- Количество слайдов: 16
Meaning of DIGITAL SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE ¬Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical or paper certificates. Examples of physical certificates are drivers' licenses, passports or membership cards. Certificates serve as a proof of identity of an individual for a certain purpose; for example, a driver's license identifies someone who can legally drive in a particular country. Likewise, a digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove your identity, to access information or
IFMS – Meaning & Application ¬ IFMS means Integrated Financial Management System. It’s a complete application software package to capture each and every financial transaction that takes place in the West Bengal government offices throughout the State. It is divided in different modules. The modules are ebantan, CTS, CBMS, e-Billing, e-Pradhan, GRIPS, WFACS, and HRMS.
IFMS – Meaning & Application ¬ IFMS means Integrated Financial Management System. It’s a complete application software package to capture each and every financial transaction that takes place in the West Bengal government offices throughout the State. It is divided in different modules. The modules are ebantan, CTS, CBMS, e-Billing, e-Pradhan, GRIPS, WFACS, and HRMS.
Meaning of DIGITAL SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE ¬Likewise, a digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove your identity, to access information or services on the Internet or to sign certain documents digitally. Like physical documents are signed manually, electronic documents, for example e-forms are required to be signed digitally using a Digital Signature Certificate. Transactions that are done using Internet if signed using a Digital Signature certificate becomes legally valid.
Pre-requisites of DSC ¬STEP-1 ¬To check if your system is 32 bit or 64 bit ¬i. Right-click on My Computer. ¬ii. Click on Properties. ¬iii. Note the System type.
Pre-requisites of DSC. . ¬STEP-2 ¬You need the followings to use Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in e-Pradan module of IFMS : ¬i. USB Dongle to access e-Pradan (given only to Approvers) ¬ii. Install JRE 1. 6 or above from www. java. com if not already installed. ¬iii. Enable the plug in in the browser. ¬iv. Download required Dongle driver from www. emudhra. com.
Pre-requisites of DSC. . ¬STEP-3 ¬To install JRE 1. 6 ¬i. Open www. java. com in a browser (Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Chrome, etc. ) ¬ii. Click on the Free Java Download link given on the page. Another page appears. ¬iii. Click on the Agree and Start Free Download button. A downloader dialog box appears. ¬iv. Click on the Save File button in the downloader dialog.
Pre-requisites of DSC. . ¬STEP-3 CONTD. . ¬v. Open the file from the location you have saved it. ¬vi. Click on the Run button to install the application. ¬vii. Click on the Install button in Java Setup. ¬viii. You can view a success message in Java Setup after successful installation. ¬ix. Click Close to exit the set upon the Save File button in the downloader dialog.
Pre-requisites of DSC. . ¬STEP-4 ¬To enable plugin ¬i. Click on Tools Add-ons from the title bar of your browser. Add-Ons Manager page appears. ¬ii. Select Always Activate from the dropdown menu of all Java Plugins/Applications.
Pre-requisites of DSC. . ¬STEP-5 ¬Open www. e-mudhra. com. ¬ii. Click on Complete Repository. ¬iii. Click on the appropriate Token Driver to download the driver. Choose the driver after checking your system type is 32 bit or 64 bit. ¬iv. When you click on the Token driver to download a popup window appears to let you save the Installer. Contd…
Pre-requisites of DSC. . ¬STEP-5 ¬v. Open the file from the location you have saved it. An installer appears. ¬vi. Click Next to begin the Installation and continue to click Next until you reach the end of installation. ¬vii. Click Finish to complete installation.
For Defective Dongle on delivery ¬E-mudhra is responsible for rectification of any defect : ¬(i) if the dongle is damaged, ¬(ii)if any technical defect, ¬(iii) if there is any spelling mistake.
In case of lost or damaged dongle afterwards ¬Immediately informed T. O/P. A. O, he should lock dongle. ¬Lodged an FIR at concerned police station, ¬Purchase another dongle from E-mudhra.
For Multiple DDO ¬If an officer acts as DDO of more than one office he can use one DSC against different user ID.
In case of transfer of DDO ¬Relieved officer should immediately inform T. O. /P. A. O for revocation existing user ID. ¬Relieving officer should purchase new DSC and immediately inform T. O. /P. A. O for installation of new user ID.