- Количество слайдов: 14
AIR QUALITY • Background Air quality sampling was conducted for selected classrooms and offices identified as possible problem areas by Santa Fe Community College employees.
AIR QUALITY – CONT. • Air Quality Sampling conducted by: Vince Mc. Leod, CIH Certified Industrial Hygienist Gainesville, Florida Lab Results: EMSL Analytical Inc. Orlando, Florida
AIR QUALITY – CONT. • Scope of Work Sampling was performed to identify the presence of fungal contamination and particulates through visual inspection, bulk tape-lift samples and airborne aerosol sampling. Areas with heaviest deposits, stains or dust accumulation were selected for tape lift testing. Physical Inspection: visual observations were noted and documented with photographs.
AIR QUALITY – CONT. • Conclusions Air sampling did not detect any abnormal conditions and all mold spore and aerosol levels were in the low/normal range.
AIR QUALITY – CONT. • Course of Action In response to concerns brought forward by our employees, Facilities plans to make the following improvements: Ø Carpet removal is planned for the classrooms in A and B buildings with vinyl tile. Ø Replacement of carpet in the stairwells with a rubber product. Ø Custodial staff will change chalk board cleaning methods that do not result in water dripping onto carpet or floors. Ø Facilities maintenance staff will continue to investigate causes for damaged ceiling tiles and repair them promptly. Ø Facilities maintenance staff will fully assess any water intrusion immediately upon discovery and repair to appropriate general industry standards. Ø Facilities Maintenance staff will communicate on a regular basis with employees who have registered a concern as to action taken.
RADON SITE TESTING Conducted by: Radon Professional Services, Inc. Jacksonville Beach, Florida Measurement Technician: Measurement Specialist: Detector Type: Detector Manufacturer: Analytical Laboratory: Steve Haft, Cert. #R-1756 Tony Davenport, Cert. #R 1474 Electret Ion Chamber, E-Perm Rad Elec, Inc. Radon Professional Services, Inc. Survey Dates: May 15, 2007 – May 17, 2007
RADON SITE TESTING – CONT. Property Surveyed: Northwest Campus (27 buildings) Blount Center (Phase 1) Blount Center (Phase 2) Blount Center (Phase 3) Davis Center Kirkpatrick Criminal Justice Center Lillian Stump Building Watson Center The sampling and recommendations are provided in accordance with the testing protocols provided by the U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, “Radon in Workplace Atmospheres”, method ID-208.
RADON SITE TESTING – CONT. • Measurements Radon screening measurements at these facilities were conducted in accordance with established screening measurement protocols. Electret Ion Chamber detectors manufactured by Rad Elec, Inc. were exposed to manufacturer’s guidelines.
RADON SITE TESTING – CONT. Summary All tests were performed in accordance with test method ID-208 published by the U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health. Radon Professional Services also adheres to procedures and methods as prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Florida Department of Health Bureau of Facility Programs/Radon and Indoor Air Quality.
RADON SITE TESTING – CONT. Summary - continued Method ID-208 establishes maximum permissible concentration for “Radon in the Workplace Atmospheres” at 30 p. Ci/L. None of our buildings tested above the OSHA maximum permissible concentration (30 p. Ci/L). All of our buildings tested were under 10 p. Ci/L with the exception of one building. The Administration Building tested 11 p. Ci/L.
RADON SITE TESTING – CONT. Summary - continued We will continue to work towards lowering p. Ci/L levels in all buildings and strive to maintain even lower levels. The first step in lowering radon levels within buildings is to seal any penetrations through the slab, which we have already begun to do. In order to corroborate the results of the short term tests, and as suggested by EPA, we will initiate long-term radon tests (90 day) in 15 of our college buildings.
RADON SITE TESTING – CONT. Since the EPA’s primary concern for exposure to radon is within our own homes, I would recommend that everyone have their homes tested.
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