- Количество слайдов: 12
Aive Antson Chief of Board
* 1996 – Dr. Oivi Uibo and Külli Mitt invited families who had child of coeliac disease to join and organised meetings and etc * 14. 02. 1998 – the foundation articles were certified. We are a non-profit organization. * Since 1998 – member of the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People * Since 2006 – member of AOECS (Association of European Coeliac Societies)
*The activities are based on the projects financed from the Foundation of Estonian Disabled People. *6433. 00 is budget of this year from Foundation of Estonian Disabled People. It is 21% less than last year. * 460. 00 memberfees.
*The memberships are • 10. 00 for family a year (irrespective of persons amount in family). So they have free participation in summer camp, Christmas party etc • singlemother and single pensioners pay 7. 00
*The Board includes 2 members: • Aive Antson • Riin Jõgi
*There are 115 members in our society. *46 coeliacs, 2 persons with gluten sensitivity and the others are members of families
*We can buy glutenfree products in big stores – Prisma, Selver, Stockmann *Glutenfree products are about seven times more expensive than other food *The trademarks are: Dr. Schär, Orgran, Semper etc. *
*We had an important event at September. We opened our counseling cabinet in the house of The Estonian Chamber of Disabled People • It is open on Tuesdays at 18. 00 – 20. 00 • We promoted it at newspapers • Our members are counseling new coeliacs
*So far the cabinet has been visited by 15 coeliacs (often they took family members with them) *More or less they become members with family *People get information about the cabinet: • Facebook • Homepage • Internet • Gastroenterologist • Newspaper
*Main problems/questions: • Finding product in stores • What to use or eat • Hiden gluten in products • Lactose tolerance • Information about society work • Appling member of the society (half of the cabinet visitors became a member)
*Cooperation with medical staff – gluten sensitivity *Alternative medicine (acupuncture doctors, blood group diet) diagnose gluten intolerance, but doctors say that it is not disease *The adult coeliac patients do not receive financial support for the purchase gluten-free food products
*Increase of the assortment of gluten-free products in the stores *Also support adult coeliac patients *European Licensing System – symbol *New material for coeliac *New information *Financial support system