- Количество слайдов: 26
Applications of Geant 4 Mini-Tutorial Hebden Bridge 15 September 2007 Joseph Perl, SLAC (mostly stolen from a talk by Makoto Asai) Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC)
Ba. Bar 4 Ba. Bar at SLAC is the pioneer experiment in HEP in use of Geant 4 4 Started in 2000 4 Simulated 5*109 events so far 4 Produced at 20 sites in North America and Europe 4 Current average production rate 6. 1 x 107 events/week Now simulating PEP beam line as well (-9 m < z. IP < 9 m) Courtesy of D. Wright (SLAC) Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 2
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Boulby Mine dark matter search Prototype Simulation Courtesy of H. Araujo, A. Howard, IC London One High Energy event mirror LXe GXe PMT source Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 8
Geant 4 for beam transportation Courtesy of V. D. Elvira (FNAL) Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 9
Courtesy of G. Blair (CERN) Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 10
Courtesy of S. Incerti (IN 2 P 3/CNRS) Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 11
4 X-ray Multi-Mirror mission (XMM) · · Launch December 1999 Perigee 7000 km apogee 114000 km Flight through the radiation belts Telescope tube · Mirrors · X-ray detectors (CCDs) Chandra X-ray observatory, with similar orbit, experienced unexpected degradation of CCDs Possible effects on XMM? Baffles Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 12
g astrophysics AGIL E GLAST g-ray bursts GLAST Typical telescope: Tracker Calorimeter Anticoincidence § g conversion § electron interactions § multiple scattering § d-ray production § charged particle tracking Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 13
Smart-2 INTEGRAL ACE Cassini LISA Herschel GLAST Bepi Colombo SWIFT Astro-E 2 XMM-Newton GAIA JWST EUSO ISS Columbus AMS MAXI Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 14
Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 15 Courtesy T. Ersmark, KTH Stockholm
Geant 4 in space science Cosmic rays, jovian electrons ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section X-Ray Surveys of Asteroids and Moons Solar X-rays, e, p Geant 3. 21 G 4 “standard” Courtesy SOHO EIT Induced X-ray line emission: indicator of target composition (~100 mm surface layer) Geant 4 low-E C, N, O line emissions included Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 16
Bepi Colombo: X-Ray Mineralogical Survey of Mercury Bepi. Colombo ESA cornerstone mission to Mercury Courtesy of ESA Astrophysics Space Environments and Effects Section Alfonso Mantero, Thesis, Univ. Genova, 2002 Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 17
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GEANT 4 based proton dose calculation in a clinical environment: technical aspects, strategies and challenges Harald Paganetti Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 22
Screen shots of g. Mocren Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 23
Comparison with commercial treatment planning systems M. C. Lopes 1, L. Peralta 2, P. Rodrigues 2, A. Trindade 2 1 IPOFG-CROC Coimbra Oncological Regional Center - 2 LIP - Lisbon CT images used to CT-simulation with a Rando phantom define the geometry: Experimental data obtained with TLD Li. F dosimeter a thorax slice from a Rando anthropomorphic phantom Agreement better than 2% between GEANT 4 and TLD dosimeters Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 24
Monte Carlo Techniques in Radiotherapy delivery and verification: Third Mc. Gill International Workshop Montreal, May 29 - June 1, 2007 Comparison of Geant 4 Results to EGSnrc and Measured Data in Large Field Electron Dose Distributions Bruce Faddegon (UCSF), Joseph Perl (SLAC) Jane Tinslay (SLAC), Makoto Asai (SLAC) Central axis depth dose curves and dose profiles of 6 -21 Me. V Primus electron beams were measured for a 40 x 40 cm field and simulated in EGS 4 in work presented at the First Mc. Gill International Workshop in 2004. Those Monte Carlo treatment head and water phantom simulations have now been replicated with EGSnrc and the Geant 4 Simulation Toolkit (version 8. 2. p 01). In each case, as with the original EGS 4 simulation, source and geometry have been adjusted to best match simulation results to measurement. Geant 4 simulations were also shown for case of using the exact same source and geometry parameters used in the EGSnrc simulations. Work supported in part by the U. S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC 02 -76 SF 00515 and NIH R 01 CA 104777 -01 A 2. Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC)
Med Phys Apps at ESTRO this Week Kernel I - M. Asai (SLAC) 26