Скачать презентацию Andy Lyons Headteacher Hampton Hargate Primary School Скачать презентацию Andy Lyons Headteacher Hampton Hargate Primary School


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Andy Lyons Headteacher – Hampton Hargate Primary School Andy Lyons Headteacher – Hampton Hargate Primary School

Raising Expectations Raising Expectations

Reading as a focus – why? How did we identify it? Reading as a focus – why? How did we identify it?

KS 1 • 2008 Data showed lovey green box for KS 1 • but KS 1 • 2008 Data showed lovey green box for KS 1 • but also showed big gap between FSM v Nat. FSM HH FSM 12. 3 Nat. FSM 13. 5 Gap of -1. 2 • And an even bigger gap between HH FSM v Non-FSM HH FSM 12. 3 HH Non FSM 16. 9 Gap of -4. 6

 • Although we appeared to be doing ok, the gap in FSM group • Although we appeared to be doing ok, the gap in FSM group was already an issue for us. • Improved a little in 2009, narrowing gaps slightly but still needed to do more. • 2010 data showed us above Nat for KS 1 FSM and further narrowing in school for FSM v Non.

2010…. . KS 1 2008 2009 2010 Lost the green box, but we were 2010…. . KS 1 2008 2009 2010 Lost the green box, but we were now above Nat for KS 1 FSM and further narrowing in school for FSM v Non.

2010…. . KS 2 2008 2009 2010 2 years of low English data which 2010…. . KS 2 2008 2009 2010 2 years of low English data which our analysis showed Reading as an issue……. across school.

2010/11 onwards • • • Reading became the whole school focus. Drops in attainment 2010/11 onwards • • • Reading became the whole school focus. Drops in attainment in both KS 1 and KS 2. Progress measures were down Identified dip in Year 3 / 4 FSM data was improving – but needed to do more. Boys were the guilty party, girls out performing them.

What did we do? • • • • Back to basics! Every teacher aware What did we do? • • • • Back to basics! Every teacher aware of what we wanted to achieve Not just Yr 2 and Yr 6 Extra focus on ‘dip’ in Yr 3 & 4. It was clearly there. Reading was to be ‘taught not caught’ Silent reading for ½ hr was not the way forward CPD for all teachers and inc TAs on Reading Whole school buy in; no excuses culture – identify the pupils, put support in place Push on parent/adult helpers to come in and listen to readers Greater use of TA support with specific identified pupils Informed parents Updated our reading books; threw the old out Books which engaged all pupils, esp boys Involved the pupils in identifying the books they would like to read

What did we do? • Book surveys with all classes • Big push on What did we do? • Book surveys with all classes • Big push on guided reading sessions; planned for; observed; • Key children – need identified by each class teacher; min ½ termly update • FSM pupils targeted to continue closing gaps • Identified coasters – those who were coasting, esp in KS 2, were pushed to get L 5 and not just “L 4 will do” • Wanted solid L 5 children, not pushed through hoops to try to get L 6. • Rapid interventions – short term and then something else • ECa. R introduced – targeted KS 1, but used to support, advise across all school. Excellent results/impact. Hard data and soft data. • Use of PP money – greater focus &intervention opportunities for all pupils, esp PP

What did we do? • • • Analysis showed lower levels of reading ability What did we do? • • • Analysis showed lower levels of reading ability coming into school SLT / Phase leaders ongoing progress checks Classroom reading corners revamped and new books Book banding updated to fit all ages Books to support EAL New library – full refurb; new books; book characters on walls and more to follow making it even more child and reading friendly Bedtime story event during Book Week Reception parents – Reading Meeting week 1 – share resources, strategies, websites, apps, techniques – stress importance of reading Shared class reading – Yr 2 & Yr 6 class read to each other; reading buddies Quality first teaching & interventions If it doesn’t work, ditch it!

Impact Impact

Impact 2011 80% 28. 2 80% +18% 31. 4 +3. 2 +20% Impact 2011 80% 28. 2 80% +18% 31. 4 +3. 2 +20%

Pupil Premium Impact Pupil Premium Impact

Impact Impact

ECa. R • ID lowest 20% of Year 1 cohort using teacher assessments. • ECa. R • ID lowest 20% of Year 1 cohort using teacher assessments. • Use in-depth text, word and concepts about print assessments to get a clearer picture of needs • Consult with class teachers and school's SDP focus to select 4 of the lowest ability children • 20 week programme aims to get those children working at age related expectations • Track those children through school to ensure they don't fall behind and measure impact.

ECa. R • Other work has included using SDP to assess needs of the ECa. R • Other work has included using SDP to assess needs of the school and drive improvement. • Focus last year was 'quality' teaching of guided reading, develop children's independent reading strategies. • Structured guided reading so that pupils are either independently reading, or reading in pairs and using talk partners to answer teacher questions before sharing in the group • Also used BRSP to target areas which are RAISE data show as weaknesses. • Currently focussing on early guided reading in EYFS and into Year 1 to support 1: 1 matching, using meaning and structure whilst applying phonics within text level, which is basically the principles of Reading Recovery.