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Air Traffic Management: Future Prospects and Strategies Yasmine El Alj Stephan Wilde Markus Witte Julia Griese Margarita Marinova Alexander Zock Nuria Margarit Dorthe Windeck Angela Won
Agenda Introduction Infrastructure/ Regulations Market Mechanisms Operations/ Technology
What is Air Traffic Management (ATM) ATM provides for safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic both in the air and on the ground* n Division of airspace n n Vertical (upper/lower airspace, approach) and horizontal (regional/national) sector provider 4 sector provider 2 A sector provider 1 sector provider 3 Quelle: INCAS-Studie Defined flight routes and beacons for navigation n Controllers optimize trajectories n * Source: Recherche ENAC
Current European ATM situation Constraints in Capacity • Large military airspace • Low ATC productivity • No growth potential • Full skies Unilateral Cost Burden • Non-negotiable ATC charges • Risk-free ATC Lufthansa’s Motivation for Change • Growth Strategy • Stay Cost Competitive • Drive innovation
Potential ATM development Today Tomorrow Organization n Organization Monolithic structure Infrastructure n European Commission (EC) Multiple authorities (infrastructure, service, pricing) Infrastructure ATC Airlines technology Procedures, technology n n n 47 ATC-organizations 22 operating systems 30 programming languages Procedures, technology n n n Standardization 1 ATC-organization 1 operating system
ATM data sharing via “ATM portal” n Share all data – real time n n decision n Airlines (lobbying, incentives) ATM EC, gov’t Advantages n n ATM portal n Standardized interface and information (e. g. via web) Airline can anticipate congestion Can adapt routing real time with adaptive decision making Provision of digital data automatically (static & dynamic) Obstacles n decision Airlines and ATM supply all data Create ATM portal to process data and supply it in a meaningful format n ATM labor force Security
Dynamic and flexible airspace utilization n Optimize special use airspace (SUA) utilization dynamically in a collaborative fashion n Incentives (airline military) Technology n n Advantages n n n Differentiate SUA (core, temporary) Optimal use of temporal SUA windows Integrated civil & military ATM Supply of real time digital data More useable airspace (increases capacity) Starting strategic cooperation between airlines and military Obstacles n n n Ability to incorporate this data for flight planning Security Establish collaboration with military
Market Mechanisms
Market mechanisms require a new relationship between airlines and ATC European ATC New compensation scheme for controllers Interaction • Differentiation in ATC services offered to airlines • Airport/Route congestion pricing • Airlines/ATC performance monitoring and penalty system Airlines Slot/Holding time Exchange System
Differentiation in ATC services offered to airlines n ATC Possibilities for service differentiation n Service C C C n „One for all“ ATC S n S C „One for each“ n Airline given priority in the airspace/airport system in exchange for a higher ATC charges Airlines pooling resources together to pay ATC for extra service during peak hours Leasing of „exclusive“ airways (e. g. Star Alliance North Atlantic Route“) Advantages n n better punctuality for airlines willing to pay extra cost new sources of revenue for ATC
Airline ATC clearing house collaboration concept n Clearing house n Prerequisite: Agreement and negotiation on standard gate-to-gate performance benchmarks and penalities Clearing house n ATC Penalty Airline System Penalty System: entity responsible for the system disruption penalized through bonus/malus system n n Exchange n Airline System n Airline airline should depart at scheduled time ATC should provide agreed-upon service performance Exchange System between airlines: can exchange slots and holding time priorities Database containing all data tracked and bonus points will be accessible to all stakeholders (ATC/ Airlines)
Advantages of clearing house collaboration ATC Airlines n n Requirements for on-time performance will be met Real-time trade-off between punctuality and cost through exchange program Stable scheduling process => reduction in delay costs; better aircraft utilization Reduced crew costs n n n Better planification for lower airspace/ landing approach Bonus for performing at agreed-upon service levels Transparency allows ATC not to be blamed ATC is under no obligation to meet standard Gate-to-gate time if airline not departing on-time New revenue source for ATC
Operations and Technology
Better utilization of existing system n Solutions to overloading of airspace at peak times n Expand schedule: n n Premium price tickets at high peak times Use secondary airports and enhance intermodality Advantages: n n n Low price tickets at low peak times Create additional capacity Add value to different customer segments Obstacles: n n n Regulation of night flying (curfews) Limited public transportation at night Labor issues
Unification of flight segments n Reduction of ATC complexity by: n n n Advantages: n n Standardizing of existing ATM procedures and technologies Assigning one controller per flight from departure to landing Seamless ATC experience Increased staffing flexibility Less controllers in low traffic segments Obstacles: n n n Regulation issues New training concepts Redefinition of controllers
ATC of the future No pilots Aircraft at high altitude No controllers New navigation systems