Скачать презентацию American Federation of Government Employees 1 AFGE Скачать презентацию American Federation of Government Employees 1 AFGE


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American Federation of Government Employees 1 American Federation of Government Employees 1

AFGE & Your Job The Bush Administration wants to privatize 850, 000 federal jobs AFGE & Your Job The Bush Administration wants to privatize 850, 000 federal jobs nationwide, and 24, 995 in Pennsylvania. Your job as a federal employee is in jeopardy if the Administration has its way. AFGE is always leading the fight to protect your job, and in turn, needs your support to make it a more powerful force to represent your issues and concerns. 2

AFGE at a Glance • Largest federal employee union representing 600, 000 federal workers. AFGE at a Glance • Largest federal employee union representing 600, 000 federal workers. • 217, 500 active and retired members. • Affiliated with AFL-CIO since the beginning of AFGE in 1932. • Divided into 12 geographical districts consisting of some 1, 100 locals. 3

AFGE at a Glance • Negotiates employee working conditions and • • terms of AFGE at a Glance • Negotiates employee working conditions and • • terms of employment under Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act. Coordinates a full-scale legislative and political action program to monitor issues that impact the government work force. Lobbies and testifies extensively on issues important to government workers. Provides comprehensive services for members including legal, legislative, technical, political and informational assistance. 4

AFGE National Recent Accomplishments • Secured through legislative action a 4. 1% pay • AFGE National Recent Accomplishments • Secured through legislative action a 4. 1% pay • increase for federal workers in FY 04. Each and every year, AFGE is successful in lobbying Congress to increase the annual cost of living adjustment above the Administration’s proposal. Diligently working with members of Congress to fight the Administration’s plan to privatize 850, 000 federal jobs. Interested in rewriting the current pro-contractor OMB Circular A-76 to provide a fair playing field for public-private competition for federal jobs. 5

AFGE National Recent Accomplishments • Actively working with members of Congress to stop the AFGE National Recent Accomplishments • Actively working with members of Congress to stop the • Administration’s plan to eliminate collective bargaining rights of Dept. of Defense employees. Collective bargaining rights allow the union to continue to fight for pay, health care, and other issues; as well as negotiate family-friendly provisions in collective bargaining agreements. Lobbied Congress to introduce and pass legislation to have employee contributions for federal health insurance premiums as pre-tax payments, thus saving employees considerable money. 6

AFGE 1916 • Exclusive representative of bargaining unit employees, representing the interests of employees AFGE 1916 • Exclusive representative of bargaining unit employees, representing the interests of employees with respect to personnel policies, practices and working conditions. • Actively involved in working with congressional officials to protect and promote the interests of federal employees in the workplace. 7

AFGE 1916 Recent Accomplishments • Negotiated collective bargaining agreements for • NETL and NIOSH AFGE 1916 Recent Accomplishments • Negotiated collective bargaining agreements for • NETL and NIOSH that promote a quality work environment for employees, and an efficient administration of agency programs. Negotiated family-friendly collective bargaining agreements, including such benefits as a flexible work schedule and the ability to telecommute. 8

AFGE 1916 Recent Accomplishments • Actively participate on labor-management • • partnership councils, addressing AFGE 1916 Recent Accomplishments • Actively participate on labor-management • • partnership councils, addressing negotiable and non-negotiable issues to provide for a more efficient organization. Instrumental in establishment of an on-site Childcare Center, providing another familyfriendly benefit to employees. In partnership with the United Mine Workers Association, established an educational scholarship fund at California University of PA. 9

AFGE 1916 Recent Accomplishments • Instrumental in the establishment of the National Personal Protective AFGE 1916 Recent Accomplishments • Instrumental in the establishment of the National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL). – – More federal employees Additional funding for the local economy • Worked to establish Pittsburgh as the lead field site for Procurement for all NIOSH and the National Center for Health Statistics. – More federal employees – Additional funding to improve site infrastructure 10

AFGE Benefits • Money AFGE Credit Card Secured Credit Card—Credit Builder Loan Program Corporate AFGE Benefits • Money AFGE Credit Card Secured Credit Card—Credit Builder Loan Program Corporate Credit Card for Locals Your Credit Score Consumer Credit Education 10 Ways To Improve Your Credit Identity theft • House and Home Mortgage & Real Estate Program Pet Care Program North American Van Lines • Education 2003 Union Plus Scholarship Winners College Financing Online Training Program Union Book Store • Computers Easy Computer Purchase Program Discount Computers Discount Internet Service • Legal Services Program Your Legal Health Small Claims Court Warranties • Health Needs Service Discount Dental Services Vision Program Hearing Aids Discount Program Discount Pharmacy Program 11

AFGE Benefits • Discounts Cingular Wireless Discounts Flowers Discount Union-Made Checks DVD and VHS AFGE Benefits • Discounts Cingular Wireless Discounts Flowers Discount Union-Made Checks DVD and VHS Movie Rental Discounts Discount Movie Tickets • Travel Car Rentals Theme Park Discounts Discount Travel Union Hotel Discounts • Auto Buying Service Goodyear Tire & Service Discounts Auto Insurance Auto Loan Program • Insurance What You Should Know About Buying Life Insurance NEC Authorized Life and Dental Insurance Programs Free Accident Insurance Term Life Insurance Protection Criteria & Guidelines for the Est. of Ins. Programs 12

AFGE 1916 Membership Continues to Grow • Dramatic growth in membership in the last AFGE 1916 Membership Continues to Grow • Dramatic growth in membership in the last 10 • • years. An organization that includes professional and non-professional employees, including scientists, engineers, technicians, and administrative personnel. A proud local with significant accomplishments, representing the best interests of employees and the agency. 13

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To Learn More About AFGE • www. afge. org provides complete information on AFGE To Learn More About AFGE • www. afge. org provides complete information on AFGE National. • www. afge 1916. org provides complete local information on AFGE 1916. 15