- Количество слайдов: 23
• The AK-47 (or Avtomat Kalashnikova) is a selective fire, gas operated 7. 62 mm assault rifle developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov in the 1940 s. Six decades later, the AK-47 and its variants and derivatives remain in service throughout the world. It has been manufactured in many countries and has seen service with regular armed forces as well as irregular, revolutionary and terrorist organizations worldwide. • The designation AK-47 stands for Автомат Калашникова 47 (Avtomat Kalashnikova 47) - Kalashnikov automatic rifle, model of 1947. • Design work on the AK began in 1944. In 1946 a version of the rifle, the AK 46, was presented for official military trials, and a year later the fixed stock version was introduced into service with select units of the Red Army. The AK-47 was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces in 1949. An early development of the design was the AKS-47 (S—Skladnoy or "folding"), which differed in being equipped with an underfolding metal shoulder stock. • The AK-47 was one of the first true assault rifles and, due to its durability, low production cost and ease of use, the weapon and its numerous variants remain the most widely used assault rifles in the world — so much so that more AK-type rifles have been produced than all other assault rifles combined. [2][3] It was also used by the majority of the member states of the former Warsaw Pact. The AK-47 was also used as a basis for the development of many other types of individual and crew-served firearms.
M 1 Garand
• The M 1 Garand (officially the United States Rifle, Caliber. 30, M 1) was the first semi-automatic rifle to be generally issued to the infantry of any nation. Called "The Greatest Battle Implement Ever Devised" by General George S. Patton, the Garand officially replaced the bolt-action M 1903 Springfield as the standard service rifle of the United States Armed Forces in 1936 and was subsequently replaced by the selective-fire M 14 in 1957. However, the M 1 continued to be used in large numbers until 1963 and to a lesser degree until 1966. • The M 1 was used heavily by U. S. forces in World War II, the Korean War, and, to a limited extent, the Vietnam War. Most M 1 rifles were issued to American Army and Marine troops, though many thousands were also lent or provided as foreign aid to America's allies. The Garand is still used by drill teams and military honor guards. It is also widely sought by the civilian population as a hunting rifle, target rifle, and military collectible. The name "Garand" is latter version is preferred. [4][5] It is now available to civilians in the original. 30 -06 chambering, as well as in. 308 Winchester.
• During the National Parade of 60 th anniversary , our country display 7 types of planes: Early warning aircraft( 预警机), Fighter plane (歼击机), Bombing plane (轰炸机), Tanker aircraft(加油机), Fighterbomber (歼击轰炸机), Helicopter (直升机), and Training plane (教练机). They are all made by Aviation Industry Corporation of China(中国航空 业集团). • 此次国庆阅兵空中编队的12个梯队 151架飞机全部由中国 航空 业集团公司研制生产,包括:预警机、歼击机、轰 炸机、加油机、歼击轰炸机、直升机、教练机等7个机种; 空警 2000、空警 200、歼 11、轰 6 H、轰油 6、歼轰 7 A、歼 8 D、歼 8 F、歼 7 GB、直 8 K/直 8 KA、直 9侦察型/直 9武装型和教 8等15个机型,共计 151架飞机
KJ-2000 KJ 2000 is a kind of early-warning aircraft (also called airborne warning), based on the Russian Beriev A-50 airframe but fitted with a Chinese made electronically steered phased-array (ESA) radar. 空警-2000是中国 2002年研究的大型预警机。它是在俄罗斯预警机的基础上,中国 全力发展,国家军事重点 程之一。有处于世界领先的技术水平,其预警性能超越 美俄。由俄制运输机伊尔(IL)-76改装而成,空警-2000预警机可在 5000~ 10000米的 高空飞行,可同时追踪 400公里以内的60~ 100个目标。空警-2000预警机从山东省 的空军基地起飞,可以监视朝鲜半岛大部分地区。
KJ-200 KJ 200, another kind of early-warning aircraft. It’s capability is less excellent than KJ 2000, cooperating with KJ 2000. 空警-200机载雷达天线类似体操用的平衡木,是一种轻型、全天候、多传 感器的空中预警飞机,载机由运-8改装而成。它的出现标志着我国具备了 预警机国产化能力,并与空警-2000配套形成了预警机体系作战和规模建 设
J-10 Fighter Plane
• The production of the J 10 has forced China to quickly adapt to current developmental trends; in addition to utilizing(利 用) other technologies (Russia, Israel) for the benefit of its final product. The results are promising. Not only does the J-10 pose a risk to the Russian fighter export market, but it considerably boosts the Chinese air force's tactical offensive capabilities, especially vis-a-vis(同……相比) Taiwan. • 歼 10战斗机由成都飞机设 计研究所(也称 611所)设计, 成都飞机 业公司制造。 是中国自行研制的具有完 全独立知识产权的第三代 战斗机。作为新一代多用 途战斗机,该机突破了以 先进气动布局、数字式电 传飞控系统、高度综合化 航空电子系统和计算机辅 助设计为代表的一系列航 空关键技术,实现中国军 用飞机从第二代向第三代 的历史性跨越。
JH-7 A Fighter-bomber JH 7 A Fighter-bomber , also known as the FBC-1 (Fighter/Bomber China-1) Flying Leopard(飞豹), is a two-seater (双座位), twin-engine(双发动机) fighter-bomber in service with the People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force (PLANAF), and the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). JH-7 A战斗轰炸机是中国海军舰队航空兵配备的JH-7 A战斗轰炸机,简称歼轰-7 A战机或歼 轰-7 A,为改进型“飞豹”,被誉为“海空飞豹”,它与国庆五十周年阅兵时的“飞豹”战机相比, 从外型上看似乎差别不大,但实际上与以往的战机有很大的不同,因为,地形跟随雷达、导 航吊舱及精确制导武器技术正逐步成熟,所以,这也是中国海军的新一代多用途全天候超音 速歼击轰炸机,具备全天候的精确对地攻击能力。
H-6 H Bombing Plane • H-6 H is an improving aircraft of H-6 H. 中国轰-6 H轰炸机是中国轰-6轰炸机的改进 机型. 轰-6 H具有全天候、全方位的打击能力,是目前中国所有战斗机中航程最远的, 飞行距离可达 5000多公里。轰-6 H可挂载 2枚空对地导弹,从发射到攻击完毕仅需4 分钟,精确度最高能达到半米之内。轰-6 H同时还可挂载相当数量的普通航弹。
Z-8 K Helicopter It was used in rescue of Wenchuan earthquake. Its main function is for search and rescue. This photo was pictured in Tangjiashan(唐家山).
Warriors assault vehicles (猛士突 击车)
• Warriors assault vehicles is more excellent than HMM in 12 critical indicator. • 这款高机动车全面满足了解放军技术要求,在承载能力、 动力性、安全性等12个方面超过美军著名的悍马车型。车 门和蒙皮用非金属材料制成,减少了红外辐射。值得一提 的是,“猛士”车还装有电磁屏蔽系统,可保护发动机和车 载电子装备免受外部电磁环境的干扰。采用新型硼碳纤维 复合材料,其车门可以抵挡 12. 7毫米穿甲弹的攻击。为新 车配备的轮胎用中央重放气系统,可以在行进间调节车胎 压力,以适应道路的需要。该型高机动性军用越野汽车为 轻型4× 4驱动,总重量为 5吨,最大装载量 1. 75吨,是一款 牵引重量达 2吨的军用越野汽车,是一个系列化、多用途、 全新三代高技术的基型战术平台。
ZTZ-99 Main Tank
• ZTZ-99 is a third generation main battle tank (MBT) fielded by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It is made to compete with other modern tanks. • ZTZ-99式坦克是我军最新型主战坦克,具备优异 的防弹外型,其炮塔和车体均采用复合装甲,抗 弹能力成倍提高,是我军装甲师和机步师的主要 突击力量,被称为中国陆战王牌的第三代主战坦 克。是中国陆军最先进的主战坦克,也是世界上 最先进的主战坦克之一
PTL 02 Wheeled Tank Destroyer 100(毫米轮式突击炮) It can fight with the second generation main tank