- Количество слайдов: 27
AIMS OF SESSION • To increase knowledge of alcohol; • the effects, • Understand Units • Driving After drinking • the health risks and • impact on decision making including sexual health
Booze Bingo Been sick after drinking too much alcohol Regretted something they have done whilst drunk Been too ill to do anything the day after a heavy night out Had an argument whilst drunk Travelled home alone after drinking Injured themselves whilst drunk Regretted something they have said whilst drunk Experienced memory lapses due to drink Fallen asleep due to drinking Travelled in a car with an over the limit driver Drunk something without knowing what the contents were Had an alcoholic drink without knowing how many units were in it Suffered from a hangover Not liked a friends behaviour when they have been drinking Been sober and bored when friends have been drinking Lost possessions whilst out drinking
ALCOHOL RISKS In groups list the main risks to your health and behaviour associated with drinking alcohol short term & long term
ALCOHOL RISKS • Alcohol Poisoning • Impaired decision making • Sexual behaviour • Criminal Record • Driving • Taking drugs • Accidents • Arguments – relationship breakdowns • Mood Changes • Texting/facebook • Anti-social behaviour • Loss of personal possessions • Vulnerability • Health problems
THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL LUNGS More likely to get infections. High amounts of alcohol can stop breathing and cause death. HEART Weakens heart muscle and ability to pump blood. High blood pressure. Irregular heart beat. Higher risk of stroke and heart attack. Enlarges the heart. LIVER Inflames & destructs cells (Hepatitis). Scarring and lesions (Cirrhosis). Yellowing of skin & eyes (Jaundice). Uncontrollable bleeding. Liver failure, leading to coma and death. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Impotence. Infertility. Higher risk of breast cancer in women. During pregnancy, chance of baby having developmental problems. STOMACH Ulcers. Bleeding. Stomach cancer. Vomiting from stomach irritations. Can lead to throat cancer. INTESTINE Inability to process vitamins and minerals. Colonic and intestinal cancer. Inflammation.
THE HARMFUL EFFECTS BRAIN Slows the central nervous system causing drowsiness. Dulls ability to respond. Permanent brain damage. Addiction. Poor concentration. Extreme mood swings and emotional outbursts BONES Inability to absorb calcium. Weak and brittle bones (Osteoporosis). THROAT Pain from vomiting. Cancer. EYES Distorted vision. Red eyes. Double vision. EARS Inability to detect sound or where sound is coming from. Inner ears: inability to detect up from down. MOUTH Dulled sense of smell and taste. Slurred speech. Lack of appetite.
HEALTH Alcohol is linked to 60 different illnesses. 9, 000 people in the U. K. die from alcohol related causes every year.
YOUNG PEOPLE AND ALCOHOL • 1: 5 teenagers admitted to drink driving • 1: 3 teenagers admitted to being the passenger in a car with a drunk driver • 5000 teenagers are admitted to hospital a year for alcohol related reasons • 11% of young people engaged in unprotected sex
YOUNG PEOPLE AND ALCOHOL • More than 1: 3 teenagers who drink alcohol at least once a week have committed violent offences such as robbery or assault. • 4: 10 secondary school-age children have been involved in some form of violence because of alcohol. This could mean they have been beaten up or robbed after they’ve been drinking, or have assaulted someone themselves. direct. gov. uk website Figures taken from
NK RI D ING IV DR Are you still over the limit ?
ALCOHOL AND THE LAW In the UK it is illegal to • Give any alcohol to a child under 5 yrs. • Enter a pub under the age of 14 yrs unless there is a designated family area/garden • Drink or buy alcohol in a pub if aged 14 or 15 yrs. • Drink or buy alcohol in a pub aged 16 or 17 yrs unless to drink with a meal in a designated eating area • To purchase alcohol under the age of 18 from a pub or shop or to buy it for anyone under the age of 18.
ALCOHOL & SEX • 1: 5 girls aged 14 to 15 go further than they want to in a sexual experience after drinking alcohol. • Almost 1: 10 boys and around 1: 8 girls aged 15 to 16 have unsafe sex after drinking alcohol. • Research shows a girl who drinks alcohol is more than twice as likely to have an unwanted pregnancy as a girl who doesn’t drink.
Drink Spiking Awareness
RESULTS OF INQUEST 5 times over the drink driving limit (80 mg per 100 ml) 416 mg of alcohol, 350 mg = fatal amount 3 empty vodka bottles next to her A build up of alcohol over a number of days. She had started drinking again after a period of abstinence Her G. P. had given her advice about the risks of continuing to drink Oct 2011
Any Questions
CONTACT Branching Out Lifeline Young Persons Service 11 Wards End Halifax HX 1 1 BX 01422 510000 www. lifeline. org. uk