- Количество слайдов: 27
JEOPARDY! Language Religion MAPS TERMS POT LUCK 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
100 • A society with a spoken, but NOT written language, is said to be what society type? • What is a PRE-LITERATE SOCIETY?
200 • Term for regional variations of a standard / official language. • What is DIALECT?
300 • DAILY DOUBLE!!! • A “common trading language” developed over time, among different peoples, along trading routes, is referred to as what? • What is a LINGUA FRANCA?
400 • Term for a geographic boundary marking linguistic features / differences. • What is an ISOGLOSS?
500 • A simplified and modified language originated through contact with other languages, and used among commoners describes this language type? • What is a PIDGIN?
100 • A religion which seeks to convert as many people as possible, as its principles can apply to anyone, would be characterized in general as what type of religion? • What is EVANGELICAL (Global, Universal, Proselytic)?
200 • The indifference to, or rejection of an organized religion, is called this. • What is SECULARISM?
300 • The hearth of Christianity is where (specific as possible)? • Where is (EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SHORE, present day ISRAEL, CANAAN, PALESTINE, JERUSALEM, the LEVANT)?
400 • Cite 2 characteristics of an “Ethnic” Religion. • What are: * – NOT Actively seeks converts – Particular to one ethnic people – Spatially concentrated (does not diffuse) – Many more Ethnic than Universal religions • Bonus 100 Pt. Q!!! Accept or Decline? ? ? • Cite one Example of an ETHNIC Religion. • What is: Hinduism, Judaism, Shintoism, Animism, Shamanism, Confucianism?
500 • Literally translated as “Wind Water, ” the term for the Buddhist practice of trying not to disturb natural energy flow (Qi) by proper placement of structures within an area. • What is FENG SHUI?
100 • Only this South American country makes contact with North America. • What is COLOMBIA? * • BONUS 100 pt. Q!!! Accept or Decline? • What N. America country does Colombia make contact with? • What is PANAMA?
200 • DAILY DOUBLE!!! • South American Country whose main Eastern border is along the Andes Mountain Range. • What is CHILE?
300 • This term describes where one majo religion on the landscape will give way to a different major religion being practiced. • What is an INTER-FAITH BOUNDARY? * • Bonus 100 Pt. Q!!!!! Accept or Decline? ? ? • Give one specific example (Location & Religions) • Sudan (Christianity / Islam) • India / Pakistan (Islam / Hinduism) • Israel (Christianity / Islam / Judaism)
400 • Name the 2 landlocked countries in S. America. • What are BOLIVIA and PARAGUAY?
500 • Name 3 Island COUNTRIES in the Caribbean Sea (which we studied). • What are: • CUBA, HAITI, JAMAICA, DOMINICAN REP. , PUERTO RICO, BAHAMAS
100 • A province of predominately French speaking people living in a country of predominately English speaking people is an example illustrating this term… • What is an ENCLAVE? * • Bonus 100 pt. Q!! Accept or Decline? • What exact province and country in North America is the above example naming? • What is QUEBEC, CANADA?
200 • DAILY DOUBLE!!! • In Buddhist faith, this means one has achieved the ultimate state of peace and happiness (heaven) by ending suffering. • What is NIRVANA?
300 • Protestants opposing Catholics in Northern Ireland represents this kind of a religious dispute / boundary. • What is an INTRA-FAITH BOUNDARY DISPUTE?
400 • These varying religions believe in inanimate objects in nature possessing spirits. • What are ANIMIST religions?
500 • The term for a teacher / priest in many African Ethnic / Tribal religions. • What is a SHAMAN?
100 • Term for the Jewish ideology of remaining a strong / united people and their right to establish a homeland state. • What is ZIONISM?
200 • An isolated, Self-Sufficient / subsistence group, with longstanding traditions which change comparatively slowly over time, describes this kind of culture. • What is a FOLK CULTURE?
300 • Name 4 of the 5 Pillars of Islam. • What are: • • • Pilgrimage (to Mecca) Charity Daily Prayer Fasting (during Ramadan) Witnessing (of 1 God Allah)
400 • In Hindu / Buddhist faith, the teachings of natural laws and moral duties one is to perform, which might end “suffering, ” is called this. • What is DHARMA?
500 • Term for the development of a new cultural trait / custom by the borrowing of / fusion of 2 or more parent elements over time. • What is SYNCRETISM?