- Количество слайдов: 42
Any girls interested in playing fall soccer thru Coastal Georgia, see Coach De. Masi in the gym.
Media Center has school supplies for sale There is a full list of items and prices available
Next History Club meeting will be 8/31 Room 921
Attention BETA members Meeting 8/30 cafeteria
HOSA Krispy Kreme donut forms and money due 9/6 They will be delivered 9/9
Lady Rebels Volleyball beat Jenkins in 3 games yesterday 8/25
FGE Next meeting 9/7 Room 201 8 a. m.
Deadline for yearbook orders Sept 2 Stop by room 604 Price goes up $20 starting 9/3
Volleyball car wash 8/27 9 -3 pm At Medicap Pharmacy, Guyton
Sheriff/s Office will be hosting Law Enforcement Exploring recruitment program 8/30 at 7 pm Sheriff’s office Contact Sgt. Ramsey Mannon 912 -754 -8166
Rebel Rock Café will be having weekly sale item Next week will be Capri Sun and Kool Aid Jammers, will only cost. 25!
Join National Honor Society online at echsrebels. com. See Coach De. Masi or Mrs. Lamb
Science Club will elect officers on Sept 12 Dues must be paid by this date ($15)
HOSA will have open member sign-ups every Wednesday in August. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Burgstiner in room 601.
FGE Dues $15 returning members $20 new members
French Club Dues $20 Due Friday, Sept 2
GHSGT Retest Sept 12 -15
Sign up for PSAT Oct 12 Sign up with Counselor
Junior/Senior dues are $45! Pay Ms. Bland in the front office. Dues go up to $50 for juniors and $55 for seniors in Oct.
Voting for superlatives will be held on stage all day on Wednesday, Sept. 7, during make-up senior pictures.
Skills. USA is having a bake sale and membership drive! Stop by at lunch and join and get a free cookie!
Math tutoring starts after school, 3: 30 -4: 30. Mon & Wed – room 901 Tue – room 909 Thu – room 209 Make sure you have a ride!
Rebel Rock Café! Stop by room 411 for a snack and cold drink. Most items are. 50 or. 75.
The Rebel Country Store is now restocked with uniform tshirts. We are open during all four lunches and 7: 50 -8: 20.
National Art Honor Society apps are in room 605 or on the website. Apps are due 8/31.
Students selling candy last year for the trip to France in May of 2013, please stop by and get your bag with Mr. Carnes.
Join the History Club See Ms. Drayton, room 201 See Mr. Hadwin, room 921 Dues are $15.
Senior make-up pictures are Sept. 7. Sign up for an appt time with Mr. Holt in room 604.
Yearbooks are on sale now! Get yours for $45 before the deadline: Sept 1. Stop by room 604 or download a form on echsrebels. com under the ‘students’ link.
FCCLA wants you as a member! Dues are $20. Tshirts are $10. Stop by room 302 for details.
Seniors: get your senior information sheet in room 604. They are due back in late September.
Listen to Rebel Radio! www. The. Rebel. Radio. com Have your own show! Stop by room 816 for details.
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