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Aluminium Extrusion Specialist DAEYEONG METAL Co. , Ltd.
Aluminium Extrusion 01 DYC Company Address E-mail 1209 -7, Sinsang-Ri, Jinryang-Eup, Kyungsan-City, Kyungbuk-Do, Korea dyc@dymetal. com Telephone Facsimile +82 -53 -856 -7300 +82 -53 -856 -7309 www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 02 DYC Business Principle Correct Quality Exact Delivery Reasonable Price Competitive Customer satisfaction www. dymetal. com
03 Company Profile Aluminium Extrusion DYC Start business from 1980 First developer of Automation Frame System & Pneumatic Cylinder Tube in Korea Market leader in Automation Frame System (M/S 35%) & Pneumatic Cylinder Tube (M/S 90%) In Korea Total Solution Tooling, Extrusion, Cold Drawing, Anodizing, Hard Anodizing www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 04 DYC Network D Y C Local agency Nationwide 30 Agencies YEONG JIN TECH T. A. S Co. , Ltd Extrusion TOOL Extrusion HWA SHIN TECH Machining Anodizing Extrusion Assembling www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 05 DYC Organization President Managing Team Min-Woo Chang boss@dymetal. com Manufacturing 1 Team Employee : 104 Manufacturing 2 Team Sales Team Q. A Team www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 06 DYC Business Area Pneumatic Other Industry Automation Industry Aluminum Tube Aluminum Profile Tube Air Supply System Electronic Industry Automation Equipment Frame Automotive Parts Conveyor Frame Ship material www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 07 DYC Sales Unit : 1, 000 US dollar 2006 Pneumatic Tube 2007 7, 486 Pneumatic Tube Others 13, 369 43 % 10, 338 Automation Profile 31, 193 Pneumatic Tube 11, 664 Others 10, 132 Automation Profile Others 29, 701 9, 676 Pneumatic Tube 19, 828 21 % Automation Profile 20, 423 43 % 16, 210 44 % Others 15, 901 36 % 34 % Sum 9, 486 21 % 39 % 33 % Sum 7, 905 2009 27 % 24 % Automation Profile 2008 Sum - 5% 45, 523 35 % Sum 46, 000 +53% 2009 50, 000 40, 000 Sales 30, 000 2006 2007 2008 www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 08 DYC Main Customer Pneumatic Tube Domestic M/S about Taiwan M/S about Automation Frame System 90% 70% Domestic M/S about Domestic Overseas 35% Overseas -Nationwide 30 Agencies BOSCH REXROTH -Semiconductor Industry MICRO SMC KOREA SMC (JAPAN, CHINA) FESTO KOREA BOSCH REXROTH SAMSUNG ELECTRONIS HIRATA PARKER KOREA CAMOZZI (ITALY, CHINA) HYNIX DAIFUKU TPC TAIYO (JAPAN) ISTEC PARKER (CHINA) LG PHILIPS AKIYAMA METAL JANATICS (INDIA) SAMSUNG SDI SUMIKIN BUSSAN etc -Display Industry DE-STA-CO(GERMANY) -Automotive Industry HYUNDAI Motor K. V(ENGLAND) -Others CYPAQ(ITALY) MICRO(SOUTH AMERICA) etc NIHON KIZAI YAMADA RORZE CORP HITACHI More than 300 companies for Automation etc www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 09 Process & Equipment & Capability Warehouse Ingot (Australia) Billet (Australia) Hard Anodizing Melting Casting 2 SET 6, 000 ton/Year 1 System 2, 400 ton/Year 3, 600 us ton 1 SET 11, 726 ton/Year Inspection & Packing Heat Treatment Anodizing Extrusion 1, 800 us ton 1 SET 6, 056 ton/Year DYC Cold Drawing Delivery 50 hp 2 SET 2, 500 ton/Year www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 10 DYC Q. A System Certificate ISO 9001 ISO 14001 KSD 6759 TS 16949 TS : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Equipment of Inspect Optical 3 dimension projector – real time check Projector 2 -Dimension digital tester Coating thickness tester Surface roughness tester Spectroscopic analyzer Rockwell hardness tester Salt Spray tester Digital thermometer Analytical balance Electric balance Height gauges Cylinder gauges www. dymetal. com
Aluminium Extrusion 11 DYC Business Flow Customer Inquiry Drawing Spec. Study NO DYC Availability Price Delivery Etc. 3 ~ 7 days Quotation Approval Tool 4 ~ 5 weeks Sample & Test Report 4 ~ 5 weeks Approval & Purchase Order Production Delivery www. dymetal. com
12 Aluminium Extrusion DYC Competitive Accumulated know-how of fine extrusion technology during 30 years Excellent accuracy of cold drawing technology Excellent durability of anodizing Quick response on customer request for development Right-on-time delivery for customer request www. dymetal. com
13 Aluminium Extrusion DYC Vision 2009 Specialization Quality Innovation Quality system settlement Air Cylinder Tube Al Automation profile Globalization Process improvement Quality Education - Six Sigma Cost reduction Productivity improvement New alloy application Re-education of personal Improvement Build-up duty education Professional upbringing www. dymetal. com
14 Aluminium Extrusion Buildup New Extrusion Machine -1 DYC Equipment 2 New Extrusion Press Machine New 1, 800 TON ( 7”) Extrusion Press Machine Replace present extrusion machine New 3, 600 TON ( 10”) Extrusion Press Machine Complement on June 2009 Full Automation System www. dymetal. com
14 Aluminium Extrusion DYC Buildup New Extrusion Machine -2 Effectiveness Equipment Increase of Product Range - More Choice Bigger Size Quality Improvement - Better Surface Better Accuracy Process improvement - Productivity improvement & Cost reduction Improvement of Delivery - Quick & Right on time Delivery www. dymetal. com
15 Aluminium Extrusion DYC Staff Factory Manager Park, S H Production Manager Account Manager Kim, T G Jeon, J S Sales Manager Production Manager Q. C Manager Chang , K H Jung , K H Kim, H W www. dymetal. com