- Количество слайдов: 28
AN ORGANISATION FOR A NATIONAL EARTH SCIENCE INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Australian Earth Science Research Information Infrastructure Dr Robert Woodcock CSIRO
Decisions, decisions…? Commonwe alth Geo-information State bedrock surficial Local mineral geophysical geochemical Regional geochronolo gic hyrdrogeological Industry knowledge base Research decision makers With acknowledgement to Boyan Brodaric, Natural Resources Canada 2
Single pass 150 m cell differentially reduced to the pole magnetic anomaly map Thanks to Hugh Tassell, Ole Nielson, Peter Milligan & Lutz Gross 3
Mineral Systems Life Cycles & Targeting Numerical Modelling (CSIRO/pmd*CRC) gold pyrrhotite magnetite calcite Slide courtesy of James Cleverley and Paul Roberts 4
Predicting mineral location and geophysical responses Density Magnetic susceptibility 5
Under what conditions do S 2 shear zones form? Courtesy: Cobar Management Pty Ltd & Peter Schaubs 6
Courtesy: Cobar Management Pty Ltd & Peter Schaubs 7
Decisions, decisions…? Commonwe alth Geo-information State bedrock surficial Local mineral geophysical geochemical Regional geochronolo gic hyrdrogeological Industry Research knowledge base decision makers ? With acknowledgement to Boyan Brodaric, Natural Resources Canada 8
Managing natural hazards – a similar situation decision making geohazards resource assessment modeling vulnerability, risk assessment modeling integrated assessment modeling Geo-information buildings bathymetr y geophysic s Seismic Community Info Environment Resource Assessment hazard potential hazard uncertainty geohazards Earthquake location Earthquake magnitude inundation Tsunami emergency response Risk Assessment • vulnerability, risk cost Human Facility Economy loss Vulnerability, risk Environment Integrated Assessment Polic y Tsunami risk map Town planning inundation Slide adapted from Boyan Brodaric – Natural Resources Canada 9
It’s all quite traumatic! 10
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy • • NCRIS – a new Australian Government Initiative Australian Government: ~$500 M for FY 06 -FY 11 11 Capability Areas + one Systemic ICT Infrastructure NCRIS Principles – “Major infrastructure …should serve the research and innovation system broadly, not just the host / funded institutions – “. . . seek to enable the fuller participation of Australian researchers in the international research system” • Test Beds Prototypes 12
Au. Scope: Coherent Accessible Infrastructure 1: Concepts New Ideas New Knowledge Policy Demands Education Wealth Building 5: Knowledge Delivery Au. Scope Earth Model 3 D/4 D Multiscale Updateable Web Portal Access 2: Data Acquisition Au. Scope National, Integrated Data Acquisition Infrastructure and Programs Infrastructure Data / Information Research Knowledge Application National Benefit 3: Data storage & access Repositories, Networks, Access & Interoperability Au. Scope Simulator Data Mining Inversion Modelling 4: Research 13
Auscope – a system for earth science Toys Trauma Thrills Treasure 14
Toys… Data 1: Transects Program 15
Toys… Data 2: Geochemical Instruments 16
Toys Data 3: Virtual Core Library Control computer Linescan camera Spectrometer Telescope Profilometer Fibre optic cable Telescope Quartz halogen lamps ASD spectrometer Cooler Robotic x/y table Controlling computer Chip tray Robotic x-y table Chip tray carrier © CSIRO 2003 17
Toys Data 4: GPS, Geodesy 18
Thrills: Simulation and modeling • Desktop Modelling Toolkit – CSIRO Minerals Down Under • Virtual Rock Laboratory – UQ • Underworld on the Grid – Monash, VPAC • Geodesy Workflow – UTAS, GA, ANU, Curtin 19
Trauma: Data is not standardised across organisations Proprietary Software Versions of Software Client Data Structures 20
A solution: Open standards based earth science information infrastructure Client Au. Scope Community Agreements 21
Web Map Service can’t “give data away. ” Roma WMS Get. Map returns a server’s “dumb” JPEG, GIF or PNG representation of the data on the server. It does NOT return the actual data, only a bitmap of the data. 22
Portrayal vs Analysis Simple vs Community Schemas Data can be easily exchanged within communities where meaning is understood and humans are involved Property = temperature, (only) Value = ’ 15 -20’ For use in wider communities more precise definitions are required that reflect the complexity of the real world Property = temperature, Value = 15 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer Value = 17 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer Value = 20 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer OR Property = temperature, Min. Value = 15 Unit = C Max. Value = 20 Unit = C Agreement at an international level enables data to be reused, repurposed and used by other domains globally 23
Applications: It’s not about you…it’s about them. Rendered into a map layer AND queried by a user or…. … formatted into a report or …. … read and used by any enabled application Slides courtesy Stuart Girvan – Geoscience Australia 24
Au. Scope Earth Science Network Simulation Res Grp Info Survey Info Geospatial 26
Benefits for… • Providers Spatial Information Services • Stack Users – All providers get to retain their back end database structures – (Potential to have) consumers and independent 3 rd parties develop their own portals and applications – Accelerate time to results – Enable collaboration and promote operational flexibility – Increase productivity – Leverage existing capital investments – Increased access to data and collaboration applicable to other spatial domains 27
Earth Science has many pieces that build our understanding – Auscope brings them together 28