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Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Aquarius Data Processing System (ADPS) and Data Distribution Fred Patt July 19, 2010 Seattle, w. A
Agenda • • Overview Science Data Processing Level-2 Science Software Implementation Level-2 Data Product Format Data Archive and Distribution Aquarius Web Site What We Need ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 2 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Data Processing System Overview • The Aquarius Ground System at NASA/GSFC consists of the Aquarius Data Processing System (ADPS) and the Aquarius Command Control System. • The ADPS will support: – Acquisition and ingest of Aquarius/SAC-D data from CONAE. – Acquisition of dynamic ancillary required to support the science processing. – Processing of Aquarius data to standard product levels using algorithms provided by the Science Team. – Quality control of data products using methods specified by the Science Team. – Match-up of Aquarius data with in situ salinity measurements. – Archive and distribution of all data products during the active life of the mission to the science team and general science community. – Delivery of source data (Level-1 a) and “validated” Level-2 and Level-3 derived data products to the PO. DAAC. • The ADPS will be supported within the existing infrastructure of the Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG). ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 3 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Agenda • • Overview and Status Science Data Processing Level-2 Science Software Implementation Level-2 Data Product Format Data Archive and Distribution Aquarius Web Site What We Need ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 4 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Data Processing Overview Standard Data Processing Raw Level-0 Downlink File Web-Based Telemetry Monitoring Tools Level-0 Report Level-0 Preprocessor Level-0 SAC-D HKT Data Dynamic Ancillary Data Static Ancillary Data Level-1 a Report Level-0 to 1 A Level-1 A temp Level-1 A Merge Level-3 Mapping Level-1 A orbit Telemetry Report Level-1 A to 2 Bias Adjustment Level-2 to 3 Smoothing Automated Telemetry Analysis Tool Level-2 to 3 Binning Level-2 AVDS In-Situ Match-up Process Level-2 Match-up Predicted Downlink Times SAC-D HKT Data CONAE-provided Interactive Telemetry Analysis Tool Level-3 Binning Level-3 Map ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Web-Based Browse, Download and Order Tools 5 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Science Data Processing The Aquarius science data processing consists of the following steps: • • • Level-0 Preprocessor – process each HRD downlink file to produce a single time-ordered set of Aquarius science blocks and removes duplicates– developed by Joel Gales - ADPS. Level-0 -to-1 A – separate Level-0 files into orbits, unpack science data, incorporate overlapping ephemeris and SAC-D HKT and convert Aquarius HKT – developed by Joel Gales - ADPS. Telemetry Analysis – HKT data from Level-1 A files analyzed for web display on the Aquarius web site – developed by Susie Kennison, Norman Kuring and Liang Hong - ADPS/ACCS. Interactive Telemetry Analysis - HKT files analyze using CONAE-provided telemetry viewer. Level-1 A Merge – consolidate Level-1 A files from overlapping downlinks into a single, best- quality full orbit product – Joel Gales - ADPS. Level-1 A-to-2 – perform calibration, atmospheric correction and salinity retrieval for Aquarius science data – radiometer and scatterometer code delivered by RSS and JPL, respectively; integration and input/output code developed by Joel Gales and Liang Hong - ADPS. Level-2 -to-3 Binning – Level-2 salinity retrievals for one day geographically projected and collected into equal-area bins – existing OBPG software modified by Joel Gales- ADPS. Level-2 -to-3 Smoothing – Level-2 salinity retrievals for one day optimally interpolated into equal-area bins – algorithm by Jonathan Lilly/ESR implemented by Joel Gales - ADPS. Level-3 Binning and Mapping – Level-3 binned files aggregated to longer time periods (weekly, monthly, etc. ) and projected onto map grid – existing OBPG software. All processing steps are run automatically when all input data sets are available. All software exists in at least preliminary prelaunch form at this time. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 6 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Science Code Status • Radiometer and Scatterometer 2009 code deliveries have been integrated and installed in the data processing system. • Latest versions of Level-1 A and Level-3 software have been installed. • Ancillary data to support processing have been acquired and ingested. • The one-year (2007) simulated data set has been processed to Level-1 A, Level-2 and Level-3 products: – http: //oceancolor. gsfc. nasa. gov/cgi/aquarius (Level 1 A/2 browser) – http: //oceancolor. gsfc. nasa. gov/cgi/l 3 (Level-3 browser) – http: //oceandata. sci. gsfc. nasa. gov/Aquarius (FTP-like interface) • The PO. DAAC is downloading the simulated data products and making them available (see poster by Gregg Foti). • AVDS processing is in progress with the 2007 data set. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 7 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Science Code TBD • From now until launch we need to: – Integrate Radiometer and Scatterometer code updates into data processing system. – Incorporate additional quality flags into software and products. – Develop ingest procedures for additional ancillary data required by new code. – Incorporate SAC-D HKT format into Level-1 A processing. – Verify output products with Science Team. – Begin real-time mission simulation (August 2010 --> Launch). – Incorporate additional prelaunch updates into the science software (as needed). – Participate in mission tests as scheduled. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 8 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Agenda • • Overview and Status Science Data Processing Level-2 Science Software Implementation Level-2 Data Product Format (separate presentation) Data Archive and Distribution Aquarius Web Site What We Need ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 9 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level-2 Software Implementation Implemented using software delivered by RSS and JPL with I/O by Joel Gales Capabilities: • • • Processes a Level-1 A input product. Performs radiometer Level-1 B calibration and Level-2 processing using latest code from RSS. Performs scatterometer Level-1 B calibration and Level-2 processing using latest code from JPL. Reads SST, wind, atmospheric, sea ice and solar flux data from dynamic ancillary files. Computes geolocation. Generates HDF 5 output product. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 10 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level 2 Processing Flow QMET Ancillary Files Solar Flux Ancillary Data SST Ancillary Files Sea Ice Ancillary Files Static Ancillary Files Look-up Tables atm_tb_aquarius Level-1 A Product ATM Ancillary Files mk_aquarius_ ancillary_data Radiometer Ancillary Files L 2 gen_scatter Look-up Tables L 2 gen_aquarius Scatterometer ASCII Files Level-2 Product ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 11 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Dynamic Ancillary Data Type Source Interface Geopotential height, surface Temperature at surface Atmospheric pressure at surface Relative humidity, entire atmosphere Precipitable water Cloud water U/V wind 10 m Soil moisture Geopotential height (profile) Temperature (profile) Relative humidity (profile) Cloud water mixing ratio (profile) NCEP Primary: tads 1 u. ecs. nasa. gov Secondary: dss. ucar. edu Sea Surface Salinity (model) FSU/JPL Primary: ourocean. jpl. nasa. gov/SSS/ Sea Surface Temperature Reynolds (NCEP) Primary: eclipse. ncdc. noaa. gov Significant Wave Height NCEP Primary: polar. ncep. noaa. gov/pub/waves Solar Flux and Flares at 1. 4 GHz USAF (NGDC) Primary: www. swpc. noaa. gov/ ftpdir/latest/dayind. txt -- production NSIDC Primary: polar. ncep. noaa. gov/pub/cdas/archive -- for 2007 simulation polar. ncep. noaa. gov/pub/cdas/ -- for production Sea Ice Concentration/ Extent/Age ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 12 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Agenda • • Overview and Status Science Data Processing Level-2 Science Software Implementation Level-2 Data Product Format Data Archive and Distribution Aquarius Web Site What We Need ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 13 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Level-2 Product Content • This will actually be a combined Level 1 B / Level 2, radiometer/scatterometer product. • The current product specification incorporates updated parameter lists based on the recent code deliveries from the radiometer and scatterometer teams. • Specific parameters to be output are configurable at runtime. • Parameters are output per beam and block (1. 44 sec) • All output products include standard metadata, flags and geolocation fields. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 14 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Radiometer Parameters (1 of 2) Name rad_Ta. H rad_Ta. V rad_Ta 3 rad_toi_H rad_toi_V rad_toi_3 rad_toa_H rad_toa_V rad_far_Ta. H rad_Tb. V SSS ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Long Name Radiometer Ta H polarization Radiometer Ta V polarization Radiometer Ta 3 rd Stokes Radiometer Top of the Ionosphere Tb H polarization Radiometer Top of the Ionosphere Tb V polarization Radiometer Top of the Ionosphere Tb +45 polarization Radiometer Top of the Atmosphere Tb H polarization Radiometer Top of the Atmosphere Tb V polarization Radiometer Faraday Angle Earth surface Tb H polarization Earth surface Tb V polarization Sea Surface Salinity Implementation Current Current Current 15 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Radiometer Parameters (2 of 2) Name rad_galact_Ta_dir_V rad_galact_Ta_dir_H rad_galact_Ta_dir_3 rad_galact_Ta_ref_V rad_galact_Ta_ref_H rad_galact_Ta_ref_3 rad_solar_Ta_dir_V rad_solar_Ta_dir_H rad_solar_Ta_dir_3 rad_solar_Ta_ref_V rad_solar_Ta_ref_H rad_solar_Ta_ref_3 rad_rain_Tb rad_moon_Ta rad_rough_corr scat_rough_corr rad_o 2_wv_abs rad_atm_emiss rad_cosmic_Ta ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Long Name Radiometer galactic direct correction V polarization Radiometer galactic direct correction H polarization Radiometer galactic direct correction 3 rd Stokes Radiometer galactic reflected correction V polarization Radiometer galactic reflected correction H polarization Radiometer galactic reflected correction 3 rd Stokes Radiometer solar direct correction V polarization Radiometer solar direct correction H polarization Radiometer solar direct correction 3 rd Stokes Radiometer solar reflected correction V polarization Radiometer solar reflected correction H polarization Radiometer solar reflected correction 3 rd Stokes Rain effect on brightness temperature Lunar effect on antenna temperature Derived wind and/or roughness correction Scatterometer-based TB roughness correction O 2/water vapor absorption Atmospheric emission Radiometer Cosmic Ta correction Implementation Current Current Current Planned Planned 16 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Scatterometer Parameters (1 of 2) Name Long Name TOI Scatterometer normalized radar crosssection (NRCS) for VV polarization scat_HH_ant TOI Scatterometer NRCS for HH polarization scat_HV_ant TOI Scatterometer NRCS for HV polarization scat_VH_ant TOI Scatterometer NRCS for VH polarization Scatterometer NRCS for VV polarization after scat_VV_TOA Faraday rotation correction Scatterometer NRCS for HH polarization after scat_HH_TOA Faraday rotation correction Scatterometer NRCS for HV polarization after scat_HV_TOA Faraday rotation correction Scatterometer NRCS for VH polarization after scat_VH_TOA Faraday rotation correction scat_wind_speed Scatterometer wind speed scat_VV_ant ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Implementation Current Current Current 17 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Scatterometer Parameters (2 of 2) Name Long Name Delta Tb derived from scatterometer data for V polarization and beam Delta Tb derived from scatterometer data for H d. TB_H polarization and beam Kpc_VV Kpc statistical uncertainty for VV NRCS Kpc_HH Kpc statistical uncertainty for HH NRCS Kpc_HV Kpc statistical uncertainty for HV NRCS Kpc_VH Kpc statistical uncertainty for VH NRCS wind_uncertainty Estimated wind speed error d. TB_V_uncertainty Uncertainty in delta-Tb-V d. TB_H_uncertainty Uncertainty in delta-Tb-H scat_total NRCS for total power Kpc_total Statistical uncertainty for total power NRCS d. TB_V ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Implementation Planned Planned Planned 18 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Agenda • • Overview and Status Science Data Processing Level-2 Science Software Implementation Level-2 Data Product Format Data Archive and Distribution Aquarius Web Site What We Need ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 19 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
ADPS Data Archive and Distribution • Overview of the currently operational web-based browse, order and distribution tool that is available to support the distribution of Aquarius data within the Aquarius Data Processing System that also serves as a data quality monitoring tool for both internal and external use. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 20 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Level-1 -2 Data Browser http: //oceancolor. gsfc. nasa. gov/cgi/aquarius ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 21 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Level-1 -2 Data Browser http: //oceancolor. gsfc. nasa. gov/cgi/aquarius ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 22 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Level-3 Data Browser http: //oceancolor. gsfc. nasa. gov/cgi/l 3 All Beams - daily ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 23 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Agenda • • Overview and Status Science Data Processing Level-2 Science Software Implementation Level-2 Data Product Format Data Archive and Distribution Aquarius Web Site What We Need ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 24 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Website Consolidated Data access, Information, Services and Community Feedback ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 25 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Wiki Online Documentation and Software Descriptions available online at: http: //aquarius. nasa. gov/ Under Data and Documents Link labeled “Aquarius Ground System and Mission Operations Wiki Documentation” ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 26 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Agenda • • Overview and Status Science Data Processing Level-2 Science Software Implementation Level-2 Data Product Format Data Archive and Distribution Aquarius Web Site What We Need ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 27 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
What We Need • • • Review and analysis of the 2007 simulation products Agreement on the ancillary data sets and sources. Agreement on the Level-2 parameters. Agreement on the at-launch processing baseline (e. g. , NCEP winds). Schedule and responsibility for algorithm and software updates between now and launch. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 28 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Backup Slides ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 29 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Ground System Interfaces S-Band Wallops Svalbard Alaska Mc. Murdo NASA Ground Network Commands Real-Time Telemetry & Coordination Ancillary Data Sources Algorithms & Science Code AVDS Aquarius Validation Data System Evaluation Products Data Archive CUSS X-Band Mission Operations CODS Command Center RF Services Cordoba Aquarius Command Schedules And Reports Schedule Confirmation And Reports ASI Matera ADPS ACCS Calibration & Instrument Aquarius Data Processing System Aquarius Command & Control System Configuration Change Requests Insitu Data Bias Adjustments Aquarius Match-up Data 1 - SAC-D Ground System to Aquarius Ground System ICD 2 - SAC-D / NASA PSLA, Network Requirements Document & Scheduling Interface 3 - SD - Observatory Ground IF Specification Document 4 - Aquarius Science Team to Aquarius Ground System ICD 5 - AQ - Aquarius Ground System – Aquarius Instrument Team Anomaly ICD and Aquarius Test bed User Manual 6 - Aquarius Data Product User Guide (PO. DAAC) & Format Specification (ADPS) 7 - Ocean Data Processing System Data and Software Management Plan, ATBD’s and Software User’s Guides 8 - A V D S to A D P S ICD 9 - Aquarius Ground System to PO. DAAC ICD ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting X-Band CONAE Aquarius Data, SAC-D Telemetry and Orbit Products Science Team and Algorithm Providers S-Band ASI Malindi Principal Investigator and Science Planning Team Aquarius Instrument Testbed Flight Software Updates Instrument Engineering Team Level 1, 2, 3 Aquarius Data PO. DAAC Aquarius L 1, 2, 3 Data Ancillary Data Feedback Sea. DAS Software Data Users and Science Team 30 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Software Status For each software module, we will show: • High-level flow (inputs and outputs). • Current status and capabilities. • Remaining work to be done. Input File Intermediate Data Processing Module Output File ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 31 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level-0 Preprocessor Implemented by Joel Gales Level-0 Downlink File l 0 gen Current Capabilities: 1. Processes a Level-0 downlink file at CONAE to remove duplicate blocks and sort by time. To be done: 1. Final data quality checks. Level-0 File ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 32 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level-0 to 1 A Implemented by Joel Gales SAC-D Ephemeris Data Current Capabilities: Level-0 File SAC-D Telemetry 1. 2. l 1 agen 3. 4. Processes a Level-0 multi-orbit file to multiple Level-1 A orbit files with overlap. Inputs SAC-D ephemeris and telemetry from separate files. Unpacks Aquarius science data. Converts Aquarius telemetry to engineering units. 5. Level-1 A Files To be done: 1. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Generates HDF 5 L 1 A files. Implement actual SAC-D telemetry input file formats when these are known. 33 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level-1 A Merge Implemented by Joel Gales Level-1 A Files l 1 amerge Current Capabilities: 1. Merges multiple Level-1 A files for the same orbit from successive downlinks. To be done: 1. Data quality checks to keep only “best” data. Level-1 A Product ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 34 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level-2 to 3 Binning Level-2 Products Implemented by Joel Gales based on current OBPG binning software Current Capabilities: 1. l 2 bin 2. 3. Level-3 Binned Beam Product ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Processes multiple Level-2 products (e. g. , for 1 week). Average samples for each beam in 1 degree bins. Outputs a Level-3 binned product per beam. To be done: 1. Add flag exclusion rules. 35 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level-2 to 3 Smoothing Implemented by Joel Gales based on algorithm from Jonathan Lilly Level-2 Products Current Capabilities: 1. 2. l 2 smooth Level-3 Smoothed Product ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 3. Processes multiple Level-2 products (e. g. , for 1 week). Generates smoothed values in 1 degree bins. Outputs a Level-3 smoothed product. To be done: 1. Additional smoothing algorithms or options. 2. Add flag exclusion rules. 36 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level-3 Binning Level-3 Binned Products Implemented by Joel Gales based on current OBPG binning software Current Capabilities: 1. l 3 bin 2. 3. Processes multiple Level-3 binned products. Averages samples in common bins. Outputs a single Level-3 binned product. Level-3 Binned Product ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 37 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Level-3 Mapping Level-3 Binned Product Implemented by Joel Gales based on current OBPG binning software Current Capabilities: 1. 2. l 3 bin Reads a Level-3 binned product. Outputs a Level-3 mapped (latlon gridded) product. Level-3 Mapped Product ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 38 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
OBPG Computing Facility NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland Server location: Building 28 Room W 220 - 900 square feet dedicated to the project - Raised computer floor with under-floor A/C - Primary and backup A/C units - 80 KVA Powerware UPS unit with dual 50 KVA PDUs, additional 5 KVA rack-mounted UPS units - Connections to GSFC high speed networks: SEN ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 39 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
OBPG System Hardware Distribution Servers (ftp) 8 storage nodes 49. 3 TB 1 server 250 GB Distribution and Storage Servers (web) Production: 3 processing nodes 75 storage nodes 1. 03 PB Ingest Servers 2 Sea. Space workstations 78 GB 1 storage node 5. 1 TB AQOPS Servers (web) Processing Cluster 46 processing nodes 15 TB 4 storage nodes 10. 9 TB Database Servers 2 superstore nodes 16. 4 TB Production: 2 processing nodes Extreme Networks Black Diamond 8810 Gigabit Ethernet switch Subversion CM Servers 480 ports 2 superstore nodes 586 GB Backup Servers 2 storage nodes 19. 2 TB Development Servers Network Support Servers 2 superstore nodes 10 TB Testing Cluster User Desktops ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting Cal/Val & QC Systems Mission Operations Systems 40 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Aquarius Backup Strategy • Data • On-site • Downlinks, L 0, L 1 a data files • primary copy on RAID 6 storage node • mirror copy on separate RAID 6 storage node, at file creation • Science Products • primary copy on RAID 6 storage node • mirror copy if desired, or regenerated from L 1 a • Off-site • Downlinks: stored at CONAE • L 1 A archived at PO. DAAC • Source Code • On-site • primary copy on subversion server, RAID 6 • mirror copy on backup Subversion server, RAID 6, nightly mirror • Off-site • Subversion data copied to external disk, taken off-site every 1 month • Multiple copies, given to Project Manager, SE, Processing Manager • Other • On-site • AQOPS, Forum: database mirrored to backup server nightly • Telemetry Viewer, other: image backups periodically, manual • Off-site • AQOPS, Forum: databases included in source code off-line backups • Telemetry Viewer, other: image backups stored off-line like source code ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 41 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
IT Security Plan • ADPS and ACCS: covered under the same plan as other Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) systems. • NASA IT Security Plan Identification – System name: Sciences and Exploration Directorate (SED) Multi. Program/Project (MPP) IT Science Systems – System Abbreviation: SED MPP – System Unique Identifier: CD-014 -L-GSF-6004 – Information System Type: General Support System – Information System Security Categorization: Low (transitioning to medium within the year) – Information System Operational Status: Operational • Effective 5/31/2007. Passed Certification & Accreditation in Summer 2007 in process of being upgraded • Plan designated Sensitive But Unclassified by NASA • Implementation questions: addressed off-line ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 42 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010
Ground System Staffing NASA Management - Gene Feldman: Oversight of the overall effort, communication/coordination with other NASA organizations and centers and CONAE; oversight of science support, algorithm integration, QC, validation and in situ data support. Contractor Management - Fred Patt: Oversight of contract support staff, including hiring, tasking, review of deliverables and schedules; ADPS interface definition and product format specification. Mission Operations - Susie Kennison: Technical lead for instrument operations and commanding support; interface to instrument engineers and CONAE mission operations. Data Systems Engineering - John Wilding: Technical lead for the data system integration effort; overall system design, implementation and testing. Software Engineering – Joel Gales: Technical lead for the level conversion / product generation software, including development of the Level 0 -to-1 software and integration/packaging of the science (Level 2 and 3) processing software to be provided by the algorithm developers. Data Systems Support - Dan Knowles: Integrate the product generation software into the existing automated processing system, develop ingest modules, develop database tables for archive products, develop schedules and recipes for data acquisition, production and migration. Systems Administration - Paul Smith: Specify and acquire new processing and data storage hardware, integrate into existing data processing facility, verify/upgrade network capability for external data transfers. Quality Control and Validation - Liang Hong: Working with the Science Team, develop methodologies, tools, procedures and reports for operational QC; specify data and develop algorithms and tools for data and science algorithm validation. In Situ Data Support - Jeremy Werdell: Work closely with the Aquarius Validation Data System (AVDS) to develop methods and tools for data analysis and quality control, building upon the existing Sea. Wi. FS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (Sea. BASS). Archive and Distribution - Norman Kuring: Incorporate Aquarius product browse, search, order and distribution into existing webbased Ocean Color capability and work with JPL PO. DAAC regarding “institutional” archive support requirements. ADPS and Data Distribution Aquarius/SAC-D Science Team Meeting 43 of 29 July 19 -21, 2010