PARIS CONVENTION OF INDUSTRY PROTECTION (1883) What is Paris Convention for? To seek patent protection for an invention from priority dates in the countries of interest 176 CONTRACTING STATES ONE OF THE MOST ACCEPTED CONVENTIONS WORLDWIDE What are guaranteed by Paris Convention States ? ▸ National treatment ▸ Right of priority ▸ Common rules Graph 1: Paris or "direct" application scheme Source: WIPO "PCT FAQs", p. 4, April 2015
PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (1970) What is PCT for? To seek patent protection for an invention simultaneously in a large number of countries by filing a single “international” patent application Source: WIPO "PCT FAQs", p. 4, April 2015 151 CONTRACTING STATES MORE THAN 40 NONCONTRACTING STATES
PATENT LAW TREATY (2000) What is PLT for? To harmonize formal procedures of national and regional patent applications and patents and in result , to make such procedures more simple. Open for contracting states of Paris Convention. 51 COUNTRIES SIGNED, ONLY 38 RATIFIED
THE AGREEMENT ON TRADE-RELATED ASPECTS OF INTELLESCTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (1995) What is TRIPS for? To provide standards for intellectual property regulation; enforcement measures and introduce dispute settlement procedures Administered by World Trade Organization(WTO) - National and most-favoured-nation treatment ALL 162 WTO countries
WIPO (2000) The WIPO- a special UN agency, providing intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation. Successor of United International Bureaux for the protection of Intellectual Property established to administer the Paris Convention and the Berne Convention in 1893. Purpose: “the protection of intellectual property promotion throughout the world”. Ø 189 member states; Ø 26 international treaties administer (PCT, Paris Convention among them); ØSignificant own financial resources; ØWIPOnet; ØGlobal Innovation Index
REFERENCES 1. WIPO "Summary of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property", http: //www. wipo. int/treaties/en/ip/paris/summary_paris. html 2. WIPO "PCT FAQs" http: //www. wipo. int/export/sites/www/pct/en/basic_facts/faqs_about_the_pct. pdf 3. WIPO " Seminar presentation on PCT" , http: //www. wipo. int/export/sites/www/pct/en/seminar/basic_1/document. pdf 4. IP Australia, https: //www. ipaustralia. gov. au/patents/applying-patent/international-application-process/decide-if-you-needinternational (Step by step PCT ) 5. WIPO " Summary of Patent Law Treaty", http: //www. wipo. int/treaties/en/ip/plt/summary_plt. html 6. WTO " Overview: the TRIPS Agreement", https: //www. wto. org/english/tratop_e/trips_e/intel 2_e. htm 7. Wikipedia " WIPO" (more details in Russian than in English) 8. Smith&Hopen "Foreign Patent Filling", http: //www. smithhopen. com/patents_foreign. aspx 9. Michael R. Hull " What are the break –even points for PCT application versus Paris Convention. Application? http: //www. millermatthiashull. com/what-are-the-break-even-points-for-pct-and-epo-applications-versus-paris-conventionapplications/