
  • Количество слайдов: 28


Decisions, decisions…? Commonwe alth Geo-information State bedrock surficial Local mineral geophysical geochemical Regional geochronolo Decisions, decisions…? Commonwe alth Geo-information State bedrock surficial Local mineral geophysical geochemical Regional geochronolo gic hyrdrogeological Industry knowledge base Research decision makers With acknowledgement to Boyan Brodaric, Natural Resources Canada 2

Single pass 150 m cell differentially reduced to the pole magnetic anomaly map Thanks Single pass 150 m cell differentially reduced to the pole magnetic anomaly map Thanks to Hugh Tassell, Ole Nielson, Peter Milligan & Lutz Gross 3

Mineral Systems Life Cycles & Targeting Numerical Modelling (CSIRO/pmd*CRC) gold pyrrhotite magnetite calcite Slide Mineral Systems Life Cycles & Targeting Numerical Modelling (CSIRO/pmd*CRC) gold pyrrhotite magnetite calcite Slide courtesy of James Cleverley and Paul Roberts 4

Predicting mineral location and geophysical responses Density Magnetic susceptibility 5 Predicting mineral location and geophysical responses Density Magnetic susceptibility 5

Under what conditions do S 2 shear zones form? Courtesy: Cobar Management Pty Ltd Under what conditions do S 2 shear zones form? Courtesy: Cobar Management Pty Ltd & Peter Schaubs 6

Courtesy: Cobar Management Pty Ltd & Peter Schaubs 7 Courtesy: Cobar Management Pty Ltd & Peter Schaubs 7

Decisions, decisions…? Commonwe alth Geo-information State bedrock surficial Local mineral geophysical geochemical Regional geochronolo Decisions, decisions…? Commonwe alth Geo-information State bedrock surficial Local mineral geophysical geochemical Regional geochronolo gic hyrdrogeological Industry Research knowledge base decision makers ? With acknowledgement to Boyan Brodaric, Natural Resources Canada 8

Managing natural hazards – a similar situation decision making geohazards resource assessment modeling vulnerability, Managing natural hazards – a similar situation decision making geohazards resource assessment modeling vulnerability, risk assessment modeling integrated assessment modeling Geo-information buildings bathymetr y geophysic s Seismic Community Info Environment Resource Assessment hazard potential hazard uncertainty geohazards Earthquake location Earthquake magnitude inundation Tsunami emergency response Risk Assessment • vulnerability, risk cost Human Facility Economy loss Vulnerability, risk Environment Integrated Assessment Polic y Tsunami risk map Town planning inundation Slide adapted from Boyan Brodaric – Natural Resources Canada 9

It’s all quite traumatic! 10 It’s all quite traumatic! 10

11 11

National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy • • NCRIS – a new Australian Government Initiative National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy • • NCRIS – a new Australian Government Initiative Australian Government: ~$500 M for FY 06 -FY 11 11 Capability Areas + one Systemic ICT Infrastructure NCRIS Principles – “Major infrastructure …should serve the research and innovation system broadly, not just the host / funded institutions – “. . . seek to enable the fuller participation of Australian researchers in the international research system” • Test Beds Prototypes 12

Au. Scope: Coherent Accessible Infrastructure 1: Concepts New Ideas New Knowledge Policy Demands Education Au. Scope: Coherent Accessible Infrastructure 1: Concepts New Ideas New Knowledge Policy Demands Education Wealth Building 5: Knowledge Delivery Au. Scope Earth Model 3 D/4 D Multiscale Updateable Web Portal Access 2: Data Acquisition Au. Scope National, Integrated Data Acquisition Infrastructure and Programs Infrastructure Data / Information Research Knowledge Application National Benefit 3: Data storage & access Repositories, Networks, Access & Interoperability Au. Scope Simulator Data Mining Inversion Modelling 4: Research 13

Auscope – a system for earth science Toys Trauma Thrills Treasure 14 Auscope – a system for earth science Toys Trauma Thrills Treasure 14

Toys… Data 1: Transects Program 15 Toys… Data 1: Transects Program 15

Toys… Data 2: Geochemical Instruments 16 Toys… Data 2: Geochemical Instruments 16

Toys Data 3: Virtual Core Library Control computer Linescan camera Spectrometer Telescope Profilometer Fibre Toys Data 3: Virtual Core Library Control computer Linescan camera Spectrometer Telescope Profilometer Fibre optic cable Telescope Quartz halogen lamps ASD spectrometer Cooler Robotic x/y table Controlling computer Chip tray Robotic x-y table Chip tray carrier © CSIRO 2003 17

Toys Data 4: GPS, Geodesy 18 Toys Data 4: GPS, Geodesy 18

Thrills: Simulation and modeling • Desktop Modelling Toolkit – CSIRO Minerals Down Under • Thrills: Simulation and modeling • Desktop Modelling Toolkit – CSIRO Minerals Down Under • Virtual Rock Laboratory – UQ • Underworld on the Grid – Monash, VPAC • Geodesy Workflow – UTAS, GA, ANU, Curtin 19

Trauma: Data is not standardised across organisations Proprietary Software Versions of Software Client Data Trauma: Data is not standardised across organisations Proprietary Software Versions of Software Client Data Structures 20

A solution: Open standards based earth science information infrastructure Client Au. Scope Community Agreements A solution: Open standards based earth science information infrastructure Client Au. Scope Community Agreements 21

Web Map Service can’t “give data away. ” Roma WMS Get. Map returns a Web Map Service can’t “give data away. ” Roma WMS Get. Map returns a server’s “dumb” JPEG, GIF or PNG representation of the data on the server. It does NOT return the actual data, only a bitmap of the data. 22

Portrayal vs Analysis Simple vs Community Schemas Data can be easily exchanged within communities Portrayal vs Analysis Simple vs Community Schemas Data can be easily exchanged within communities where meaning is understood and humans are involved Property = temperature, (only) Value = ’ 15 -20’ For use in wider communities more precise definitions are required that reflect the complexity of the real world Property = temperature, Value = 15 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer Value = 17 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer Value = 20 Unit = C Instrument = thermometer OR Property = temperature, Min. Value = 15 Unit = C Max. Value = 20 Unit = C Agreement at an international level enables data to be reused, repurposed and used by other domains globally 23

Applications: It’s not about you…it’s about them. Rendered into a map layer AND queried Applications: It’s not about you…it’s about them. Rendered into a map layer AND queried by a user or…. … formatted into a report or …. … read and used by any enabled application Slides courtesy Stuart Girvan – Geoscience Australia 24

25 25

Au. Scope Earth Science Network Simulation Res Grp Info Survey Info Geospatial 26 Au. Scope Earth Science Network Simulation Res Grp Info Survey Info Geospatial 26

Benefits for… • Providers Spatial Information Services • Stack Users – All providers get Benefits for… • Providers Spatial Information Services • Stack Users – All providers get to retain their back end database structures – (Potential to have) consumers and independent 3 rd parties develop their own portals and applications – Accelerate time to results – Enable collaboration and promote operational flexibility – Increase productivity – Leverage existing capital investments – Increased access to data and collaboration applicable to other spatial domains 27

Earth Science has many pieces that build our understanding – Auscope brings them together Earth Science has many pieces that build our understanding – Auscope brings them together 28