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Ambition in Action
Ambition in Action Today You Will Learn About: Ø The Higher School Certificate (HSC) at Ultimo TAFE ØThe Tertiary Preparation Certificate (TPC) Ø What to consider when choosing between the HSC and TPC www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 2 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Today You Will Learn About: Ø How and when to enrol Ø How to access support Ø How to research study options and additional information www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 3 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Course Options ØHigher School Certificate (HSC) ØTertiary Preparation Certificate (TPC) Also available in TAFE are the Certificate in General & Vocational Education (Year 10) and Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 4 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Why Study the HSC or TPC? Ø to gain entry to university Ø to meet Year 12 entry requirements for some TAFE courses Ø to meet entry requirements of some organisations e. g. Police, Defence Ø to gain employment Ø to gain confidence Ø to prove something to themselves or others www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling & Careers Service 5
Ambition in Action HSC and TPC Entry Requirements ØMust have completed Year 10 or equivalent ØAn equivalent may mean another TAFE certificate or some recognition of prior work experience. Talk to the course coordinator. ØPreference given to students who can demonstrate motivation and ability to study in an adult learning environment www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 6 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action HSC Studies at Ultimo TAFE Ø For students who want to complete the NSW HSC in an adult learning environment Ø You should allocate a minimum of 2 years to complete the full HSC program Ø At Ultimo, Year 11 and Year 12 content are combined in each subject studied, which is different to most programs. Ø Select Year 11 courses will be offered www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 7 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action HSC Studies at Ultimo TAFE Ø You can do selected or single subjects for special purposes such as university prerequisites. Ø You can accumulate subjects within a 5 year period Ø You can repeat HSC subjects, however your most recent attempt (whether better or worse) is used to calculate your ATAR www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 8 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action HSC Subjects Ø Final details available at the information and enrolment session. Ø Example Subjects: English, Ancient and Modern History, Business Studies, Geography, Economics, Legal studies, Visual Arts, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and Physics Ø Some TVET (Vocational) subjects may be available E. g. Information Technology Ø Languages can be studies by distance or community education while studying at Ultimo www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 9 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action ATAR Ø An ATAR is an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank Ø This is only for university admission Ø Based on 2 Unit English + your 8 best units (usually four other subjects). Ø It’s also possible to receive a limited ATAR, however this may not be accepted for every university course. You will need to research this. www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 10 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action The HSC is a good choice if. . . Ø You want to gain admission to courses such as Medicine, or Vet Science Ø You have left school recently Ø You have some essay writing and general academic skills Ø You are younger than 21, as the University of Sydney and University of NSW universities have a minimum age requirement for TPC applicants www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 11 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action How to enrol in HSC? ØAttend a compulsory information session on Thursday 27 th January 2011. Ø The location of the information sessions and details of what you will need is on the TAFE website and the information sheets. Øhscstudies. sydneyinstitute. wikispaces www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 12 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Enrolment Documents ØCopy of school certificate (or equivalent) ØCopies of other certificates ØA letter of reference if you dropped out of year 10, 11 or 12 ØRecent school, work or community references ØTwo passport photos www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 13 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Other HSC Courses ØOther Sydney TAFE colleges such as Sutherland Randwick ØOther NSW TAFE locations. See TAFE NSW website. www. tafensw. edu. au ØBy distance education. See OTEN website. www. oten. edu. au/oten. htm ØBradfield Senior College in Crows Nest www. nsi. tafensw. edu. au/bradfield/default. aspx www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 14 Service, October 2010
Tertiary Preparation Certificate click here for short video segment (turn up audio first)
Ambition in Action TPC – What is it? ØA Year 11 and 12 equivalent course for people returning to study ØAn alterative way of getting into TAFE, university or jobs e. g. police, defence ØFull-time study for one year (minimum 20 hours per week) but many students choose an 18 month or longer program. www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 16 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Structure of the TPC Ø Each unit is one semester long and is either A level (introductory) or B level (advanced) Ø Students must complete all compulsory units from “Group 1” and seven electives to a minimum of 530 hours. Ø TPC Course Structure www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 17 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action How does the TPC differ? ØYou receive a Tertiary Entrance Score (TES) for university admission. ØA similar academic standard, but different learning methods. ØAims to develop academic and learning skills in addition to teaching the course content. Ø Example: In a HSC history course, you may learn the facts of World War II, but in the TPC, you would learn how to structure an essay argument in addition to learning the facts. www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 18 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action The TPC is a good choice if you: ØAre considering applying for mature age entry into university or other further study ØHave not studied for sometime ØNeed to develop effective study and research skills ØWould like a mid-year intake on some subjects ØWould like more flexibility ØPrefer a less exam-based assessment program ØNeed a bridging course in areas such as maths or science www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 19 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action TPC and University Ø TPC is accepted by universities, but not for all courses. (e. g. Medicine, Vet Science) Some universities have a minimum age requirement. Ø Over 80% of students who complete the TPC & who apply for tertiary study are successful Ø Defence Forces, NSW Public Service & other employers also accept TPC Ø It is essential that you do your research by checking with individual universities. www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 20 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action How to enrol? ØAttend a compulsory information session and enrolment session January 2011. ØYou need to confirm the enrolment session details after 20 th December 2010. ØThere will be an interview and screening process. Øhttp: //www. sit. nsw. edu. au/courses www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 21 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action TPC also available at: Ø Other Colleges within Sydney Institute: Randwick: Ray Morgan 9469 8788 St George: Jane Maughan-Cheney 9598 6282 Ø Other Sydney metro TAFE Colleges e. g. Bankstown, Blacktown, Campbelltown, Granville, North Sydney and Richmond. www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 22 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action HSC or TPC? What to consider ØYour goal or purpose ØUniversity and TAFE prerequisites ØPreference for a particular learning style ØLength of time since you’ve studied ØYour vocational interests ØYour age www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 23 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action HSC & TPC Subject Selection ØYou need to consider university course prerequisites, assumed knowledge and recommended studies. ØFor HSC students consider the “ 2013 Year 10 Guide” to selecting Year 12 subjects www. sit. nsw. edu. au
Ambition in Action Recognition of Prior Learning in TPC & HSC ØPrevious study may be credited towards completion of your TPC or HSC. Check with the course coordinator after enrolment. Ø To be exempt from IT components of the TPC you should bring evidence of your skills (e. g. course results, employer reference etc) to the enrolment session. www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 25 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Other Pathways to University Ø TAFE Diploma course in a relevant subject area For example: A TAFE Accounting Diploma may allow you to apply for an accounting degree at uni. You may not need the HSC or TPC. Ø University Preparation Courses For example: Sydney University's University Preparation course from Continuing Education Ø Each university is different. You need to do your research www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 26 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Other Pathways to University Ø Educational Access Schemes (EAS) For students disadvantaged during their studies. Contact counsellors or HSC/TPC coordinators early in the year to apply. Ø For information on alternative entry to university see the UAC website: www. uac. edu. au Ø Click on this link: www. uac. edu. au/undergraduate/admission/alternativeentry. shtml www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 27 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action TAFE Fees Ø Per year, $450 for the HSC and $958 for the TPC Ø Students receiving Centrelink benefits pay $52 per course. Ø Students on the Disability Support Pension receive a full fee exemption for 1 course per year. Ø Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are fee exempt. Ø There may be some additional course-related charges Ø You may be eligible for a refund if you complete the HSC or TPC – keep receipts www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 28 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Centrelink Benefits for Students Ø Government allowance paid to students fortnightly. Means/income tested. Ø Youth Allowance : Paid to eligible full time students between 16 -24 years of age Paid to eligible part time students between 18 -21 years of age Ø Austudy : Paid to eligible full time students 25 years of age and over Ø Abstudy : Paid to eligible Aboriginal students www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 29 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action Support Ø Counselling & Careers Service – 9217 3238 (Ultimo) Ø Disability consultants – Neurological and Learning, Hearing, Vision, Physical, Intellectual and Psychiatric. Pamphlets available. Ø Aboriginal Education Coordinator Ph: 9469 8509 Ø Learnspace (Individual Learning Centre) Library Ph: 9217 3868 Ø English Language Support ph: 9217 3622 Ø Special provisions for exam conditions are available to those may would otherwise be disadvantaged. www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 30 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action FURTHER INFORMATION Ø BOARD OF STUDIES (for HSC subject information, rules, special provisions, misadventure): 9367 8111 www. boardofstudies. nsw. edu. au Ø UNIVERSITIES ADMISSIONS CENTRE UAC 2011 Guide (available from libraries, newsagents - $19. 95 or free online). Ph. 9752 0200 www. uac. edu. au Ø UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS OFFICERS (at the various universities) www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 31 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action FURTHER INFORMATION Ø TAFE NSW www. tafensw. edu. au Ø SYDNEY INSTITUTE www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ø TAFE COUNSELLORS: ØUltimo campus 9217 3238 ØRandwick campus 9469 8546 ØSt George 9598 6232 ØSutherland- Gymea 9710 5109 www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 32 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action TAFE Course Coordinators Ø HSC - Sam Hassen 9217 4798 ØTPC - John Rawson 9217 3874 Mel Williams 9217 4139 * Unavailable from mid December until late January. During that period call Counselling & Careers Service on 9217 3238 www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 33 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action We have made every effort has made to check the accuracy of this Information. It is your responsibility to check that in choosing your program you meet the requirements of bodies such as the Board of Studies, Universities and Employers www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 34 Service, October 2010
Ambition in Action The decision - HSC or TPC? ØToday’s presentation gave an overview of the HSC and TPC. Ø What factors might be important in making your decision? Ø Any Questions? www. sit. nsw. edu. au Ultimo TAFE Counselling and Career 35 Service, October 2010