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Alcatel 8690 Application Server August 2002 Alcatel 8690 Application Server August 2002

AGENDA OSP - Open Services Platform SMS - Service Management System SCP - Service AGENDA OSP - Open Services Platform SMS - Service Management System SCP - Service Control Point SCE - Service Creation Environment Alcatel in Next. Gen. Networks OSP Hardware Architecture Sample Services 8690 Application Server — 2 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

OSP - Open Services Platform 8690 Application Server — 3 All rights reserved © OSP - Open Services Platform 8690 Application Server — 3 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

OSP in the Network OSP SCE Provisioning Data Netra servers OSP SMS Master database OSP in the Network OSP SCE Provisioning Data Netra servers OSP SMS Master database & auditing Provisioning gateway Service deployment & management SCP data synchronization Platform and service monitoring, alarming, and reports SIB development Script Creation Service Deployment Netra servers OSP SCP/ App Server Ethernet Service processing local db management alarming & statistics to SMS Netra servers OSP SN SS 7/C 7 OSP SCP/ App Server OSP Media Server Netra servers Combines functions of SMS, SCP, and IP & eliminates need for AIN triggers in switches Play announcements Gather data/voice Speech recognition Fax T 1 s to SSPs 8690 Application Server — 4 STP/ Sig Server All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel T 1 s STP/ to SSPs Sig Server

Open Software Architecture Internal Application Server Toolkits External Application Server Service Management Network Management Open Software Architecture Internal Application Server Toolkits External Application Server Service Management Network Management Corba, SNMP, FTP Product Creation Service Creation HTML, WAP, XML Parlay, Jain, OSA, SIP, XML Open Services Platform Self Activation Self Management User-Service Interaction H 323, SIP, Radius, Diameter, . . . ISUP, INAP, CAMEL, MAP, IS 41 S 12/E 10 AXE-10 DX 200 EWSD SSP 8690 SSP SSP Application Server — 5 DMS SSP Softswitch 5 ESS System X SSP All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Multi. Media Softswitch Access Server

Major Characteristics of OSP > Very fine control of service configuration • > Very Major Characteristics of OSP > Very fine control of service configuration • > Very rich set of statistic gathering and display tools • > Platform level & Service level Open Interfaces for Back Office and External Services • • • > Services can be allocated to specific processors in multi processor servers CORBA SNMP FTP JAVA PARLAY IN Tickets (analogous to CDRs) • • • SMS access SMS actions SCP/App Server - per call SCP/App Server - per feature invocation Records are stored in a file and transferred to a billing system via FTAM or FTP 8690 Application Server — 6 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

OSP Major Components SMS - Service Management System 8690 Application Server — 7 All OSP Major Components SMS - Service Management System 8690 Application Server — 7 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Management of IN SMS Coverage SMS Data base management Provisioning Technical data Administrative data Management of IN SMS Coverage SMS Data base management Provisioning Technical data Administrative data Management & Statistics Service Management Fraud detection Alarm handling Statistics, Business analysis Service Modification on-line Service customization Download & Distribution of new service programs 8690 Application Server — 8 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Access control & Security Operator access Subscriber access Computer access Multi skill / Multi domain Filtering & Integration Data filtering Call ticket delivery Billing center (BSS) Customer Care Center (BSS) Operational Support (OSS)

Provisioning Back Office System Direct I/F CORBA SMS Web Provisioning IP Ntwk Mediation Device Provisioning Back Office System Direct I/F CORBA SMS Web Provisioning IP Ntwk Mediation Device CORBA • For direct SMS interface, CORBA IDL is provided • Mediation Device translates between customer schema and SMS schema • For Web based access, provisioning screens are provided 8690 Application Server — 9 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Management Access SMS operators I control my service profile and behavior. Service Subscriber External Management Access SMS operators I control my service profile and behavior. Service Subscriber External Service Management and Provisioning Service Provider Common Provider Java, CORBA, SNMP, FTP, Command Line SMS Intelligent Network 8690 Application Server — 10 I control who does what, when and where. I keep the network going. I provision and control the service. All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Access Manager External Infrastructure Management

Management Access SMS access using JAVA 8690 Application Server — 11 All rights reserved Management Access SMS access using JAVA 8690 Application Server — 11 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

On-line Service Customization Example: Routing Tree 8690 Application Server — 12 All rights reserved On-line Service Customization Example: Routing Tree 8690 Application Server — 12 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Statistics Example: International VPN 8690 Application Server — 13 All rights reserved © 2002, Statistics Example: International VPN 8690 Application Server — 13 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

OSP Major Components SCP - Service Control Point and Application Server 8690 Application Server OSP Major Components SCP - Service Control Point and Application Server 8690 Application Server — 14 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Release 2. x References > References • • Installed capacity ranges from few CAPS Release 2. x References > References • • Installed capacity ranges from few CAPS up to 2800 CAPS (Call Attempts Per Second) • From 2 Servers up to geographically distributed configurations with 26 servers • > In commercial operation with more than 90 operators world-wide Prepaid systems with 10, 000 subscribers for mobile and 25, 000 for fixed) Commercial Platform Benchmarking Example: Singtel • Location Portability and Calling Name Service running – – sustained 660 CAPS during 82 hours – > on 3 SCF servers and 2 signalling servers Call success rate 99. 99996615% Burst traffic • Mass calling service Telstra: from 100 CAPS to 660 CAPS in 1 minute 8690 Application Server — 15 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

SCP/AS - Flexible Configuration SMS BEP 1 BEP 2 BEP 3 FEP 1 FEP SCP/AS - Flexible Configuration SMS BEP 1 BEP 2 BEP 3 FEP 1 FEP 2 SMS BEP 4 BEP 5 FEP 3 SCP 1 SS 7 links BEP 1 FEP 4 SCP 2 Distributed t. Front End Processor q Communication Stack t. Back End Processor q. Service Logic (SCF) q Service Data Handling (SDF) 8690 Application Server — 16 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel BEP 2 FEP 2 Replicated Monolithic

FEP Architecture Functions: > FEP Manager > FEP Process Application identification distribution • > FEP Architecture Functions: > FEP Manager > FEP Process Application identification distribution • > load sharing+ resilience load sharing • active/stand by • Distribution Table > load control dynamic filter • alarm generation • Events from platform (SEP up, SEP down, BEP down, . . . ) 8690 Application Server — 17 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

BEP Architecture BEP manager IN Defense process To SMS Application 1 Application 2 DPE BEP Architecture BEP manager IN Defense process To SMS Application 1 Application 2 DPE service manager Update alarms & statistics SEP proc Oracle Snapshot process Ora SEP proc shmdb server shm Prepaid Credit Regs & Deregs 8690 Application Server — 18 Oracle Process from SMS All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel ora

OSP Major Components SCE - Service Creation Environment 8690 Application Server — 19 All OSP Major Components SCE - Service Creation Environment 8690 Application Server — 19 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Service Creation Process Windows NT Platform SDE SCE Objects Generator SIBS T P RI Service Creation Process Windows NT Platform SDE SCE Objects Generator SIBS T P RI SC Libraries Port to Events Statevents Production SCE Platform Editor Service Production Sun Solaris Platform -compile package 8690 Application Server — 20 Sun Platform All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel -generate. tar files

Creation of Services > New services can be gracefully introduced without impacting the availability Creation of Services > New services can be gracefully introduced without impacting the availability of existing platforms > Customers can extend the protocols using the tools providing with the programmable protocol layer PARLAY Gateway JAVA Service Logic Interpreter (SLI) SIBB Library SIP based Voice. XML, SOAP, etc. Custom SIBB Library Programmable Protocol Layer AIN 0. X ANSI-41 CS 1 Camel Third Party Software LDAP Megaco SIP RADIUS DB API TALI Telecom Platform Solaris Created applications supported via Parlay, JAVA and SIP 8690 Application Server — 21 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Training Headlines > SCE tool > Script editor tool > Script generation > Service Training Headlines > SCE tool > Script editor tool > Script generation > Service production 8690 Application Server — 22 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

SCE Tool 8690 Application Server — 23 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel SCE Tool 8690 Application Server — 23 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

SCE main window Open an exisiting service Launch script editor 8690 Application Server — SCE main window Open an exisiting service Launch script editor 8690 Application Server — 24 Launch service production All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Launch emulator

Script Editor Tool 8690 Application Server — 25 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Script Editor Tool 8690 Application Server — 25 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Introduction > Service script • • • A service script is a sequence of Introduction > Service script • • • A service script is a sequence of linked sibs that define the service logic The script is divided in pages. Each page has a grid of 30 rows and 30 columns. The intersection of a row and column is called state or cell The script can be divided in subscripts: – – subscript 0 (default) subscript 1. . . subscript 8 8690 Application Server — 26 : pages from 001 to 099 : pages from 100 to 199 : pages from 800 to 899 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Script Editor tool (I) > Main window state 001001002 8690 Application Server — 27 Script Editor tool (I) > Main window state 001001002 8690 Application Server — 27 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Script Editor tool (2) > Service script and component palettes sibs • macro sibs Script Editor tool (2) > Service script and component palettes sibs • macro sibs • connectors • 8690 Application Server — 28 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Script Editor tool (3) > Macro sibs • Special script page that groups a Script Editor tool (3) > Macro sibs • Special script page that groups a set of sibs which may be called several times in the service script 8690 Application Server — 29 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Script Editor tool (4) > Connectors • Used to link script pages 8690 Application Script Editor tool (4) > Connectors • Used to link script pages 8690 Application Server — 30 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Tips > By right clicking on sib’s icon, we can perform several actions: edit Tips > By right clicking on sib’s icon, we can perform several actions: edit SIB parameters, run SIB’s help… > To reverse the output legs of a sib: • • press Ctrl and left click on one output leg left click on the other output leg 8690 Application Server — 31 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Toolbar 8690 Application Server — 32 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Toolbar 8690 Application Server — 32 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Script Generation 8690 Application Server — 33 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Script Generation 8690 Application Server — 33 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Script generation > Code generation • Code generation menu Start generation (F 5) • Script generation > Code generation • Code generation menu Start generation (F 5) • When generation is complete, close the Generation window and save the service script You can review the traces or the errors of the source code generation by selecting: Code generation menu View generation result submenu Generation traces/errors • 8690 Application Server — 34 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Service Production 8690 Application Server — 35 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Service Production 8690 Application Server — 35 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Service Production window 8690 Application Server — 36 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Service Production window 8690 Application Server — 36 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Platform plug-ins > List of platform plug-ins – Database dimensioning – GUI for service Platform plug-ins > List of platform plug-ins – Database dimensioning – GUI for service management – Statistic – Event/alarm – Operator messages – Configuration-Compilation-Link on SCE factory – Access 8690 Application Server — 37 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Operator messages plug-in > This plug-in does not require any user intervention. It only Operator messages plug-in > This plug-in does not require any user intervention. It only creates a list of commands to insert in message table (pfmconfig service) the messages that can be issued by the service GUI’s > Result files are stored in libplatform foldersmp 8690 Application Server — 38 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Alcatel in Next. Gen. Networks 8690 Application Server — 39 All rights reserved © Alcatel in Next. Gen. Networks 8690 Application Server — 39 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Media Typical Next. Gen Network Elements Functions -play messages -collect digits Translation Services -FAX Media Typical Next. Gen Network Elements Functions -play messages -collect digits Translation Services -FAX -conference calling Application Server Media Server -registration srvr Proxy Server Redirect Server -dial plan master -routing trees Signaling SS 7 to IP Gateway -TALI IP Network ENUM Server -presence server PSS Server Gateway Controller other DSL Server -basic services -knows SIP owners Cable Modem Srvr Media -PSTN signaling support Gateway IP to PSTN Gateway -redirects to internal/ PSTN Master -number to gtwy xltn -supplies IP address 8690 Application Server — 40 -M 2 PA Access Proxy Softswitch Master SIP Locator external gateways -number to gateway -SIP address to no. /gateway SIP Phones SIP Phone Support -number to IP address All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel -communications to other -H. 323 to TDM softswitches/networks -RTP to TDM -access to PSTN

Alcatel SIP Architecture Genesys Call Center 8690 Application Server -SIP Proxy Server -SIP Redirect Alcatel SIP Architecture Genesys Call Center 8690 Application Server -SIP Proxy Server -SIP Redirect Server OSP MMAS DSLAM DSL Modem PSS 5742 SIP RADIUS ATM PC Phones RTP SIP Multiservice Switch TDM Router RT P RTP H. 248 SIP 8690 Application Server — 41 SIP RTP IP 7510 Media Gateway SIP Phones 5020 Softswitch Exchange POTS Phones SIP 8688 Media Server/ Intelligent Peripheral SS 7 ISUP All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Omni. PCX IP PBX Business Phones

Transition Elements SCE > > > Can start with Transition SCP and Media Server Transition Elements SCE > > > Can start with Transition SCP and Media Server that support SS 7 and TDM Add IP support during network migration Eventually drop SS 7 support when fully migrated SMS 8690 App Srvr Transition SCP Transition Intelligent Peripheral TDM SCP TDM Netwk TDM Switch 5 ESS, 4 ESS 8690 Application Server — 42 8688 Media Server Softswitch IP Network Media Gateway TDM Intelligent Peripheral > > TDM STP All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Elements minimized Startup investment minimized > Opex minimized > Migrate as growth demands

The 8690 Application Server in IP Networks SCE TDM STP SS 7 SMS IP The 8690 Application Server in IP Networks SCE TDM STP SS 7 SMS IP SCP (8690 Application Server) SIP TALI or M 2 PA SIP IP Network Edge STP/ Signaling Server TDM Network 8690 Application Server — 43 Alcatel Softswitch SIP Intelligent Peripheral (8688 Media Server) All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Media Gateway

The 8688 Media Server in Packet Networks Announcement Lab TDM STP IP SCP (8690 The 8688 Media Server in Packet Networks Announcement Lab TDM STP IP SCP (8690 Application Server) SIP TDM Network 8690 Application Server — 44 IP IP Network SS 7 Edge STP/ Signaling Server SMS SIP Alcatel Softswitch RTP SS 7 RTP T 1/E 1/ISUP Intelligent Peripheral (8688 Media Server) All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Media Gateway

Samples of Next. Gen Services > 1. Internet Video Conferencing > 15. Internet Line Samples of Next. Gen Services > 1. Internet Video Conferencing > 15. Internet Line Overflow > 2. E-Mail Delivery of Voice Mail > 16. Web Page Billing Access > 3. Virtual Secretary > 17. Personalized Routing > 4. Self Provisioning of Services > 18. Instant Messaging > 5. Meet Me Conferencing or Conferencing on Demand > 19. Virtual University > 20. Mobility > 21. Multimedia Mail > 22. Kiosk Kalling > 23. Gil's Telemarketing Handler > 24. Advertising While You Wait > 25. Web-based Phone Service > 26. Proximity Monitoring Service > 27. Geographical Location-Based Services > 6. Web-based Conference Control > 7. Click to Talk > 8. Internet Call Waiting > 9. Internet Call Through > 10. Mixed Environment VPN > 11. Universal Help Service > 12. Business Call an Expert > 13. Forward to Net > 14. Virtual Business Line 8690 Application Server — 45 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

OSP Hardware Architecture 8690 Application Server — 46 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel OSP Hardware Architecture 8690 Application Server — 46 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Sun Netra Servers 4 U 6 U Netra 20 Server * 1 or 2 Sun Netra Servers 4 U 6 U Netra 20 Server * 1 or 2 Ultra. Sparc III CPUs (750 MHz) * Up to 8 GB RAM * 2 x 36 GB disks * DAT and CD ROM * 3 Alarming Contacts - Critical - Major - Minor - SW controlled * 4 PCI slots (3 full, 1 half) * 6 Ethernet ports (5 via QFE card) 770 Watts Max Pwr Diss 9 Amps DC Nominal 8690 Application Server — 47 Netra t 1400 (DC) Netra t 1405 (AC) * 1 - 4 Ultra. Sparc II CPUs (440 MHz) * Up to 4 GB RAM * 4 x 36 GB disks * DAT and CD ROM * 3 Alarming Contacts - Critical - Major - Minor - SW controlled * 4 PCI slots * 5 Ethernet ports (4 via QFE card) All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Telco Grade Netra Servers > Netra 20 and t 1400 are NEBS level 3 Telco Grade Netra Servers > Netra 20 and t 1400 are NEBS level 3 certified > Netra 20 is used for FEP • IP-SU or SCP Monolithic (medium capacity) • SMS for medium networks • > Netra t 1400 has been certified for high processing power and disk capacity needs BEP • IP-SU or SCP Monolithic (high capacity) • SMS for large networks • 8690 Application Server — 48 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Solaris NEBS Frame > NEBS / -48 V Offering in Telecom frame • Includes Solaris NEBS Frame > NEBS / -48 V Offering in Telecom frame • Includes visible and audio alarm indicators > Includes redundant autosense 10/100 Mbps Ethernet hubs > Includes latest Alarm System • • Supports SNMP reporting of hardware alarms Supports sensing of Netra alarm contacts > Incorporates new Power Distribution Unit with breakers instead of fuses > Cabinet covering enhances appearance and resistance to environment hazards > Access doors compliant with all telco standards > Universal cabinet for hard floor or raised computer floor mounting (full top or bottom cable access) 8690 Application Server — 49 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

NTF Frame Layout NTF Frame > ALARM TERMINAL SERVER Blank Panel PDU A Blank NTF Frame Layout NTF Frame > ALARM TERMINAL SERVER Blank Panel PDU A Blank Panel PDU B 19” by 40” deep Blank Panel AIScout-2 Remote Access / Alarm server Telect PDUs SHELF 7 > Front to rear cooling > Louvered doors > Integrated alarm & remote access server SHELF 6 SHELF 5 DISK ARRAY A DISK ARRAY B Workstation Keyboard/Monitor SHELF 4 > Fused PDUs > Integrated keyboard, monitor, craft server > NEBS Level 3 • System testing planned 4 Q 2002 - 1 Q 2003 8690 Application Server — 50 SHELF 3 SHELF 2 2 D 130 disk arrays (SMS data) Craft server and keyboard / monitor drawer 1 - 8 generic slots - up to 8 Netra 20 servers - up to 5 Netra t 1400 servers SHELF 1 SHELF 0 ETHERNET SWITCH 0 A ETHERNET SWITCH 0 B ETHERNET SWITCH 1 A ETHERNET SWITCH 1 B Blank Panel All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Intra-system LAN switches Ethernet I/O DSX (optional)

OSP Frame: Netra t 1400 Loaded Example - SCP ALARM TERMINAL SERVER Blank Panel OSP Frame: Netra t 1400 Loaded Example - SCP ALARM TERMINAL SERVER Blank Panel Breaker Panels PDU A Blank Panel PDU B Blank Panel BEP A t 1400 Configuration includes: BEP B t 1400 -two FEPs (max 96 SS 7 links) DISK ARRAY A DISK ARRAY B Workstation Keyboard/Monitor -two BEPs (typically 600 CAPS) -two SMSs (active/standby) SMS A SMS B FEP A t 1400 FEP B t 1400 8690 Application Server — 51 SHELF 2 Note: Mate would not require SMSs ETHERNET SWITCH 0 A ETHERNET SWITCH 0 B ETHERNET SWITCH 1 A ETHERNET SWITCH 1 B Blank Panel All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Redundant 100 Mbps switches

OSP Frame: Netra 20 Loaded Example - SCP ALARM TERMINAL SERVER Blank Panel PDU OSP Frame: Netra 20 Loaded Example - SCP ALARM TERMINAL SERVER Blank Panel PDU A Blank Panel PDU B Breaker Panels Blank Panel BEP A BEP B Configuration includes: SMS A SMS B -two FEPs (max 96 SS 7 links) DISK ARRAY A DISK ARRAY B Workstation Keyboard/Monitor -four BEPs -two SMSs (active/standby) BEP C Note: Mate would not require SMSs BEP D FEP A FEP B ETHERNET SWITCH 0 A ETHERNET SWITCH 0 B ETHERNET SWITCH 1 A ETHERNET SWITCH 1 B Blank Panel 8690 Application Server — 52 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Redundant 100 Mbps switches

OSP Frame Physical Dimensions 19” 40” Max Power Draw: 5375 W @ -48 V OSP Frame Physical Dimensions 19” 40” Max Power Draw: 5375 W @ -48 V (112 A) ALARM TERMINAL SERVER Blank Panel PDU A Blank Panel PDU B Blank Panel = Four 30 A Power Feeds Netra t 1400 Weight: 84 lb. each 82. 9” DISK ARRAY A DISK ARRAY B Workstation Keyboard/Monitor Netra 20 Weight: 60 lb. each SHELF 2 SHELF 1 SHELF 0 ETHERNET SWITCH 0 A ETHERNET SWITCH 0 B ETHERNET SWITCH 1 A ETHERNET SWITCH 1 B Blank Panel 8690 Application Server — 53 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Service Descriptions 8690 Application Server — 54 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Service Descriptions 8690 Application Server — 54 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Services Sampling > Calling Card/Prepaid Card > Virtual Private Network > Enhanced 8 xx Services Sampling > Calling Card/Prepaid Card > Virtual Private Network > Enhanced 8 xx Service > Expanded Account Code > Crossover Service - Work At Home • uses elements of both TDM and Next. Gen Networks 8690 Application Server — 55 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Calling/Prepaid Card 8690 Application Server — 56 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Calling/Prepaid Card 8690 Application Server — 56 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Calling/Prepaid Card Services Traditional Calling Card TRADITIONAL CC/PPC sn Ca br rd de nb Calling/Prepaid Card Services Traditional Calling Card TRADITIONAL CC/PPC sn Ca br rd de nb st ina r + tio PI nn N+ br Intelligent Network Ac ce s t Subscription based t Business people t Travelers t Families, students, etc. Bill Card number = 123456 PIN code = **** Card holder = John Smith 8690 Application Server — 57 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Card number = 123456 Card holder = John Smith Credit limit = $100. 00 Current bill = $7. 75

Branding, Graphics, Sponsoring > Marketing is the key issue to success > Create and Branding, Graphics, Sponsoring > Marketing is the key issue to success > Create and penetrate brand name • Company Promotion together with offered services • Position card as the ‘one and only’ > Recover (part of) card production and distribution cost through publicity and/or sponsoring… JOHN SMITH Create a ‘market’ for used prepaid calling cards • Card Artwork/graphics may become a collector’s item > 123456 Colonel John Doe Value $10. 0 123456 Value $10. 00 8690 Application Server — 58 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Auth. Card Level *3*

Calling Card Service Call Flow SSP AIN 0. 2 Messaging t SSP Queries SCP Calling Card Service Call Flow SSP AIN 0. 2 Messaging t SSP Queries SCP for further instructions to process CCN call t SCP instructs SSP to connect to IP for user data input t IP prompts user and collects data (Card #, PIN, Account Code, etc. ) t IP sends all user data input to SCP for further processing. t SSP disconnects IP t SCP sends final routing information to SSP t The user can re-originate a second call with the previous user input data (Card #, PIN). 8690 Application Server — 59 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel SCP IP


Calling Card Services Prepaid Calling Card (PPC) Card number = 123456 Current credit = Calling Card Services Prepaid Calling Card (PPC) Card number = 123456 Current credit = $7. 75 PREPAID CALLING CARD ce s sn br de Car st d n ina b tio r + nn br Intelligent Network Ac t ‘Buy and Call’ t Mass use t Promotion and gifts t City visitors, etc. t Option to Recharge Card number = 123456 Value = $10. 00 8690 Application Server — 61 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

PPC Service Flow Start service End service Welcome announcement Input account parameters parser Input PPC Service Flow Start service End service Welcome announcement Input account parameters parser Input destination & ABD Origin & Destination screening message Remaining credit/time Message Yes Publicity Message No Follow-on call Present User Menu Remaining credit message CONNECT BUSY/NO REPLY Call Setup B-party release To call To menu Message recording CONVERSATION Real time credit check A-party release To menu choices Credit exhausted Mandatory 8690 Application Server — 62 Enable/Disable possible All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

AIN Features for Pre. Pay Support Alcatel SCP > New Triggers • • • AIN Features for Pre. Pay Support Alcatel SCP > New Triggers • • • > Operator Services Specified Carrier Trigger O_Disconnect_Called event request message Support of Office-based Triggers for IMTs New Extension Parameters Reorigination flag • Reorigination count • Original dialed SAC • Collect-called-number flag • > AIN Switch - Low balance and tone - Forced disconnect timer & tone - IN user-defined data - CCN simultaneous-use flag New Billing Types for Charge Number Parameter Debit Card • Calling Card • User Defined Bill Types • 8690 Application Server — 63 Debit Card Platform All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Operator Services

Selected Service Details Virtual Private Network 8690 Application Server — 64 All rights reserved Selected Service Details Virtual Private Network 8690 Application Server — 64 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Virtual Private Network Headquarters (HQ) East Coast (EC) Branch South East (SE) Branch West Virtual Private Network Headquarters (HQ) East Coast (EC) Branch South East (SE) Branch West Coast (WC) Branch IN PSTN VPN Tables - virtual network - feature tables - subgroup tables 214 912 -3123 Off-net Access 8690 Application Server — 65 Card Access All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Remote Access

VPN Service Features FEATURES. . . … AND MORE t VPN On-Net t Range VPN Service Features FEATURES. . . … AND MORE t VPN On-Net t Range Privileges t VPN Off-Net t Time dependent call t Customized announcements screening t Off-Net overflow t Forced On-Net t Virtual On-Net t Authorization Codes t Calling Card Access to VPN t Variable length dialing plans 8690 Application Server — 66 t Customized supp. Codes t Range provisioning t Sub-networks t Wireless Access t Centrex ANI All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Selected Service Details Enhanced 800 Service 8690 Application Server — 67 All rights reserved Selected Service Details Enhanced 800 Service 8690 Application Server — 67 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Enhanced 800 Service East Coast (EC) Branch Headquarters (HQ) South East (SE) Branch Statistics Enhanced 800 Service East Coast (EC) Branch Headquarters (HQ) South East (SE) Branch Statistics West Coast (WC) Branch Service Management Bill 800 / 888 time IN 972 214 303 PSTN 972 223 -2424 8690 Application Server — 68 9 am - 4 pm EST 4 pm - 9 am EST Origin HQ SE HQ EC 214 912 -3123 WC WC 303 216 -9189 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel 303 216 -9190

Enhanced 800 Service Features FEATURES. . . … AND MORE t Origin dependent translation Enhanced 800 Service Features FEATURES. . . … AND MORE t Origin dependent translation t Time dependent translation t Day type dependent translation t Traffic dependent translation t Information dependent translation (user prompter) t User PIN control t Routing tree scheduling 8690 Application Server — 69 t Call rerouting (busy, no reply) t Call queuing t Customized announcements t Mass calling t Percent Allocation t PIN management (provider & subscriber) t Service statistics (provider & subscriber) t Customer profile management All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Expanded Account Code 8690 Application Server — 70 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Expanded Account Code 8690 Application Server — 70 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Expanded Account Codes 800 Based Calling Card Account Codes Expanded up to 24 Digits Expanded Account Codes 800 Based Calling Card Account Codes Expanded up to 24 Digits in Length SSP IP SCP Notes: Info_Analyzed (N 00) Trigger: Specific Digit String Send_To_Resource Destination Number of IP SCPID + Correlation ID (up to 16 Digits) Setup Provide_Instructions · · User Interactions Disconnect Resource_Clear (RC) Play Announcement Collect PIN, If PIN is valid, collect Destination Number Collect Expanded Account Code Validate Expanded Account Code Analyze_Route Translated Number 8690 Application Server — 71 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Work At Home 8690 Application Server — 72 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel Work At Home 8690 Application Server — 72 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Network Requirements SCP TDM Switch 5 ESS, 4 ESS B-party VPN database PSTN/NGN database Network Requirements SCP TDM Switch 5 ESS, 4 ESS B-party VPN database PSTN/NGN database PSTN Network NGN IP Network PSS 5742 Radius client/server/ proxy Offsite Work Location PC applications VPN 1 A-party My corp. PSS client Softphone 8690 Application Server — 73 Modem IP-Gateway 7300 ASAM All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel VPN 2 My ISP

PSS portal screens My ISP Corporate Login Advertisement click through click 2 dial My PSS portal screens My ISP Corporate Login Advertisement click through click 2 dial My ISP Login 8690 Application Server — 74 Corporate Intranet Click 2 Dial All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Home Phone Options > POTS Phone Uses existing PSTN network • No added phones Home Phone Options > POTS Phone Uses existing PSTN network • No added phones in home office • > SIP Softphone Adds new phone to home environment • Simplifies direction of calls from co-workers • Calls from PSTN must go through a gateway • > Both POTS and SIP Softphone Use POTS phone for incoming calls • SIP Softphone for outgoing calls & calls from coworkers • No new network design required • 8690 Application Server — 75 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Work at Home/Offsite Scenario > Worker has decided to work at home or another Work at Home/Offsite Scenario > Worker has decided to work at home or another location than primary office > Minimum configuration at new location: • > Computer, DSL, PSTN Phone and/or SIP Phone Worker uses PSS Client to sign on to PSS • PSS validates user • May use SCP for extra security > From PSS screen, worker selects office LAN (VPN 1) > PSS sets up connection for worker on VPN 1 • May optionally require further security validation • Worker is now on company network > PSS notifies SCP of worker logon to company network > SCP updates VPN telephony database with worker presence 8690 Application Server — 76 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Work at Home Established > Calls from network to worker redirected to home office Work at Home Established > Calls from network to worker redirected to home office SCP VPN database contains new location • Uses existing POTS phone at home location • Worker interaction limited to logging in to company network; phone redirection is transparent • > Optional features • Voice Mail overflow may be directed to new mailbox – home mailbox, separate mailbox, or overflow elsewhere Worker hours may be logged via SCP (login, logout times) • Calls from worker may be made via softphone on computer • 8690 Application Server — 77 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Other Possibilities. . . 8690 Application Server — 78 All rights reserved © 2002, Other Possibilities. . . 8690 Application Server — 78 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

Additional Possible Services > ANI-Based Screening > Do Not Call/Disturb > Find Me > Additional Possible Services > ANI-Based Screening > Do Not Call/Disturb > Find Me > 700 PIC (Primary Interexchange Carrier) > Wake Up Call > Global Screening/Routing (country code, city code) > Mass Calling > Operator Services > Conferencing on Demand > Virtual University > White/Yellow Pages with click-to-dial 8690 Application Server — 79 All rights reserved © 2002, Alcatel

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