Батвинов Денис, Мащенко Артём. Конан Дойл.pptx
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Arthur Conan Doyle Подготовили ученики 7 класса МБОУСОШ № 8 Батвинов Денис и Мащенко Артем
Arthur Conan Doyle was born 22 May 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh in the family of Irish Catholics. Arthur 4 years
After leaving school Conan Doyle became a student of the medical faculty at the university of Edinburgh.
He began his medical practice in a small English town Southsea. His spare time he devoted literature.
As the ship's doctor he traveled to the Arctic and West Africa. In 1899 Conan Doyle went to Africa as a military doctor.
In 1902 King Edward VII gave Arthur Conan Doyle knightly name and the title "Sir".
In August of 1885 Arthur married Louise Hawkins. The Doyles were married for fifteen years before Louise died. They had two children. In 1906, Doyle married for the second time. Jean Leckie was to bless Doyle with three children.
Writer and his family traveled a lot.
In 1891, Doyle decided to quit his medical practice and concentrate on writing. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote more than 200 works
In 188 he wrote his first detective story "A Study in 7, Scarlet". The main characters were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes had four novels: "A Study in Scarlet" (1887), "The Sign of Four" (1890), "Hound of the Baskervilles", "The Valley of Fear" – and five collections of short stories, the most famous of which – "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (1892), "Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" (1894) and "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" (1905).
. Beside detective stories Conan Doyle also wrote historic novels.
. The writer died on July 7 th, 1930 of a heart attack. He was buried in Minstead Hampshire.
Resources https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Arthur_Conan_Doyle http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/index. php/Sir_Arthur_Conan_Doyle http: //i 049. radikal. ru/1005/f 7/2 fe 0493 b 3 ea 3. jpg http: //litcult. ru/u/dd/news/4131/image. jpg http: //dickens. stanford. edu/sherlockholmes/images/bio_doyle 4_sm. jpg http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/doylegolf. png http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/doyle-davoce. png http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/sacd_3. jpg http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/images/d/dd/Portrait-louise-hawkins 1. jpg http: //autobuy. ru/ot/nn 3/ot 3_050. jpg http: //vannghequandoi. com. vn/upload/802/fck/Văn%20 học%20 nước%20 ngoài/Ch ân%20 dung/sir-arthur-conan-doyle-jean-leckie-wedding. jpg http: //img. dailymail. co. uk/i/pix/2007/11_01/leckie. DM 0711_468 x 720. jpg http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/skins/sshf/banner-encyclopedia-3. png http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/skins/sshf/banner-encyclopedia-2. png
Батвинов Денис, Мащенко Артём. Конан Дойл.pptx