Скачать презентацию Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 1799 -1837 June 6 Скачать презентацию Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 1799 -1837 June 6

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Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 1799 -1837 Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 1799 -1837

June 6, 1799 In Moscow, in a noble family of the landed born child, June 6, 1799 In Moscow, in a noble family of the landed born child, Alexander Pushkin child. 1800 -1802

baby Christening The future poet was baptized on June 8 at the Church of baby Christening The future poet was baptized on June 8 at the Church of the Epiphany in Yelokhovo.

Father, Sergei, poor gentleman, an educated man, knew the literature, I was familiar with Father, Sergei, poor gentleman, an educated man, knew the literature, I was familiar with many Russian writers, and he wrote a little bit. SL Pushkin. 1824.

Mother, Hope Osipovna, accounted granddaughter Negro of Peter I, after the Russian general Hannibal. Mother, Hope Osipovna, accounted granddaughter Negro of Peter I, after the Russian general Hannibal. A. P Hannibal Great grandfather, Abram Petrovich Hannibal "Negro of Peter the Great"

Children in the Pushkin family had three. Senior -Olga, second Alexander and the younger Children in the Pushkin family had three. Senior -Olga, second Alexander and the younger Lёvushka, family pet. Olga Lev Alexander

At age 12, Alexander was taken to learn a new, just opened October 19, At age 12, Alexander was taken to learn a new, just opened October 19, 1811 the school - Lyceum of Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg, the place where the summer residence of the Russian emperors

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was established for the education and upbringing of young people, intended Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was established for the education and upbringing of young people, intended to "an important part of the service of the State. "

Room Alexander Pushkin In each room - an iron bed, dresser, desk, mirror, chair, Room Alexander Pushkin In each room - an iron bed, dresser, desk, mirror, chair, table for washing, and a night together. On the desk inkwell and a candlestick with tongs. . . "I. I. Puschin. Zapiski about Pushkin.

Close friends of Pushkin at the Lyceum. Antonovich Delvig Wilhelm Karlovich Kiichelbecker Pushkin kept Close friends of Pushkin at the Lyceum. Antonovich Delvig Wilhelm Karlovich Kiichelbecker Pushkin kept Lyceum friendship and the cult of the Lyceum for life. Ivanovich Leo

Under your canopy, Michael's Grove, Am I when you first They saw me, then Under your canopy, Michael's Grove, Am I when you first They saw me, then I was Jolly boys careless, greedy I proceeded only for life; - years Raced - and you me hast taken Tired stranger. Mikhailovskoe On behalf of my mother's village in Pskov province Mikhailovsky Alexander Pushkin has been associated throughout his adult life - from 1817 to 1836

For three years in exile wrote For three years in exile wrote "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai" and "The Prisoner", "The Song of Wise Oleg". Launch of a novel in verse "Eugene Onegin". self-portrait At the end of July 1824 Link to the parent estate Mikhailovskoye Pskov province. Pushkin in the village of St. Michael (Leo Pushkin). NN Ge. 1875

civil liberties and ideas are reflected in verses, and in the behavior of the civil liberties and ideas are reflected in verses, and in the behavior of the young Pushkin. "Pushkin ought to be exiled to Siberia: he flooded the Russian outrageous poems; all the young people of their heart reads" - such was the decision of Tsar Alexander I. hassle friends instead Siberia Pushkin was exiled to the south.

Trigorskoye In the evenings, when the window howling blizzard, he again as a child, Trigorskoye In the evenings, when the window howling blizzard, he again as a child, listening to nurse's tales and songs. Here the poet wrote to his brother in a letter: "You know my classes? Before dinner, I write notes in the afternoon I go riding in the evening listening to tales. . . What a darling these tales! Each poem! " Morning and afternoon Pushkin used to work, and then went on horseback or went to the village Trigorskoye where living neighbors, with which he was familiar.

The real treasure was for Pushkin each tale of his good and original talent The real treasure was for Pushkin each tale of his good and original talent nanny Arina. "He's with it, if at home, " recalled the yard people. Mikhailovsky. Many of her tales of Pushkin used afterwards as subjects of their own fairy tales (in verse).

Just over two years lasted link to Mikhailovskoye. It ended in September 1826. Pushkin Just over two years lasted link to Mikhailovskoye. It ended in September 1826. Pushkin returned to Moscow. In May 1829 he was in Moscow to woo young beauty Natalia Goncharova.

Not having received a specific answer from Goncharova, without permission of the authorities immediately Not having received a specific answer from Goncharova, without permission of the authorities immediately voluntarily went to the Caucasus. This journey through the Georgian Military Highway, thrills and numerous meetings with friends, participate in military operations of the Russian army, which has taken Arzrum Pushkin described in his autobiographical work "Journey to Erzerum" (1829).

6 May 1830 took place. Finally, engagement Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova. His father gave 6 May 1830 took place. Finally, engagement Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova. His father gave him Kistenevka village with 200 souls peasants located in the Nizhny Novgorod province, near the paternal estate s. Boldino. The poet went there, but the beginning of an epidemic of cholera in Moscow and placed quarantines everywhere detained Pushkin in Boldino from September 7 to December 2 1830 in Boldin Autumn Pushkin's talent has reached full bloom.

At this time they were created, At this time they were created, "Belkin", "Little Tragedies": "The Miserly Knight", "Mozart and Salieri", "The Stone Guest", "Feast in the Time of Cholera", the poem "Little House in Kolomna" over the whole affair " Eugene Onegin "(except the letter Onegin), the story" History Gorukhino village ", " The Tale of the priest and of his Workman Balda ", critical articles, a lot of poems.

February 18, 1831 in the Church of the Ascension took his wedding with N. February 18, 1831 in the Church of the Ascension took his wedding with N. N. Goncharovoy. The first months of married life he spent with his wife in Moscow, taking off an apartment on the Arbat Apartment Pushkin in Moscow on Arbat Since mid-October 1831 and before the end of the life of Pushkin and his family lives in St. Petersburg. Apartment Pushkin Petersburg on Moika Embankment

Eldest daughter, Maria Alexandrovna Pushkin (18321919) The youngest daughter, Natalia Pushkin (1836 -1913) At Eldest daughter, Maria Alexandrovna Pushkin (18321919) The youngest daughter, Natalia Pushkin (1836 -1913) At Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova had four children. The eldest son, Alexander Pushkin (1833 -1914) The younger son, Grigory Pushkin (18351913)

At the beginning of 1834 in St. Petersburg, it appeared the Frenchman Baron Dantes. At the beginning of 1834 in St. Petersburg, it appeared the Frenchman Baron Dantes. He fell in love with the wife of Pushkin and became take care of it. J. Dantes-Heeckeren. 1830. February 8, 1837, at 5 o'clock in the evening, on the Black River in St. Petersburg held a fatal duel, in which Pushkin was mortally wounded.

Having lived 2 days in terrible agony, Pushkin died February 10 th 1837 The Having lived 2 days in terrible agony, Pushkin died February 10 th 1837 The sun had set Russian poetry" - wrote V. Zhukovsky.

Church of the Assumption Monastery Church of the Assumption Monastery