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Airbus Defence and Space One mission, one team, one direction Dr. OUDEA Coumar Head of operations for R&T International Partnerships TS 1, Astrium Space Transportation PO Box: 3002 ; 51 -61, Route de Verneuil 78133 Les Mureaux cedex , France Phone : 33 (0)1 39 06 28 34; Fax: 33 (0)1 39 06 27 77 Email: coumar. oudea@astrium. eads. net 10ème Forum Brafitec 2014 Bordeaux, 21 – 24 may 2014
One mission, one team, one direction Airbus Defence and Space: A division of the Airbus Group Tom Enders Employees*: ~ 140, 000 Revenues*: ~ € 56 bn Fabrice Brégier Guillaume Faury Bernhard Gerwert Employees*: ~ 73, 500 Revenues*: ~ € 39 bn Employees*: ~ 22, 400 Revenues*: ~ € 6. 3 bn Employees**: ~ 40, 000 Revenues**: ~ € 14 bn * in 2012 ** estimate for 2014 March 2014 2
One mission, one team, one direction Airbus Defence and Space: A unique international leader Being strong together – 3 turn into 1 One Parent Company Three Brands Multiple Business Segments May 2014 One Company One Brand Four Business Segments 3
One mission, one team, one direction Airbus Defence and Space: 4 Business Lines Space Systems • Ariane 5, Automated Transfer Vehicle, Eurostar E 3000, Pléiades, Gaia, Skynet, observation satellites (Spot, Tan. DEM-X, Terra. SAR-X, M 51, Met. Op, Swarm), International Space Station ISS, interplanetary probes (Herschel, Mars Express, Solar Orbiter), Lunar Lander Military Aircraft • A 400 M, A 330 MRTT, CN 235, C 212, Orlik • Eurofighter, Tornado • Barracuda, Atlante, Harfang, Euro Hawk, Future European Male, Tracker, Tanan, Survey Copter Communication, Intelligence & Security (CIS) • Surveillance and Security Solutions, Secure Communications Solutions, Cyber Security, Coastal Surveillance Systems, NATO SATCOM Post-2000, Wireless Intranet Solutions in Theatre, Farmstar Expert, Tetra Systems Electronics • Mission Data Transfer Systems, Optics for Spectrograph Instrumentation, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Systems, Space Platform Electronics, Space Payload Electronics May 2014 4
One mission, one team, one direction Space Systems • No. 2 Space company in the world • No. 1 in commercial launchers • No. 1 in European satellites • Expertise in launchers, deterrence, satellites, human space flight Portfolio • Orbital Systems including Maintenance and Operation of the International Space Station (ISS) • Launcher Systems (Ariane and other launchers) • Defence • Satellite Systems: ENS Satellites (Earth Observation, Navigation & Science) and Telecom satellites • Propulsion Systems • Atmospheric Re-entry Systems for launchers and probes May 2014 5
One mission, one team, one direction Space in Brazil today and tomorrow : An opinion of the President of the Space Agency in 2009, confirmed by all his successors: “Brazil is a huge country. Not only because of its area of roughly 8. 5 million and its coast of 8, 000 km, but also because of its GNP of 1, 000 billion USD and its population of almost 190 million people. Only 4 other countries could be compared to Brazil when it comes to these factors: the USA, China, India and Russia. Beyond these characteristics, there is one that must be stressed. All of them, but Brazil, may be considered as space powers. ” – Carlos Ganem, Pres. Brazilian Space Agency, in O Globo, Dec. 2009 The Space agency (AEB) and the technological space center (INPE) issued end January 2013 the New Civilian national space program (PNAE) 2012 -2021 May 2014 8
AIRBUS DS – Space Systems R&T Partnerships Program with Academia Objectives Keep good relationships with Academic world Referenced through TRL/IRL – methodology Maintain and extend national and international networking by agreements and contracts (non disclosure agreements, framework agreements, Ph. D research contracts, . . ) by R&T projects (funding, sponsoring) by “Academic Networking Thematic Workshops” Countries France: 40 Ph. Ds/Postdocs ongoing - many Ph. Ds under French -ANRT/ CIFRE framework More than 50 collaborations with Institutes, Researchers, Universities Germany: 10 Ph. Ds on-going/initiated (DLR, Uni Stuttgart, Uni Erlangen … ) More than 30 collaborations with Institutes, Researchers, Universities
AIRBUS DS – Space Systems R&T Partnerships Program with Academia R&T is to prepare our future R&T and Innovation is to increase our competitiveness by • • Technology building blocks (maturation) Concept feasibility studies (innovation) Demonstrators (risk mitigation) Methodology & tools (effectiveness) R & T Domains for Space applications : • • Material, structures & Mechanism Functional chains & equipment Energetic & Propulsion System Engineering & Software
One mission, one team, one direction AIRBUS DS – Space Systems local footprint at Brazil: • Equatorial Sistemas SA • Founded in 1996 by engineers from INPE and located in São José dos Campos • Manufacture satellite equipment for Brazilian programs • Now controlled by Ai. RBUS DS, has a workforce of 35 people Perspectives: • to launch R&T projects with Brazilian Academic Research labs, Engineering Schools and Universities : • Ph. D thesis under CIFRE Brazil • Final year trainee program under BRAFITEC, Science without Borders, . . • etc. May 2014 11
One mission, one team, one direction Thank you. Obrigado May 2014 12