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Application of Biomedical Devices for Monitoring Spiritual Progress Tushita Rohilla P. D. M. College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh (Haryana)
Light would be shone upon • Spirituality • Purpose behind monitoring of spiritual progress • Biomedical devices and techniques of use for spiritual monitoring • Concluding Remarks
Spirituality is…. • The science of Soul, and the knowledge about the inner self which exists in the sublime state. • In-depth knowledge of the energy or life force that vitalizes all the matter as well as the space in the Universe.
Sahastrara/Crown Agyaya/ Third Eye Vishuddhi/Throat Anahata/Heart Manipur/Solar Plexus Swadisthana/Sacral Muladhara/Root
Touched by Spirituality
Purpose behind spiritual progress monitoring • Inferences drawn from the spiritual level monitoring of highly spiritual people can reveal the mysteries of the subtle world within human body. • The scientific base for spiritual remedial methods like Yagyopathy, Pranic Healing. . for treatment of common and even uncommon diseases can be established.
A brief history of steps taken in this direction • In 1978, Dr. Pavel Gulyaev developed an ELECTRO-AURAGRAM. • In India, Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya established Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan (BSS) in Haridwar in 1979.
Biomedical devices and techniques used for monitoring of spiritual progress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bio-electric Bio-magnetic Optical Thermal Pulmonary Bio-chemical
Bio-electric Devices • Electrocardiograph (ECG)- Commonly used to measure electrical activity of heart before and after sadhna. • Electroencephalograph (EEG)-Has been used in various spiritual researches to monitor brain activity during the sadhna. • Psychogalvanometer- Measures GSR, determinant of the arousal of autonomic nervous system.
A sadhak undergoing ECG after a meditation session at BSS, Haridwar The brain waves of a sadhak being measured using a 32 -channel EEG equipment at BSS, Haridwar
• Electromyograph (EMG)- Used to detect changes in activity of important muscles after Yoga. • Electro-oculograph (EOG)- Used during meditation to detect position of the eye. • DDFAO/ Electro. Somatogram (ESG)- Measures bio-electro impedances of head, hand, feet and its software computes the gathered data to provide results about various parameters like p. H, blood pressures…. presently in use at SSRF for research regarding sixth sense.
Spiritual research with the help of DDFAO device taking place at Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF). Images obtained by DDFAO software
Bio-magnetic Devices • Magneto encephalography (MEG)- Principle of operation is similar to EEG but it measures magnetic field intensity instead of the electric field. • Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) Magnetometer- For measurements of extremely low-strength magnetic fields.
Magnetoencephalograph Image of brain obtained from MEG
Optical Devices • Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) using Kirlian Camera- Allows for direct, real-time photos and videos of the entire energy field of humans, other organisms and materials…. basically an aura-imaging technique. Images obtained by GDV technique
Thermal Device • Infra-red Camera- Pictures the EM emissions that are continuously occurring from the body in the form of varying shades of color corresponding to temperature.
Pulmonary Devices • Spirometer- To detect changes in ventilatory function parameters after Pranayam, inhalation of Yagya fumes. • Lung Plethysmograph- For comparative study of lung volumes before and after Pranayam. The effect of Pranayam (Yogic Breathing) on ventilatory function parameters being measured by MEDSPIRER at BSS, Haridwar.
Bio-chemical Techniques • Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)- Immunogenicity test • Blood Cell Count- RBC, WBC, Platelet count • Radioimmunoassay (RIA)- Hormone level in blood • Zymography-Enzyme activity RA-50 Semi Auto Analyzer being used to measure biochemical changes induced by sadhna.
Neuroimaging Techniques • Biofeedback EEG • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) • Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) • Functional MRI (f. MRI)
Biofeedback EEG being used for detection of effect of sadhna on deeper layers of consciousness at BSS, Haridwar. Image obtained from PET scan of the sadhak while he practiced Yog Nidra. A sadhak undergoing a PET scan while practicing Yog Nidra at The State University Hospital in Copenhagen.
Softwares • GDV Softwares- Developed by Prof Konstantin Korotkov, each serves different purpose like ‘GDV Energy Field’ is used for viewing energy field as an image around human contour. A snapshot view of GDV Chakra software
Concluding Remarks • No spiritual-scientific research is complete without the involvement of biomedical machines. • BME has a responsible role to play for development of better, specialized and accurate instruments and softwares for spiritual-scientific determinations.
References Citations from Papers • The Case for a Spiritual Environmentalism: Why a Spiritual Approach to Solving Environmental Problems Works by Brigitte Fortin, August 2009. • Yoga versus aerobic activity: effects on spirometry results and maximal inspiratory pressure Dagoberto Vanoni de Godoy; Raquel Longhi Bringhenti; Andréa Severa; Ricardo de Gasperi; Leonardo Vieira Poli. • Are the Apparitions of Medjugorje Real? -JAMES PAUL PANDARAKALAM, Department of Psychiatry Soho House, 362 Soho Road Handsworth, Birmingham B 21 9 QL, UK; 6 Fountain Lane, Barming, Maidstone, Kent ME 16 9 AR, UK. • "Spin Doctors": A New Paradigm Theorizing the Mechanism of Bioenergy Healing. M. Sue Benford, R. N. , M. A. • Bioenergetics: A New Science of Healing by Ken Smith. • A study of Yoga as a nursing intervention in the care of patients with pleural effusion-M. Prakasamma RN RM M. Sc. , Tutor, College of Nursing, Hyderabad, India and A. Bhaduri RN RM MSc Ed. D, Professor of Nursing, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing, New Delhi, India. • Pictures of the brain's activity during Yoga Nidra- Robert Nilsson. Citations from Books • Wonders of Human Bioelectricity- Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya. • Pragya-purush Ka Samgra Darshan – Dr. Mandakini Shrimali. (Pages-7. 42 to 7. 76) • The Astonishing Power of Bio-Physical and Subtle Energies of Human Body (Kaya Urja Evam Uski Chamatkari Samarthya)- Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya. • Chamatkari Visheshtaon Se Bhara Manvi Mastishk- Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya • What is Spirituality? (Adhyatma Kya Tha? Kya Ho Gaya? Kya Hona Chahiye? )- Pt Shriram Sharma Acharya.
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