Architecture and standard hardware We have adopted some hardware standards to focus operational expertise, to limit device-dependent code development, and to ease maintenance. The standard DCS crate is a 6 U VME chassis, it is equipped with a Motorola MVME 177 single board running Vx. Works as operating system. Analog data are digitized by VME boards or directly on the detector. In this latter case, CANbus is the standard bus solution. A Greensprings carrier board receive and transmit the CAN messages. A general monitor board has been developed to interface the CANbus to the electronic placed on the detector.
Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System • EPICS is used to control and monitoring the detector subsystems, environmental conditions, and accelerator parameters. • EPICS is a freely distributed software package that includes a real-time kernel running under the Vx. Works operating system, drivers for commonly used hardware components (CAEN, CANbus…), and a suite of user applications for control, monitoring, and data analysis. • EPICS source code is written in C language and is available for customization by the user. • EPICS architecture is distributed, with the Input/Output Controller (IOC) as the fundamental component.
DCS architecture • The Ba. Bar DCS is a distributed architecture based on a TCP/IP network of 15 IOCs containing about 105 hardware and software channels describing the status of each subsystem and central system (gas and cooling system, electronic house, interaction hall…. ) • Each detector has one or more IOCs (VME + CPU) running is own EPCIS software code and is able to communicate with all the others IOCs.
EPICS Channel Access EPICS toll-kit contains a lot of tools connected via the Channel Access client/server libraries.
EPICS Channel Access performance
EPICS software tools • The EPICS internal database is used to define and store the records (process block). 2500 records use around 1 Mbytes. For each records it is possible to define a lot of fields and the most useful are: the scan rate (max 60 Hz), the operating range, the alarm limits, the alarm severity, the archive deadband…. • The State Notation Language is used to build state machines. The I/O variables of the state machines have to be defined EPICS records. The state machines run in the Vx. Works environment. • For the visualization has been used the EDD/DM tool that provides an interactive display editor and high performance display manager; but different tools are available from JAVA to tcl/tk and from Lab. VIEW to Visual Basic. DM is able to update about 2000 channels per second. • ALH is the alarm handler providing alarm viewing, logging and annunciation. It can handle up to 500 alarm condition changes per second.