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Anadolu University Open Education Resources Nazmi ULUTAK, Prof. Dr. Cengiz. Hakan AYDIN, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Definitions n Formal learning – structured learning opportunities towards a degree diploma n Informal learning – structured or semi-structured learning opportunities that may lead a certificate n Non-formal learning – unstructured learning opportunities for individuals who wish to improve their skills
Definitions n Open Education Resources – are any kind of learning opportunity provided to anyone interested in n Open Access – content (including metadata) is provided free of charge and can easily be repurposed n Open Licensed – liberally licensed for re-use, favourable free from restrictions to modify, combine and repurpose n Open. Software – produced with open source software n Free Access – content is provided free of charge but cannot be modified
History of OER in Anadolu Integration of Computers Second University 200 3 1 199 Start Integration of Online Tools/Services 07 20 98 19 1982 Open Education Faculty (Distance Higher Education) e-Certificate Programs
History of OER in Anadolu 1982 Open Education Faculty (Distance Higher Education) 2007 Open Courseware 2008 ANAPOD 2008 Yunus. Emre 2009 OER HE
Open Courseware n Started to support OCW movement in 2007 by ARGE n Edu. Commons infrastructure (http: //adm. anadolu. edu. tr: 8080/edu. Commons) n A support team (2 technical & 1 OER experts) n Structured and one-to-one training n Ongoing support (F 2 F, online, phone) n Technological n Instructional en Op ess cc A
Open Courseware n 3 structured training to 18 faculty n One-to-one training to 9 faculty n Only 7 successful OCW provided on Edu. Commons Barriers n Lack of motivation n Shortage of technology skills n Shortage of instructional design skills (OCW know-how) n Copyright concerns
ANAPOD n Started in 2007 by BAUM n i. Tunes-U inspired n The goal has four folds; ree s F es cc A 1. 2. Sharing faculty experiences with general public 3. Empowering faculty to prepare open learning materials that might help the University widen its open and distance learning services (alternative production method) 4. n Supporting face-to-face instruction Testing the integration of some new technologies into instructional (ODL) processes such as mobile learning Completely a new infrastructure (hardware and software) established (http: //anapod. anadolu. edu. tr/)
ANAPOD The process: n Faculty chosen according to their willingness and performance in previous projects from all the departments n Hardware provided n n n n A Mac laptop (for each faculty) A HD Video camera with 60 GB hard disk (to be used when needed) Advance microphone system for recording during F 2 F lectures (to be used when needed) 250 GB portable hard disk (for each faculty) Electronic overhead with HD camera (to be used when needed) Electronic board (to be used when needed) Electronic graphic tablet (to be used when needed) Video conference system (to be used when needed)
ANAPOD n Software provided n n n Structured entry level training n n n ANAPOD Wiki and Blog i. Works i. Life Podcast Capture Screen. Flow Mac. Book training (3 hours) Digital content generation and Podcast materials production (2+4 hours) Video encoding, editing and Web content development (7 hours) Others (on-demand) One-to-one training and ongoing support
ANAPOD n Currently n Completed course materials (text, video, audio) belong to 54 courses n n 8 associate professors n 16 assistant professors n n 8 full professors 1 lecturer Materials in preparation to 93 courses n n 25 associate professors n 12 assistant professors n n 5 full professors 8 lecturers Free access OERs belong to total 147 courses by 73 faculty
ANAPOD Pros n Decreasing attendance increasing success in exams (F 2 F classes) n Increasing number of quality learning materials n Increasing know-how among faculty about use of technology and technology-based learning n Increasing number of faculty involvement (hardware-software) n Increasing number of access from other institutions and individuals, even from other countries
ANAPOD Cons n Some materials need improvement n Need for ongoing training and support n Need a shift to open access from free access n Barriers n Copyright and intellectual property n Heavy workload and time management n Lack of instructional design and technology skills n Lack of belief
YUNUS EMRE n Yunus. Emre: New Generation Learning Portal n Started in 2008 by Open Education Faculty n The goal has two folds; 1. Providing informal learning opportunity to those who needs without any cost 2. Introducing our ODL services and content to the public n The course materials prepared for ODL courses n Offered in a new learning environment (http: //yunusemre. anadolu. edu. tr/) ree s F es cc A
YUNUS EMRE n Available materials: n n n e. Books (non-downloadable text in pdf or flashpaper format) Video (downloadble video programs originaly produced to air) Multimedia learning software (non-downloadable e-learning materials) Audio books (non-downloadable, mp 3 format) Trail exams (non-downloadable, randomly generated, timed mutiple choice tests) n Total 153 courses in 20 subject areas n Since January 2008 total 6. 792. 031 different individuals, 49. 054. 080 times n No formal feedback system was established n Increasing number of participants to the e-certificate programs
YUNUS EMRE n Need a stift to open access from free access n Need a support system for helping target groups how to use these materials effectively n Need for better marketing n Barriers; n Copyright and Intellectual Property n Lack of technology skills and know-how among end-users
OER HE Innovative OER in European Higher Education n An EU funded project by EADTU (European Association for Distance Teaching Universities) started in 2009 (http: //www. eadtu. nl/oerhe) n The main goal is to valorize the members' practices with regard to the development of OER n The partners: n n n European Association of Distance Teaching Universities Universidade. Aberta, Portugal Open Universiteit Nederland Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain Fern. Universität in Hagen, Germany Anadolu University, Turkey UniversitàTelematica. Internazionale UNINETTUNO, Italy Open University, UK Katholieke. Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Universitat. Oberta de Catalunya, Spain Hellenic Open University, Greece en Op ess cc A
OER HE n The main output is a composite handbook on how to deal with OERs n n n Three reports: n OER widening participation (about best practices) n OER multi campus (about multi-campus activities) n OER internationalization (how organized and to be organized) Two Web-based resource; n Quality in OER (implementing quality criteria for OER) n European OER portal (implementing accessible open courses) Anadolu University actively involved in n Innovative OER in European Higher Education OER widening participation (about best practices) OER internationalization (how organized and to be organized) Planned to be completed in 2011
In Sum Anadolu University n always been in the search of providing learning opportunities for anyone who needs. n Our current projects: n n ANAPOD n Yunus. Emre n n Open Courseware OER HE Supporting the TUBA Ulusal. Açık. Ders. Malzemeleri. Konsorsiyumu (UADMK-National Open Courseware Consortium)
But … There are barriers and issues to be solved: n Copyright n Faculty n Legal and intellectual property motivation and support restrictions n Decision-makers’ n Acceptance support of informal, non-formal learning
Our Goal n available (flexible), accessible (open), and acceptable n formal, informal and non-formal learning resources to all. nulutak@anadolu. edu. tr chaydin@anadolu. edu. tr