- Количество слайдов: 110
AGENDA POINTS AS SET OUT BY GOHP FOR REVIEW MEETING WITH HON’BLE C. M. ü ü ü (1) Information on all the Activities/Schemes of Department; (2) Action on Budget Announcement; (3) Action on the Policy contained in the BJP Manifesto; (4) Action on the announcement of the Hon’ble Chief Minister; (5) Action taken by the Department regarding Simplification of Procedures concerning public; ü (6) Notification of Rules/Bye-Laws under the Acts concerning the Department; ü (7) Progress regarding Formulation of Projects & Receipt of funds under Centrally sponsored scheme; ü (8) System of redressal of grievances. 2
ACCORDINGLY THE CONTENTS OF THIS PRESENTATION ü 1. Activities/Schemes of HPSEB o o o ü Origin, Mission & Existing System; Achievements (i/c growth); Demand & Supply; Ongoing Schemes & Future Plans (Generation, Transmission & Distribution); Turn-around Strategies; New Initiatives; o o o o Budget Announcement; Policy contained in BJP Manifesto; Announcements made by Hon’ble Chief Minister; Regarding simplification of Procedures concerning public; Notification of Rules/bye-laws under the Act; Receipt of funds under Centrally Sponsored Schemes; Systems of Redressal of grievances 2 -8. Action Taken Report (ATR) on: ü Issues requiring attention of Go. HP. ü Conclusions 3
Inception – HP State Electricity Board • Himachal is a hilly State with a population of around 66 lakh and the area of around 56000 Sq km with very stringent geographic & peculiar demographic conditions. • The HPSEB was constituted on 1 st day of September 1971 and since then it is responsible for coordinated development of Power potential, Generation, Transmission & Distribution of electricity within the State. 4
OUR MISSION… ü Himachal Pradesh “A Hydro Power State” ü Uninterrupted, Reliable and Quality Power Supply to all our Consumers Round the clock, 365 days a year. 5
MISSION STATEMENT - HPSEB while recognizing electricity as the core of all infrastructure sectors sees it as the basic minimum need like air and water for a human. Therefore, HPSEB endeavours to provide Electricity to all the people of the Pradesh at an affordable price particularly to rural & tribes on round the clock basis throughout the year. - HPSEB would further venture to be the Prime-mover for social & economic development of the State apart from creating employment opportunities & turning this State into a ‘Power Bowl’ and becoming fore-runner in the Country. 6
Mission statement To be an active partner in the socio economic development of the state by providing quality power to all categories of consumers at an affordable price any where in the State, round the clock basis throughout the year 7
Existing Systems of HPSEB Power System Installed Capacity Villages Electrified Hamlets Electrified Consumers Connected Load EHV Sub-Stations HV (33 k. V) Sub Stations Distribution Sub-Stations EHT Lines LT Lines 467 MW 17169 Nos. 4239 Nos. 18. 41 lakh 4037303 k. W 37 Nos. 140 Nos. 19907 Nos. 2208. 846 ckt Km 27330. 134 ckt Km 52411. 498 ckt k. M A State Load Despatch Center (SLDC) with latest state of art has been established to have online control and transaction of electricity 9
Statistics- HPSEB Performance(up to Mar-08) 10
Statistics- HPSEB Performance(up to Mar-08) 11
Category wise Consumers (in % age) (As on March, 2008) Taking Power to People 12 12
Category wise consumption (in % age) (Utilization pattern in MU as on March, 2008) Taking Power to People 13 13
S. N. Project Basin Capacity S. N. Project Basin 1 Andhra Yamuna 16. 95 11. Gaj Beas 10. 50 2 Giri Yamuna 60. 00 12. Baner Beas 12. 00 3. Gumma Yamuna 3. 00 13. Uhl-II (Bassi) Beas 60. 00 4. Rukti Satluj 1. 50 14. Larji Beas 126. 00 5. Chaba Satluj 1. 75 15. Khauli Beas 6. Rongtong Satluj 12. 00 16. Sal-II Ravi 7. Nogli Satluj 2. 00 2. 50 17. Holi Ravi 8. Bhaba Satluj 120. 00 3. 00 9. Ganvi Satluj 22. 50 18 Bhuri Singh Ravi 0. 45 10. Binwa Beas 6. 00 19 Killar Ravi 0. 30 20 Thirot Ravi 4. 50 Capacity (MW) 14
Organisational Structure Chairman Member (A) Member (F) Member (T) Member (C) Member (O) Secretary & Associated Staff CAO & Associated staff CEs & Associated Staff No. of Circles = 41 No. of Divisions = 93 No. of S/Divn. = 383 15
Employee strength (As on 31/03/2008) Category Sanctioned Existing Vacant Class-I 1288 1109 179 Class-II 686 612 74 Class-III 16284 14282 2002 Class-IV 8232 6679 1553 26490 22682 3808 Total: 16
Status of Functional vacant posts Cadre Design Sanctio Vacant %age of ation Elect. Civil/ Mech. ned AE 542 55 11 Share of direct recruitment 36% (196) JE AE JE Lineman 1514 236 326 2241 280 38 46 326 18 10 14 15 77% (1166) 36% (85) 77% (247) 20% (448) 236 10 46 100 Electric ian (OP) SSA 383 68 18 100% (383) 50 695 139 20 60%(420) 5017 vacancy No. of posts (direct) being filled up 30
Myth about employees strength Total No. of consumers Total No. of Mkwh sold per year Total No. of employees engaged on energy generation, transmission, distribution & bill collection etc. i) No. of employees per 1000 consumers ii) No. of employees per Mkwh sold 19. 41 lac 6200 MU 17000 Nos. 8. 7 3. 6 All India averages 11. 3 & 3. 7 for (i) & (ii) respectively 18
NO. OF EMPLOYEES RETIRING (G & N. G. ) (4/2004 TO 3/2009) (Employees in numbers) 19
Revenue and Expenditure (Rs. in Crore) Revenue Receipt Revenue Exp. Net Operating Surplus 20
POSITION ON REVENUE ACCOUNT A REVENUE RECEIPTS (Rs. in Crores) 2005 -06 (Actuals) 2006 -07 (Actuals) 2007 -08 (Actuals) 2008 -09 (Estimates) 1070. 49 1329. 047 1601. 940 2001. 928 545. 12 547. 051 617. 121 440. 510 c) Misc. Receipt 78. 47 86. 097 133. 420 105. 000 d) Revenue subsidy from HP Govt. to cover upfront cost of Supply 76. 85 96. 080 0 0 1770. 93 2058. 275 2352. 481 2547. 438 a) From Sale within State b) From outside State Total A 21
POSITION ON REVENUE ACCOUNT B REVENUE EXPENDITURE (Rs. in Crores) 2005 -06 (Actuals) a c Emp. Cost and A&G Exps. d Interest & Finance charges e Depreciation f (Net) Other Exp. i. c. Prior Period Total (Net) B g Net operating Surplus(+)/ Deficit(-) h Assets base at the beginning of the year i ROR on fixed asset base at the beginning of the year 1254. 544 1529. 494 1820. 713 18. 35 b O&M Cost 2007 -08 2008 -09 (Actuals) (Estimates ) 1082. 30 Cost of Power Purchase 2006 -07 (Actuals) 27. 442 25. 523 37. 903 438. 02 499. 343 579. 333 781. 647 121. 83 138. 212 177. 472 233. 07 53. 84 57. 144 87. 987 97. 280 36. 11 79. 709 (-) 21. 946 0 1750. 45 2056. 394 2377. 862 2970. 550 20. 48 1. 881 (-) 25. 382 - 423. 112 1453. 450 1406. 690 2486. 484 2687. 430 1. 409 0. 134 (-) 1. 021 - 15. 744 22
CUMULATIVE LOSS THE CUMULATIVE LOSS OF THE BOARD AT THE END OF THE YEAR 2005 -06 OF RS. 239. 17 CRORES WHICH WAS REDUCED BY RS. 1. 88 CRORES DURING 2006 -07 TO RS. 237. 28 CRORES. DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR 200708 THE LOSS HAS GONE UP BY RS. 25. 38 CRORES TO RS. 262. 66 CRORES. NOTE: During the year 2006 -07, an up-front subsidy of Rs. 74. 53 Crore was provided in our accounts on the basis of the meeting held with the ACS (Finance) to the Govt. of HP as receivable from the State Govt. but the State Govt. has not released the same. However the Regulatory Commission while finalsing the True Up petition 2006 -07 has reduced the amount of up front subsidy to Rs. 49. 70 Crore 23
Net Worth • Net worth (average of 3 yrs) of the Board as on 31 st March 2008 is Rs. 2166. 75 Cr. ( Equity + Reserves) • Equity = 282. 11 Cr • Reserves ( PF + Equity in SPVs+ value of assets (Loan free assets)= 1884. 64 Cr. 24
POSITION OF OUTSTANDING LOANS AS ON 30. 6. 2008 Sr. No Particulars 1 REC 2 LIC 3 Market Bond 4 (RECEIPT REPAYMENT ETC. ) Repayme Loans as on Loan Balances nt made 31. 3. 2008 received outstanding 1. 4. 08 to as on 30. 6. 08 All Figures in Lacs Purpose REC 21271. 26 RG GVG 74. 78 335. 32 87. 59 21518. 99 74. 78 Electrifications and Trans. Schemes 26660. 67 0 0 26660. 67 Execution of HEPs T&D schemes 2999. 00 0 0 2999. 00 Co-op Bank 22700. 00 0 2300. 00 20400. 00 -do- for Larji, Khauli HEP 5 PFC Loan 78875. 43 135. 00 2664. 92 76345. 51 Execution of HEPs Tran. Schemes 6 PNB Loan 10000. 00 0 0 10000. 00 Execution of Larji HEP 7 NSLR Bond 41161. 00 0 0 41161. 00 T&D and equity for Sawarakuddu 8 UCo Bank 8888. 89 0 2222. 22 6666. 67 For funding of T&D and own Plans 9 HP Co-Op 5500. 00 0 0 5500. 00 Purchase of power 10 CBI 10055. 56 5500. 00 2222. 23 13333. 33 228186. 59 5970. 32 9496. 95 224659. 96 Total --do-- Purchase of power & T&D Schemes 25
POSITION OF FIXED ASSETS AND CWIP Rs. in Crores Sr. Particulars of Assets No. 1 2005 -06 2006 -07 2007 -08 Fixed Assets Less Accumulated Depreciation 2322. 34 408. 07 3556. 07 3564. 76 464. 98 552. 91 Net Fixed Assets 1914. 27 3091. 09 3011. 85 2 Less Consumer Contribution 385. 13 507. 81 604. 61 3 Assets Base 1453. 08 1406. 46 2486. 48 4 Capital Works in Progress 2070. 20 1108. 16 1097. 79 26
POSITION OF OVER DRAFT Rs. in Crores OVERDRAFT DURING THE CORRESPONDANCE MONTH YEAR 2007 -08 YEAR 2008 -09 MONTH AMOUNT 4/20007 537. 55 4/2008 367. 01 5/2007 497. 32 5/2008 481. 08 6/2007 505. 67 6/2008 406. 37 Note: The position looks better compared to last year but there are liabilities as Govt. dues=113. 13 Cr+136 Cr=249. 13 Cr. , Govt. cont. for ABBY=Rs 80 Cr & Non SLR Bonds for Sawra Kuddu= Rs. 78 Cr. 27 Total=407. 13
Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) 2007 -08 Rs. in Crores Particulars Proposed Approved Pre-Actuals Power Purchase 1075. 37 1529. 49 41. 12 -57. 24 1148. 64 1116. 49 1472. 25 Employee Cost 616. 41 531. 57 604. 50 A&G Expenses 46. 78 32. 18 35. 57 Repair & Maintenance 28. 00 25. 37 25. 52 Depreciation Charges 94. 65 87. 42 87. 99 258. 32 169. 89 250. 46 2192. 80 1962. 92 2476. 29 213. 43 172. 60 132. 98 1979. 37 1790. 32 2343. 31 85. 61 41. 12 74. 59 2064. 98 1831. 44 2417. 90 28 PGCIL 1148. 64 Baspa Arrears Prior period Total Power Purchase Interest and Finance charges Total Less Capitalization Net Expenses Add. Return on Equity Net ARR
EQUITY PARTICIPATION OF HP GOVT. Sr. No. Particular Amount (in Crores) 1 Loan converted into equity upto 31. 3. 93 234. 00 2 i) Equity in Larji HEP during 1998 -1999 40. 00 ii) Equity in Larji HEP during 1999 -2000 2. 00 iii) Equity in Larji HEP during 2003 -2004 4. 00 iv) Equity in Larji HEP during 2004 -2005 2. 11 Total 48. 11 3 Uhl –III HEP during 2007 -08 Rs. 27. 03 4 Khauli HEP during 2007 -08 Rs. 15. 16 5 Ghanvi HEP during 2007 -08 Rs 4. 12 6 Sawra Kuddu HEP during 2007 -08 Rs. 5. 58 51. 89 Total 334. 00 2008 -09 Equity participation of HP Govt. in Uhl-III Rs. 29. 73 Crores 29
DETAIL OF TERMINAL BENEFITS Particulars 2005 -06 Rs. In Crores 2006 -07 2007 -08 Terminal Benefit (PF) Board’s Contribution 0 0 0. 0084 Terminal Benefit superannuation 0 0. 0028 0. 28 Terminal Benefit Gratuity 20. 44 22. 27 23. 89 Terminal Benefit Pension 65. 86 88. 23 94. 20 Terminal Benefit Ex-gratia 0. 38 0. 36 7. 24 Medical re-imbursement to Pensioner 1. 44 1. 43 1. 97 0 0 0 Board contribution to DLI Scheme 0. 40 0. 47 Board contribution to B/Fund 0. 45 1. 08 0 0 Board contribution towards CPF employees on deputation with HPSEB 0. 0034 0. 0040 0. 0072 Total 88 -97 113. 77 128. 07 12. 65 12. 27 15. 48 101. 62 126. 04 143. 55 Provident Fund-Inspection & Audit fees Board contribution to GIS Earned leave encashment G. Total 30
Rate of Return (In %age) 31
Gap between actual cost per unit & sale rate paise) (in Cost/Unit Sale Rate/Unit Gap. Reasons for deterioration of financial health 32
DISTRIBUTION OF PER UNIT COST OVER VARIOUS EXPENSES 2007 -2008 (%) Cost per unit 382 paise 33
DISTRIBUTION OF PER UNIT COST OVER VARIOUS EXPENSES 2008 -09 – Projected (%) Cost per unit 464 paise 34
Employees Cost & Gen. Admn. Exp. (Rs. in crore) Reasons for deterioration of financial health 35
Demand Versus own Generation (in MU) Reasons for deterioration of financial health 36
POWER SCENERIO – 2008 -09 to 2010 -11 DEMAND VS SUPPLY 37
Typical Load Curve for a day during winter month (2007 -08) Demand > 1000 MW 38
Demand Supply Scenario Description 2006 -07 (Actual) 2007 -08 (Actual) (in MU) 2008 -09 (Estimate) Sum. Win. Total Own generation 1030 396 1426 1471 389 1860 1550 352 1902 Purchase 2911 2116 5027 3125 2213 5338 3173 1672 4845 Total Availability 3941 2512 6453 4596 2602 7198 4723 2024 6747 Requirement within State 2798 2309 5107 3439 2560 5999 3881 3081 6962 Surplus(+)/ Shortage (-) 1143 203 1346 1157 42 1199 842 -1057* -215 Restrictions imposed -132 -152 *This shortage of power is proposed to be met by way of return of additional power being banked with Punjab & Haryana (250 MUs), Special assistance from GOI(331 MUs), normal banking power(461 MUs) & by way of market purchase/other 39 sources
Major Achievements so far… First hilly State in the country to achieve 100% Electrification of the villages in 1988 Highest household coverage ratio in the country (more than 95%) Electrification of highest inhabited village in the World i. e. Comic 15124 feet Construction of Power House at the highest altitude in the World (Rongtong Power House) Unique distinction of 100% metering, billing and collection. Lowest tariff in the country. Lowest AT&C loss. Contd… 40
Major Achievements so far… (T&D Loss reduction) 41
Hydro Power Schemes; Transmission System; Distribution System 42
Hydro potential of H. P. as % of country’s potential Total Power Potential At 60% load factor = 1, 40, 000 MW = 84, 000 MW Basin wise potential In H. P. Yamuna basin Sutlej basin Beas basin Ravi basin Chenab basin Mini micro Projects = = = 602. 52 9866. 55 4626. 90 2345. 25 2251. 00 723. 40 Total At 60 % Load factor = 20415. 62 = 12249. 37 43
Hydro Power Potential in H. P. - breakup (In MW) Total identified potential Harnessed so far Under execution Under Allotment/to be allotted Abandoned Self identified in Private Sector Total with 460 MW abandoned 20415. 62 6393 5881 7668 460 473 20875 44
Ongoing projects at present with HPSEB planned for commissioning during 11 th plan period Sr. Name of Project Capacity (MW) No. 1 2 3 Ganvi Stage-II Bhaba Augmentation Uhl Stage-III 10 4. 50 Total Basin Agency Scheduled Commissioning Date Sutlej HPSEB March, 2010 114. 5 100 Sutlej HPSEB August, 2009 Beas HPSEB Sept, 2010 45
Status of works on the Projects under State Sector 1. Ganvi Stage-II (10 MW)- HPSEB The entire civil works containing following five packages have been awarded and work is in progress § § Trench Weir & Intake Structure, Desilting Tank, Power Channel HRT & Surge shaft Penstock Power House Bids for Electro-mechanical package have been opened on 30 th March 2007. LOI issued on 24/04/08 for Rs. 1886. 25 lac First unit is scheduled to be commissioned in March 2010. Entire project is scheduled to be commissioned during 2010 -11 (First Unit March 2010, Second Unit April 2010) 46
Status of works on the Projects under State Sector 2. BHABA AUGMENTATION STAGE II HEP (4. 5 MW) – LOI issued on 11. 09. 2007. – Contract signed on 19. 10. 2007. – Advance issued on 23. 10. 2007. – Completion schedule (April, 2009 ) i. e. 19 months from zero date. – However there are some slippages w. r. t. land acquisition and start of work at switchyard i. e. laying of ‘Earth Mat’ etc. As such, Completion schedule may spill over to August, 2009. 47
Status of works on the projects under State sector 3. Uhl Stage-III HEP (100 MW) Techno-economical clearance accorded by CEA during September 2002. Environmental clearance accorded by MOEF during November 2002. The entire project has been divided into 9 civil works, 1 E/M, 1 Sub-Station and 1 Transmission package. Electro-mechanical package for generating equipment awarded to BHEL on 15/02/07 and for switchyard to ABB on 25/04/08 Seven civil works packages have been awarded. The project is scheduled to be commissioned during 201011( First Unit-Sep 2010, Second Unit-Nov 2010, Third Unit. Dec 2010) 48
Status of Hydro Potential by the end of 11 th Plan A. Already under operation: B. Under execution State Sector (i/c HPPCL) Central/Joint Sector Private Sector Total (B) Total (A+B) 6429. 00 MW 1063. 10 MW 2763. 00 MW 1900. 00 MW 5726. 10 MW 12155. 10 MW 49
Status of Hydro Potential by the end of 12 th /13 th Plan A. Potential harnessed upto 11 th Plan 12155. 10 MW B. To be Executed by end of 12 th /13 th Plan: Under State Sector 0. 00 MW Under Central/Joint Sector 2136. 00 MW Under Private Sector 4960. 50 MW Total (B) 7096. 50 MW 50
Status of harnessed identified Hydro Schemes by various stakeholders at the end of 12 th/13 th Plan Under State Sector (32 Nos. ) 1529 MW Under Central/Joint Sector (18 Nos. ) 10389 MW Under Private Sector (60 Nos. ) 7262 MW Through HIMURJA /self-identified 1235 MW Abandoned 460 MW Total: 20875 MW NOTE: State Sector will have only 0. 7% of the total potential/ capacity under its direct control for Grid operations 51
Transmission System • At present through 37 No. EHV Stations & 2209 Kms of Extra High Voltage (EHV) lines the power is being evacuated from various Power Houses in the State & being taken to load Centres. • Efforts are afoot to augment the existing system & also to have new Sub-Stations & Transmission Lines in place to cater to ever-increasing load requirement. • Also a Transmission Plan has been prepared for evacuation of power from various HEPs in respective basins. 52
Transmission Master Plan Covers…… • Strengthening of Existing System by way of: – Augmenting the System; – New EHV Transmission Lines & Sub-Stations; • Implementation of Transmission Plan for evacuation of Power from various HEPs in respective basins. 53
TRANSMISSION MASTER PLAN Sr. No Name of scheme. Cost Execution (Rs. Cr. ) period. a) Transmission works for meeting Load Requirements in the State by way of strengthening of existing system and addition of new transmission elements. 610 2008 -12 b) Transmission works for evacuation of power from Small HEPs (upto 25 MW) 776 2008 -12 c) Transmission works for evacuation of power from Medium/Large HEPs 1345 2009 -12 Total 2731 54
a) Strengthening of Existing Transmission Network including addition of new transmission elements Sr. No. Name of Scheme Cost (Rs. Cr. ) Expected Comm. date i) AUG. OF 132/33 KV T/F’S FROM 2 X 16 MVA TO 2 X 25/31. 5 MVA AND REPLACE- MENT OF 132/11 KV, 16 MVA T/F BANK WITH 25/31. 5 MVA AT PAONTA 10. 81 2008 -09 ii) AUG. OF 132/33 KV T/F FROM 2 X 16 MVA TO 2 X 25/31. 5 MVA AT UNA. 6. 81 2008 -09 iii) REPLACEMENT OF 132/33 KV, 25 MVA T/F WITH 25/31. 5 MVA T/F AT 132/33 KV, 2 X 25 MVA ANU(HAMIRPUR) S/STN. 4. 32 2008 -09 iv) AUG. OF 132/33 KV, ONE OF 9 MVA T/F TO 25/31. 5 MVA AT KANGRA S/STN. 4. 13 2008 -09 55
a) Strengthening of Existing Transmission Network including addition of new Transmission elements Sr. No. Name of scheme. Cost (Rs. Cr. ) Expected comm. date v) REPLACEMENT OF ONE OF 132/33 KV, 16 MVA T/F WITH 25/31. 5 MVA AT AMB. 4. 15 2008 -09 vi) 132/33/11 k. V 2 x 16 MVA s/station at Gagret by prov. 132 k. V S/c line from Amb to Gagret 13. 89 2008 -09 vii) Const. of 220/66 k. V, 2 x 100 MVA S/Stn at Nalagarh (Nangal Uperla) 67. 33 2009 -10 viii) 132/33 KV, 1 X 25/31. 5 MVA S/STN. AT MALIANA BY LILO OF ONE CKT. OF EXISTING KUNIHARJUTOGH LINE. 28. 21 2009 -10 56
a) Sr. No. Strengthening of Existing Transmission Network including addition of new transmission elements Cost Expected Name of scheme comm. date (Rs. Cr. ) ix) 66 KV S/C LINE ON D/C TOWERS WITH WOLF CONDUCTOR FROM 220 KV BADDI S/STN. TO DAVNI A/W 66/11 KV, 2 X 10 MVA UN-MANNED S/STN AT DAVNI(50% OF TOTAL COST) 7. 69 (50% OF COST) 2009 -10 x) LILO of 132 k. V S/C line from Solan to Giri at Jamta to 132 k. V S/station Kala Amb (Practically D/C line from Jamta to kala Amb) 4. 05 2009 -10 xi) 132 KV S/C LINE ON D/C TOWER FROM KALAAMB TO MOGINAND. 12. 36 2009 -10 xii) ADDL. 220/33 KV, 25/31. 5 MVA T/F AT 220/33 KV, 31. 5 MVA JASSURE S/STN 15 2009 -10 xiii) ADDL. 132/33 KV, 16 MVA T/F AT 132/33 KV, 2 X 16 MVA KANDRORI S/STN. 5. 53 2009 -10 57
a) Strengthening of Existing Transmission Network including addition of new transmission elements Sr. No. Name of scheme. Cost (Rs. Cr. ) Expected comm. date xiv) 132/33 KV, 31. 5 MVA S/STN. AT JAHOO BY LILO OF 132 KV D/C EXISTING MATTANSIDH – KANGOO LINE. 31. 83 2009 -10 xv) 132/33/11 KV, 2 X 25/31. 5 MVA S/STN. TAHLIWALA BY LILO ing of proposed 132 KV S/C on D/C towers FROM HAMIRPUR – UNA ( practically 15 KM D/C LINE ). 51. 78 2009 -10 xvi) Augmentation of 220/66 k. V, 2 x 100 transformers to 2 x 200 MVA at Baddi 44. 5 2009 -10 xvii) 132 k. V S/C line on D/C tower from Giri to Baim kuan & 132 k. V D/C line from Baim Kuan to Paonta ( Deposit work) 16 2009 -10 15. 45 58 2010 -11 xviii) C/O 66 KV S/C LINE FROM JUTOGH TO MVA
a) Strengthening of Existing Transmission Network including addition of new transmission elements Sr. No. Name of scheme. Cost (Rs. Cr. ) Expected comm. date xix) 220/132 KV, 1 X 100 MVA S/STN. AT MOGINAND. 47. 66 2010 -11 xx) AUG. OF 132/33/11 KV, GAGRET S/STN. FROM 2 X 16 MVA TO 2 X 31. 5 MVA. 5. 54 2011 -12 xxi) Prov. 220 k. V D/C with single Zebra conductor Link line (Part of 220 k. V State ring main system for integrated Grid operation) from 220 k. V s/stn. Jassure to 220 k. V Mattansidh (Hamirpur) 62 2011 -12 59
a) Strengthening of Existing Transmission Network including addition of new transmission elements Sr. No. Name of scheme. Cost (Rs. Cr. ) Expected comm. date xxii) Prov. 220 k. V D/C with single Zebra conductor Link line (Part of 220 k. V State ring main system for integrated Grid operation) from 220 k. V s/stn. Mattansidh to 220 k. V S/stn. Kangoo (Bilaspur) 134 2011 -12 xxiii) Prov. 220 k. V D/C with single Zebra conductor Link line (Part of 220 k. V State ring main system for integrated Grid operation) from proposed 220 k. V S/stn. At Rauri of M/s Ambuja Cement Ltd. To 220 k. V proposed s/stn. at Bagha of M/s Jay Pee Associates Plant 20 2011 -12 60
a) Strengthening of Existing Transmission Network including addition of new transmission elements Sr. No. Name of scheme. xxiv) Prov. 220 k. V D/C with single Zebra conductor Link line (Part of 220 k. V State ring main system for integrated Grid operation) from 220 k. V S/stn. Kunihar to 220 k. V S/stn. Girinagar xxv) Augmentation of 220/132 k. V 2 x 63 MVA transf. to 2 x 100 MVA at Giri Nagar xxvi) 132 KV D/C LINE FROM KANDRORI TO SANSARPUR TERRACE A/W 132/66 KV, 31. 5 MVA S/STN. AT SANSARPUR TERRACE. Cost (Rs. Cr. ) Expected comm. date 102 2011 -12 25. 0 2011 -12 78 2013 -14 61
b&c) Major Works Initiated so far under Transmission Evacuation Plan Sr. No. Name of Scheme Cost Rs ( Cr. ) Expected comm. date i) 22/66/220 k. V substations at Bokhtoo 95. 0 2009 -10 ii) 33/132 k. V Sub Station Gharola (Lahla) 50. 0 2009 -10 iii) 132 k. V D/C line on twin moose conductor on 220 k. V norms from Gharola (Lahla)-Karian 189. 0 2009 -10 iv) 33/132/220 k. V Sub Station at Karian (Chamba) 93. 0 2009 -10 v) 33/132 k. V Sub Station, Kurthala (Tissa _Chamba) 41. 0 2009 -10 vi) 132 k. V D/C line Kurthala- Bathri vii) 33/132 k. V Sub Station Naggar (Kullu) 2009 -10 35. 0 62 2009 -10
b&c) Major Works Initiated so far under Transmission Evacuation Plan… Sr. No. Name of scheme. viii) 132 k. V D/C line on twin moose conductor on 220 k. V norms from Naggar- Bajaura (Sarabai) ix) Cost Rs ( Cr. ) Expected comm. date 73. 0 2009 -10 132 k. V Sub Station Pandoh (Mandi) 9. 5 2009 -10 x) 132 k. V LILO of one circuit of existing 132 k. V D/C line from Bajaura-Larji-Bijni at Pandoh 2. 3 2009 -10 xi) 220 k. V D/C transmission line with twin moose conductor from Hat Koti pooling point to proposed 220/66 k. V substation Nalagarh via Moginand with one circuit LILOed at both 220 k. V substations at Giri & Baddi 969. 0 2009 -10 & 20010 -11 xii) 66/22 k. V 25 MVA s/station at Anni a/w 66 k. V connectivity between Anni and Kumarsain 21 xiii) 132/220 k. V, 2 x 150/200 MVA Pooling substations Hat Koti 66. 8 2011 -12 xiv) 220 k. V D/C line on twin moose conductor Karian-Chamera -II HEP 19. 0 2011 -12 63 2010 -11
Distribution Systems: –Under REC APDRP RGGVY PMGY 64
Distribution Systems Ø Schemes under central assistance/ grant/ loan for T&D, RE, SI & RM of projects; ü Under REC: a) REC Schemes for electrification (In operation till March, 2008)Total Schemes in Operation 60 Nos. Total Sanctioned Amount Rs. 11876. 288 Lac Total Amount released ending 2/2008 Rs. 7936. 343 Lac Amount Spent (1/2008) Rs. 7283. 967 Lac b) SI Schemes (In operation till March, 2008)Total Schemes in Operation Total Sanctioned Amount Total Amount released ending 2/2008 Amount Spent (1/2008) 13 Nos. Rs. 2099. 455 Lac Rs. 1106. 552 Lac Rs. 1229. 647 65 Lac
Distribution Systems Ø Schemes under central assistance/ grant/ loan for T&D, RE, SI & RM of projects; ü APDRP (In operation till March, 2008) ü -Amount Sanctioned -Amount spent Rs. 322. 78 Cr Rs. 356. 61 Cr ü RGGVY-Scheme sanctioned for all 12 Distt- Rs. 205. 26 Cr ü PMGVY: -Funds allotted during 2008 -09= Rs. 1. 00 Cr. The funds are to be utilized for electrification of remote tribal villages in Distt. Kinnaur, Spiti Block of Lahual and Spiti areas. No funds received from state Govt. under this scheme during 2008 -09 66
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Y (RGGVY) 1. 90% capital subsidy would be provided by the GOI sanctioned project. 2. The Tripartite Agreement has been entered into on 24 th August, 2005 at Delhi between REC, H. P. Govt. & HPSEB to follow the milestones prescribed by REC Ltd. 3. Commitment of State Government and State Utility for introduction of a revenue sustainable franchisee arrangement prior to project completion and provision of targeted and upfront subsidies, as required. 67
Village Electrification ()To be taken under RGGVY 1118(16) 287(29) 172(100%) 3619(2) 234(40) 2833(12) 758(100%) 1635(100%) 965(100%) 2520(9) 2377(100%) 966(1) 68
RGGVY-District wise Name of Scheme No. of villages covered for Electrification/ Electrified Un-electrified habitations Households covered for electrification Chamba 1118 16 1884 647 2502. 36 Solan 2377 NIL 2278 1599 2889. 81 Una 758 NIL 2875 964 1447. 69 Sirmour 966 1 2781 1024 2976. 36 Bilaspur 965 NIL 659 42 308. 76 Hamirpur 1635 NIL 860 187 418. 99 Mandi 2833 12 4764 1537 2273. 47 APL Sanctioned cost (Rs. in lacs) BPL 69
RGGVY-District wise Name of Scheme No. of villages covered for Electrification/ Electrified Un-electrified habitations Households covered for electrification APL BPL Sanctioned cost (Rs. in lacs) Shimla 2520 9 5010 2676 3562. 56 Kangra 3619 2 2183. 10 Kullu 172 0 7052 3 055 1972 520 Lahaul & Spiti 287 29 805 Kinnaur 234 40 1075 38 32013 1 Total 16484 109 194 550. 56 583. 43 828. 89 70 20525. 98
Status of Proposed New 33/11 k. V Sub-Station for completion in next 2 years… Nos. of Substations proposed 20 No. of Substations approved by Sub Transmission Committee 16 No. of Substations (Proposals) for approval during next STC meeting 4 * Names of proposed Substations in the next two slides 71
Status of Proposed New 33/11 k. V Sub-Station for completion in next 2 years… Sr. No Names of scheme Estimated Cost (Rs. In Lacs) Budget Provision in FY 2008 -09 1 33/11 k. V at Tota Rani - Meclodganj (Dharamshala) 375 202. 5 2 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Jandour-Kotla Kasba ( Dehra) 265 72 3 33/11 k. V, 2 x 1. 6 MVA at Thanakalana ( Una) 275 126. 3 4 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Gangath (Jawali) 280 133 5 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Rehan (Dalhousie) 380 133 6 33/11 k. V, 2 x 1. 6 MVA at Barangal Bhallali (Dalhousie) 220 135. 6 7 33/11 k. V, 2 x 1. 6 MVA at Chaned ( Chamba) 160 65 72
Status of Proposed New 33/11 k. V Sub-Station for completion in next 2/3 years… Sr. No Names of scheme Estimated Budget Provision in Cost (Rs. In Lacs) FY 2008 -09 8 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Kheira ( Palampur) 410 180 9 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Patti-Panchrukhi (Baijnath) 385 201 10 33/11 k. V, 2 x 1. 6 MVA at Nagri (Palampur) 375 180 11 33/11 k. V, 2 x 1. 6 MVA at Kohla ( Nadaun) 145. 13 (IPH Deposit received ) 12 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Dharampur (Kasauli) 290 300 13 33/11 k. V, 1 x 3. 15 MVA at Arki (Arki) 287 300 14 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Baru. Sahib-Khari (Rajgarh) - 300 73
Status of Proposed New 33/11 k. V Sub-Station for completion in next 2 years… Sr. No Names of scheme 15 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Burma Papri (Nahan) 16 Estimated Budget Provision in Cost (Rs. In Lacs) FY 2008 -09 - 190 33/11 k. V, 2 x 1. 6 MVA at Lahra Dadu (Lamba Gaon) 280 - 17 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Bharoli Jadid ( Dehra) 265 - 18 33/11 k. V, 2 x 1. 00 MVA at Bhararoo ( Jogindernagar) 222. 828 - 19 33/11 k. V, 2 x 3. 15 MVA at Kalkhar-Hawan ( Mandi) 231 - 20 33/11 k. V, 2 x 1. 6 MVA at Mandop ( Dharampur) 292 74
Expected Results/Outcome • Through APDRP schemes HPSEB has not only been able to contain & bring down its T&D losses & HT: LT ratio but also there has been remarkable improvement in voltage. • Further through these RGGVY schemes, the remaining 109 villages and about 45000 left out houses i/c about 12000 left out BPL families shall get electricity in another 2 years time. • The works under RGGVY shall be so planned & executed so that the HT: LT ratio as well as T&D Losses don't get adversely effected rathere is overall improvement in the system by making it adaptable to proposed ‘HVDS’ scheme aiming to 75 minimize T&D Losses.
Turn-around Strategy 76
Turnaround Strategy Completion of ongoing schemes without cost & time overruns by putting in place the effective & efficient macro & micro level monitoring system. Additional availability of power by increasing own generation, State owned capacity additions & less purchase of costly power ( Banking more power in summer to avoid costly purchases in winters). Further reduction in T&D losses ( strengthen enforcement wing). Efficient Revenue collection mechanism ( franchisee for bill distribution and collection) & Energy Audit. Increased efficiency and productivity levels New IT enabled initiatives and their implementation. Energy Conservation and Covering completed and ongoing projects under CDM 77
Turn around strategy Contd. Mobilize additional resources for modernization programmes i. e. SCP for strengthening power distribution system and TSP for projects in tribal areas. Setting up pension trust to slowly hive off pension liabilities. Start a drive to close incomplete works (Rs. 1098. 53 Cr) and capitalize these assets for better tariff Swapping costly debt with cheaper one Recruitment only on need bases and abolition of posts vacant for more than 3 years Prepare and Pose projects on transmission master plan under EAP to Government of India and simultaneously seek bridge loan from PFC/REC to start the work on evacuation schemes for IPPs. Implement large transmission and Hydro projects on annuity basis by involving expert agencies in this field which shall cut down costs and time overruns 78
New Initiatives 79
INITIATIVES • IT Initiatives in Energy Billing, Accounting & Auditing, Assets Evaluation, ERP Package etc. • Strengthening/Revamping of Enforcement activities • Energy Conservation & Audit • IT enabled online power management and control • Steps initiated for Financial Turn Around 80
IT INITIATIVES (Computerized Billing & Energy Accounting Package) STATUS AS ON 11 -7 -08 1. Lo. A for Computerized Billing & Energy Accounting Package (IT Package) was placed on M/S HCL Infosystems Ltd. , Noida on 27. 05 -2006. The total cost of IT Package is 24. 48 Cr. 2. Pilot project under Part-1 of the IT package covering 10 SDs, 2 Divisions under Shimla operation circle expected to be completed by Sept, 2008. 3. Setting up of Data and Call center at Vidyut Bhawan Complex under IT package by July 31, 2008 MILESTONE 1. Rollover under Part-2 of IT Package covering 118 SDs, 22 Divisions and 11 operation circles expected to be completed 12 months thereafter. 2. Balance 96 SDs, 24 Divisions shall be covered later on during Phase-2 81
Benefit of this Project § Effective Redressal of complaints § Improvement in Response & resolution time for complaints § Improvement in quality of supply through better planning, optimization and analysis of the Distribution Network § Transparency and ready status available for consumer at website for new connection/ disconnection/ load reduction/ load increase/ file movement etc. § Anywhere payment either at web portal of HPSEB through payment gateway or at any sub-division irrespective of area of control § Easy payment option through payment kiosks 82 § Quick resolution of Billing and supply related complaints
Benefit of this project § Identification of high theft area § Network optimization and identification of network augmentation needs § Technical & financial feasibility for any system augmentatio before actual implementation in field § Improvement in revenue realization § Identification of defaulter consumers § Easy study of consumption pattern of consumers § Easy availability of dead stock material status with subdivisions § Connection and disconnection status § Daily/ monthly/ annual monitoring of performance and work at sub-division level 83 § Hassle free MIS generation at any level
IT INITIATIVES (GIS/ GPS PACKAGE) STATUS AS ON 11 -7 -08 1. GIS/GPS based Asset Mapping 1. including Consumer Indexing and Valuation of Assets have also been awarded on M/s Tata Consultancy Service (TCS). The total cost of IT Package is 19. 25 2. Cr. 2. Pilot project is under implementation to cover all assets within the geographical boundaries of Shimla operation circle. Pilot project is expected to be completed by Dec. , 2008 MILESTONE Assets under geographical boundaries of balance 11 operation circles shall be covered during rollover. LOI for balance 11 circlesd have already been awarded on three firms on the rates of L-1 firm i. e. M/s TCS amounting to Rs. 3. 94 Cr. 84
IT INITIATIVES (ERP PACKAGE) STATUS AS ON 11 -7 -08 1. The documentation work for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Project covering Financial Accounting, Payroll, Human Resource Management, Project Management and Operation & Maintenance modules is under preparation. 2. The Asian Development Bank(ADB) has already agreed to provide funds for ERP project to the tune of Rs. $3 million. 3. ADB has also appointed a consultant for ERP Project of HPSEB. MILESTONE The package shall be implemented within next two years and shall integrate all the IT packages being implemented so as to have optimum benefits. 85
• • • IT INITIATIVES HPSEB’s Website created. Software like Inventory Control Management/Payroll etc introduced. Consumer’s Energy Bills introduced on website for five Sub. Divisions of Shimla on Pilot basis. Payment gateway introduced in 2005/06 on Board’s website for payment of energy bills of five Sub-Divisions of Shimla townand is being extended to other 5 SDs of Shimla Division by Oct. , 2008. Sugam Centre (i-Co. SC project of HP Govt. ) at DC office Shimla started 2007 for payment of energy bills of five Sub-Divisions of Shimla. Tender documents available on Board’s website. Spot Billing Machines (SBMs) introduced and is being extended to 128 SDs. AMR –AUTOMATIC METER READING started in Solan successfully. Concept of UNMANNED SUBSTATIONS started by commissioning 66/33/11 k. V Sub Station at Akkanwali and shall be extended to future sub-stations also. E-TENDERING started successfully. 86
RE-VAMPING OF ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES In HPSEB, the organizational set up for checking the malpractices, associated with energy consumption as per Indian electricity act 2003 with up to date amendments, consists of the following; v. One Enforcement directorate headed by Director (Enforcement) comprising of three flying squad units each headed by a Sr. Executive Engineer. v. All field officers/officials involved in the power distribution. v. In addition to above general public is also involved through incentive schemes for furnishing information/complaints regarding 87 power thefts etc.
DUTIES OF FLYING SQUAD UNIT(S) v v v v v While performing surprise checks for detecting power theft/ malpractices, following points are generally looked in to; Condition of service wire. Status of cut-out(s) / kit-kat(s). Status of Energy meter(s). Status and condition of ct/pt and their connections. Status of sealing arrangement of ct / pt unit and energy meter(s). Accuracy of Energy meter(s). Consumer installation. Need for overhauling of consumer’s accounts. After inspection, a site note / inspection report is prepared and sent to concerned offices for information and compliance. Purpose of enforcement action is not merely to earn revenue in terms of penalties but main aim is to induce fear of law in the 88 hearts of law breakers.
YEARLY PROGRESS OF FLYING SQUADS Sr. Description No 200203 200304 200405 200506 200607 2007 -08 1. Targets Fixed 3600 3600 2. Total connections checked/ Targets achieved 3503 3759 3786 3714 3796 3074 3. Theft cases detected 21 19 57 35 24 89 4. Total amount assessed on account of various irregularities (Rs. ) 108 Lac 20. 50 14. 47 16. 41 22. 61 Lac Lac 204. 13 Lac (Includes amount partially assessed for detection in 89 03/08)
ACHIEVEMENTS v Whatever activities, Enforcement Directorate is undertaking since its inception, end result can be summed up as below; “Active detection and containment of power thefts/malpractices by the enforcement directorate has contributed effectively to bring down the aggregate technical and commercial losses of the H. P. State Electricity Board from 35. 89 % in 2004 -05 to 26. 03 % in 2007 -08, in addition to the amount received on account of penalties imposed. This downward trend shall be maintained till the acceptable level of 15 % is 90 achieved. ”
Strengthening of Flying Squad Units: v The activity of Detection and Containment of theft has got further boost with placement of Director (Enf. & EA) under the direct control of Member ( F & A) w. e. f. 08/2007. This is evident from the fact that revenue receipts which were only Rs. 17. 4 Lac from 08/2006 to 03/2007 , has shot up to Rs. 195. 94 Lac from 08/2007 to 03/2008 i. e during same period, including partial assessed amount (Rs. 110. 40 Lac) for the detection done during 03/2008. Further , following additional steps have also been taken for strengthening/bolstering the Enforcement & EA activities. 1) The present strength of 3 No. Flying Squad headed by Sr. Executive Engineer , has been strengthened by adding One Mobile Meter Testing Squad (MMTS) which will act as an additional Flying Squad. 2) The present limit of hiring of taxies by each Flying Squad Unit for surprise inspections has been enhanced from Rs. 91 50, 000/- p. a. to Rs. 1, 000/-p. a.
Energy Conservation Initiatives SDA & Its Role State Designated Agency (SDA) headed by Director (Enf. & EA) as per Energy Conservation Act 2001 is entrusted with following: v To propagate & enforce the concept of Energy Conservation in the State as per EC Act. v To co-ordinate with BEE, MOP , GOI & facilitate energy conservation activities with all stake holders viz. Govt. Departments / Semi Govt. organizations, private sector, industries & general public etc. 92
Energy Conservation Initiatives Activities To generate public awareness for energy conservation through, electronic , print media & Urja Melas etc. v Implement EC Action Plan of BEE & various other programmes/ schemes started /launched by State and Central Govt. v Coordinate with various departments and other Govt. as well as private agencies to implement energy conservation measures. 93
Energy Conservation – A big step forward • Energy saving scheme titled “ Atal Bijli Bachat Yojna” was announced by Honb’le CM on 15 th April 2008 • Under the scheme 4 nos. CFL (2 No. equivalent to 100 W & 2 no. equivalent to 60 W incandescent lamps) are to be distributed to all the domestic consumers (approx. 16. 0 lacs) across the state FREE OF COST in return with an equal no. of incandescent lamps. • The Scheme will cost about Rs. 80. 0 Crores initially which will be provided by the State Govt. to the HPSEB & will be returned back in 10 equal 94 installments.
Energy Conservation – A big step forward • The Scheme will be a big step for the conservation of Energy & will ultimately reduce the peak demand in the State which is the need of the hour. In the first phase the saving of about 115 MW during peak hours is expected. • Procurement process for the CFL’s has already started • HPSEB also intends to get carbon credits under CDM of Kyoto Protocol for the scheme for which the process of hiring the services 95 of consultants is in progress.
IT Enabled Grid Operations Ø Online Management and control of Power within the State and its transactions with neighbouring States is being undertaken at HPSEB’s SLDC through State of the art equipment. Ø SLDC’s website i. e. www. hpsldc. org is functional with online software interface and information on power supply position in public domain. Ø The transaction/sale of Go. HP entitlements in NJHEP and NHPC projects is being undertaken online since summer months of FY 2006 -07 96
ü 2. Budget Announcements. • 12 Projects above 100 MW aggregating 2248 MW shall be allotted by Dec. 2008. ü 6 Nos. projects re-advertised. üThe case for another 6 Nos. processed and with Go. HP for final award. • All the projects above 5 MW shall be allotted through transparent competitive bidding üCabinet approved the necessary changes in Hydro Power Policy made. Projects re-advertised during June 2008 & Bids scheduled to be opened on 22. 07. 2008 97
ü 3. Policy contained in BJP Manifesto Items H. P. to be Power Surplus State Employment to Himachalis Action Taken Hydel Potential of 12155 MW to be harnessed up to 11 th Plan. Hydel Potential of 7947 MW to be harnessed during 12 th & subsequent Plans. 70% employment being given to Himachalis/Locals. Clause incorporated in MOU’s with IPP’s Employment being monitored by Labour Commissioner & Director Employment 98
ü 3. Policy contained in BJP Manifesto Items Regarding equity participation of 30% the State in Mega Projects Provision for Rehabilitation and Resettlement of the affected /displaced residents Action Taken The Government of Himachal Pradesh has decided to reserve the right of equity participation up to 49% on selective basis, in the above Projects. The Developer shall execute the rehabilitation and resettlement plan prepared by the Government, at its cost and also pay for the cost of preparation of the same to the Government. The amount so incurred shall form part of the 99 Project cost.
ü 3. Policy contained in BJP Manifesto Items Action Taken Generation Tax Hon’ble Chief Minister Himachal Pradesh has raised the issue of 10% Generation Tax in the meeting of Planning Commission Subsidy to BPL Subsidized Electricity is being given @70 Families Paisa per unit and no consumer service charges are being taken 100% • An amount of Rs. 1. 78 Cr. being sent Electrification against Schedule Caste Sub-Plan(SCSP) • Rs. 7. 86 Cr. being spent in own plan (REC/RE-SP) • Every household to be electrified under 100 RGGVY
ü 3. Policy contained in BJP Manifesto Items To fill up Vacant Posts Action Taken Board is implementing to fill up 236 vacant posts of JE(E) and 46 vacant posts of JE (C/M) on regular basis by following policy of the Govt. of 50% recruitment on direct batch-wise basis and 50% on merit basis through H. P. Subordinate Services Selection Board (HPSSSB). Employment to the category of Class-III & IV (Non Technical) is being provided under Employment Assistance Scheme on daily wages to the dependents of the deceased Board’s employees from time to time Promotions to eligible categories The promotion to the category of Class-III & IV ( Non Technical) is being carried out by convening the DPC at regular intervals on the availability of vacant posts Strengthening of Flying Squads The present strength of 3 No. Flying Squad headed by Sr. Executive Engineer , has been strengthened by adding One Mobile Meter Testing Squad (MMTS) which will act as an additional Flying 101 Squad.
ü 4. Announcements made by Hon’ble Chief Minister in Public Meetings • Creation of 66/22 k. V, 2 X 20 MVA Sub-Station at Anni üThe land for proposed sub-station is being selected around Anni / Haripur. The Project shall be completed by March, 2010 subject to the approval of EHV Committee. • Creation of Electrical Circle/Division at Baddi üOne Operation Division with three Sub-Divisions at Baddi is in consideration 102
ü 5. Regarding simplification of procedure concerning public Ø Bijlee Adalats being organised regularly at all the levels. Ø Facilities being provided to old, disabled & Senior citizens. Ø Bills are being dispatched through courier. Ø Simplification of Billing & Collection. Ø Increased Public Interaction through Urja Melas & Energy Clubs. Ø Inspection Schedules circulated. 103
ü 6. Notification of Rules/byelaws under the Act Provisions of Electricity Act, 2003 are being followed in HPSEB 104
ü 7. Formulation and Receipt of Funds under Centrally Sponsored Scheme Presently Schemes for ten Districts under RGGVY have been sanctioned and sanction for remaining two Districts is expected shortly. Also funds against 3 Nos. Districts have already started flowing in. 105
ü 8. Systems of Redressal of Grievances I. Dispute Settlement Committees Constituted as under: Sub-Division Level Dispute settlement Committee This committee is empowered to decide the cases of disputed bills up to Rs. 5000/- only. Division Level Dispute settlement Committee This committee is empowered to decide the cases of disputed bills up to Rs. 10, 000/- only. Circle Level Dispute settlement Committee This committee is empowered to decide the cases of disputed bills up to Rs. 50, 000/- only. Zonal Level Dispute settlement Committee This committee is empowered to decide the cases of disputed bills up to Rs. 10, 000/- only. Board Level Dispute settlement Committee This committee is empowered to decide the cases of disputed bills above Rs. 10, 000/- only.
ü 8. Systems of Redressal of Grievances II. Forum For redressal Of Grievances of consumers: Board has constituted the Forum for redressal of grievances. III. Ombudsman: Regulatory Commission has appointed the Ombudsman for redressal of the complaints of the consumers who are aggrieved by an order made by the Forum or whose complaint is not redressed by the Forum. IV. Constitution Of Bijlee Adalats: HPSEB organizes Bijlee Adalats regularly to redress consumers problems /grievances to redress the grievances of the consumers except billing disputes for which Board has set up a separate Grievance redressal mechanism. 107
ISSUES REQUIRING ATTENTION OF Go. HP • Allocation of more HEP’s to HPSEB for Capacity addition of about 1500 MW in next 5/6 years (i/c 500 MW thermal power). • Budgetary support, equity participation and guarantees by HP Govt. • An early release of upfront subsidy against costly power purchase during winter months. • Creation of State Energy Conservation Fund as per EC Act, 2001 • Relaxation of condition of dump & depots for purchase of material from outside manufacturers • Permission for direct recruitment of technical, professional staff & engineers 108
ISSUES REQUIRING ATTENTION OF Go. HP • Judicial powers to field officers in event of legal action against theft of energy • Time bound Forest & Land clearances for projects • Allocation of relief money for restoration works on account of natural calamities • Transfer of govt. land in the name of HPSEB on nominal user charges on the pattern of Delhi Govt. 109
CONCLUSIONS • To make HPSEB a vibrant and self sustaining entity • To harness the balance identified hydro potential expeditiously • To undertake Power Sector reforms in accordance with the provisions of Electricity Act 2003 110