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AMI-Enterprise Overview For further information, contact: Wayne Longcore (wrlongcore@cmsenergy. com), Chair of AMI-Enterprise Task Force, Board Of Directors UCAiug, Director of Enterprise Architecture & Standards Consumers Energy Greg Robinson (grobinson@xtensible. net), Co-Chair of AMI-Enterprise Task Force, Convener of IEC TC 57 WG 14, Vice-Chair of Zig. Bee & Home. Plug Technical Working Group – Applications Sub Group (Home Area Networks), President of Xtensible Solutions
AMI-Enterprise Task Force “Boot Camp” Agenda: • 1: 00 • 1: 15 • 1: 30 • 2: 15 • 2: 45 • 3: 00 • 3: 45 • 4: 30 • 5: 15 • 5: 30 Introductions, logistics (Randy) Brief Overview of AMI-Ent (Greg) System Requirements Overview (Joe) Service Patterns & IEC recommendations (Shawn) Break Understanding and Using UML (Joe) Use Case Process with example (Kay) Service Definitions Process with example (Jerry) General discussion, questions & answers Adjourn
The Problem with Uncoordinated Standards Initiatives. Each has its Own Vocabulary and Disparate Approach Mobile Workforce Mgmt Uncoordinated Standards Initiatives! AM/FM/GIS Asset Planning Protection SCADA Risk Analysis Work Mgmt Market Interface Network Planning Outage Management Maintenance & Inspection Demand Response As an Industry, We Should Strive to Stop Customer Compliance Information Creating Our Own “Tower of Babel” For Data Integration HR Network Management Financial B 2 C, Automated Data Exchange
Goal: To The Maximum Reasonable Extent, Interface Standards Should Be Based on Common Semantics (e. g. , CIM) to Avoid Adding to ‘Integration Anarchy’ GIS OMS CIS Integration Infrastructure WMS Integration anarchy is a chaos of: DMS AMR Without (1) duplicated logic, Common (2) duplicated data, Semantics, Point -to-Point (3) duplicated effort, Integration Will (4) newly acquired integration difficulties, Continue at the (5) lack of ability to easily create new application functionality from Data Level services, and (6) lack of ability to support business processes with applications Integration anarchy will result in higher costs and an inflexible, brittle ‘Smart Grid System’
1. AMI-Ent is a user-driven organization that starts with standards and extends them in An Example of How The IEC and Utilities are an efficient and quick manner to meet Collaborating to Define Interface Standards current utility project requirements. Based on Common Semantics 2. Appropriate extensions are fed back through the CIM User Group and/or IEC Strategic http: //ucaiug. org/ IEC directly to the IEC. Group on Smart TC 8 3. Artifacts of this organization are from the Grid (SG 3) utility integration point-of-view, which is a Contextual Business superset of the application/product. Framework Requirement http: //osgug. ucaiug. org/ oriented point-of-view of the generic IEC s / http: //cimug. ucaiug. org/ Use Cases interfaces. IEC TCs 1. IEC is the SDO for the Electric TC 57 Industry 2. SG 3 is the Standard Management WG 14 1. The UCA (Utility Communications Board arm that defines what IEC is Architecture) User Group is dedicated doing for the Smart. Grid. This is to promoting the integration and translated into a framework. 3. interoperability of electric/gas/water TC 8 is developing standards at the Utility needs and requirements level 1. Open. SG Subcommittee is responsible for: utility. It is the User Community for all TC 57 standards and other related and collaborates with the other TCs (a) rationalization of standard-setting users concerns. that are developing technical organizations to ensure that technical 2. specifications standards are developed with independence, The CIM User Group is a fast growing 4. organization of CIM users that provide TC 57 is responsible for power system transparency and broad industry important feedback and suggestions management and associated representation and (b) ensuring Testing 1. The Zig. Bee & Home. Plug Smart Energy Alliance is currently sponsoring an activity to http: //www. iec. ch/dyn/www/f? p=102: 7: 0: : FSP_ORG_ID: 1273 information exchange. Standards and Certification Guidelines are to the SDO. update its Smart Energy Profile to take advantage of the standard and technology defined and support functional and timing 5. WG 14 (of TC 57) is responsible for neutral CIM.
From The Open. HAN System Requirements Specification Smart Energy Profile 2. 0 & IEC TC 57 WG 14 Area of Focus At The Home
The Zig. Bee+Home. Plug Technical Working Group Application Sub-Group • Scope and Charter: – Is tasked with building an application layer standard for a HAN which allows energy applications to communicate with edge energy devices over an external network (AMI, broadband Internet, etc. ) core using a common API and set of objects. – Is concerned with services and communications localized to a single HAN and those that enable communications to and from the HAN. – Shall use the Zig. Bee Smart Energy Profile as the forward starting point and its work shall be mapped to IEC 61968 (CIM) and any gaps identified.
The AMI Enterprise Task Force • Scope and Charter – Defines requirements, policies, and services – Based on utility industry standards such as the Common Information Model (CIM) – Required for information exchange and control between the MDMS or MDUS and enterprise back office systems.
AMI Enterprise Task Force Process Overview SCE (Use Cases) Zig. Bee & Home. Plug System Requirements Team IEC TC 57 WG 14, Other Standards Organizations Use Case Team EPRI Multi. Speak Business-Oriented, Common Format Use Cases Service Definitions Team Recommendations to IEC TC 57 WG 14: • CIM Extensions • Message Type Updates • System Reqmt Updates • Integration Requirements • Patterns • Sequence Diagram • Services • WSDL http: //osgug. ucaiug. org/utilityami/AMIENT