Скачать презентацию Airport Technical Services Norman Ashford H P Martin Скачать презентацию Airport Technical Services Norman Ashford H P Martin


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Airport Technical Services Norman Ashford, H. P. Martin, Stanton. Clifton A. Moore, Airport Operation, Airport Technical Services Norman Ashford, H. P. Martin, Stanton. Clifton A. Moore, Airport Operation, pp 293 -355, 1997 1

Outline • • • The Scope of Technical Services Air Traffic Control Telecommunications Meteorology Outline • • • The Scope of Technical Services Air Traffic Control Telecommunications Meteorology Aeronautical Information Summary 2

The Scope of Technical Services • Airport Technical services: Q Air traffic services Q The Scope of Technical Services • Airport Technical services: Q Air traffic services Q Aeronautical telecommunications (including navaids) Q Meteorology Q Aeronautical information services 3

Air Traffic Control • • Function of ATC Type of airspace Separation standards Operational Air Traffic Control • • Function of ATC Type of airspace Separation standards Operational structure Operational characteristics and procedures Airport control Approach control 4

European FIRs. (CAA) 5 European FIRs. (CAA) 5

U. S. continental flight advisory areas 6 U. S. continental flight advisory areas 6

United States Airspace Classifications Airspace Features Entry requirements Minimum pilot qualifications Class A ATC United States Airspace Classifications Airspace Features Entry requirements Minimum pilot qualifications Class A ATC clearance Instrument rating Class C Prior two-way communications Student certificate Class D Prior two-way communications Student certificate Class E None Class G None Student certificate Yes Class B ATC clearance Private or student certificate location dependent Yes Two-way radio communications Special VFR allowed* VFR visibility minimum VFR minimum distance from clouds Yes Not required No Yes Yes N/A 3 statute miles** Clear of clouds 3 statute miles** 500 feet below, 1000 feet above, 2000 feet, horizontally** 1 statute miles** Clear of clouds** N/A All IFR Yes Yes Runway operations Workload permitting 3 statute miles** 500 feet below, 1000 feet above, 2000 feet, horizontally** None VFR aircraft separation Traffic advisories Workload permitting Former airspace equivalent Positive control area (PCA) Terminal Airport control radar service area (TCA) area (ARSA) General controlled airspace Uncontrolled airspace N/A Airport traffic area and control zone None *Authorized by an ATC clearance and conducted within the lateral boundaries of the surface area. 7 **Flight visibility and cloud clearance requirements differ for operations below 1200 feet AGL, above 1200 feet AGL but below 10, 000 feet MSL, day, night, or student pilot. See FARs 61. 89 and 91. 155 for specifics.

I. C. A. O. ATS Airspace Classifications Class Type of flight Separation provide Service I. C. A. O. ATS Airspace Classifications Class Type of flight Separation provide Service provided VMC visibility and distance form cloud minima* Speed limitation* Radio communication requirement Subject to an ATC clearance A IFR only All aircraft Air traffic control service Not applicable Continuous two -way Yes IFR All aircraft Air traffic control service Not applicable Continuous two -way Yes VFR All aircraft Air traffic control service 8 km at above 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL 5 km, below 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL Clear of clouds Not applicable Continuous two -way Yes IFR IFR from VFR Air traffic control service Not applicable Continuous two -way Yes VFR from IFR 1) Air traffic control service for separation from IFR; 2) VFR/VFR traffic information (and traffic avoidance advice on request) 8 km at above 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL 5 km, below 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL 1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance from cloud 250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL Continuous two -way Yes IFR from IFR Air traffic control service including traffic information about VFR flights (and traffic avoidance advice on request) Not applicable 250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL Continuous two -way Yes B C 8

I. C. A. O. ATS Airspace Classifications (cont. ) Class Type of flight Separation I. C. A. O. ATS Airspace Classifications (cont. ) Class Type of flight Separation provide D VFR Nil Traffic information between VFR and IFR flights (and traffic avoidance advice on request) 8 km at and above 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL 5 km below 3050 m (10, 000 ft ) AMSL 1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance from cloud IFR from IFR Air traffic control service and traffic information about VFR flights as far as practical VFR Nil Traffic information as far as practical IFR from IFR as far as practical Air traffic advisory services; flight information service VFR Nil Flight information service E F Service provided VMC visibility and distance form cloud minima* Radio communication requirement Subject to an ATC clearance 250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL Continuous two -way Yes Not applicable 350 kt IAS blew 3050 m (10, 000 ft) Continuous two -way Yes 8 km at and above 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL 5 km below 3050 m (10, 000 ft ) AMSL 1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance from cloud Not applicable 250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL No No 250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL Continuous two -way No Subject 8 km at and above 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL 5 km below 3050 m (10, 000 ft ) AMSL 1500 m horizontal; 300 m vertical distance from cloud. 250 kt IAS below 3050 m (10, 000 ft) AMSL No No At and below 900 m AMSL or 300 m above terrain whichever is higher-5 km**, clear of cloud and in sight of ground or water Speed limitation* 9

Flight rules • General Flight Rules • Visual Fight Rules • Instrument Flight Rules Flight rules • General Flight Rules • Visual Fight Rules • Instrument Flight Rules 10

U. S. Basic VFR Weather Minimums Airspace Flight Visibility Distance form Clouds Class A U. S. Basic VFR Weather Minimums Airspace Flight Visibility Distance form Clouds Class A Not applicable Class B 3 statute miles Clear of clouds Class C 3 statute miles 500 feet below 1000 feet above 2000 feet horizontal Class D 3 statute miles 500 feet below 1000 feet above 2000 feet horizontal Class E Less than 10, 000 feet MSL 3 statute miles 500 feet below 1000 feet above 2000 feet horizontal At or above 10, 000 feet MSL 5 statute miles 1000 feet below 1000 feet above 1 statute miles horizontal Day, except as provided in section 91. 155(b) 1 statute miles Clear of clouds Night, except as provided in section 91. 155(b) 3 statute miles 500 feet below 1000 feet above 2000 feet horizontal Day 1 statute miles 500 feet below 1000 feet above 2000 feet horizontal Night 3 statute miles 500 feet below 1000 feet above 2000 feet horizontal More than 1200 feet above the surface and at or above 10, 000 feet MSL 5 statute miles 1000 feet below 1000 feet above 11 1 statute miles horizontal Class G 1200 feet or less above the surface (regardless of MSL altitude) More than 1200 feet above the surface but less than 10, 000 feet MSL

VFR Weather Minimums-Great Britain Airspace Flight Visibility Distance from Cloud Class B 8 km VFR Weather Minimums-Great Britain Airspace Flight Visibility Distance from Cloud Class B 8 km at and above FL 100 5 km below FL 100 Clear of cloud Class C, D, E 8 km at and above FL 100 1500 m horizontally 200 ft vertically Clear of cloud and in sight of the surface 5 km below FL 100 5 km at or below 3000 ft MSL at an airspeed 140 kts or less Class F, G 8 km at and above FL 100 1500 m horizontally 1000 ft vertically 5 km below FL 100 1500 m horizontally 1000 ft vertically 5 km at or below 3000 ft MSL Clear of cloud and in sight of the surface 1500 m at or below 3000 ft MSL Clear of cloud and in sight at an airspeed 140 kts or less of the surface 12

Aerodrome Control Light Signals Color and Type of Signal On the Ground In Flight Aerodrome Control Light Signals Color and Type of Signal On the Ground In Flight Steady green Cleared for takeoff Cleared to land Flashing green Cleared to taxi Return for landing (to be followed by steady green at proper time) Steady red Stop Give way to other aircraft and continue circling Flashing red Taxi clear of landing area (runway) in use Airport unsafe-do no land Flashing White Return to starting point on airport Alternating red and green General warning signal-exercise extreme caution 13

Approach plate, ILS runways 28 R, San Francisco Airport, Illustration only. Not 14 for Approach plate, ILS runways 28 R, San Francisco Airport, Illustration only. Not 14 for navigation. (FAA)

Gorman One SID routing, Los Angeles International Airport. Illustration only. 15 Not for navigation. Gorman One SID routing, Los Angeles International Airport. Illustration only. 15 Not for navigation. (FAA)

Ocean One STAR routing for Los Angeles International Airport. Illustration only. Not for navigation. Ocean One STAR routing for Los Angeles International Airport. Illustration only. Not for navigation. (FAA) 16

Telecommunications • Telecommunications: Q Fixed services Q Mobile services Q Radio navigation services Q Telecommunications • Telecommunications: Q Fixed services Q Mobile services Q Radio navigation services Q Broadcasting services 17

Fixed Services Q Distress messages and distress traffic Q Flight safety Q Meteorological Q Fixed Services Q Distress messages and distress traffic Q Flight safety Q Meteorological Q Flight regularity Q Aeronautical administration Q NOTAM Class I distribution Q Reservations Q General aircraft operating agency 18

Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network -International USA 19 Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network -International USA 19

Mobile services Q Flight information service Q Alerting service Q Air traffic advisory service Mobile services Q Flight information service Q Alerting service Q Air traffic advisory service Q Air traffic control service Q Area/airways control service Q Approach control service Q Airport control service 20

Broadcast services • H + 00-05 for Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland • H + 30-35 Broadcast services • H + 00-05 for Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland • H + 30-35 for Niagara Falls, Milwaukee,   Indianapolis 21

Meteorology • Function • Reports of surface • Forecasts 22 Meteorology • Function • Reports of surface • Forecasts 22

METAR Routine Weather Report Format Loca Time tion Visibility SFC wind Runway visual range METAR Routine Weather Report Format Loca Time tion Visibility SFC wind Runway visual range Present weather ident KSEA 0700 22015 KMH 0600 0700 hours (24 -hour clock) Temp & dew point Pressure Trend forecast R 16/1000 U FG DZ SCT 010 OVC 020 1716 Q 1018 BECMG TL 0800 FG BECMG 0900 9999 600 m (3/8 mile) Seattle Clouds AT NSW Scattered at 300 m (980 ft) overcast at 600 m (1968 ft) RVR R/W 16 1000 m (5/8 mile) upward trend during previous (10 mins) Temp 17 C (63 F) dew point 16 (61 F) Pressure 1018 mb (30. 06 ins) Fog and drizzle 200°T at 15 kph (9 mph) During next 2 hours visibility becoming 800 m (1/2 mile) in fog by 0800 becoming at 0900 10 km (61/4 miles of more) 23

Detailed key to the METAR/SPECI code 24 Detailed key to the METAR/SPECI code 24

161212 33025/35 0800 71 SN 9//005 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) BECMG 1215 0000 161212 33025/35 0800 71 SN 9//005 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) BECMG 1215 0000 39 BLSN 9//000 (g) BECMG 1618 33020 4800 38 BLSN 7 SC 030 (h) PROB 30 TEMPO 1920 85 SNSH (i) BECMG 2123 33015 9999 WX NIL 3 SC 030 (j) FM 00 VRB 05 9999 SKC (k) KSTL (a) Location Identifier St. Louis, Missouri (ICAO four-letter identification code) (b) Time group Forecast valid for 24 hours from 1200 Z(UTC) to 1200 Z the following day (c) Wind speed from 330° at 25 knots gusting to 35 knots (d) Visibility 800 metres (approximately ½ mile) (e) Significant weather Code for, Snow, Continuous fall of snow flakes - slight at time of observation. (f) Clouds Code group – (9) Sky obscured, (//) Clouds not observed, (150)Vertical visibility 500 ft. (units of 30 metres). Forecast may include several cloud groups. (g) Expected between 1200 Z and 1500 Z to become, Visibility zero, blowing snow, sky obscured, clouds not observed, vertical visibility zero. (h) Becoming between 1600 Z and 1800 Z, Wind 330° 20 knots, visibility 4800 metres (3 miles), blowing snow with 7 oktas of strato cumulous at 900 metres (3000 ft) (i) Weather fluctuating with a 30% probability of temporary or brief snow showers between 1990 Z and 2000 Z. (j) Between 2100 Z and 2300 Z changing to, Wind 330° at 15 knots, visibility 10 km or more (more than 6 miles), no significant weather, 3 oktas of strato cumulous at 900 metres (3000 ft) (k) Conditions changing at 0000 Zto - Wind variable at 5 kts no significant weather, sky clear. Example of TAFOT for St. Louis, Missouri 25

. Detailed key to TAF code 26 . Detailed key to TAF code 26

Abbreviations to be Used in SIGMET Messages A) at subsonic cruising levels: B) at Abbreviations to be Used in SIGMET Messages A) at subsonic cruising levels: B) at transonic and supersonic cruising levels: Thunderstorm obscured embedded frequent line squall obscured with heavy hail Turbulence moderate turbulence severe turbulence Cumulonimbus isolated cumulonimbus occasional cumulonimbus OBSC TS EMBD TS FRQ TS LSQ TS OBSC TS HVYGR embedded with heavy hail frequent with heavy hail line squall with heavy hail Tropical Cyclone tropical cyclone Turbulence severe turbulence Icing Severe icing EMBD TS HVYGR FRQ TS HVYGR LSQ TS HVYGR Severe icing due to freezing rain Mountain Wave Severe mountain wave Duststorm heavy duststorm Sandstorm heavy sandstorm Volcanic ash ISOL CB OCNL CB SEV ICE (FZRA) TC (+ cyclone name) frequent cumulonimbus Hail hail Volcanic ash volcanic ash MOD TURB SEV TURB FRQ CB GR VA (+ volcano name) SEV TURB SEV ICE SEV MTW HVY DS HVY SS VA (+ volcano name) 27

Tabular form of winds and temperatures 28 Tabular form of winds and temperatures 28

Chart format of winds/temperatures at various altitudes (North Atlantic). (Deutscher Wetterdienst, Frankfurt Airport) 29 Chart format of winds/temperatures at various altitudes (North Atlantic). (Deutscher Wetterdienst, Frankfurt Airport) 29

U. S. radar summary chart-significant precipitation. (FAA and NOAA 1979) 30 U. S. radar summary chart-significant precipitation. (FAA and NOAA 1979) 30

Significant weather prog. (FAA and NOAA 1979) 31 Significant weather prog. (FAA and NOAA 1979) 31

Example of a fixed-time prog. chart for approximately FL 300. 32 Example of a fixed-time prog. chart for approximately FL 300. 32

Aeronautical Information • • Scope Urgent operational information NOTAM code. Availability of Information 33 Aeronautical Information • • Scope Urgent operational information NOTAM code. Availability of Information 33

Aeronautical Information Publication Section GEN (general) Contents Description of aeronautical information services provided Summary Aeronautical Information Publication Section GEN (general) Contents Description of aeronautical information services provided Summary of national regulations Abbreviations Units of measurement Time system Nationality and registration marks Special equipment to be carried on aircraft AGA (airports) Description of provisions for facilities, services, and ground aid for international air navigation International airports Airports available for use by international commercial air transport Airport directory Airport ground lights COM (communications) Description of provisions for communications services for international air navigation List of AFTN Special navigation systems, e. g. , Long Range Navigation (LORAN) Time signals Aeronautical fixed service MET (meteorology) Description of provisions for meteorological service for international air navigation Airport meteorological observations and reports Meteorological service provided at airports VOLMET broadcasts 34

Aeronautical Information Publication (cont. ) Section RAC (rules of the air and air traffic Aeronautical Information Publication (cont. ) Section RAC (rules of the air and air traffic services) Contents Description of air traffic services provided and, where necessary, graphics of FIRs and divisions of airspace Air traffic services system Holding, approach, and departure procedures Prohibited, restricted and danger areas Information on bird migration Automatic terminal information (ATIS) broadcasts FAL (facilitation) Description of provisions for facilitation of international air navigation Entry, transit, and departure regulations concerning airport use Fees and charges SAR (search and rescue) Provisions for search and rescue Search and rescue system Procedures and/or signals employed by rescue aircraft MAP (aeronautical charts published) Description of aeronautical chart series published A list of charts Sources for large-scale topographical maps of airport area if no airport obstruction charts are available 35

Key to NOTAM code. (ICAO 1991) 36 37 Key to NOTAM code. (ICAO 1991) 36 37

37 Key to NOTAM code. (ICAO 1991) 38 37 Key to NOTAM code. (ICAO 1991) 38

Key to NOTAM code. (ICAO 1991) 38 39 Key to NOTAM code. (ICAO 1991) 38 39

Key to NOTAM code. (ICAO 1991) . 39 Key to NOTAM code. (ICAO 1991) . 39

Key Terms • • Technical service Air traffic control Telecommunications Meteorology Aeronautical information Aeronautical Key Terms • • Technical service Air traffic control Telecommunications Meteorology Aeronautical information Aeronautical telecommunication Separation standards Operational structure 40

Key Terms (cont. ) • • • Airport control Approach control Airspace classification Visual Key Terms (cont. ) • • • Airport control Approach control Airspace classification Visual flight rules Instrument flight rules Flight visibility Aerodrome control light signals Telecommunication Fixed service 41

Key Terms (cont. ) • Mobile service • Radio navigation services • Broadcasting services Key Terms (cont. ) • Mobile service • Radio navigation services • Broadcasting services Aeronautical fixed telecommunications network • Mobile services 42