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ANL HEP Scientific and Divisional Computing News Tom Le. Compte High Energy Physics Division Argonne National Laboratory
Headlines § New developments in HPC computing § Divisional Computing & Reorganization § Some Future Opportunities and Directions What can be done at Argonne because we are at Argonne? 2
High Performance Computing § § § ANL-HEP received two ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge awards for 2014: “Cosmic Frontier Computational End Station” (Habib et al. ) and “Simulation of Large Hadron Collider Events Using Leadership Computing” (Le. Compte et al. ) The 2 nd one is a new direction for accelerator-based particle physics We have received 50 million cpu-hours at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facillity and 2 million cpu-hours at NERSC (Berkeley) to provide simulated events to ATLAS to – Extend the science – Expand the computing capacity by going beyond the Grid – Investigate computer architectures that are closer to where industry is moving 50 M is ~4 -5% of ATLAS Grid use. This was chosen to be large enough to make a difference, but small enough to avoid unnecessary risk. The C stands for “Challenge”. 3
Events Like These: § § This is a Z ( tt) + 5 jet event, with highly filtered t decays. ATLAS requested that we make them, because they failed on the Grid – The degree of filtering is so high, runs often have zero events pass – misinterpreted as a failure. This is not a problem with thousands of cores. § There another 46, 998 events just like this one. 4
ALCF Partners Hal Finkel – Catalyst (formerly HEP) Tom Uram - Software Development Specialist Venkat Vishwanath Computer Scientist These are among ALCF’s very best people – it shows they are serious in applying high performance computing to HEP. Doug Benjamin (Duke) has also been very helpful – particularly where this work touches the rest of ATLAS. 5
How Are We Doing? 50 M hours/year = 1 M hours/week Part of this exercise is to demonstrate that we can use HPCs at this scale. (ATLAS Grid use is ~1 billion hours/year) ALCF likes jobs in large partitions. We are learning to run in them. Blue represents at least 131, 072 cores. 6
What Are We Doing? § Z ( tt) + 5 jets (8 Te. V Alpgen+Pythia) – – – § Z ( tt) + 4 jets (8 Te. V Alpgen+Pythia) – – – § 98 K events Would have required 3500 24 -hour Grid jobs Saved 14 K CPU-hours compared to the Grid by avoiding duplicate steps in the workflow Z ( ll) + 4/5/6 jets (13 Te. V Alpgen+Pythia) – – – § § 48 k events Would have required 12, 250 24 -hour Grid jobs Saved 50 K CPU-hours compared to the Grid by avoiding duplicate steps in the workflow 6. 5 M/5. 1 M/0. 9 M events on their way to ATLAS (Mira is done and they are in post-processing now) An early start for the ATLAS simulation campaign beginning in September These events are also being provided to CMS W + heavy flavor (13 Te. V Alpgen+Pythia) Sherpa W+N jets – – 11 K events Part of ATLAS’ Sherpa 2. 1 validation Corresponds to a total of 3, 000 CPU-hours. 7
Issues We Are Addressing § Alpgen runs beautifully at 512 nodes and 64 hardware threads per node. – 512 nodes is the minimum Mira partition – It took us several months to get to this point § We have been pushing towards larger and larger partitions – We can run on 8192 nodes (32 threads per node), but we are starting to see where the boundaries and limitations are now. § We want a balance between producing useful events (favoring small partitions) and learning to effectively use these machines at scale (favoring large ones) § Sherpa 2. 1 is running on mid-sized (100’s, not 1000’s of processes) machines – ATLAS has not yet validated 2. 1 (we’re a part of that validation) – We need to scale up to 1000’s of processes. § Geant 4. 10 runs just as well as Alpgen – But running Geant 4. 10 inside the ATLAS framework complicates matters 8
Forum on Computational Excellence Response to P 5 Recommendation #29 § HEP computational needs are continually growing § For 30 years, our solution was ever larger farms of commodity PCs – PCs are not the commodities they once were – The industry is trending towards more and smaller cores with less memory per core – HPCs are ahead of the curve on these trends § The HEP community will need to face these challenges together – This is more difficult to do when much of the software R&D is isolated within the LHC Operations program § The Forum is intended to reduce this isolation and frontier stove-piping. 9
Divisional Computing Reorganization § § The Division has reorganized our computing Three activities are now in one place – David Malon’s ATLAS Computing Group – The HPC activity you just heard about – Divisional computing – e. g. neutrino, theory and ATLAS clusters § Allows us to leverage Laboratory resources for Divisional needs – e. g. a “cloudy” system like Magellan could support multiple experiments and build expertise in mid-scale supercomputing, without having to buy more processors. § Allows us to better align the divisional expertise with the national program 10
The Group Today § § § J. Cranshaw D. Malon P. van Gemmeren A. Vaniachine Q. Zhang § § J. T. Childers T. Le. Compte HPC Computing ATLAS Computing § § § J. Hinthorn E. Sather Part timers HEP Computing Scientific Computing These are scientific staff These are professional / technical staff + part-time physicists 11
Fermilab g-2 § Interested in simulating a full run of the experiment – Comparable to an ATLAS simulation campaign – 1000 x as many events, each requiring 1/1000 the computation • Big, but not unprecedented – Geant 4. 10 is well suited to Mira • (Not an accident: we’ve been working with Dennis Wright and Andrea Dotti (SLAC) on this) § Wouldn’t have to do this all at once – A one-tenth scale run fits nicely as an 2015 ALCC candidate § We don’t anticipate leading this effort – but we believe we can play a role: we understand the issues in getting HEP software running at these scales. 12
Mu 2 e & LBNF § mu 2 e – We have expressed interest in working on the mu 2 e DAQ – This is a system built entirely out of off-the-shelf hardware, running a customized version of Fermilab’s artdaq – This bridges two areas of current expertise: Trigger/DAQ hardware (we built the ROI Builder for ATLAS) and offline core software – We see the potential of bringing a turn-key DAQ solution to other areas of Argonne: e. g. Photon Sciences § LBNF – We were negotiating with LBNE to work on offline software before the P 5 report • A very-near-term role in database and data access infrastructure for the 35 -ton prototype • Mid- and long-term roles in offline software, leveraging our data, metadata, and I/O infrastructure expertise from ATLAS – We are still interested as LBNE transitions to LBNF • We continue to participate in the LBNE software and computing meetings 13
Summary § Building on the foundation of ATLAS data management and computational cosmology… § We have started a small but well-leveraged HPC effort for ATLAS – We are on-track to deliver 52 M hours of computation to ATLAS (our ALCC award) – We have two event generators working; simulation is harder § We would like to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the evolving National program 14
Running on 8192 node partitions High MIRA loads: Switching to smaller partitions Working on running efficiently on 8192 node partitions Blue > 4096 15
A Brief Update on ATLAS Core Software § Argonne continues to hold lead responsibility within the collaboration for I/O, persistence, and metadata infrastructure supporting a globally distributed, 100+petabyte data store – And for production workflow development and operation § Intensive development effort now underway to support the requirements of ATLAS Run 2 computing – New and radically different event data model – New computing model and derivation framework for analysis data products § § Argonne was recently asked to lead ATLAS ROOT 6 migration as well And to organize and coordinate a distributed I/O performance working group – Integrating core software, distributed computing, operations, and site experts to improve analysis performance in as-deployed distributed environments 16