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Ardscoil Rís Senior Options Information Night 27 th February 2017
Agenda Introduction The Leaving Certificate and LCVP Transition Year
Who and What Do I Want to Be?
Which One Do We Know? ?
What We Are Doing 5 th Year Advice DATS Parent Information Night Career Guidance and Teachers Presentation available on school website
Senior Options Leaving Certificate Transition Year • Including LCVP • Seven Subjects • Broad experience • Self development • Alternative learning
Leaving Cert Established Core Subjects Examined (3) Irish English Mathematics Non Exam RE including RSE Careers Option Subjects (4) Choose from 14 Subjects Option form. Total of 7 subjects examined at Leaving Certificate plus LCVP if eligible.
Optional Subjects Fourteen choices Choose six, do four from: French Spanish History Geography Business Accounting Economics Music Construction Design Studies and Communications Graphics Biology Physics Chemistry
Choosing Options Think ahead to the next step Keep options open for 3 rd level College entry : Points + Entry Requirements
Business and Science Business Studies Science Accounting Biology Business Chemistry Economics Physics
Construction and DCG Woodwork Construction Technical Graphics Studies Design and Communication Graphics (DCG)
Humanities and Foreign Languages Humanities Foreign Languages Art French Geography Spanish History
Subject Options – 3 rd Level Requirements HL Irish Some level 8 degrees have Irish as a core entry requirement, e. g. Irish The main consequence of dropping higher level Irish: precluded from studying to be a primary school teacher in any of the Irish training colleges HL Maths Several level 8 degree programmes require a minimum grade in higher level maths. Engineering, computer science, information and computer technology courses and most degrees that include maths as a core subject.
Subject Options – 3 rd Level Requirements Third Language NUI colleges (UCD, NUI Maynooth, UCC and NUI Galway and their associated colleges) require a pass in a third language Laboratory Science Exceptions Not for engineering, science and agricultural courses NCAD (if not doing art) Science courses require at least one lab science, e. g. science, physiotherapy, etc. RCSI medicine – chemistry plus biology/chemistry TCD medicine – 2 sciences Chemistry is required for veterinary studies Geography – science for general entry science in UCD and TCD, but not DCU
% Score HL Grades CAO Points (HL) % Score OL Grades CAO Points (OL) 90 – 100 H 1 100 90 – 100 O 1 56 80 – 89 H 2 88 80 – 89 O 2 46 70 – 79 H 3 77 70 – 89 O 3 37 60 – 69 H 4 66 60 – 69 O 4 28 50 – 59 H 5 56 50 – 59 O 5 20 40 – 49 H 6 46 40 – 49 O 6 12 30 – 39 H 7 37 30 – 39 O 7 0 0 – 29 H 8 0 0 – 29 O 8 0 25 bonus points awarded for grade H 6 or better in HL maths 2017 (New) LCVP Grades and CAO Points % Score Award CAO Points 80 – 100 Distinction 66 65 – 79 Merit 46 50 – 64 Pass 28
Important Dates March 2017 2 nd March DATS tests with third year students 13 th March LC subject choice forms to be handed out Subject discussions with students 24 th March LC subject choice forms to be returned
Useful Sites qualifax. ie careersportal. ie examinations. ie studyclix. ie
Choose subjects the student: ¯ Likes ¯ Has achieved well in ¯ Needs for their future ¯ Is prepared to work at Link talents to subjects Talk to teachers, siblings, cousins Look at senior cycle text books Choose a good mix of subjects to keep college and career options open J J
Not sure? Safe option English, Irish and Maths Take at least one science subject Keep your modern language Take 2 other subjects that you are good at, or that you enjoy and will do well at. N. B. - Points restrict entry to many courses more than subjects do.
Next Steps Research Complete Options Form Deadline: Friday 24 th March
The Form
Summary Interests and ability Courses: Keep Options Open 2 Choices: TY and LC Research and Advice Key Points School Website
Ardscoil Rís Senior Options Information Night Transition Year 2017 27 th February 2017
Transition Year What it is One year school based programme between Junior and Senior Cycle. Acts as a bridge between the two. Facilitates the smooth transition from the more dependant learning of the Junior Cycle to the more independent self-directed learning required for the Senior Cycle
AIMS Education for MATURITY with emphasis on social awareness & increased social competence Education through experience of ADULT & WORKING LIFE as a basis for personal development & maturity Promotion of general, technical and academic SKILLS with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning
The Programme in Ard Scoil Ris Calendar Layer Transition Specific Layer Subject Sampling Layer Core Subjects
The Calendar Layer Excursions Social Outreach Work Experience Field Trips Examples Graduation Night
Transition Specific Layer Mindfulness First Aid Coding Minicompany Road Safety Examples Green Schools
Subject Sampling Modern Language (Russian, German, Japanese) Drama Music Science Home Economics Technical Graphics Psychology Criminology Music
Core Subjects Maths European Language Irish English PE Core Religion
Punctuality Attendance Effort Engagement Respect Expectations Responsibility
TY as a Different Way of Learning Teaching • Facilitator • Director Learning • Active • Independent Assessment • Varied • Project/Fieldwork • Reflection
2017 -2018 Aim to provide 3 classes of 24. Forms distributed tomorrow afternoon. Lottery as normal – students notified by post. 1 -52 will gain automatic entry- they will not choose subject options. 53 -72 will form the next class if a third class is feasible – they will choose subject options.
73+ on a waiting list. Feasibility of a third class will not be known until May. Dependent on additional teaching resources being allocated from Department of Education
Finally Most 35 Employers want a good graduate, but not of a particular type Keep your options open as long as possible – keep your science and language if possible Students should work as hard as they can now to get the best grades in their Junior Cert as this can often affect at what level they take a subject for the Leaving Cert. If they are unsure, ask a teacher or the Guidance Counsellor for help Good luck with your decisions!