Скачать презентацию Ancient Greek Art and Architecture History of Ancient Скачать презентацию Ancient Greek Art and Architecture History of Ancient


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Ancient Greek Art and Architecture History of Ancient Greece Clayton Miles Lehmann Ancient Greek Art and Architecture History of Ancient Greece Clayton Miles Lehmann

Franchthi Cave (Showcaves: Jochen Duckeck) Franchthi Cave (Showcaves: Jochen Duckeck)

Beach below Franchthi Cave Beach below Franchthi Cave

Neolithic Pottery Athens, National Museum Fragments, Dimini pot (D I Loizos) Neolithic Pottery Athens, National Museum Fragments, Dimini pot (D I Loizos)

University of Oregon University of Oregon

Kamares and Barbotine wares (Old Palace); Minoan Crete Kamares and Barbotine wares (Old Palace); Minoan Crete

Rock crystal rhyton decorated with gold and faience and stone pyxis from Zakros (Biers Rock crystal rhyton decorated with gold and faience and stone pyxis from Zakros (Biers 58); stone jug from Mochlos (EM); Gold Bee Pendant from Chrysolakkos, Malia (MM)

Knossos (Biers, 30 -42) Knossos (Biers, 30 -42)

La Parisienne from Knossos; frescoes from Santorini (Biers, 46 -55) La Parisienne from Knossos; frescoes from Santorini (Biers, 46 -55)

Mycenae (Biers, 6670) Mycenae (Biers, 6670)

Mycenae, Lion Gate and Lower Town (Biers, 66 -70) Mycenae, Lion Gate and Lower Town (Biers, 66 -70)

(Biers, 66 -67, 71 -75) (Biers, 66 -67, 71 -75)

Pylos, plan and megaron; kylixes (Biers, 6667, 71 -75) Pylos, plan and megaron; kylixes (Biers, 6667, 71 -75)

Mycenae, Grave Circle A, Treasury of Atreus; diagrams of tholos and chamber tomb (Biers, Mycenae, Grave Circle A, Treasury of Atreus; diagrams of tholos and chamber tomb (Biers, 74 -78)

Mycenaean Death Mask, Daggers, ca 1500. Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Mycenaean Death Mask, Daggers, ca 1500. Athens, National Archaeological Museum.

Vapheio, Tholos and cups (Biers, 94); Dendra, armor from warrior’s chamber tomb; death mask Vapheio, Tholos and cups (Biers, 94); Dendra, armor from warrior’s chamber tomb; death mask from Mycenae Circle A (Biers, 94)

Mycenae, Granary Style Stirrup jar; Warrior Vase (Biers, 86 -88) Mycenae, Granary Style Stirrup jar; Warrior Vase (Biers, 86 -88)

(Cf Biers, 98) Stirrup jar from Perati (Cf Biers, 98) Stirrup jar from Perati

Submycenaean to Protogeometric (Biers, 103 -3) Submycenaean to Protogeometric (Biers, 103 -3)

(Biers, 100 -101) (Biers, 100 -101)

(Biers, 128 -29) (Biers, 128 -29)

Warrior’s grave, Agora, ~900 Olympia dedications (Biers, 126 -28) Warrior’s grave, Agora, ~900 Olympia dedications (Biers, 126 -28)

Olympia, aerial view from SW (Lisa Kallet), and plan (About. com) Isthmia Stadium, starting Olympia, aerial view from SW (Lisa Kallet), and plan (About. com) Isthmia Stadium, starting gate (OSU);

The Menelaion and Taygetos (Univ TX) The Menelaion and Taygetos (Univ TX)

Zagora and Andros Island Zagora and Andros Island

Athens 804 Reconstructions of a Geometric sherd (Biers, 112) Athens 804 Reconstructions of a Geometric sherd (Biers, 112)

EPC skyphos, ~700 (19 cm) (BM 64. 4 -4. 18) MPC oenochoe, The Chigi EPC skyphos, ~700 (19 cm) (BM 64. 4 -4. 18) MPC oenochoe, The Chigi Vase, ~650 (Rome, Villa Giulia) (26. 2 cm; height of frieze, 5. 2 cm)

Nessos Amphora, Athens, late VII, 1. 23 m (Athens NM 1002) Belly of Polyphemus Nessos Amphora, Athens, late VII, 1. 23 m (Athens NM 1002) Belly of Polyphemus amphora

Cleobis and Biton, ~590, Delphi, 2. 16 -18 m; Old Kingdom statuette, ~2400, 0. Cleobis and Biton, ~590, Delphi, 2. 16 -18 m; Old Kingdom statuette, ~2400, 0. 30 m

New York Kouros, ~600, 1. 93 m (Biers, 166); Sounium Kouros, ~600, 3. 3 New York Kouros, ~600, 1. 93 m (Biers, 166); Sounium Kouros, ~600, 3. 3 m (Athens NM 2720)

Aristodikos Kouros, ~500, 1. 98 m (Athens NM 3938); Critios Boy, ~480, 0. 86 Aristodikos Kouros, ~500, 1. 98 m (Athens NM 3938); Critios Boy, ~480, 0. 86 m (Athens AM 698) (Biers, 168)

Dipylon Ivory, mid VIII 0. 24 m Nikandra, Delos, ~650, 1. 75 m, Athens Dipylon Ivory, mid VIII 0. 24 m Nikandra, Delos, ~650, 1. 75 m, Athens NM 1; Auxerre Statuette 630 s, 0. 63 m, Louvre (Biers, 122, 143)

Nikandra, Delos, ~650, 1. 75 m (Athens NM 1); Berlin Kore, ~580, 6’ 3” Nikandra, Delos, ~650, 1. 75 m (Athens NM 1); Berlin Kore, ~580, 6’ 3” (Biers, 169)

Lyon Kore, ~540, 1. 13 m (Louvre + Athens KM); Antenor Kore, ~530, 2. Lyon Kore, ~540, 1. 13 m (Louvre + Athens KM); Antenor Kore, ~530, 2. 155 m (AM 681); Peplos Kore, ~530, 1. 20 m (AM 679) (Biers, 170)

Tempe of Artemis, Corfu, ~570 (Biers, 156) Tempe of Artemis, Corfu, ~570 (Biers, 156)

Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, east frieze and pediment, north frieze, ~525 (Biers, 173 -76) Siphnian Treasury, Delphi, east frieze and pediment, north frieze, ~525 (Biers, 173 -76)

Pediments from the Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, 490 s-480 s (Biers, 176 -80) Pediments from the Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, 490 s-480 s (Biers, 176 -80)

Temple of Aphaea, Aegina (Romeartlover) Temple of Aphaea, Aegina (Romeartlover)

VIII house models dedicated to Hera at Perachora and Argive Heraeum (Biers, 113) VIII house models dedicated to Hera at Perachora and Argive Heraeum (Biers, 113)

Temple of Apollo Daphnephorus, Eretria, VIII (Biers, 117) Temple of Apollo Daphnephorus, Eretria, VIII (Biers, 117)

Temple of Apollo, Thermum (Biers 138) Temple of Apollo, Thermum (Biers 138)

Temple of Artemis, Corfu, ~580 Temple of Zeus, Nemea, ~330 Cf Biers, 134) Temple of Artemis, Corfu, ~580 Temple of Zeus, Nemea, ~330 Cf Biers, 134)

Temple of Hera, Olympia, ~600 (Biers, 139, 141) Temple of Hera, Olympia, ~600 (Biers, 139, 141)

Temple of Artemis, Corfu, ~580; Temple of Apollo, Corinth, ~560 (Biers, 156 -59) Temple of Artemis, Corfu, ~580; Temple of Apollo, Corinth, ~560 (Biers, 156 -59)

Fragment of a bowl by Sophilus Athens, National Museum (Pirsig) Pelike by the Pan Fragment of a bowl by Sophilus Athens, National Museum (Pirsig) Pelike by the Pan Painter Athens, National Museum (D B Levine) Fragment of a black figure pot Athens, National Museum

Gortyn, Odeum (Joni) and Law Code (Travel-to-Crete) Gortyn, Odeum (Joni) and Law Code (Travel-to-Crete)

The Athenian Tribute Lists In the Epigraphical Museum (David Gill) The Athenian Tribute Lists In the Epigraphical Museum (David Gill)