Скачать презентацию An example of the White Paper Process The Скачать презентацию An example of the White Paper Process The


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An example of the White Paper Process The local government White Paper Process and An example of the White Paper Process The local government White Paper Process and the legislation process 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 1 Publication of discussion document “Towards a White Paper on local government in South Africa”, March 1997.

1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 2 Extensive research - Primary as well as 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 2 Extensive research - Primary as well as secondary research on both local and international experiences. - Consultation with government departments, provinces and other relevant stakeholders. - Consideration of inputs received on discussion document.

d the legi 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 3 Cabinet approval of Green d the legi 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 3 Cabinet approval of Green Paper October 1997

An 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 4 Green Paper published October 1997 Open An 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 4 Green Paper published October 1997 Open for comment until 1 December 1997

1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 5 Provincial workshops/conferences Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Hearings Workshops 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 5 Provincial workshops/conferences Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Hearings Workshops on selected topics

1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 6 National Conference on Local Government White Paper: 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 6 National Conference on Local Government White Paper: 8 -9 December 1997 to finalise policy options to be contained in White Paper

1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 7 White Paper submitted to Cabinet for approval 1. THE WHITE PAPER PROCESS 1. 7 White Paper submitted to Cabinet for approval Published in March 1998

An exa 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 1 Legislation is drafted by the Minister An exa 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 1 Legislation is drafted by the Minister and department After consultation with key stakeholders

2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 2 The draft bill is published in the Government 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 2 The draft bill is published in the Government Gazette For comment by the public within a stipulated timeframe

2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 4 Draft bill submitted to Cabinet considers the principles 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 4 Draft bill submitted to Cabinet considers the principles it contains

2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 5 Draft bill referred to State Law Advisers for 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 5 Draft bill referred to State Law Advisers for certification

2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 6 Draft bill introduced either in the National Assembly 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 6 Draft bill introduced either in the National Assembly or the National Council of Provinces

2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 7 A bill is automatically referred to the relevant 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 7 A bill is automatically referred to the relevant Portfolio Committee or Select Committee for consideration. The committee may call for further evidence or invite written submissions to refine the Bill, after which they may amend it. They vote on the bill and submit a report to the relevant House

2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 8 The committee submits report for debate in the 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 8 The committee submits report for debate in the House in which it was first tabled. Once the House has approved the Bill, it goes to the other House where the same procedure is followed

2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 9 When passed by both Houses, the Bill goes 2. THE LEGISLATION PROCESS 2. 9 When passed by both Houses, the Bill goes to the State President for his/her assent