Грачёв Александр 10 а.pptx
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Animals In Danger. Red Book. Грачёв Александр 10 а
Poaching Man has always been a hunter. He still is. But many modern hunters don't just kill for food they kill for profit. That's why so many rare and protected animals are still dying. Hunters like these are called poachers.
African elephants. • Habitat : Savannah, open woodland scrub country. • Description : Height of the African elephant up to 4 m. while the weight up to 7000 kilos. The most distinctive feature of elephants, the boneless, muscular trunk, is actually a greatly elongated upper lip and nose used to convey grasses, leaves, roots, fruits, and water to the mouth. • In the 1970 s there were 1. 3 million African elephants. Today, because of poaching, there are under 85, 000.
Black Rhinoceros. • Habitat : Savannahs and mountainsides south of ethiopia. • Description : The second largest land mammal, growing to a shoulder height of 1. 5 to 1. 85 m, a length of 3. 35 to 4. 2 m and weighing up to 5000 kg. It is characterized by twin horns and a long, pointed, prehensile upper lip. • In 1981 there were 15, 000 black rhinos in Africa. Today, because of illegal hunting, that number is 4, 500.
Addax Antelope. • Habitat : Originally ranging from the western Sahara and Mauritania to Egypt and the Sudan, it now inhabits only the south-western part of the Sahara. • Description : The addax ranges from 95 to 115 cm high at the shoulder and is yellowish-white in color , with a brown mane and a black patch at the forehead. • Excessive hunting and severe droughts has caused such a dramatic decline in the addax population that it is now an endangered species. Only one viable population, containing fewer than 200 animals, still exists in the wild. •
Save Animals ! • • It's wrong to keep wild animals in cages. It's wrong to kill animals for fashion and profit. It's wrong to kill wild animals in traps. It's wrong to sell the fur of rare, protected species.
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Грачёв Александр 10 а.pptx