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Appeal to the unconscious According to the American psychologist V. Packard, advertising, to be Appeal to the unconscious According to the American psychologist V. Packard, advertising, to be successful, should upheave subconscious conditions discovered by psychoanalysis to the level of conscious. Unconscious sphere of human is a favorite target of the founders of the advertising creators. Childhood impressions play a special role in the structure of the unconscious. Freud’s postulate treats the person's mouth as one of the main areas of pleasure, is widely used in chewing gum advertising, foodstuffs, cigarettes (lips are close-up). Smoking fat cigars associated with a baby sucking his thumb, long cigarettes - with biting yarns. In ice cream advertising, as a rule, it shows huge portions in vases or plates - you can "drown" your mouth.

Instinctive associations are the shortest way to a man's heart, therefore to his wallet. Instinctive associations are the shortest way to a man's heart, therefore to his wallet. More often, we had no idea why we have bought this or that thing. According to the American psychologist C. Baker, a girl buys a box of cookies, not because she likes this sort, but so in the depths of her soul is hiding a desire to run barefoot along a wheat field, painted on the box with her lover. Smoking "Marlboro" is associated with the cowboy and the inherent qualities: courage, agility, strength (by the way, most of these qualities are widely used abroad in the advertising of goods bearing health damage: a person smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol in spite of warnings, showing the courage and almost heroism). Advertising offers not just goods, but a way of life which people can join to. "Welcome to the country of Marlboro" - the billboard invites and it is simple to get into this country: a visa is a cigarette. Here all men are brave and strong!