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Antique restaurants and cafes of Saint-Petersburg.
Hello ladies and gentleman, today we will have a special tour. Allow me to introduce our driver, his name is Jason Statham. He is really very experienced and will take good care of us. My name is Vladimir and I will be your guide.
Saint-Petersburg has great history. Famous Russian Tsar Peter the First founded our city in 1703. Breaking the wall between Russia and Europe, Peter changed our country forever.
The earliest restaurants started their way in our city and they were called “austerias”. The first restaurant of our city was “Four Frigates” or it was usually called just “Austeria”.
To the left you can see our next destination – restaurant “Palkin”, which we can call “Tsar of Petersburg’s restaurants”.
Alexander Pushkin was a Russian author of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.
To the right side of you is there is “Literature café” or “Confectionery of Wolf and Birange”.
Now look to the right. At 31 st of December 1911 in basement of the house number 5 at Square of Arts, café “Pye-dog” was founded. It became the center of pre-revolution art activity.
To the left of you there is restaurant “Metropol” built by Adrian Robben. It was opened in 1847 since that moment it became very famous.