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  • Количество слайдов: 149

Anjuman Prayers for Naurooz In Farsi With Optional Prayers Haft Sheen Tables for Naurooz Anjuman Prayers for Naurooz In Farsi With Optional Prayers Haft Sheen Tables for Naurooz Assembled by Ervad Soli P. Dastur with the help of FEZANA Naurooz Planning Committee 3/18/2018 1

History and practice of Naurooz Long long time ago, King Jamsheed of the Iranian History and practice of Naurooz Long long time ago, King Jamsheed of the Iranian Peshdadiyan dynasty founded the festival of Naurooz (meaning “new day” in Persian) to celebrate the coming of spring after the cold, dark winter. If you recall that in those times Iran was a pastoral community, you can appreciate that this festival marks the triumph of good over evil with light literally defeating darkness as Naurooz falls on the Vernal Equinox, when night equals day, and subsequently the hours of daylight increase. Today, Naurooz is celebrated the world over by people influenced by pre-Islamic Iranian culture. What makes Naurooz unique is that it is the only holiday celebrated by several religious communities in various countries. Among the best-known customs of Naurooz is the Sofreh haft-sheen/seen, or spread with seven gifts of Nature with names beginning with the Farsi letter “sheen” or “seen”. A week or so before the holiday, grains of wheat and lentils are placed in bowls to sprout into a mass of greenery, symbolizing growth. The table is also laden with fruit, nuts, sweets and snacks, candles, and the holy book, the Khordeh Avesta for Zoroastrians. A bowl with goldfish and a basket of colored eggs, indicating new life, are also placed on the table. Custom dictates that visitors who come to share the holiday with you should be sprinkled with fragrant rosewater and asked to look into a mirror to make a wish. Some say that this ritual symbolizes that you smell as sweet as roses and shine as bright as a mirror throughout the new year. 3/18/2018 2

History and practice of Naurooz The Haft Seen table symbolizes the holiday spirit in History and practice of Naurooz The Haft Seen table symbolizes the holiday spirit in much the same way the Christmas tree promotes a special festive mood and the table is kept replenished for thirteen days. To the Zoroastrians, the sixth day was called the “Naurooz Bozorg” or “greater Naurooz” as it was celebrated as the birthday of Holy Zarathushtra. Nowadays in Iran, the celebrations end on the thirteenth day with people going for a picnic by streams and rivers. The sprouted lentils are thrown into running water, carrying away the bad luck of the previous year. The Hast Sheen/Seen spread contains seven specific things together with a number of additional items on the Sofreh that will signify renewal, happiness, wealth, good health or any thing that you desire for the New Year. Here are these items: 3/18/2018 3

Haft Sheen/Seen Sofreh (spread) for Naurooz Sofreh Haft Sheen This table has items beginning Haft Sheen/Seen Sofreh (spread) for Naurooz Sofreh Haft Sheen This table has items beginning with the Farsi letter “sheen”. This is the original custom of the Iranian Zoroastrians. 1. Sherab. (wine) 2. Sheer. (milk) 3. Sherbet Naranj. (orange juice) 4. Shagufeh. (buds) 5. Shama. (candle) 6. Shakar. (sugar) 7. Shahed. (honey) Sofreh Haft Seen This table has items beginning with the Farsi letter “seen”. This is the custom adopted by the Islamic people so as not to include “Sherab” or wine. 1. Samanu - a sweet pudding made from wheat germ, symbolizes wealth. 2. Seer. (garlic) represents health. 3. Seeb. (apple) represents beauty 4. Somaq. special berries that represent the color of the sun rise, 5. Serkeh. (vinegar) represents maturity and patience 6. Sonbol - the hyacinth flower with its strong fragrance heralds the coming of spring 7. Sekkeh. (coins) represent prosperity and wealth. 3/18/2018 4

OPTIONAL PRAYERS – Marked on the top as OPTIONAL PRAYER At first, we compiled OPTIONAL PRAYERS – Marked on the top as OPTIONAL PRAYER At first, we compiled all prayers that can be included in the Naurooz Prayer. After that, we had to trim the length so as to keep the total length of the prayer within 20 minutes. The slides to be recited by Anjuman, the participants, with Mobeds are marked: “Anjuman Participation”. The slides that we feel can be left out as OPTIONAL Prayers are so marked. We leave to the judgement of the local Mobeds what slides to include. Since most of the prayers are in Avesta/Pazand, Gujarati, Persian with their English translations, one suggestion was to include all three language prayers with English translation on one page. This, however, reduces the font size of the printed prayers on a page so small that they may be difficult to read for many elderly people. In spite of this drawback, we have arranged the 149 total slides so that the first slide can be printed out by itself, and the rest of the 148 slides can be printed out in Power. Point as a Handout with 4 slides per page. We have inserted some blank slides to make this 4 slides per page synchronized with the prayers. 3/18/2018 5

Anjuman Participation AVESTA Prayer 1: Hail To Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord)! Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Anjuman Participation AVESTA Prayer 1: Hail To Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord)! Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Dathu-sho ahurahé mazdāo raé-vato khare-nanghu-hato Mazish-tahécha vahish-tahécha sraésh-tahécha Khraozh-dish-tahécha khrathvish -tahécha hukerepte-mahécha Ashāt apano-temahécha, hudhāmano vouru-rafnangho Yo no dadha yo tatasha yo tuthruyé yo mainyûsh spento-témo. 3/18/2018 ENGLISH INTERPRETATION Prayer 1: Hail To Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord)! We announce and perform our prayers in honour of Ahura Mazda, the Creator, the radiant and the glorious, the greatest and the best, the most beautiful, the most firm, the wisest, the most perfect, and very well known in righteousness; one who is full of wisdom, who spreads happiness very far, who has created us and given us sustenance and who increases the prosperity of all. 6

Anjuman Participation AVESTA Prayer 1: Hail To Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord)! inv. Ae Anjuman Participation AVESTA Prayer 1: Hail To Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord)! inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, d 9 uqo Ahurhe mªda. Ao, r. Aevto `ren%3hto, miª+thec vih+thec s/Ae+thec, `/Ao©id+thec `/i(v+thec, hukere. Ptemhec Aqat Apnotemhec, hu 0 a. Aomno vowr. U rfn%3ho, yo no d 0, yo ttq, yo tu 9/uye, yo m; Nyu= Spe. Ntotemo. 3/18/2018 ENGLISH INTERPRETATION Prayer 1: Hail To Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord)! We announce and perform our prayers in honour of Ahura Mazda, the Creator, the radiant and the glorious, the greatest and the best, the most beautiful, the most firm, the wisest, the most perfect, and very well known in righteousness; one who is full of wisdom, who spreads happiness very far, who has created us and given us sustenance and who increases the prosperity of all. 7

Anjuman Participation AVESTA Prayer 1: Hail To Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord)! FARSI INTERPRETATION Anjuman Participation AVESTA Prayer 1: Hail To Ahura Mazda (The Wise Lord)! FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 8

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Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the Six Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the Six Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Rath-wo bere-zato yo a-sha-he. Rathwãm ayara-nãmcha asnya-nãmcha māhya-nãmcha Yāirya-nãmcha saredha-nãmcha Yoi henti asha-he rathvo. Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Yāiri-yaebyo asha-he ratub-yo. Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Sare-dhae-byo asha-he ratub-yo. 3/18/2018 Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the Six Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) We announce and perform the precise rites of the year to that lofty master Asha (Righteousness), to the masters of the daylight, and the day, and the months, and the seasons, and the years. We announce and perform the precise rites to the yearly festivals (Gāhambārs). We announce and perform the precise rites to Seasons. 10

Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the Six Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the Six Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, r(vo berejto yo Aqhe r(va%m Ayrna%mc AsNyna%mc mahyna%mc ya; ryna%mc sre-0 na%mc yo; hei. Nt Aqhe rtvo. inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, ya; ry. Ae; Byo Aqhe rtu. Byo, inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, sre 0 Ae; Byo Aqhe rtu. Byo. 3/18/2018 Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the Six Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) We announce and perform the precise rites of the year to that lofty master Asha (Righteousness), to the masters of the daylight, and the day, and the months, and the seasons, and the years. We announce and perform the precise rites to the yearly festivals (Gāhambārs). We announce and perform the precise rites to Seasons. 11

Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the Six Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the Six Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 12

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Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the 6 Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the 6 Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, ýāir-yaêi-byô asha-he ratubyô, Mai-dhyôi-zare-mayehe pa-yanghô a-shao-nô a-sha-he ra-thwô. Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Mai-dhyôi-she-mahe vā-strô-dā-tain-yehe a-shao-nô a-sha-he ra-thwô. Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Paitish-hahyehe ha-hyehe a-sha-onô a-sha-he ra-thwô. Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Ayā-thri-mahe frao-urvaêsh-tri-mahe varshni-harsh-tahecha a-sha-onô a-sha-he ra-thwô. Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Maidhyā-iryehe sare-dhahe a-sha-onô a-sha-he ra-thwô. Ni-vae-dha-ye-ma-hi, hankā-ra-ye-ma-hi, Hamas-path-maê-da-yehe aretô-kareth-nahe a-sha-onô a-sha-he ra-thwô. 3/18/2018 14

Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the 6 Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the 6 Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) We announce and perform the precise rites of the (six) Yearly festivals, to Maidyozarem, the milk-giver, to Maidyoshahem, the pasture-giver, to Paitishahem, the corn-giver, to Ayathrem, the breeder, to Maidyarem the cold, and to Hamaspathmaidyem (the vernal equinox), the special time for ritual deeds. 3/18/2018 15

Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the 6 Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the 6 Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, ya; ry. Ae; Byo Aqhe rtu. Byo, m; )yojremyehe py%3ho Aq. Aono Aqhe r(vo, inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, m; )yoqemhe va. SàoÝdat. Ae. Nyehe Aq. Aono Aqhe r(vo, inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, p; it=hhyehe Aq. Aono Aqhe r(vo, inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, Aya 9/emhe f/Aowv$Ae+àemhe vq$inÝhr+thec Aq. Aono Aqhe r(vo, inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, m; )ya; ryehe sre 0 he Aq. Aono Aqhe r(vo, inv. Ae 0 yemih h. Nkaryemih, hm. Sp 9m. Aedyehe AretoÝkere 9 nhe Aq. Aono Aqhe r(vo. 3/18/2018 16

Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the 6 Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation Prayer 2: Hail To Asha (Righteousness), and the 6 Zoroastrian Festivals (Gāhambārs) Anjuman Participation FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 17

Anjuman Participation Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal Ithā āt yazamaidé Anjuman Participation Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal Ithā āt yazamaidé ahurem mazdãm yé gãmchā ashemchā dāt apaschā dāt urvarāoschā vanguhîsh raochāoschā dāt bûmîmchā vîspāchā vohû. 3/18/2018 Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal So in this place we revere Ahura Mazda, who gave the righteous earth, gave the good water and plants, and gave lustre on the entire good earth. 18

Anjuman Participation Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal ; 9 a Anjuman Participation Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal ; 9 a Aat yzm; de Ahurem mzda%m, ye ga%mca Aqemca dat, Apsca dat wv$ra. Aosca v%3wh. I=, r. Aoca. Aosca dat b. Um. Imca v. ISpaca voh. U. 3/18/2018 Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal So in this place we revere Ahura Mazda, who gave the righteous earth, gave the good water and plants, and gave lustre on the entire good earth. 19

Anjuman Participation Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 Anjuman Participation Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 20

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal Ahyā xsha-thrāchā mazé-nāchā OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal Ahyā xsha-thrāchā mazé-nāchā hava-panghā-ishchā tém at yasnanãm paurvatātā yazamaidé yoi géush hachā shkyé-intî. Tém at ahû-iryā nāménî mazdā‑varā spento-témā yazamaidé, tém ahmā-kāish azdi-bîshchā ushtā-nāishchā yazamaidé, tém ashāunãm fravashîsh narãmchā nāiri-nãmchā yazamaidé. 3/18/2018 Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal We praise our elected leaders, their greatness and their holy deeds. We praise very much the Yazatas who are worth worshipping, who possess the strength for the benefit of the animals. We revere Him under His name dear Mazda Ahura, the most bountiful, Him we revere with our body and soul and revere those fravashis of righteous men and women. 22

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal Ahya x 9/aca OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 3: Prayer To Recite Before Partaking a Meal Ahya x 9/aca mjenaca hvp%3ha; =ca tem At y. Snna%m pwv. Rtata yzm; de. yo; gew= hca Qye; Nt. I. tem At Aah. U; rya namen. I mzdaÝvra Spe. Ntotema yzm; de, tem Ahmaka; = Azidb. I=ca w+tana; =ca yzm; de, tem Aqawna%m f/vq. I= nr%amca na; irn%amca yzm; de. We praise our elected leaders, their greatness and their holy deeds. We praise very much the Yazatas who are worth worshipping, who possess the strength for the benefit of the animals. 3/18/2018 We revere Him under His name dear Mazda Ahura, the most bountiful, Him we revere with our body and soul and revere those fravashis of righteous men and women. 23

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 3: Yasna 37 including “Jamwāni Bāj” FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 24 OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 3: Yasna 37 including “Jamwāni Bāj” FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 24

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Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations Yazamaidé vé ameshā spentā yasnahé haptangh-hātoish handātā. Anjuman Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations Yazamaidé vé ameshā spentā yasnahé haptangh-hātoish handātā. Anjuman Participation Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations We revere the eternal holy laws with praise in seven chapter prayers. Apãmchā khāo yazamaide, apãmchā peretûsh yazamaidé. Pathãmchā vîcharanāo yazamaide, pathãmchā hanchamanāo We revere the springs of water, yazamaidé. we revere the bridge over water. We revere the forking of the roads, and Gairîsh-chā afshta-chino we revere the coming together of the yazamaide, roads. vairîshchā awezhdā-nāongho We praise the waterfall which comes out yazamaidé. of the mountains. Aspenāchā yevîno yazamaide, We praise the waters of the lakes. pāyushchā thworesh-tārā We praise the growing grains, yazamaidé. we praise those who grow and look after the crops. Mazdãmchā zarathush-tremchā yazamaidé. We praise Ahura Mazda and Zarathustra. 3/18/2018 26

Anjuman Participation Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations yzm; de ve Ameqa Spe. Nta, Anjuman Participation Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations yzm; de ve Ameqa Spe. Nta, y. Snhe h. Pt%3hato: = h. Ndata, Apa%mca `a. Ao yzm; de, Apa%mca peret. U= yzm; de, p 9 a%mca v. Icrna. Ao yzm; de, p 9 a%mca hnjmna. Ao yzm; de. g; r. I=ca Af+ticno yzm; de, v; r. I=ca Avezdana. Ao%3ho yzm; de, ASp. Inaca yev. Ino yzm; de, payuca (vore+tara yzm; de, mzda%mca zr 9 u+àemca yzm; de. 3/18/2018 Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations We revere the eternal holy laws with praise in seven chapter prayers. We revere the springs of water, we revere the bridge over water. We revere the forking of the roads, and we revere the coming together of the roads. We praise the waterfall which comes out of the mountains. We praise the waters of the lakes. We praise the growing grains, we praise those who grow and look after the crops. We praise Ahura Mazda and Zarathustra. 27

Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations Anjuman Participation FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 28 Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations Anjuman Participation FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 28

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Anjuman Participation Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations Zãmchā asmanemchā yazamaidé. Vātemchā darshîm mazda-dātem Anjuman Participation Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations Zãmchā asmanemchā yazamaidé. Vātemchā darshîm mazda-dātem yazamaide. Taéremchā haraithyāo berezo yazamaidé. Bûmîmchā vîspāchā vohû yazamaidé. Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations We praise the earth and the sky. We praise the strong wind created by Ahura Mazda. We praise the peak of Mount Harîti. We praise the earth and all its gifts. We revere the flowing waters. We revere the flight of birds. Apãmchā ferakh-shaostrem yazamaide. We revere the return of priests who Vayãmchā fera-fraothrem yazamaidé. go to remote countries to promote righteousness. Atha-uru-nãmchā paitî‑ajãthrem yazamaide, We revere all the eternal holy laws. Yoi yéyã dûrāt asho‑îsho dakhyunãm. Vîspãschā ameshã spentã yazamaidé. 3/18/2018 30

Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations za%mca ASmnemca yzm; de, vatemca dreq. Im mzd Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations za%mca ASmnemca yzm; de, vatemca dreq. Im mzd 0 atem yzm; de, t. Aeremca hr: (ya. Ao berezo yzm; de, b. Um. Imca v. ISpaca voh. U yzm; de. Apa%mca f/x. Ao. Sàem yzm; de. vya%mca f/f/Ao 9/em yzm; de, A 9 wruna%mca p; t. IAja%9/em yzm; de, yo: yeya% d. Urat, AqoÝ; qo d~yuna%m, v. ISpa%sca Ameqa% Spe. Nta% yzm; de. 3/18/2018 Anjuman Participation Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations We praise the earth and the sky. We praise the strong wind created by Ahura Mazda. We praise the peak of Mount Harîti. We praise the earth and all its gifts. We revere the flowing waters. We revere the flight of birds. We revere the return of priests who go to remote countries to promote righteousness. We revere all the eternal holy laws. 31

Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations Anjuman Participation FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 32 Prayer 4: Ahura Mazda’s Wonderful Creations Anjuman Participation FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 32

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Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Khshnaothra ahurahe Mazdāo , Ashem Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Khshnaothra ahurahe Mazdāo , Ashem vôhu 1. Chithrem Buyāt ahmi nmāne. Pithwem Buyāt ahmi nmāne. Tokhma Pithwem Buyāt ahmi nmāne. Paedāee bād andareen mān-i vehān ke hameeshe peeih va ābādān bād! Pa rasashne bād, Pa yazdān hādar-i vehān! Mehmān-i dustān andarash bād! 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family With satisfaction for Ahura Mazda. May there be seed in this home! May there be fertility for the generation in this home! In this home of the righteous, may there be good harvest so that there will be fertility and well-being for ever! May the good angels arrive in this home with honour! May the friends be the guests in this home! 34

Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family ån. Ao 9/ Ahurhe mzda. Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family ån. Ao 9/ Ahurhe mzda. Aoe! Aqem voh. U É. ic 9 e/m buyat Ahim Nmane! ip 9vem buyat Ahim Nmane! to~m ip 9vem buyat Ahim Nmane! p. Aeda; bad A%dr. In ; n ma%nÝ; veha%n ke hm. I=e p. I; h v Aabadan bad! p rs+ne bad, p yzda%n hadrÝ; veha%n! mehmanÝ; du. Stan A%dr= bad! 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family With satisfaction for Ahura Mazda. May there be seed in this home! May there be fertility for the generation in this home! In this home of the righteous, may there be good harvest so that there will be fertility and well-being for ever! May the good angels arrive in this home with honour! May the friends be the guests in this home! 35

Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Anjuman Participation Khshnaothra ahurahe Mazdāo , Ashem Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Anjuman Participation Khshnaothra ahurahe Mazdāo , Ashem vôhu 1. FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Buyat Pazand Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (1) Chithrem Buyāt ahmi nmāne. Pithwem Buyāt ahmi nmāne. Tokhma Pithwem Buyāt ahmi nmāne. Paedāee bād andareen mān-i vehān ke hameeshe peeih va ābādān bād! Pa rasashne bād, Pa yazdān hādar-i vehān! Mehmān-i dustān andarash bād! 3/18/2018 36

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Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Fravashayô khshnûtāo ayañtu ahmya nmāne! Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Fravashayô khshnûtāo ayañtu ahmya nmāne! Khshnûtāo vîchareñtu ahmya nmāne. ! Khshnûtāo āfrîneñtu ahmya nmāne vanguhîm ashîm khāparãm! Khshnûtāo pārayañtu hacha ahmāt nmānāt! Staomācha rāzarecha bareñtu, dathushô ahurahe mazdāo ameshanãm speñtanãm! Māchim gerezānāo pārayañtu hacha ahmāt nmānāt, ahmākemcha mazdayasnanãm! 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family May the Farohars (holy spirits) arrive in this home with pleasure! May they roam about in this home with pleasure! May they shower good benevolent blessings in this home with pleasure! May they leave the home with satisfaction! May they carry the prayers and gifts to the Creator Ahura Mazda and the Holy Immortals! May they never leave this home with lament! 38

Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family F/vqyo ån. Uta. Ao Ay. Ntu Ah. Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family F/vqyo ån. Uta. Ao Ay. Ntu Ah. My Nmane! ån. Uta. Ao v. Icre. Ntu Ah. My Nmane v%3 uh. Im Aq. Im `apra%m! ån. Uta. Ao pary. Ntu hc Ahmat Nmanat! St. Aomac razrec bre. Ntu d 9 uqo Ahurhe mzda. Ao Ameqna%m Spe. Ntna%m! Ma icm gerezana. Ao pary. Ntu hc Ahmat Nmanat Ahmake. Mc mzdy. Snna%m! 3/18/2018 Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family May the Farohars (holy spirits) arrive in this home with pleasure! May they roam about in this home with pleasure! May they shower good benevolent blessings in this home with pleasure! May they leave the home with satisfaction! May they carry the prayers and gifts to the Creator Ahura Mazda and the Holy Immortals! May they never leave this home with lament! 39

Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Anjuman Participation Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Buyat Pazand Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (2) Fravashayô khshnûtāo ayañtu ahmya nmāne! Khshnûtāo vîchareñtu ahmya nmāne. ! Khshnûtāo āfrîneñtu ahmya nmāne vanguhîm ashîm khāparãm! Khshnûtāo pārayañtu hacha ahmāt nmānāt! Staomācha rāzarecha bareñtu, dathushô ahurahe mazdāo ameshanãm speñtanãm! Māchim gerezānāo pārayañtu hacha ahmāt nmānāt, ahmākemcha mazdayasnanãm! 3/18/2018 40

Notes 3/18/2018 41 Notes 3/18/2018 41

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (3) Shumā keh myazd-homdān ait OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (3) Shumā keh myazd-homdān ait yak–yak tan–tan jud-jud keh ba din yajashne va darun a āfringān avā ham-kerfeh bed ested, harkeh rā zan va farzand hast der zeevād, der-patāe māhmān bād! Harkeh rā neest, yazdān barhenād osh dehād, tā sad-o-panjāh sālān pas az sad-o-panjāh sālān padvand-i saoshyos feerozgar padvandyād! 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (3) May the wives and children of every one of you live long — you all who have participated in these prayers, one by one, each severally and separately and all together, and have become worthy of equal merit because of the prayers, offerings and ceremonies; and may you all be guests here for a long time! And for those who are not here yet, may Yazads create them and give them a long life to be united with victorious Soshyos! 42

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Ë =uma ke MyzdÝhom%dan A; OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Ë =uma ke MyzdÝhom%dan A; t ykÝyk tnÝtn judÝjud ke b d. In yj+ne v dr. Un v Aaf/I%Ngan Ava hmÝkerfe bed Ae. Sted, hr ke ra zn v frz%d h. St derÝ@vad, derÝpta. Ae mahman bad! Hr ke ra n. ISt, yzd%an brhenad Ao= dehad, ta sdÝAoÝp%jah sal%an ps Az sdÝAoÝp%jah sal%an pdv%d ; s. Ao+yos f. Irozgr pdv%dyad! ( ) 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (3) May the wives and children of every one of you live long — you all who have participated in these prayers, one by one, each severally and separately and all together, and have become worthy of equal merit because of the prayers, offerings and ceremonies; and may you all be guests here for a long time! And for those who are not here yet, may Yazads create them and give them a long life to be united with victorious Soshyos! 43

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Buyat Pazand Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (3) Shumā keh myazd-homdān ait yak–yak tan–tan jud-jud keh ba din yajashne va darun a āfringān avā ham-kerfeh bed ested, harkeh rā zan va farzand hast der zeevād, der-patāe māhmān bād! Harkeh rā neest, yazdān barhenād osh dehād, tā sad-o-panjāh sālān pas az sad-o-panjāh sālān padvand-i saoshyos feerozgar padvandyād! 3/18/2018 44

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (4) Shumā vehān keh hameesheh OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (4) Shumā vehān keh hameesheh andar shādee va bazam bed. Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (4) You, the righteous ones, live for ever in delight and merriment. Otān varas avar sar otān mae va jām ba dast, otān sparm ander bāzu, otān khuneeyā ba gush, otān dustān shād pa ham-neshast! May you be ever young, with a glass of wine in your hands, aromatic flowers in your arms and the sound of music in your ears, and may you be always in company of your friends. Shumā vehān pa kām-i kheesh rāmashne patāyashne veerāyashne bād, keh har cheh zudtar shāyad bed, tā berasād! May you - the righteous ones abide for long in this world and with embellishment so that whatever is to happen may reach you the sooner. 3/18/2018 46

Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Ì) =uma veh%an ke hm. I=e A%dr Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Ì) =uma veh%an ke hm. I=e A%dr =ad. I v bzm bed, Aot%an vrs Avr sr, Aot%an m. Ae v j%am b d. St, Aot%an Spm. R A%dr baju, Aot%an `un. Iya b gu=, Aot%an du. St%an =ad p hmÝne=St! =uma veh%an p kamÝ; `I= ram+ne ptay+ne v. Iray+ne bad, ke hrÝce zudÝtr =ayd bed, ta bersad! ( 3/18/2018 OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (4) You, the righteous ones, live for ever in delight and merriment. May you be ever young, with a glass of wine in your hands, aromatic flowers in your arms and the sound of music in your ears, and may you be always in company of your friends. May you - the righteous ones abide for long in this world and with embellishment so that whatever is to happen may reach you the sooner. 47

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Buyat Pazand Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (4) Shumā vehān keh hameesheh andar shādee va bazam bed. Otān varas avar sar otān mae va jām ba dast, otān sparm ander bāzu, otān khuneeyā ba gush, otān dustān shād pa ham-neshast! Shumā vehān pa kām-i kheesh rāmashne patāyashne veerāyashne bād, keh har cheh zudtar shāyad bed, tā berasād! 3/18/2018 48

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (4) Ān I madan mardān-i OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (4) Ān I madan mardān-i dād-ārāstār, gehān veerāstār, ashāi-varzeedār mard, --husheedar –zarthushtān, va pashutan – vishtāspān, va vehrām-i-amāvand oy paedā-i deen āyand va rasand. Dād-i deen-i veh avā ān-i Ahuramazda –deen padvandyād. Hu-deen hu-farmān andar irān gehān ravā kunād! Jud-deen jud-farmān andar irān gehān ba-avasaheenād! 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (4) May those men - the restorers of the law, the adorners of the world, and the practitioners of righteousness - viz. Oshedar of Zartosht, Peshotan son of Vishtasp and Vaharam the victorious - come and arrive the sooner for the revelation of the religion, who will connect the law and the religion with the Faith of Ormazd. May they make current the good religion and the good mandates in the Persian countries and extirpate irreligiousness and evil mandates from Iran. 50

Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Ì) A%an ; mdn mrd%anÝ; dadÝAara. Star, Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Ì) A%an ; mdn mrd%anÝ; dadÝAara. Star, geh%anÝv. Ira. Star, A=a: Ývrz. Idar mrd, Ýhu=Idr Ýzr9 u+t%an, v p=utn Ýv. I+ta. Sp%an, v vehr%am Ý; ÝAmav%d Aoy p. Aeda Ý; d. In Aay%d v rs%d. dad Ý; d. In Ý; veh Ava A%an Ý; Ahurmzd Ýd. In pdv%dyad. huÝd. In huÝfrman A%dr ; ran gehan rva kunad. JudÝd. In judÝfrman A%dr ; ran gehan bÝAvsh. Inad! OPTIONAL PRAYER ( 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (4) May those men - the restorers of the law, the adorners of the world, and the practitioners of righteousness - viz. Oshedar of Zartosht, Peshotan son of Vishtasp and Vaharam the victorious - come and arrive the sooner for the revelation of the religion, who will connect the law and the religion with the Faith of Ormazd. May they make current the good religion and the good mandates in the Persian countries and extirpate irreligiousness and evil mandates from Iran. 51

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Buyat Pazand Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (4) Ān I madan mardān-i dād-ārāstār, gehān veerāstār, ashāi-varzeedār mard, --husheedar –zarthushtān, va pashutan – vishtāspān, va vehrām-i-amāvand oy paedā-i deen āyand va rasand. Dād-i deen-i veh avā ān-i Ahuramazda –deen padvandyād. Hu-deen hu-farmān andar irān gehān ravā kunād! Jud-deen jud-farmān andar irān gehān ba-avasaheenād! 3/18/2018 52

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (5) Deen-bordarān-i shān az deen OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (5) Deen-bordarān-i shān az deen nek rasād, ta ān-i madan mardān-i dād-ārāstār, gehān-veerāstār, ashāi-varzeedār mard, -husheedar-zarthushtān, va pashutan-vishtāspān, va vehrām –amāvand deen-farrokh! Pādshāh-i-jamān-i avā, avar hamā vehān veh-deenān baste-kushteeān-i haft-keshwar–zameen, hu-chashm hu-negreedār kunād! 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (5) May the upholders of the religion attain to happiness for the sake of their faith, until the coming of those men — the restorers of the law, the adorners of the world, and the practitioners of righteousness — viz. Oshedar of Zartosht, Peshotan son of Vishtasp and Vahrām the victorious. May the fortunate prince of the time be regardful of, and keep a benignant eye on, all the righteous ones of the good faith, — the wearers of the Kusti and the Zoroastrians of the seven regions. 54

Í) d. InÝbordaran Ý; =%an Az d. In nek rsad, ta Aan Ý; mdn Í) d. InÝbordaran Ý; =%an Az d. In nek rsad, ta Aan Ý; mdn mrd%an Ý; dadÝAara. Star, gehanÝv. Ira. Star, A=a; Ývrz. Idar mrd, Ýhu=Idr Ýzr9 u+t%an, v p=utn Ýv. I+ta. Sp%an, v vehr%am ÝAmav%d d. In frro` pad=ah Ý; Ýjm%an Ý; Ava, Avr hma veh%an vehÝd. In%an b. SteÝku. St. IA%an Ý; hft ke¼r Ýzm. In, huÝc+m huÝnegr. Idar kunad! ( 3/18/2018 OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (5) May the upholders of the religion attain to happiness for the sake of their faith, until the coming of those men — the restorers of the law, the adorners of the world, and the practitioners of righteousness — viz. Oshedar of Zartosht, Peshotan son of Vishtasp and Vahrām the victorious. May the fortunate prince of the time be regardful of, and keep a benignant eye on, all the righteous ones of the good faith, — the wearers of the Kusti and the Zoroastrians of the seven regions. 55

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Buyat Pazand Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (5) Deen-bordarān-i shān az deen nek rasād, ta ān-i madan mardān-i dād-ārāstār, gehān-veerāstār, ashāi-varzeedār mard, -husheedar-zarthushtān, va pashutan-vishtāspān, va vehrām –amāvand deen-farrokh! Pādshāh-i-jamān-i avā, avar hamā vehān veh-deenān baste-kushteeān-i haft-keshwar–zameen, hu-chashm hu-negreedār kunād! 3/18/2018 56

Notes 3/18/2018 57 Notes 3/18/2018 57

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (6) Vehān avar das toy OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (6) Vehān avar das toy dāshtār va parvartār band! vatarān avar dast oy zadār avasaheeneedār band, tā vehān oy sām rasand! Har-cheh Dahmān vehān āfreen paedā-i yazad, yakee rā deh, deh rā sad, sad rā hazār, hazār tā baevarān baevare zud rasād! Der-patāe māhmān bād! 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (6) May the righteous ones be nourished and protected under him and the wicked be struck and extirpated, by him in order that the righteous may have their desires fulfilled. Whatever has been made manifest through these blessings for the pious — may God give them, the sooner, ten for one, a hundred for ten, a thousand for one hundred, ten thousands and myriads for a thousand. May they live long and abide with them as guests. 58

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (Î) veh%an Avr d. St OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (Î) veh%an Avr d. St Aoy da+tar v prvrtar b%d! vtr%an Avr d. St Aoy zdar Avsh. In. Idar b%d, ta veh%an Aoy kam rs%d! Hr Ýce dhman veh%an Aafr. In p. Aeda Ý; yzd, yk. I ra deh, deh ra sd, sd ra hzar, hzar ta b. Aevr%an b. Aevre zud rsad! der Ýpta. Ae mahman bad! 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (6) May the righteous ones be nourished and protected under him and the wicked be struck and extirpated, by him in order that the righteous may have their desires fulfilled. Whatever has been made manifest through these blessings for the pious — may God give them, the sooner, ten for one, a hundred for ten, a thousand for one hundred, ten thousands and myriads for a thousand. May they live long and abide with them as guests. 59

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Buyat Pazand Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (6) Vehān avar das toy dāshtār va parvartār band! vatarān avar dast oy zadār avasaheeneedār band, tā vehān oy sām rasand! Har-cheh Dahmān vehān āfreen paedā-i yazad, yakee rā deh, deh rā sad, sad rā hazār, hazār tā baevarān baevare zud rasād! Der-patāe māhmān bād! 3/18/2018 60

Notes 3/18/2018 61 Notes 3/18/2018 61

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (7) Ān-i yazdān oy yazdān OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (7) Ān-i yazdān oy yazdān rasād! Ān-i vehān oy vehān rasād! (7) Everything which pertains to the Yazads may go to the Yazads! And whatever pertains to the righteous may arrive unto the righteous. Har cheezee aedun bād! Aeduntaraz bād! Ham-chuneen keh Ahuramazd va Ameshāspandān kāme bād! Ashem Vohu 1. May it be so for everything, may it still be so. May it be in accordance with the wishes of Ahuramazda and Holy Immortals. Ashem Vohu 1. 3/18/2018 62

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Ï) Aan Ý; yzd%an Aoy OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family Ï) Aan Ý; yzd%an Aoy yzd%an rsad! Aan Ý; veh%an Aoy veh%an rsad! Hr c. Iz. I AAeedun bad! AAeeduntrz bad! HmÝcun. In ke Ahurmzd v Ame=a. Sp%dan kame bad! Aqem voh. U É. ( 3/18/2018 Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family (7) Everything which pertains to the Yazads may go to the Yazads! And whatever pertains to the righteous may arrive unto the righteous. May it be so for everything, may it still be so. May it be in accordance with the wishes of Ahuramazda and Holy Immortals. Ashem Vohu 1. 63

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 5: Bless Our Home and Family FARSI Prayer for this Chithrem Buyat Pazand Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (7) Ān-i yazdān oy yazdān rasād! Ān-i vehān oy vehān rasād! Har cheezee aedun bād! Aeduntaraz bād! Ham-chuneen keh Ahuramazd va Ameshāspandān kāme bād! Ashem Vohu 1. 3/18/2018 64

Notes 3/18/2018 65 Notes 3/18/2018 65

Anjuman Participation Prayer 6: Ahura Mazda Remembers Good Men and Women Yengheh hātām ā-at Anjuman Participation Prayer 6: Ahura Mazda Remembers Good Men and Women Yengheh hātām ā-at yesneh paiti vangho, Mazdāo Ahuro vaethā ashāt hachā yāonghām-chā. Tãns-chā tāos-chā yazamaideh. 3/18/2018 Prayer 6: Ahura Mazda Remembers Good Men and Women Ahura Mazda, on account of HIS Holiness, is aware of all the acts of good worship of all the living beings. We revere all such men and women! 66

Anjuman Participation Prayer 6: Ahura Mazda Remembers Good Men and Women ye%3he hata%m Aa. Anjuman Participation Prayer 6: Ahura Mazda Remembers Good Men and Women ye%3he hata%m Aa. At ye. Sne p; t. I v%3ho, mzda. Ao Ahuro v. Ae 9 a Aqat hca, ya. Ao%3ha%mca ta%sca ta. Aosca yzm; de. 3/18/2018 Prayer 6: Ahura Mazda Remembers Good Men and Women Ahura Mazda, on account of HIS Holiness, is aware of all the acts of good worship of all the living beings. We revere all such men and women! 67

Anjuman Participation Prayer 6: Ahura Mazda Remembers Good Men and Women FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 Anjuman Participation Prayer 6: Ahura Mazda Remembers Good Men and Women FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 68

Notes 3/18/2018 69 Notes 3/18/2018 69

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the famous Avesta prayer of Tāo Ahmi Nmāne, popularly referred to as the Avesta Doā Tandoorasti. All Mobeds recite the following paras 1 -3 of Avestan Doā TANDOORASTI (1) Tāo ahmi nmāne jamyāresh, Yāo ashaonãm khshnutascha, ashayascha, Vyādaibishcha, paiti-zantayascha; Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) (1) May their blessings, innocent nature and thanksgiving, come into this house which are the satisfaction of the righteous people. Now for this village may there arise righteousness, sovereignty, prosperity, glory and happiness! Oos nu anghāi visay jamyāt Ashemcha, khshathremcha, Savascha, khvarenascha, khvāthremcha. 3/18/2018 70

Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the famous Avesta Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the famous Avesta prayer of Tāo Ahmi Nmāne, popularly referred to as the Avesta Doā Tandoorasti. All Mobeds recite the following paras 1 -3 of Avestan Doā TANDOORASTI É) ta. Ao Ai Nmane j. MYaare=, ya. Ao Aq. Aon%am ån. Utsc, Aqysc, Vyad; ib=c, p; itz. Ntysc, ws n. U A%3ha; v. Ise j. Myat Aqemc, x 9/emc, svsc, `rensc, `a 9/emc. ( 3/18/2018 OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) (1) May their blessings, innocent nature and thanksgiving, come into this house which are the satisfaction of the righteous people. Now for this village may there arise righteousness, sovereignty, prosperity, glory and happiness! 71

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the famous Avesta prayer of Tāo Ahmi Nmāne, popularly referred to as the Avesta Doā Tandoorasti. All Mobeds recite the following paras 1 -3 of Avestan DOā TANDOORASTI FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 72

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) (2) Daregho-fratemathwemcha anghāo OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) (2) Daregho-fratemathwemcha anghāo daenayāo yat āhuroish Zarathushtroish. Asishta nu anghat hacha visat gāush buyāt; asishtem ashem, asishtem narsh ashaono aojo, asishto āhuirish tkaesho. (3) Jamyãn ithra ashaonãm vanguhish surāo spentāo fravashayo, Ashoish baeshaza hachimnāo Zem-frathangha dānu-drājangha, hvare-barezangha; Ishtee vanghãm, paitishtātay ātaranām, Frasha-vakhshyāi rayãmcha khvarenanghãmcha. 3/18/2018 Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) (2) May there be long enduring predominance of this Religion of Ahura revealed by Zarathushtra! Now in this house may the animals not be harmed, nor the Asha, nor the strength of Asha-sanctified people, nor the Ahuric doctrine. (3) May the good, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of the righteous people come in this abode bringing with them the means of holiness, as wide as the earth, as extensive as river and as exalted as the sun, for the fulfillment of desires of better men, for withstanding wicked men and for the greater increase of wealth and fame! 74

Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) (Ê) dre 3 oÝf/tem(vemc A%3ha. Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) (Ê) dre 3 oÝf/tem(vemc A%3ha. Ao d. Aenya. Ao yt Aahura; = zr 9 u+ào; =. Ais+t n. U A%3ht hc v. Ist gaw= buyat. Ais+tem Aqem, Ais+tem n=R Aq. Aono AAojo, Ais+to Aahu; ir= Tk. Aeqo. (Ë) j. My%an ; 9/ Aqawn%am v%3wh. I= s. Ura. Ao Spe. Nta. Ao f/vqyo, Aqo; = b. Aeqz hic. Mna. Ao jemÝf/9%3h, danuÝ 7/az%3 h, hvreÝbrez%3h. ; +te. Ae v%3h 3h%am, p; it+tate. Ae Aatrn%am, f/qÝvåya; ry%amc `ren%3h%am\c. 3/18/2018 OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) (2) May there be long enduring predominance of this Religion of Ahura revealed by Zarathushtra! Now in this house may the animals not be harmed, nor the Asha, nor the strength of Ashasanctified people, nor the Ahuric doctrine. (3) May the good, heroic and beneficent Fravashis of the righteous people come in this abode bringing with them the means of holiness, as wide as the earth, as extensive as river and as exalted as the sun, for the fulfillment of desires of better men, for withstanding wicked men and for the greater increase of wealth and fame! 75

Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) OPTIONAL PRAYER (missing Farsi words Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) OPTIONAL PRAYER (missing Farsi words substituted by English words) paitishtātay ātaranām, hvare-barezangha; Frasha-vakhshyāi rayãmcha khvarenanghãmcha. FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 76

Notes 3/18/2018 77 Notes 3/18/2018 77

Anjuman Participation Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the Anjuman Participation Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the famous Avesta prayer of Tāo Ahmi Nmāne, popularly referred to as the Avestan Doā Tandoorasti. Let us ALL now recite the famous “Vainit Ahmi Nmāne” para from this Avestan Doa Tandoorasti: Vainit ahmi nmānay Sraosho asrushtim, Ākhshtish anākhshtim, Rāitish arāitim, Ārmaitish taromaitim, Arshukhdha vākhsh mithaokhtem Vāchim asha drujem. 3/18/2018 Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) In this house, May obedience overcome disobedience! May peace overcome discord! May generosity overcome avarice for wealth! May reverence overcome pride! May the true-spoken word overcome the false-spoken word distorting truth! 78

Anjuman Participation Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the Anjuman Participation Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) This is the famous Avesta prayer of Tāo Ahmi Nmāne, popularly referred to as the Avestan Doā Tandoorasti. Let us ALL now recite the famous “Vainit Ahmi Nmāne” para from this Avestan Doa Tandoorasti: v; n. It Ahim Nmane s/Aoqo As/u+t. Im, Aaxit= Anaåt. Im, ra; t. I= Ara; t. Im, Aam$; it= trom; t. Im, Arqu~0 o vax im 9 Ao~tem vaicm Aq 7 rujem. 3/18/2018 Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) In this house, May obedience overcome disobedience! May peace overcome discord! May generosity overcome avarice for wealth! May reverence overcome pride! May the true-spoken word overcome the false-spoken word distorting truth! 79

Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) Let us ALL now recite Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) Let us ALL now recite the famous “Vainit Ahmi Nmāne” para from Avestan Doa Tandoorasti: FARSI Prayer for this Doa Tandoorasti In Avesta Prayer is not available. English script is substituted. (4) Vainit ahmi nmānay Sraosho asrushtim, Anjuman Participation Ākhshtish anākhshtim, Rāitish arāitim, Ārmaitish taromaitim, Arshukhdha vākhsh mithaokhtem Vāchim asha drujem. FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 80

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Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) The Mobeds will finish the Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) The Mobeds will finish the rest of this Prayer. Yatha ahmya Ameshāo Spenta Sraoshādha ashyādha Paitishãn vanghush yasnãscha vahmãscha, vohu yasnemcha vahmemcha, huberetimcha, ushta-beretimcha, vanta-beretimcha ādareghāt khvābairyāt. Mā yavay imat nmānem khvāthravat khvareno frazahit; mā khvāthravaiti ishtish, mā khvāthravaiti āsna frazaintish; khvāthro-disyehe paiti ashoishcha vanghuyāo dareghem hakhma. 3/18/2018 Prayer 7: Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) So that in this abode, through the Holy Sraosha yazata, the Bountiful Immortals (Ameshāspands) desire eagerly good yasnas (offerings) and invocations, good gift, health-giving gift and friendly offering. May this clan protect itself for a long time! May the glory giving comfort and ease, happiness, offspring, and innate wisdom never leave this house! 82

Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) The Mobeds will finish the Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) The Mobeds will finish the rest of this Prayer. y 9 AhMy Ameqa. Ao Spe. Nt s/Aoqat AQyat p; itqa%n v%3hu= y. Sna%sc v. Hma%sc voh. U y. Snemc vhmemc, huberet. Imc, w+tÝberet. Imc, v. NtÝberet. Imc. Aa dre 3 at `ab; ryat. Ma yve ; mt Nmanem `a 9/vt `reno f/zh. It. Ma `a 9/v; it ; =it=, ma `a 9/v; it Aa. Sn f/z; i. Nt=. `a 9/oÝid. Syehe p; it Aqo; =c v%3huya. Ao dre 3 em h~m. 3/18/2018 Prayer 7: Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) So that in this abode, through the Holy Sraosha yazata, the Bountiful Immortals (Ameshāspands) desire eagerly good yasnas (offerings) and invocations, good gift, health-giving gift and friendly offering. May this clan protect itself for a long time! May the glory giving comfort and ease, happiness, offspring, and innate wisdom never leave this house! 83

Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) The Mobeds will finish the Prayer 7: Avesta Doā Tandoorasti (Wishes For Good Health) The Mobeds will finish the rest of this Prayer. (missing Farsi words substituted by English words) Yatha ahmya Ameshāo Spenta Sraoshādha ashyādha paitishãn vanghush FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 84

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Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments The following paras Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments The following paras have been fondly referred to as “God Bless Our Rulers”. (ENACTMENT NO. 1, see notes below) Ashem vôhu (3) (Raspi recites) Ahurahe Mazdāo Raevato Kharenanghato. (Both recite) Āfrināmi khshathrayãn danghupaiti, uparāi amāi, uparāi verethrāi, Uparāi khshathrāi, khshathremcha paiti-astimcha, Daregho-khshathrem khshathrahe, Daregho-jitim ushtānahe, drvatātem tanubyo. 3/18/2018 Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Raspi Recites) To Ahura Mazda, resplendent and lustrous! (Both Recite) Blessings on the rulers of the land, for greater strength, greater victory, greater rule, greater sovereignty, compassion, long rule, enduring physical vitality, and health. 86

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments The following paras Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments The following paras have been fondly referred to as “God Bless Our Rulers”. (ENACTMENT NO. 1, see notes below) Ashem vôhu (3) (ra. Sp. I -8 e) Ahurhe mzda. Ao r. Aevto `ren%3whto. (jot. I t 9 a ra. Sp. I behu -8 e) Aaf/Inaim x 9/ya%n d; 3huÝp; it, wpra; Ama; wpra; vere 9/a; wpra; x 9/emc p; itÝASt. Imc, dre 3 oÝx 9/em x 9/he, dre 3 oÝ@t. Im w+tanhe, 7/rvtatem tnu. Byo. 3/18/2018 Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Raspi Recites) To Ahura Mazda, resplendent and lustrous! (Both Recite) Blessings on the rulers of the land, for greater strength, greater victory, greater rule, greater sovereignty, compassion, long rule, enduring physical vitality, and health. 87

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments The following paras Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments The following paras have been fondly referred to as “God Bless Our Rulers” (ENACTMENT NO. 1, see notes below) Ashem vôhu (3) FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 88

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Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Amem hutāshtem huraodhem, Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Amem hutāshtem huraodhem, verethraghnem ahuradhātem, vanaintimcha uparatātem, pouru-spakhshtim tbishyantãm, paiti-jaitim dush-mainyunãm, hathrā-nivāitim hamerethanãm aurvathanãm tbishyantãm. Blessings to Ama, well-built, fair of form, to Verethraghna, made by Ahura, and to the triumphing Uparatāt, completely repelling malice, completely conquering the hostile malicious adversary. āfrināmi vavanvāo vanat-peshene buye, vispem aurvathem tbishyantem, vispem aghem tbishyantem, arathwyo-mananghem, arathwyo-vachanghem, arathwyo-shyaothnem. Blessings so that he may be winner of the battle, victorious over every malicious and evil adversary, who is faulty in thoughts, words and deeds. 3/18/2018 90

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Amem huta+tem hur. Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Amem huta+tem hur. Ao 0 em, vere 9/#nem Ahur 0 atem, vn; Nt. Imc wprtatem, powr. UÝSpåt. Im i. Tbqy. Nta%m, p; t. IÝj; t. Im du+m; Nyuna%m, h 9/ainva; t. Im hmere 9 na%m Awv. R 9 na%m i. Tb. Qy. Nta%m. Aaf/Inaim vv. Nva. Ao vntÝpeqene buye, v. ISpem Awv. R 9 em i. Tb. Qy. Ntem, v. ISpem A 3 em i. Tb. Qy. Ntem, Ar 9VyoÝmn%3hem, Ar 9VyoÝvc%%3hem, Ar 9VyoÝQyo(neem. 3/18/2018 Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Blessings to Ama, well-built, fair of form, to Verethraghna, made by Ahura, and to the triumphing Uparatāt, completely repelling malice, completely conquering the hostile malicious adversary. Blessings so that he may be winner of the battle, victorious over every malicious and evil adversary, who is faulty in thoughts, words and deeds. 91

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 92

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Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Vavane buye rathwya Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Vavane buye rathwya manangha, rathwya vachangha, rathwya shyaothna. Nijane buye vispe dushmainyu vispe daevayasna; zaze buye vanghāucha mizhde, vanghāucha sravahi, urunaecha dareghe havanghe. Blessings that he may be victorious through timely thoughts, words, and deeds; to suppress all the evil-minded, so as to attain good reward, good renown, and long happiness of the soul. āfrināmi dareghem java, ushtā java, avanghe narãm ashaonãm, āzanghe duzvarshtā varezãm, vahishtem ahum ashaonãm, raochanghem vispo-khāthrem. Blessings for long and desired life, for the service of righteous people, and for the disservice of evil people. For the happiness of the righteous people, for the luminous, blissful offering to the righteous people. 3/18/2018 94

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments vvne buye r Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments vvne buye r 9Vy mn%3h, r 9Vy vc%%3h, r 9Vy Qy. Ao(n. injne buye v. ISpe du+m; Ny. U v. ISpe d. Aevy. Sn, zze buye v%3hawc imzde, v%3hawc s/vih, wr. Un. Aec dre 3 e hv%3he. Aaf/Inaim dre 3 em jv, w+t jv, Av%3he nra%m Aq. Aona%m, Aa%j%3he duzvr+tavreza%m, vih+tem Ah. Um Aq. Aona%m r. Aoc%3hem v. ISpo`a 9 e/m. 3/18/2018 Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Blessings that he may be victorious through timely thoughts, words, and deeds; to suppress all the evil-minded, so as to attain good reward, good renown, and long happiness of the soul. Blessings for long and desired life, for the service of righteous people, and for the disservice of evil people. For the happiness of the righteous people, for the luminous, blissful offering to the righteous people. 95

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments FARSI INTERPRETATION 3/18/2018 96

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Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Anjuman Participation (ENACTMENT Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Anjuman Participation (ENACTMENT NO. 2, see notes below) Atha jamyāt, yatha āfrināmi Humatanãm hukhtanãm hvarshtanãm, Yadachā anyadachā Verezyamnanãmchā vāverezananãmchā, Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Thus may it come as I wish. We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, Mahi aibi-jaretāro naenaestāro, Yathanā vohunãm mahi. performed here and elsewhere, (Recite twice. ) now and in the past. (ENACTMENT No. 3 see notes below) Yathā Ahu Vairyo. . 1, Ashem Vohu. . . 1 We revere them and we remember them. 3/18/2018 98

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (ENACTMENT NO. 2, Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (ENACTMENT NO. 2, see notes below) A 9 j. Myat y 9 Aaf/Inaim. humtna%m h. U~tna%m hvr+tna%m, ydca ANydca, vere. Zy. Mnna%mca vavreznna%mca, mh. I A; b. IÝjretaro n. Ae. Staro, y 9 na vohuna%m mh. I. (be var p 7 e. ) (ENACTMENT No. 3 see notes below) Anjuman Participation Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments Thus may it come as I wish. We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, performed here and elsewhere, now and in the past. We revere them and we remember them. y 9 a Ahu v; ryo É, Aqem vohu É, 3/18/2018 99

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (ENACTMENT NO. 2, Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (ENACTMENT NO. 2, see notes below) Atha jamyāt, yatha āfrināmi Anjuman Participation (Recite twice. ) FARSI INTERPRETATION (ENACTMENT No. 3 see notes below) Yathā Ahu Vairyo. . 1, Ashem Vohu. . . 1, 3/18/2018 100

Notes 3/18/2018 101 Notes 3/18/2018 101

Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Both recite in Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Both recite in low tone) Hamāzor hamā asho bed. (and Perform ritual handshake) (Both recite aloud) Atha jamyāt yatha āfrinãmi. Humatanãm hukhtanãm hvarshtanãm, Anjuman Participation Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Ritual handshake) May we be united in righteousness. Thus may it come as I wish. Yadachā anyadachā We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, Verezyamnanãmchā vāverezananãmchā, performed here and elsewhere, Mahi aibi-jaretāro naenaestāro, Yathanā vohunãm mahi. 3/18/2018 now and in the past. We revere them and we remember them. 102

Anjuman Participation Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Both Anjuman Participation Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Both recite in low tone) hmaÝzor\! hmaÝA=o bed! (and Perform ritual handshake) (Both recite aloud) A 9 j. Myat y 9 Aaf/Inaim. Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Ritual handshake) May we be united in righteousness. Thus may it come as I wish. humtna%m h. U~tna%m hvr+tna%m, ydca ANydca, vere. Zy. Mnna%mca vavreznna%mca, mh. I A; b. IÝjretaro n. Ae. Staro, y 9 na vohuna%m mh. I. 3/18/2018 We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, performed here and elsewhere, now and in the past. We revere them and we remember them. 103

Anjuman Participation Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Both Anjuman Participation Prayer 8: “God Bless Our Rulers” and the Flower Ceremony Enactments (Both recite in low tone) Hamāzor hamā asho bed. (and Perform ritual handshake) (Both recite aloud) Atha jamyāt, yatha āfrināmi 3/18/2018 104

Notes 3/18/2018 105 Notes 3/18/2018 105

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations In a Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations In a traditional Jashan, three āfrins (Blessings) are recited at the end. A few paras from the first āfrin of Ardāfrawash: Hamā-zor bād, hamā-zor hamā-asho bād, hamā-zor hamā-neki bād, Hamā-zor hamā khoreh bād, hamā-zor vesh-kerfe bād, Hamā-zor kam-gunāh bād. Hamā-zor bād zarthosht-din rāstihā bokhtār bād, Din-e māzdayasnãn hakikat dorost bād. Hamā-zor bād Dādār-Ahurmazda rayomand khorehmand, Hamā-zor bād Ameshāspandãn, Hamā-zor bād khoreh dine veh va awizeh māzdayasnãn. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with all the righteous, with all the virtuous, with all the goodness in the world, with those of bountiful good deeds, with those of fewer sins. May we be united with the religion of Zarathushtra, and attain salvation through righteousness. May we attain correct knowledge of the Mazdayasnian religion. May we be united with Dadar Ahura Mazda, the radiant and resplendent. May we be united with the Seven Holy Immortals. May we be united with the aura of the good and righteous Mazdayasni Religion. 106

hmazor bad! hmazor hma. A=o bad! hmazor hmaÝnek. I bad! hmazor hmaÝ`oreh bad! hmazor hmazor bad! hmazor hma. A=o bad! hmazor hmaÝnek. I bad! hmazor hmaÝ`oreh bad! hmazor ve=Ýkerfe bad! hmazor kmÝguunah bad! hmazor bad zr9 o+tÝd. In ra. St. Iha bo~tar bad! d. IneÝmazdy. Snan hk. Ikt doro. St bad! hmazor bad dadarÝAhurmzd ryom%d `orehom%d! hmazor bad Ame=a. Sp%da%n! hmazor bad `oreh d. Ine veh v Av. Izeh mazdy. Sna%n! 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with all the righteous, with all the virtuous, with all the goodness in the world, with those of bountiful good deeds, with those of fewer sins. May we be united with the religion of Zarathushtra, and attain salvation through righteousness. May we attain correct knowledge of the Mazdayasnian religion. May we be united with Dadar Ahura Mazda, the radiant and resplendent. May we be united with the Seven Holy Immortals. May we be united with the aura of the good and righteous Mazdayasni Religion. 107

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Hamā-zor bād, hamā-zor hamā-asho bād, hamā-zor hamā-neki bād, Hamā-zor hamā khoreh bād, hamā-zor vesh-kerfe bād, Hamā-zor kam-gunāh bād. Hamā-zor bād zarthosht-din rāstihā bokhtār bād, Din-e māzdayasnãn hakikat dorost bād. Hamā-zor bād Dādār-Ahurmazda rayomand khorehmand, Hamā-zor bād Ameshāspandãn, Hamā-zor bād khoreh dine veh va awizeh māzdayasnãn. FARSI INTERPRETATION of the first 4 paras of the First Āfrin is given below. 3/18/2018 108

Notes 3/18/2018 109 Notes 3/18/2018 109

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Hamā-zor bād Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Hamā-zor bād ādarãn ātashãn, ādar-goshasp, ādar-khurdād, ādar-burzin-meher, ātash-berezo-savangha, ātash-vohu-frayãn, ātash-urvāzisht, ātash-spenisht, va ātash-nairyo-sangh! 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the famous sacred fires: Ādarãn and the Ātashãn, with Ādar Goshasp, Ādar Khordād, Ādar Burzin Meher, Ātash Berezo Shavangha, Ātash Vohu Frayãn, Ātash Urvāzisht, Ātash Vāzist, Ātash Spenisht, and with Ātash Nairyo-sangha. 110

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations hmaÝzor bad Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations hmaÝzor bad Aadra%n Aat=a%n, AadrÝgo=Sp, AadrÝ`urdad, AadrÝburz. InÝmeher, Aat=ÝberejoÝsv%3h, Aat=Ývoh. UÝf/ya%n, Aat=Ýwva. Riz+t\, Aat=Ývaiz+t\, Aat=Ýspein+t, v Aat=Ýn; ryoÝs%3h! 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the famous sacred fires: Ādarãn and the Ātashãn, with Ādar Goshasp, Ādar Khordād, Ādar Burzin Meher, Ātash Berezo Shavangha, Ātash Vohu Frayãn, Ātash Urvāzisht, Ātash Vāzist, Ātash Spenisht, and with Ātash Nairyo-sangha. 111

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Hamā-zor bād ādarãn ātashãn, ādar-goshasp, ādar-khurdād, ādar-burzin-meher, ātash-berezo-savangha, ātash-vohu-frayãn, ātash-urvāzisht, ātash-spenisht, va ātash-nairyo-sangh! 3/18/2018 112

Notes 3/18/2018 113 Notes 3/18/2018 113

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Hamā-zor bād panj gāhe fravarāne ke andar shabãn-roz ke sepārih hamā-kerfehā bed-shãn hast Hāvan-gāh, Rapithwin-gāh, Uzyeirin-gāh, Aivisruthrem- gāh, va Ushahen-gāh. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the five gahs professed during the day and night, under whose care we do all good deeds; which are Havan, Rapithwin, Uzirin, Aiwisruthrem and Ushahin. 114

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations HmaÝzor bad p%j gahe f/vrane ke A%dr =b%anÝroj ke separ. Ih hmaÝkerfeha bedÝ=%an h. St havnÝgah, ripi(vnÝgah, wzyer. InÝgah, A; ivs/u 9/emÝgah v w=henÝgah! 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the five gahs professed during the day and night, under whose care we do all good deeds; which are Havan, Rapithwin, Uzirin, Aiwisruthrem and Ushahin. 115

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Hamā-zor bād panj gāhe fravarāne ke andar shabãn-roz ke sepārih hamā-kerfehā bed-shãn hast Hāvan-gāh, Rapithwin-gāh, Uzyeirin-gāh, Aivisruthrem- gāh, va Ushahen-gāh. 3/18/2018 116

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Hamā-zor bād shash gāhe gāhãmbār, andar sāl Maidyozarem-gāh, Maidyoshahem-gāh, Paitishahem-gāh, Ayathrem-gāh, Maidyārem-gāh va Hamaspathmaedem-gāh. Hamā-zor bād panj gāhe gāsãn ke undar panje-meh, Ahunavad-gāh, Ushtavad-gāh, Spentomad-gāh, Vohukhshathra-gāh, Vahishtoisht-gāh. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the six Gahambars in the year, which are Maidyozarem, Maidyoshahem, Paitishahem, Ayathrem, Maidyarem and Hamaspathmaidhem. May we be united with the five Gatha festivals which are the five great ones, which are Ahunawad Gatha, Ushtawad Gatha, Spentomad Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha and Vahishtoish Gatha. 118

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations HmaÝzor bad Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations HmaÝzor bad ==\ gahe gah%a. Mbar A%dr sal Ým; dyozremÝgah, m; dyo=hemÝgah, p; it=hemÝgah, Aya 9/emÝgah, m; dyaremÝgah v hm. Sp 9Ým. Aed. AemÝgah! HmaÝzor bad p%j gahe gas%an ke A%dr p%jÝ; Ýmeh AhunvdÝgah, w+tvdÝgah, Spe. NtomdÝgah, vohux 9/Ýgah, vih+to; +tÝgah! 3/18/2018 OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the six Gahambars in the year, which are Maidyozarem, Maidyoshahem, Paitishahem, Ayathrem, Maidyarem and Hamaspathmaidhem. May we be united with the five Gatha festivals which are the five great ones, which are Ahunawad Gatha, Ushtawad Gatha, Spentomad Gatha, Vohukhshathra Gatha and Vahishtoish Gatha. 119

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Hamā-zor bād shash gāhe gāhãmbār, andar sāl Maidyozarem-gāh, Maidyoshahem-gāh, Paitishahem-gāh, Ayathrem-gāh, Maidyārem-gāh va Hamaspathmaedem-gāh. Hamā-zor bād panj gāhe gāsãn ke undar panje-meh, Ahunavad-gāh, Ushtavad-gāh, Spentomad-gāh, Vohukhshathra-gāh, Vahishtoisht-gāh. 3/18/2018 120

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Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Hamā-zor bād Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Hamā-zor bād vehãne hanjamanãn, zarathushtrayãn, veh-dinãn va pak-dinãne haft-keshwar-zamin, ku pa dād, veh-dine paoiryo-dkaeshi, ku pa awizeh, veh-dine māzdayasnãn astoãn hend. Eshãn awā emãn, emãn awā eshãn, hamā ham-kār va ham kerfe. Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the good assemblies of Zarathushtrians of Good and pious religion of the seven regions of the earth. They with us and we with them are co-workers and doers of good deeds. May we be united with all the Yazashne and Nyayeshne ceremonies, and become a co-worker with them. Hamā-zor bād ham-yazashne va ham-baher nyāeshne va ham-yār hom! 3/18/2018 122

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations hmaÝzor bad Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations hmaÝzor bad veha%ne h. Njmnan, zr 9 u+{ya%n, vehÝd. Ina%n v pakÝd. Ina%ne hftÝke+vrÝzm. In, ku p dad vehÝd. Ine p. Ao; ryoÝTk. Aeq. I, ku p Av. Izeh vehÝd. Ine mazdy. Sna%n ASto. Aa%n he%d. Ae=a%n Ava Aema%n, Aema%n Ava Ae=a%n, hma hmÝkar v hmÝkerfe. hmaÝzor bad hmÝyz+ne v hmÝbher Nya. Ae+ne v hmÝyar hom! 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the good assemblies of Zarathushtrians of Good and pious religion of the seven regions of the earth. They with us and we with them are coworkers and doers of good deeds. May we be united with all the Yazashne and Nyayeshne ceremonies, and become a co-worker with them. 123

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Hamā-zor bād vehãne hanjamanãn, zarathushtrayãn, veh-dinãn va pak-dinãne haft-keshwar-zamin, ku pa dād, veh-dine paoiryo-dkaeshi, ku pa awizeh, veh-dine māzdayasnãn astoãn hend. Eshãn awā emãn, emãn awā eshãn, hamā ham-kār va ham kerfe. Hamā-zor bād ham-yazashne va ham-baher nyāeshne va ham-yār hom! 3/18/2018 124

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Hamā-zor bād Ardāfravash firozgar ke rād yazashne kard-hom, Darun yasht-hom, myazd hamā-rāinam pa ayokardahyā, Pa ganje Dādār Ahurmazd rayomand khorehomand Awā Ameshāspandãn berasād. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the victorious fravashis for whom I have offered praise, I have offered the darun and I begin the myazda which together may reach the treasure-house of the brilliant and glorious lord Ahura Mazda and the Amesha Spentas. 126

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations HmaÝzor bad Ardaf/vq f. Irozgr ke rad yz+ne kd. RÝhom, dr. Un y+tÝhom, Myzd hmaÝra; nm p Ayokd. R¬a, p g%je dadarÝAhurmzd ryom%d `orehom%d Ava Ame=a. Sp%d%an beÝrsad! 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May we be united with the victorious fravashis for whom I have offered praise, I have offered the darun and I begin the myazda which together may reach the treasure-house of the brilliant and glorious lord Ahura Mazda and the Amesha Spentas. 127

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Hamā-zor bād Ardāfravash firozgar ke rād yazashne kard-hom, Darun yasht-hom, myazd hamā-rāinam pa ayokardahyā, Pa ganje Dādār Ahurmazd rayomand khorehomand Awā Ameshāspandãn berasād. 3/18/2018 128

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Pād-daheshne rāinidārãn rakhshashne, vakhshashne, estashne, va patāeshne bād. Yazdãne minoyãn, yazdãne gaethyãn, mainyo rozgār fravash ashoãn, ez gayomard andā sudmand pur-khoreh saoshyos; hastãn, budãn, bedãn, Zādãn azādãn, ā-dahi uz-dahi, daham nar nārik, awarnāi purnāi, har-ke awar in zamin pairi veh-dini gudārãn shud hast; hamā fravash ashoãn rawãne eshãn aedar yād bād. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Of the existing ones, of those who have existed and of those who will be, of those born and of those unborn, of those belonging to the country and to a foreign country, and the pious males and females, of children and of adults of anyone who has departed from this earth as one of the Good Religion – all these fravashis and their souls are worthy of being remembered. 130

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations PaadÝdhe+ne ra; Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations PaadÝdhe+ne ra; n. Idar%an r~=+ne, v~=+ne, Ae. St=ne, v pta. Ae+ne bad! yzd%ane m. Inoy%an, yzd%ane g. Ae(y%an m; Nyo rozgar f/vq A=o. A%an, Aez gyomd. R A%da s. Udm%d purÝ`oreh s. Ao+yo=. h. St%an bud%an, bed%an, zad%an Azad%an, AaÝdh. I, wzÝdh. I, dhm nr nar. Ik, Avr. Naa; purna; , hrÝke Avr ; n zm. In p; ir vehÝd. In. I gudaran =Ud h. St. Hma f/vq A=o. A%an rvane Ae=%an AAedr yad bad! 3/18/2018 OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Of the existing ones, of those who have existed and of those who will be, of those born and of those unborn, of those belonging to the country and to a foreign country, and the pious males and females, of children and of adults of anyone who has departed from this earth as one of the Good Religion – all these fravashis and their souls are worthy of being remembered. 131

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Pād-daheshne rāinidārãn rakhshashne, vakhshashne, estashne, va patāeshne bād. Yazdãne minoyãn, yazdãne gaethyãn, mainyo rozgār fravash ashoãn, ez gayomard andā sudmand pur-khoreh saoshyos; hastãn, budãn, bedãn, zādãn azādãn, ā-dahi uz-dahi, daham nar nārik, awarnāi purnāi, har-ke awar in zamin pairi veh-dini gudārãn shud hast; hamā fravash ashoãn rawãne eshãn aedar yād bād. 3/18/2018 132

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Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations In āfrin Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations In āfrin oy tan-e shumā aedun bād, chun Māh va Khurshid va āw va ātash va Mae va Merv va Mûshk va Yāsmen gul va Marzãngoshe. Hamā hanjaman rā hazār sāl zindgāni ûmar drāj bād. Ez ãn buyegãn khush mast-ash kunad. Pa khizashne va pāk sparm ambari vāzned khush-vinihā. Nar asho frazand zāyād, ke airãn dārād, nām barād, dushman zanād, va dud afrozād va darud. Atha jamyāt, yatha āfrināmi. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May these blessings be bestowed upon you all just like the moon, the sun, waters, and the fire and just like wine, the myrtle, musk, the jasmine, the rose and the mouse-ear! May the whole Anjuman attain a life of thousand years, so that they keep their subordinates happy and contented and acquiring higher position with happiness, become charming like pure basil. May righteous offspring be born to you who may perpetuate Iran, who may become famous, who may be victorious over enemies and may increase his family and peace. So I wish, may it be so. 134

; n Aaf/In Aoy tne =uma AAedun bad, c. Un mah v `ur=Id v ; n Aaf/In Aoy tne =uma AAedun bad, c. Un mah v `ur=Id v Aav v Aat= v m. Ae v mv. R v mu+k v ya. Smen gul v mrza%ngo=e. Hma h%jmn ra hzar sal @%dgan. I wmr draz bad! Aez Aa%n b%dga%n `u= m. StÝA= kund. p `Iz+ne v pak Spm. R A%br. I vazned `u=Ýv. In. Iha. nr A=o f/z%d zayad, ke A; ran darad, na%m brad, du+mn znad, v d. Ud Af/ozad v drud. A 9 j. Myat y 9 Aaf/Inaim. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May these blessings be bestowed upon you all just like the moon, the sun, waters, and the fire and just like wine, the myrtle, musk, the jasmine, the rose and the mouse-ear! May the whole Anjuman attain a life of thousand years, so that they keep their subordinates happy and contented and acquiring higher position with happiness, become charming like pure basil. May righteous offspring be born to you who may perpetuate Iran, who may become famous, who may be victorious over enemies and may increase his family and peace. So I wish, may it be so. 135

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. In āfrin oy tan-e shumā aedun bād, chun Māh va Khurshid va āw va ātash va Mae va Merv va Mûshk va Yāsmen gul va Marzãngoshe. Hamā hanjaman rā hazār sāl zindgāni ûmar drāj bād. Ez ãn buyegãn khush mast-ash kunad. Pa khizashne va pāk sparm ambari vāzned khush-vinihā. Nar asho frazand zāyād, ke airãn dārād, nām barād, dushman zanād, va dud afrozād va darud. Atha jamyāt, yatha āfrināmi. 3/18/2018 136

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OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations This is the last Āfrin which invokes Ahura Mazda and His six Ameshāspands together with their Hamkārās (co-workers). Hech kas ez myãn pa div-yāz kardan ke pa tan ayop khāste, ayop pa rawãn zyãn bād! Ke rā vish āwāyad, vish bād! Ke rā veh āwāyad, veh bād! Ke rā zan āwāyad, zan bād! Ke rā frazand āwāyad, frazand bād! Getihā aedun bād, chun tan kãm undar frāruni; Minoihā aedun bād, chun rawãn-kãm under ashahi. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May the evil person who acquires wealth for his worldly pleasures and bad reputation for his soul never attain anything in life! Anyone who needs more, may he/she have more. Anyone who needs goodness, may she/he have goodness. Anyone who needs a wife/husband, may he/she find a wife/husband. Anyone who needs a child, may she/he have a child. For those who wish goodness for them, may they attain it in this world. For those who wish righteousness for their soul, may they attain it in the next world. 138

OPTIONAL PRAYER This is the last Āfrin which invokes Ahura Mazda and His six OPTIONAL PRAYER This is the last Āfrin which invokes Ahura Mazda and His six Ameshāspands together with their Hamkārās (coworkers). Hec ks Aez Myan p d. IvÝyaz kd. Rn ke p tn Ayop `a. Ste, Ayop rv%an Zy%an bad! Ke ra v. I= Aavayd, v. I= bad! Ke ra veh Aavayd, veh bad! Ke ra zn Aavayd, zn bad! Ke ra f/z%d Aavayd, f/z%d bad! get. Iha AAedun bad, cun tn kam A%dr f/ar. Un. I! m. Ino; ha AAedun bad, c. Un rvanÝkam A%dr A=h. I. 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations May the evil person who acquires wealth for his worldly pleasures and bad reputation for his soul never attain anything in life! Anyone who needs more, may he/she have more. Anyone who needs goodness, may she/he have goodness. Anyone who needs a wife/husband, may he/she find a wife/husband. Anyone who needs a child, may she/he have a child. For those who wish goodness for them, may they attain it in this world. For those who wish righteousness for their soul, may they attain it in the next world. 139

OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations OPTIONAL PRAYER Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations This is the last Āfrin which invokes Ahura Mazda and His six Ameshāspands together with their Hamkārās (co-workers). FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Hech kas ez myãn pa div-yāz kardan ke pa tan ayop khāste, ayop pa rawãn zyãn bād! Ke rā vish āwāyad, vish bād! Ke rā veh āwāyad, veh bād! Ke rā zan āwāyad, zan bād! Ke rā frazand āwāyad, frazand bād! Getihā aedun bād, chun tan kãm undar frāruni; Minoihā aedun bād, chun rawãn-kãm under ashahi. 3/18/2018 140

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Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Dahmãn ke Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Dahmãn ke pa in myazd frāj-rasid hend. Ez in myazd baher āmadan baher gereftan, har gāmi rā hazār va dwisad gãm vahisht roshan garothmãni be-padirād. Pa frāj-āmadan Kerfe be-awazāyād, pa awāz shudan gunah oy bun beshwād. Va geti nek bād! va mino veh bād, sar-frajãm ashahi be-awazāyād. Ravãn garosmãni bād, Asho bed der-zi, Atha jamyāt yatha āfrināmi! 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Those good people who have already participated in this ceremony, for each step they have taken to get their share of this ceremony, they are taking 1200 steps to that best resplendent Garothman (paradise). May merit increase due to your arrival and may sins be eradicated on your departure. May the terrestrial world be good and the spiritual world excellent. Finally may righteousness increase and may the souls be fit for Garothman. May you be righteous and may you live long. So I wish, may it be so. 142

dhma%n ke p ; n Myzd f/ajrs. Id he%d! Aez ; n Myzd bher dhma%n ke p ; n Myzd f/ajrs. Id he%d! Aez ; n Myzd bher Aamdn bher gereftn hr gam. I ra hzar v 7 v. Isd ga%m vih+t ro=n gro(man. I beÝpd. Irad! p f/azAamdn kerfe be. Avzayad! p Avaz =Udn gunah Aoy b. Un be+vad! v get. I nek bad! v m. Ino veh bad! srÝf/za%m A=h. I beÝAvzayad! rva%n gro. Sm%an. I bad! A=o bed derÝ@! A 9 j. Myat y 9 Aaf/Inaim! 3/18/2018 Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Those good people who have already participated in this ceremony, for each step they have taken to get their share of this ceremony, they are taking 1200 steps to that best resplendent Garothman (paradise). May merit increase due to your arrival and may sins be eradicated on your departure. May the terrestrial world be good and the spiritual world excellent. Finally may righteousness increase and may the souls be fit for Garothman. May you be righteous and may you live long. So I wish, may it be so. 143

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations FARSI Prayer for the three Āfrin Prayers are not available. English script is substituted. Dahmãn ke pa in myazd frāj-rasid hend. Ez in myazd baher āmadan baher gereftan, har gāmi rā hazār va dwisad gãm vahisht roshan garothmãni be-padirād. Pa frāj-āmadan kerfe be-awazāyād, pa awāz shudan gunah oy bun beshwād. Va geti nek bād! va mino veh bād, sar-frajãm ashahi be-awazāyād. Ravãn garosmãni bād, Asho bed der-zi, Atha jamyāt yatha āfrināmi! 3/18/2018 144

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Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Let us Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Let us end this Naurooz Prayer by ALL reciting the beautiful Humatanãm prayer Humatanãm, Hukhtanãm, Hvarshtanãm, Yadachā, Anyadachā, Verezyamna-nãmchā, Vāverezyamna-nãmchā, Mahi aibee-jaretāro, naenaestāro, Yathanā vohunãm mahi! Let us now conclude this Naurooz Prayer by performing Hamā Zor Greeting again. Hamā Zor, Hamā Asho Bade! 3/18/2018 Anjuman Participation Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Humatanãm prayer We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, performed here and elsewhere, now and in the past. We revere them and we remember them. (Ritual handshake) May we be united in righteousness. 146

Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Let us Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Let us end this Naurooz Prayer by ALL reciting the beautiful Humatanãm prayer humtna%m h. U~tna%m hvr+tna%m, ydca ANydca, vere. Zy. Mnna%mca vavreznna%mca, mh. I A; b. IÝjretaro n. Ae. Staro, y 9 na vohuna%m mh. I. Let us now conclude this Naurooz Prayer by performing Hamā Zor Greeting again. hmaÝzor\! hmaÝA=o bed! 3/18/2018 Anjuman Participation Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Humatanãm prayer We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, performed here and elsewhere, now and in the past. We revere them and we remember them. (Ritual handshake) May we be united in righteousness. 147

Anjuman Participation Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Anjuman Participation Prayer 9: Let Us Be United With All Good Ahura Mazda Creations Let us end this Naurooz Prayer by ALL reciting the beautiful Humatanãm prayer Let us now conclude this Naurooz Prayer by performing Hamā Zor Greeting again. Hamā Zor, Hamā Asho Bade! 3/18/2018 148

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