Скачать презентацию APPI 03 10 2005 Status of ILC Activity in KEK Скачать презентацию APPI 03 10 2005 Status of ILC Activity in KEK


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APPI 03/10/2005 Status of ILC Activity in KEK H. Hayano, KEK APPI 03/10/2005 Status of ILC Activity in KEK H. Hayano, KEK

Official Time Schedule of ILC 2005. 8 Decide the director and location of Central Official Time Schedule of ILC 2005. 8 Decide the director and location of Central GDI Establish Regional GDIs Decide the design outline in Snowmass Workshop (acc. gradient, 1 or 2 tunnel, dogbone/small DR, e+generation etc) 2005 end Complete CDR with rough cost/schedule 2007 end Complete TDR, role of regions, start site selection 2008 Decide the site, budget approval 2009 Ground breaking 2014 Commissioning starts

Asian Organization for ILC Research ● LC Office in Japan F. Takasaki, K. Yokoya, Asian Organization for ILC Research ● LC Office in Japan F. Takasaki, K. Yokoya, H. Hayano, N. Toge, S. Yamashita ● Working groups in Asian region WG 1 WG 2 WG 3 WG 4 WG 5 ? ? Overall design (K. Kubo) Main Linac (H. Hayano) Injectors (M. Kuriki) Beam Delivery System (T. Sanuki) HG Cavities (K. Saito) Facility (A. Enomoto) Site (R. Sugawara)

Critical Research Areas Establishment of the technology for accelerating gradient 35 MV/m ● . Critical Research Areas Establishment of the technology for accelerating gradient 35 MV/m ● . Technologies for cost reduction. Technologies for mass production ● Pursuit of possible higher accelerating gradient. Larger operational margin of gradient. Wider possibility of site selection ● Beam technology development using KEK-ATF. Unique storage ring to reach ILC emittance. Make full use of ATF capabilities

Guiding Principle Global Point of View ● Time line ● Low cost design ● Guiding Principle Global Point of View ● Time line ● Low cost design ● Effective use of R&D budget by global coordination Regional Point of View ● Establish the leadership in leading areas ● Promote industrial level Time Scale ● Snowmass issues (Aug. 2005) ● CDR issues (End of 2005) ● TDR issues (End of 2007)

Development of 45 MV/m High Gradient Cavity Single-cell test in Dec 2004 - Mar Development of 45 MV/m High Gradient Cavity Single-cell test in Dec 2004 - Mar 2005 ● Individual vertical test of four 9 -cell cavities by Sep. 2005. Just in time for CDR completion. In existing facilities (AR east). If expected performance not obtained, ⇒ change to slower plan for ILC 2 nd stage ● Cryomodule test by end of 2006 ⇒ STF Phase 1 ● Industrial design by TDR ●

Superconducting RF Test Facility Comprehensive Test Facility dedicated to ILC SC-RF R&D 1. Superconducting Superconducting RF Test Facility Comprehensive Test Facility dedicated to ILC SC-RF R&D 1. Superconducting Cavity; fabrication, surface treatment, installation, vertical test / horizontal test, system test with beam 2. Cryomodule; cavity installation, alignment, cryostat operation, heat cycle test, input coupler R&D, tuner mechanism R&D 3. Power source; modulator development, klystron development, WG components 4. He plant; High efficiency cryogenic system 5. Beam Instrumentation; ILC beam generation, BPM, HOM, Low-Level RF control 6. Cavity Surface Treatment Facility; BCP, EP, HPR, clean room

Location of Test Facilities STF KEK-B He Plant Control Center JPARC Proton Linac Building Location of Test Facilities STF KEK-B He Plant Control Center JPARC Proton Linac Building Will be empty in August 2005 Then, STF construction. ATF 1) 60 m x 30 m building: Klystron Gallery (with extendable space) Cavity installation room magnet power supply room (with extendable space) Control room (with extendable space) Cooling water facility AC power yard external Tent House L-band R&D Stand #4 building 2) 5 m x 3. 85 m x 93. 5 m tunnel: Access hatch only 2 m x 4. 5 m with elevator (with extendable space)

Purpose of STF ● Establish industrial design of Linac unit (35 MV/m and 45 Purpose of STF ● Establish industrial design of Linac unit (35 MV/m and 45 MV/m) Promote Asian/Japanese industrial level for ILC component production ● ● Form Asian base for international collaboration ● Enlist/educate new comers

Klystron Gallery Klystron Gallery

Tunnel underground Tunnel underground

STF Phase 1 (2005 -2006) ● Cryomodule for 4 45 MV/m cavities ● Cryomodule STF Phase 1 (2005 -2006) ● Cryomodule for 4 45 MV/m cavities ● Cryomodule for 4 35 MV/m cavities ● RF source and cryogenic system (mostly recycled) ● Electron beam and its diagnostics system ● Synthetic test of 35 MV/m & 45 MV/m cryomodules with beam Other items in parallel ● Electro-polishing Facility. Can electro-polish cavities to be used overseas ● Cost reduction of cavity fabrication (Nb/Cu-clad, seamless)

STF Test Accelerator ---- phase 1 ------------(RF gun): (1. 3 GHz 1. 5 cell STF Test Accelerator ---- phase 1 ------------(RF gun): (1. 3 GHz 1. 5 cell copper cavity 42 MV/m, 3. 2 n. C/bunch 3. 2 MW, 1 ms klystron, 5 Hz) DC gun : DC 200 k. V Cs. Te photocathode for quick start + UV(262 nm) Laser (337 ns spacing, 2820 bunches) Test Cryomodule : 4 x 9 cell TESLA SC cavity (5 m cryomodule), 35 MV/m        4 x 9 cell LL SC cavity (5 m cryomodule), 45 MV/m     4 x 350 k. W + 4 x 450 k. W = 3. 2 MW, 1. 5 ms klystron, 5 Hz Beam analyzer: energy analyzer, emittance, BPM ---- phase 2 ------------Accelerating Unit : 3 set of 17 m full-size (12 cavities) cryomodule 2 x 10 MW, 1. 5 ms klystron, 5 Hz

STF Infra-structure EP: build new EP(Electro chemical Polishing) facility HPR : move High Pressure STF Infra-structure EP: build new EP(Electro chemical Polishing) facility HPR : move High Pressure Rinse from L-band test stand Clean room : build new clean room for cavity assemble Vertical Test Stand : build new stand, deep enough for superstructure cavity Coupler Test Stand : 5 MW, 1. 5 ms klystron, 5 Hz (switch use between Test Cryomodule ) He Plant : 600 W at 4 K plant moving from AR-East building (adding new 2 K system )

Conceptual design of cryomodule STF Phase 1 Valve Box Why two module and connection? Conceptual design of cryomodule STF Phase 1 Valve Box Why two module and connection? ->5 m carry hatch, ->Establish weld connection in tunnel. Weld connection 35 MV/m TESLA design cavities 45 MV/m Low-loss cavities Become to 8 cavities in one cryostat Like TTF cryomodule


Preliminary design of cryomodule whole assembly 35 MV/m TESLA design cavities Single cryostat operation (option) Preliminary design of cryomodule whole assembly 35 MV/m TESLA design cavities Single cryostat operation (option) 45 MV/m Low-loss cavities

Cryomodule Cryostat Design KEK cryomodule cross-section Design is underway Cryomodule Cryostat Design KEK cryomodule cross-section Design is underway

STF Modulator, klystron plan 1. Buy 5 MW Thales Klystron, Build Pulse trans, Modify STF Modulator, klystron plan 1. Buy 5 MW Thales Klystron, Build Pulse trans, Modify PNC Modulator putting bouncer circuit in it. For driving cavities & Input coupler Test stand, later for RF-gun. PNC modulator Additional PT+Bouncer circuit allows to use TH 2104 C 2. Build one more modulator (ILC spec. ) for cavity driving (in 2006). start investigation of technology for bouncer modulator/IGBT modulator.

STF Phase 1 Beam Line Plan STF Phase 1 Beam Line Plan

STF Phase 2 (2007 -2009) ● 3 Cryomodules each containing 12 caviries (35 or STF Phase 2 (2007 -2009) ● 3 Cryomodules each containing 12 caviries (35 or 45 MV/m) ● Reinforcement of RF and cryogenic systems ● Synthetic test with a beam Many uncertainties for Phase 2 ● GDI will be functional by the time of detail design of Phase 2 ● Collaboration/competition with TTF 2/SMTF ● A few full-spec RF unit needed for TDR somewhere in the world ● STF Phase 2 is desired for Asian industrial level

ILC Cryomodule 1 m dia. Cryostat(17 m length), 12 of 9 -cell SC Cavities ILC Cryomodule 1 m dia. Cryostat(17 m length), 12 of 9 -cell SC Cavities

ILC Multi-Beam Klystron ILC Multi-Beam Klystron

ATF ● Beam dynamics study (Fast ion instability, wiggler, etc) ● Development of diagnostics ATF ● Beam dynamics study (Fast ion instability, wiggler, etc) ● Development of diagnostics devices (Laser wire, cavity BPM etc. ) ● Improvements of extracted beam (coupling, stabilization) ● Development and test of fast extraction kicker Extension of ATF Extraction Line : ATF 2 (A) Small beam size (A 1) Obtain σy ∼ 35 nm (A 2) Maintain for long time (B) Stabilization of beam center (B 1) Down to < 2 nm by nano. BPM (cavity BPM) (B 2) Bunch-to-bunch feedback of ILC-type beam (∼ 300 ns interval)

ATF Mission: generation&confirmation of LC low emittance e- beam ATF emittance goal was set ATF Mission: generation&confirmation of LC low emittance e- beam ATF emittance goal was set to X emit=2. 5 E-6( at 0 intensity) Y emit=2. 5 E-8( at 0 intensity) 1% from X

ATF 2 : final focus beam line Line 1 or Line 2 (depend on ATF 2 : final focus beam line Line 1 or Line 2 (depend on movement plan of existing facility) ATF DR

International Collaboration on ATF 2 ● Design study going on by international collaboration. Mini-workshops: International Collaboration on ATF 2 ● Design study going on by international collaboration. Mini-workshops: Dec. 11 at KEK, Jan. 5 at SLAC. Completion of optics design in ∼ March ● Budget. Total 2. 8 Oku Yen (floor, beamline, diagnostics). Desirable to share the expenses among Asia, North America, Europe ● Present plan. Floor construction in summer 2006. Start operation in Jan. 2007