Скачать презентацию An Overview of Appraisal Assistant A tool to Скачать презентацию An Overview of Appraisal Assistant A tool to


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An Overview of Appraisal Assistant A tool to support process assessment / appraisal Software An Overview of Appraisal Assistant A tool to support process assessment / appraisal Software Quality Institute Griffith University Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Outline • • Background Tool description Mini team management BETA testing Software Quality Institute Outline • • Background Tool description Mini team management BETA testing Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Background • Goal: An easy to use program help keep track of appraisal artifacts Background • Goal: An easy to use program help keep track of appraisal artifacts • Evidence based • Customizable standard model items and rating schemes • Supports CMMI staged/continuous representation and ISO/IEC 15504 -5 • Supports SCAMPI A/B/C, SPICE • Generate ISO 15504 and ISO 9001: 2000 profile Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Background • • • Metrics for tracking appraisal progress Generate reports Mini-team collaboration OS: Background • • • Metrics for tracking appraisal progress Generate reports Mini-team collaboration OS: Windows 98/SE/ME/2000/XP/Vi. STA Used by SQI personnel in 3 CMMI and 2 SPICE assessments Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Tool description • Setup the appraisal project – Process scope • Highest capability level Tool description • Setup the appraisal project – Process scope • Highest capability level • Add/Remove practices – Organization scope • Add/Remove instantiations • Relate instantiations to model practices – Appraisal team • Separate login for each team member Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Tool description • Evidence based appraisal – Collect evidence • Using spreadsheet • Importing Tool description • Evidence based appraisal – Collect evidence • Using spreadsheet • Importing evidence from older projects • Using evidence registry of the tool – Directly open evidence document/URL – Map evidence to model practices – For SCAMPI A Appraisals: • Calculate affirmation coverage in real-time using the 50% rule Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Bug report is mapped to 2 practices Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI Bug report is mapped to 2 practices Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

SURAC is mapped to 2 practices Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI SURAC is mapped to 2 practices Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Tool description • Characterize practice implementation – Evidences are grouped by instantiations – Characterize Tool description • Characterize practice implementation – Evidences are grouped by instantiations – Characterize the practice implementation on instantiation and organization unit level – Support all characterization options defined in SCAMPI v 1. 1 MDD – Rating scale customizable through rating scheme editor Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Tool description • Ratings and findings – Support all rating options defined in SCAMPI Tool description • Ratings and findings – Support all rating options defined in SCAMPI v 1. 1 MDD – Rating scales customizable through rating scheme editor – Automatic aggregate lower level findings and ratings – Organization Unit ML Rating • Staged equivalent table for continuous rep. • Process area sorted by ML for staged rep. Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Tool description • Generate ISO 15504 process profile – CMMI Practice characterizations, ratings and Tool description • Generate ISO 15504 process profile – CMMI Practice characterizations, ratings and findings are NOT converted – Evidences are grouped by process outcomes – Automatic calculate process capability level – Generate ISO 15504 process profile summary report • Generate ISO 9001: 2000 profile – Group evidences by quality requirements – Rate quality ISO 9001 clauses/requirements satisfaction – Document non-conformity – Auditing reports Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Tool description • Export (almost) all user entered data to documents – ADS report Tool description • Export (almost) all user entered data to documents – ADS report – Strength/weakness summary – Detail finding report + charts – Goal rating profile – PIID Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Mini team management • Evidence can be recorded and characterised using mini-teams – Add Mini team management • Evidence can be recorded and characterised using mini-teams – Add more evidence and interviews – Associate evidence to practice (add PII) – Disassociate parent evidence from practice (delete PII) – Change characterization/comment PIIs • Practice implementation can be characterised and changed by the mini-team Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Mini team management • Things can NOT be done with mini team – Can Mini team management • Things can NOT be done with mini team – Can not delete evidence unless parent project also deletes it – Can not change appraisal scope (both organization and process scope) – Can not generate mini-teams from a mini-team – Can not import ISO 9001/ISO 15504 profiles from a mini-team Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Mini team management • Export mini team databases – Avoid scope overlaps – Save Mini team management • Export mini team databases – Avoid scope overlaps – Save the configuration for reuse • Import mini team – Database record conflicts and work around – Batch import options Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

Tool description • CMMI standard appraisal model items – Consists of all items of Tool description • CMMI standard appraisal model items – Consists of all items of CMMISE/SW/IPPD/SS v 1. 1 – One standard model supports continuous and staged representation appraisals – Mapping tables relate CMMI model elements to ISO 12207/ISO 15504 -2 and ISO 9001: 2000 – All model elements are customizable Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI

BETA testing • Cost: Distributed free, subject to provision of feedback data – Plan BETA testing • Cost: Distributed free, subject to provision of feedback data – Plan is for a beta release period of two years – Tool updates every six – eight months • BETA site: www. sqi. gu. edu. au/Appraisal. Assistant • What will be available – The Appraisal Assistant Setup package • Includes a full User Manual – Slides for preparing the appraisal team • What do we want to hear from you – Defect reports, suggestions – The tool usage pattern survey (appraisal project workload, etc) Software Quality Institute Griffith UNIVERSI