Скачать презентацию ARMENIA PAST_PRESENT_FUTURE The area was 300 000 Скачать презентацию ARMENIA PAST_PRESENT_FUTURE The area was 300 000


  • Количество слайдов: 34


The area was 300. 000 sq. km The area was 300. 000 sq. km

Now the area is only 30. 000 sq. km Now the area is only 30. 000 sq. km

We call us Hay and our country-Hayastan There are 3 million Armenians in Armenia We call us Hay and our country-Hayastan There are 3 million Armenians in Armenia who speak In our own language

In The Armenian language It was created in 405. There are 39 Letters in In The Armenian language It was created in 405. There are 39 Letters in our alphabet.

Armenia The first country in the world to adopt Christianity as a state religion Armenia The first country in the world to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 301. is

We celebrated the 1700 th anniversary of Christianity with Pap of Roma in Armenia We celebrated the 1700 th anniversary of Christianity with Pap of Roma in Armenia in 2001

There are 50. 000 cross stones in Armenia There are 50. 000 cross stones in Armenia

Mount Ararat(5200) The human race was granted a second birth in Armenia Mount Ararat(5200) The human race was granted a second birth in Armenia

After 1915 Armenian Genocide 1, 5 million people were killed After 1915 Armenian Genocide 1, 5 million people were killed

Armenia 24 of April is a grief day for us France Latvia… Armenia 24 of April is a grief day for us France Latvia…

This is a reason of our big Diaspora Now the mount Ararat is in This is a reason of our big Diaspora Now the mount Ararat is in Turkey but it is staying as a symbol of Motherland for millions Armenians

Mountains include 80% of area. Mountains include 80% of area.

The capital of Armenia is Yerevan The capital of Armenia is Yerevan

Yerevan is as old as Babylon and older than Rome It was built in Yerevan is as old as Babylon and older than Rome It was built in 782 B. C.

Colorful Yerevan Colorful Yerevan

Cascade Hamalir Cascade Hamalir

Armenia is famous with its Culture Traditions Sports Brands and Armenian dishes Armenia is famous with its Culture Traditions Sports Brands and Armenian dishes

Armenian national musical instrument is duduk which is also played with drums Armenian national musical instrument is duduk which is also played with drums

Famous Armenians System of a Down Cher Famous Armenians System of a Down Cher

Andre Aghaci Vice. Miss. Europe 2006 Lusine Tovmasyan Andre Aghaci Vice. Miss. Europe 2006 Lusine Tovmasyan

Armenian Brandy- Konyak Armenian Brandy- Konyak

Lahmaju Lahmaju