Andrew Jackson
Changing Party Politics
Changing Politics
Changes in Voting Laws
Jacksonian Democrats Believe:
Jackson’s Common Man Campaign
The Jackson Coalition
Rachel Jackson and Her Death
The Reign of “King Mob”
Jackson Reflects Democratic Trends
Jackson Reflects Democratic Trends
Peggy Eaton Affair-
Sen. Daniel Webster [MA] Sen. Robert Hayne [SC]
Hayne-Webster Debate (1830)
Webster : Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable. Jackson : Our Federal Union—it must be preserved. Calhoun : The Union, next to our liberty, most dear.
Indian Removal
The “Monster” Is Destroyed!
The 1832 Election
The Specie Circular (1836)
Specie Circular
Jackson and the Specie
Economic Problems in 1836 • US Bank is destroyed: money into state banks, back to easy credit, fluctuating bank notes • Specie Circular issued: stop land speculation w/gold & silver required for purchase • Good news! Budget surplus!! $$$ sent to states, used for building RR’s, canals, roads, etc (Distribution Act)
Panic of 1837 • Causes: Distribution Act weakened state bank, specie circular (run on banks), crop failures hurt farmers’ income, Recession in Europe (pull $$$ out of US) • Results: unemployment, bank failures, businesses close, RR/Canal projects fail, bread riots (lasts 5 years: most severe)
Results of the Specie Circular
• Legacy Continued • Opponents call him King Andrew • Used veto 12 times • To destroy BUS and support “Common Man” • To punish rivals – Maysville Road (Henry Clay) • Opposed increasing federal spending and the national debt • Interpreted the powers of Congress narrowly • Kitchen cabinet