Are superstitions paranormally real? l Are there valid reasons that they aren’t just luck? l Are they completely crazy? Lets find out! l
l 1 a : a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation b : an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition 2 : a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary l In other words superstitions are beliefs that may or may not be true but they were designed to explain things that could not be explained.
As you were probably guessing, there aren't really many of these. There are some instances though. I also know 2 girls who get really good luck on Friday the 13 th. Once I picked up a penny. (I was 7 at the time. ) We went to a park. Then I got a timeout. I don’t call that good luck!
Knitting on the side This is because a of the stage is bad needle could rip luck. costumes or trip someone. It’s bad luck to cause makeup to fall out of its box. All sorts of icky things could get into it on the floor. It’s bad luck to whistle in a theater. This is because they used the a whistle as signal for the curtains. It’s bad luck to carry a makeup box to an interview. It makes you look amateur. It’s bad luck to use new makeup on opening night. You don’t know how it will react to the lighting. Makeup boxes should never be “cleaned out”. You will probably need what you throw away very soon.
If you spill makeup powder dance on it. Friday the thirteenth causes a lot of bad luck. Spilling salt is bad luck. Hold your breath when you go by a graveyard or you will breath in a spirit. Walking under a ladder is bad luck. Touching a nail when you go over railroad brings 7 years of bad luck. Black cats crossing your path is bad luck.