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An ASEAN SCIRD Project Presented by: Dr. TAN Tin Wee ASTRENA’s Project Proponent EUSEA 2006, 19 June 2006, Singapore
The ASTRENA project, proposed as Annex 16 of the report of the 30 th SCIRD meeting and endorsed by the 49 th Meeting of the COST, ASEAN, covers the following areas of VAP and APAST. Vientiane Action Programme Areas • To make use of existing Infrastructure and to extend it to support AVIST • To develop ASEAN human resources in applied research including using advanced telecommunication networks to enhance global competitiveness of ASEAN as a whole • To promote ASEAN-help-ASEAN programmes focusing on mobilizing existing resources and building capacity. • To support ASEAN integration ASEAN Plan of Action for Sci & Tech (APAST) Thrusts and Actions • Thrust 1 Action 3 regional network of databases to support integration • Thrust 3 Action 16 contribute to e. ASEAN infrastructure for end-users and content developers • Thrust 4 Action 17 encourage life long learning by provision of readily accessible resources online • Thrust 5 Action 21 establishing ASTRENA • Thrust 5 Action 24 e-learning network for continual education and professional updating in S&T
ASTRENA Framework Life Science Vertical Physical Sciences Health. Care LHC project Bioinformatics Applications Services Resources Network Infrastructure Remote Sensing/ Meteorol Geo. Informatics
Collaborating ASTRENA Networks in ASEAN and Focal Points NREN Organization Members Representative/s None Country CLMB countries Indonesia REN Basuki Suhardiman Indonesia MYREN Suhaimi Napis Malaysia PREGINET Denis Villorente Philippines SINGAREN Francis Lee BS Singapore THAIREN Putchong Uthayopas and Kanchanasut Thailand VINAREN Nguyen Ngoc Binh Viet Nam
http: //www. myren. net. my/
http: //preginet. asti. dost. gov. ph/
http: //www. singaren. net. sg/
http: //www. thairen. net. th/
Vina. REN: www. vinaren. vn / vinaren. org. vn / vinaren. hut. edu. vn
APBio. Net ASTRENA S* Alliance Bio. User Bio. Grid SEAGrid. Forum TEIN 2 -APAN
First ASTRENA Meeting (ASTRENA-1) and Workshop on ASEAN Research and Education Networks 23 April 2006 Ministry of Development Brunei Darussalam http: //everest. bic. nus. edu. sg/mediawiki/index. php/ASTRENA-1
ASTRENA-1 • • • Draft ASTRENA Ministerial Declaration Objectives ASTRENA-1 Endorsed Projects ASTRENA-1 Planned Meetings To work with Asian Representatives to TEIN 2 • To link up with European Representatives to TEIN 2
ASTRENA’s Objectives i. Establishment of ASTRENA by co-opting representatives of MYREN, MIMOS (Grid Computing), PREGINET, SINGAREN 2 and Singapore National Grid Office, Thai. REN (comprising UNINET and THAISARN 3) and Thai National Grid Project, NREN of Indonesia and VINAREN of Viet Nam into an ASTRENA committee as a forum for planning future developments to be coordinated by ASTRENA Secretariat as part of its charter to formulate the principles of organizational structure of ASTRENA
ASTRENA’s Objectives ii. Initiation of an ASTRENA scheme as the mechanism to accord ASTRENA node status to institutions in these national research and education networks upon satisfying ASTRENA committee's criteria of bandwidth connectivity, advanced internet research projects, computational and data resources offered to ASEAN members for sharing, contribution of online training material, etc. to facilitate greater ASEAN identity and integration
ASTRENA’s Objectives iii. Co-opting of web services such as ASTMIS (indicators), ASTNET (S&T info), AVIST (online educational materials) as the first common online services provided on ASTRENA. iv. Recruitment of each COST subcommittee to donate a shareable resource, e. g. online accessible database, audio-video lecture series on their respective subject domains contributed to AVIST as online educational material.
ASTRENA’s Objectives v. ASTRENA-endorsed Projects to proceed on an ongoing basis vi. ASTRENA-endorsed Events to proceed on an ongoing basis
ASTRENA-1 Endorsed Projects 1. ASTRENA Secretariat. 2. ASTRENA Environment Surveillance Initiative. 3. ASTRENA Access Grid. 4. ASTRENA Data. Grid 5. ASTRENA Bio. HRD.
ASTRENA-1 Planned Meetings 1. May 2006 ASTRENA-APBio. Net Bio. Grid Workshop Event during APBio. Net Workshop, 16 May 2006 at Grid. Asia 2006 Singapore 2. June 2006 ASTRENA-TEIN 2 -ASEM session - during TEIN 2 ASEM meeting, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 7 June 2006 3. July 2006 ASTRENA-APAN session - during the 22 nd APAN meeting, Singapore, 17 -21 July 2006
ASTREN-1 A Planned Meetings 4. August 2006 ASTRENA-COST meeting - during COST 52, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21 -26 August 2006 follow by ASTRENA Ministerial Declaration @ 4 th IAMMST 5. December 2006 ASTRENA-Bio. Grid discussion - during the ASEANIndia Bioinformatics HRD, Delhi, India, 15 -16 December 2006. 6. January 2007 ASTRENA-2 General Meeting at 23 rd APAN Meeting, Manila Philippines.
Asian Representatives to TEIN 2 ASTRENA plans to work with them for future ASTRENA meetings: • China – CERNET http: //www. edu. cn/Home. Page/english/index. shtml - Chinese NREN and TEIN 2 representative • Korea - KISDI http: //www. kisdi. re. kr/wwbs/eng/main. html - Korea Information Strategy Development Institute
European Representatives to TEIN 2 Efforts are planned/in progress to link up with them: • DANTE http: //dante. org/ - EU’s TEIN 2 manager • RENATER http: //www. renater. fr/ - French NREN • SURFnet http: //www. surfnet. nl/en - NREN in the Netherlands • UKERNA http: //www. ukerna. ac. uk/ JANET - United Kingdom NREN
So far… since 23 April 2006 • Draft ASTRENA Ministerial Declaration and Ministerial Briefing Document for 4 th IAMMST, August, KL, Malaysia, to finalise by 15 July • ASEAN MCs to nominate their national Focal Point for ASTRENA • SEAGF, 16 -19 May, Singapore • TEIN 2, 10 th Technical Committee Meeting, 7 June, Halong, Viet Nam, Invitation to do brief presentation • EUSEA 2006, 19 -20 June, Singapore, Invitation to do brief presentation
ASEAN Events involving ASTRENA participants 23 April 2006 ASTRENA-1 cum Workshop on ASEAN NRENs @ COST 51 Mtg Brunei 16 May 06 17 May 06 19 May 06 APBio. Net Workshop PC Grid Training South East Asia Grid Forum SEAGF Mtg @ Grid. Asia 06 Singapore 07 June 06 TEIN 2, 10 th Technical Mtg @ ASEM ICT SOM Viet Nam 19 -20 June 06 EUSEA 2006 Forum on Information Society Singapore 17 -21 July 06 22 nd APAN Meeting Singapore Mid 2006 Bio. Grid Meeting planned Thailand Aug 2006 ASTRENA @ COST 52 Malaysia
NGO Partners and Industry
Industry Support and Endorsement • Sun Microsystems APSTC • KOOPrime • Progeniq
Tie-ups and Potential Partners • • • a. APBio. Net bioinformatics network for Asia Pacific for shared bioinformatics databases b. S* Alliance for distribution of bioinformatics training material c. International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) for liaison d. Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) for liaison e. Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project with the physics community f. European Bioinformatics Institute for implementation of the Taverna/my. Grid workflow system g. International Symposium for Life Science Grid Computing for liaison and joint conference h. Global Grid Forum (GGF) for discussion on how to implement ASTRENAgrid i. Asia Pacific Network Information Centre for liaison and discussion on how to set up E-NUM framework over ASTRENA j. Coordinating Committee on Intercontinental Research Networks (CCIRN) for liaison and representation at the most extensive advanced networking body in the world k. Asia Pacific Development Information Programme APDIP-UNDP for liaison and collaborative project. l. AVIST, ASTNET and ASTMIS ASEAN+3, TEIN 2, TEIN 3 collaborations as a sustainable development
Cooperation with Europe • • Seeking opportunities for collaboration Exchange of Letters of Intent to collaborate Memorandum of Understanding Scientific Exchange Programme and Visits Access Grid Guest Lectures from European Speakers in ASEAN Training and Capacity Building with AVIST S&T Database with ASTNET and Indicators with ASTMIS Joint Scientific and Technology Projects