Скачать презентацию Ancient Israel Chapter 1 Lesson 4 pages 64 Скачать презентацию Ancient Israel Chapter 1 Lesson 4 pages 64


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Ancient Israel Chapter 1 Lesson 4 pages 64 -67 Mr. Bondurant Ancient Israel Chapter 1 Lesson 4 pages 64 -67 Mr. Bondurant

Ancient Israel Chapter 1 Lesson 4 pages 64 -67 Vocabulary -> ancestor • 1. Ancient Israel Chapter 1 Lesson 4 pages 64 -67 Vocabulary -> ancestor • 1. Describe the accomplishments of ancient Israel’s great leaders. • 2. Explain what is the Old Testament (Jewish Bible). • 3. Identify the following people and places: David, Goliath, Saul, Solomon, Abraham, Moses, Israel and Jerusalem.

A. A Battle with a Giant page 64 1. How was David able to A. A Battle with a Giant page 64 1. How was David able to overcome Goliath? 2. Why was David a hero?

B. David, King of Israel p. 65 • 1. Why has David’s fame lasted B. David, King of Israel p. 65 • 1. Why has David’s fame lasted so long? • 2. Why is David probably the best known king of the ancient Middle East?

B. David, King of Israel p. 65 • 1. Why has David’s fame lasted B. David, King of Israel p. 65 • 1. Why has David’s fame lasted so long? • 2. Why is David probably the best known ancient king?

C. Ancient Writings Tell of Israel’s History p. 65 -6 • 1. Who led C. Ancient Writings Tell of Israel’s History p. 65 -6 • 1. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? • 2. What does the Bible tell about Abraham, Joseph, and Moses?

D. The Wise King Solomon p. 66 -7 • 1. For what is King D. The Wise King Solomon p. 66 -7 • 1. For what is King Solomon remembered? • 2. Where can we read Israel’s ancient history? • 3. How do you know that Solomon was wise?

R 15 • _______David battles Goliath R 15 • _______David battles Goliath

R 15 • 5 David battles Goliath R 15 • 5 David battles Goliath

W 24 • _______ a shepherd who became a king W 24 • _______ a shepherd who became a king

W 24 • David a shepherd who became a king W 24 • David a shepherd who became a king

WORK TOGETHER! • • • TOGETHER MEANS: On the same question at the same WORK TOGETHER! • • • TOGETHER MEANS: On the same question at the same time! Working only with your group! ALL brains are at work! Everyone comes to an agreement on the answer. • Questions must be asked as a group! • You may NOT divide and copy!