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American Student Achievement Institute Redesigning School Counseling ASAI September Webinar for Renewal Schools
REDESIGNING SCHOOL COUNSELING Sue Reynolds Executive Director American Student Achievement Institute Former Executive Director – Indiana School Counselor Association Former Vice President – American School Counselor Association Former School Counseling Specialist – Indiana Department of Education National Secondary Counselor of the Year – American School Counselor Association
REDESIGNING SCHOOL COUNSELING Bruce Ricklin Director of Operations and Finance American Student Achievement Institute Statewide Director – Teacher Internship Initiative Former Regional Director – School to Work Former Regional Director - Tech Prep
American Student Achievement Institute ASAI § Founded in 1996 § Non-profit: 501(c)3 § Bloomington Indiana Initiatives § Redesigning School Counseling (21 states) § Guiding All Kids (Advisor-Advisee) § School Improvement Institute (In. SAI) § On behalf of Learn More Indiana • Learn More Indiana Student Survey • College Success Coalition • College Success Speakers Bureau § On behalf of Lumina Foundation • Advancing Academic Excellence (AP, IB, DC)
RSC is now used in: • K-12 schools in 21 States • 7 Graduate Programs
Introducing You! Bloomington HS North Lincoln MS Bloomington HS South Lynhurst 7 th & 8 th Grade Center Central Nine Career Center Madison Consolidated HS Cloverdale HS Madison Junior HS Floyd Central HS Munster HS Goshen MS New Haven HS Guion Creek MS Perry Central Jr-Sr HS Knox Community Scottsburg MS Hendry Park ES South Ripley Jr HS Jefferson HS Warsaw Community HS Jennings Co. MS Zionsville West MS
TODAY’S AGENDA Introductions Looking back This Year Walkthrough: Advisory Council Meeting 1 Online System September Tasks & Rubrics
THREE YEARS AGO Your school engaged in the Redesigning School Counseling
Foundational Belief Purpose of school counseling is to prepare students for academic success at the next educational level.
Foundational Belief Achievement STUDENT CHOICES Guidance Counseling
RSC Steering Team Redesigning School Counseling
m Thi on s th School Counseling Advisory Council
Redesigning School Counseling Process 1 Advisory Council 6 Resource Goals 2 VISION 5 Resource Data 4 Program Priorities 3 Student Data 7 Student Goals 8 Activities 9 Preparation Achievement Student Choices Guidance Counseling Advocacy Management Guidance Lessons Program Calendar Individual Calendars Annual Budget
RSC PRODUCTS 1. Vision Statement 2. Mission Statement 3. Student Goals • Academic Goals • Student Choice Goals • Guidance Goals (indicators) • Counseling Goals 4. Activities
Submitted Products (portfolio) to DOE Indiana Gold Star School Counseling Award Recognized ASCA Model Program Award Indiana Department of Education American School Counselor Association
OVERVIEW A. Create a School Counseling Program to begin implementing next year by: 1) Reviewing new student data 2) Revising your current vision, goals, and activities (as necessary) 3) Revising all other parts of your School Counseling Portfolio (as necessary) B. Enter all components of your school counseling program into the RSC Online System C. Click a button to submit your School Counseling Portfolio to DOE for review by June 30
Already Completed: April / May or collect Program Data in some other way • Student choices • Guidance needs (mastery of guidance standards) • Counseling needs
Already Completed: Summer Optional Tip: Must enter lesson plans first Automated
First Semester Tasks 1. Advisory Council Meeting 1 - SEPTEMBER Update Vision Statement 2. Advisory Council Meeting 2 - OCTOBER Update Program Goals Identify Close-the-Gap Goal(s) Identify Targeted Goal(s) 3. Advisory Council Meeting 3 - NOVEMBER Update Program Activities
Second Semester Tasks 1. Update 25 miscellaneous components to round out your School Counseling Program Portfolio. 2. Click the submit button to send your School Counseling Portfolio to DOE electronically by June 30 th
Webinar Schedule First Semester DATE TIME FOCUS 1 Sep 4, 2012 1: 30 – 2: 30 Overview of the year Prep for Advisory Council – Meeting 1 (Vision) 2 Oct 2, 2012 1: 30 – 2: 30 Prep for Advisory Council – Meeting 2 (Goals) 3 Nov 6, 2012 1: 30 – 2: 30 Prep for Advisory Council – Meeting 3 (Activities) Second Semester DATE TIME FOCUS 4 Jan 8, 2013 1: 30 – 2: 30 Second Semester Tasks 5 Apr 30, 2013 1: 30 – 2: 30 Year End Announcements Register online: www. asainstitute. org Webinars are archived on the Annual Analysis tab.
ONLINE SYSTEM TIPS 1. Always go to the “Annual Analysis Tab” 2. First time: • Change the “cycle” to Cycle 1 (renewal year) 3. Do things in order (very important) 4. Don’t work ahead of schedule
ONLINE ENTRY IN SEPTEMBER (1 of 2) Submission Rubric Advisory Council Minutes q Minutes contain the names of those present and the group(s) they represent q Minutes present summaries of activities and discussions q Minutes contain references to specific people who contribute ideas
ONLINE ENTRY IN SEPTEMBER (2 of 2) Submission Rubric Vision Statement q First paragraph contains core convictions q Second paragraph describes ideal adults who are living by their core convictions as they provide guidance and counseling q Third paragraph describes ideal students who attend school in a building where the adults live by their core convictions q Fourth paragraph describes ideal student achievement data in a school where the adults are living by their core convictions Also: q All achievement data is expressed as the percentage of students who are reaching a specific standard q Addresses students' developmental needs q Focuses primarily on prevention q Serves as an advocate for every student q Uses data to drive the program design q Evaluates the counseling program annually q Follows the ASCA ethical standards (ASCA)
American Student Achievement Institute Redesigning School Counseling ASAI September Webinar for Renewal Schools