Appearance after hibernation depends on geographic latitude,

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  • Размер: 8.6 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 5

Описание презентации Appearance after hibernation depends on geographic latitude, по слайдам

  Appearance after hibernation depends on geographic latitude,  specificity spring period and usually occurs Appearance after hibernation depends on geographic latitude, specificity spring period and usually occurs in the second half of March — early April. The first appearance local spawning occurred in setting water temperature 4 -6 ° C, the mass spawning population at 9 -10 ° C, and start laying eggs — to achieve water temperature 13 ° C.

 Type listed in Annex II «Convention on the conservation of wild flora and fauna and Type listed in Annex II «Convention on the conservation of wild flora and fauna and natural habitats in Europe» and the «Red Book of Vertebrates of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)» (category «relatively prosperous species «).

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