the room has no intelligence in it!

Some AI videos Note: there is a lot of AI that is very valuable! Some AI videos Note: there is a lot of AI that is very valuable! http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=ICg. L 1 OWsn 58&feature=related http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Hac. G_FWWPOw&feature=related http: //videolectures. net/aaai 07_littman_ai/ http: //www. ai. sri. com/~nysmith/videos/SRI_AR-PA_AAAI 08. avi http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Sc. XX 2 bnd. GJc