Скачать презентацию An Integrated Physical-Electrical Design Verification Flow Emad Hegazi Скачать презентацию An Integrated Physical-Electrical Design Verification Flow Emad Hegazi


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An Integrated Physical-Electrical Design Verification Flow Emad Hegazi Sys. Dsoft Inc. Hazem Hegazy Mentor An Integrated Physical-Electrical Design Verification Flow Emad Hegazi Sys. Dsoft Inc. Hazem Hegazy Mentor Graphics

Outline § Motivations § Design yield & Verification challenges § Verification framework requirements § Outline § Motivations § Design yield & Verification challenges § Verification framework requirements § Examples 2

Motivations § Design robustness and reliability § Circuit verification automation § Design-yield-based rather than Motivations § Design robustness and reliability § Circuit verification automation § Design-yield-based rather than Fabrication-yieldbased tools § Rules complexity (Topology-aware) § Multi-tool flow 3

Design/Fabrication Yield! Fabrication Yield • • Physical implementation Defect shapes/layout features #of Defects/Wafer Where Design/Fabrication Yield! Fabrication Yield • • Physical implementation Defect shapes/layout features #of Defects/Wafer Where on wafer/process steps Design Yield • • Performance Compliance Functional Physical and electrical effects 4

Verification Challenges System Implementation Frontend Simulation -Architecture -Configurations -Power domains -Interactions -OP data -Logical Verification Challenges System Implementation Frontend Simulation -Architecture -Configurations -Power domains -Interactions -OP data -Logical operations -Elec. behavior Physical Implementation -Design rules -Requirements -EM Comprehensive multi-tool flow §Devices operational data Analysis, verification and validation §Topology identification §Geo-electrical examination 5

Verification Framework Requirements …… Sim. Data Device Ext. Geoprocessing Circuit ID . . Shared Verification Framework Requirements …… Sim. Data Device Ext. Geoprocessing Circuit ID . . Shared Database § Topology-aware verification platform — — — Define and Identify certain configurations Geometrical measurements Circuit extraction Simulation data Up/down stream usage 6 Mentor Graphics CONFIDENTIAL Copyright ©-2008, Mentor Graphics.

Circuit/Topology-aware Examples LDO 3. 3 V LDO Pierce Crystal Oscillator (XO): § OUT Normal Circuit/Topology-aware Examples LDO 3. 3 V LDO Pierce Crystal Oscillator (XO): § OUT Normal ESD rules will overlook a CDM problem OUT 1. 2 V XO IN § IN Path to external supply is higher in resistance LDO § LDO Internal supply, LDO, is the targeted least resistive path OUT 3. 3 V RESD IN 7 OUT CDM charge IN

Circuit/Topology-aware Examples…. VDD Frequency Divider Shutdown: § § § Cascaded common mode stages Turn-off Circuit/Topology-aware Examples…. VDD Frequency Divider Shutdown: § § § Cascaded common mode stages Turn-off current sources is the common approach Special setup to avoid electrical problems 8 Turn-off High Inputs Float

Example: Current Mirror Design Robustness Introduction § § § Commonly used circuits Few transistors Example: Current Mirror Design Robustness Introduction § § § Commonly used circuits Few transistors Highly sensitive to mismatch: - § Geometrical Electrical Shutdown enabled 9 Io M 1 M 2 Msh. D

Practical Implementation issues § Noisy bias current § Noise filtering § Shutdown device position Practical Implementation issues § Noisy bias current § Noise filtering § Shutdown device position Io R M 1 Msh. D 10 R C C M 2 Msh. D

What About Mismatch? § Geometrical: - § Io IR-Drop Electrical: - § W/L ratios…Symmetry What About Mismatch? § Geometrical: - § Io IR-Drop Electrical: - § W/L ratios…Symmetry Topology related DRC rules § OD extension IR-Drop due to leakage Geo-Electrical: - Stress differences 11 ILeakage Igate M 1 R R C Isub C M 2 Sh_D

Calibre PERC Overview § Schematic/Layout Verification § Fully integrated into Calibre § Prevent Chip Calibre PERC Overview § Schematic/Layout Verification § Fully integrated into Calibre § Prevent Chip Failure - ESD - Multi-Domain § Integration of Topology identification, Geometry and Electrical rule checking - User-configurable verification § Validate electrical compliance/design guidelines 12

Verification Strategy 1. 2. 3. Current mirror topology identification according to user definition. If Verification Strategy 1. 2. 3. Current mirror topology identification according to user definition. If found, examine the presence of shut down transistor and it proper placement. Perform geometrical measurements: a) b) 4. 5. 6. STI for both M 1 and M 2 transistors Topology related DRC rules like OD extension. Get SPICE operating point gate leakage current from simulation database. Calculate the total resistance in noise filter and multiply by leakage current to examine compliance versus x% Flag violations if found in any of the above steps 13 SPICE Rules DB Calibre PERC Schematic Netlist Layout Design Violations

Verification Strategy Flowchart Define Topology § Combined flow Found NO Pass YES Shutdown Transistor Verification Strategy Flowchart Define Topology § Combined flow Found NO Pass YES Shutdown Transistor § Able to verify: - Physical checks - Electrical checks Spice NO In-place OP database YES Electrical mismatch check § Integrated flow Geometrical mismatch check Violation Leakage IR drop exceeds x% Pass Stress mismatch/DRC violations End 14 Msh. D not connected properly

Rule Example proc rule_1 {} { perc: : check_net -net. Type { Gate 1 Rule Example proc rule_1 {} { perc: : check_net -net. Type { Gate 1 } -path. Type { Gate 2 } cell. Name { ! RC } -condition {cond_1} -comment "Error in mirror configuration" } proc cond_1 {net} { set result [perc: : count -net $net -type {MN} -pin. Path. Type { {g} {Gate 2} {d} {Gate 2} } -list] set nmos_count [lindex $result 0] if { $nmos_count == 0 } { return 0 } set nmos_list [lindex $result 1] set nmos_each [lindex $nmos_list 0] set nmos_val [perc: : property $nmos_each IL] set result [ perc: : count -net $net -type {MN} -pin. At. Net {d} pin. Net. Type { {s} {Ground} } ] if { $result <= 1 } { perc: : report_base_result -title " Improperly connected shutdown transistor" return 1 } 15 set result [perc: : count -net $net -type {RC} -instance. Also -list] set res_count [lindex $result 0] if { $res_count == 0 } { perc: : report_base_result -title "Missing RC filter" return 1 } set res_list [lindex $result 1] set RC_1 [lindex $res_list 0] set RC_string [perc: : get_instances_in_series $RC_1 $net 1 2] set total_res_val 0 foreach RC_SUB $RC_string { set plac. Itr [perc: : descend $RC_SUB] set ins. Itr [perc: : get_instances $plac. Itr] set prop. Itr [perc: : get_properties $ins. Itr -name R ] set result [ perc: : value $prop. Itr ] set total_res_val [ expr "$total_res_val + $result"] } set mult [ expr "$total_res_val * $nmos_val"] set max_leakage [tvf: : svrf_var leakage_value] if { $mult > $max_leakage } { perc: : report_base_result -value "Unallowed value for IR-drop through filter : $mult volt > max allowed drop : $max_leakage volt " return 1 } return 0 }

Reported violations 16 Reported violations 16

Conclusion § Multi-tool verification flow § Design yield focused § Verify designers’ intent § Conclusion § Multi-tool verification flow § Design yield focused § Verify designers’ intent § Avoid circuit mis-implementation § Automated flow to save time and effort 17