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Air Force Personnel Center Air Force Civilian Career Planning Crystal Moore, GS-15 Director, FM Civilian Career Field Team
Agenda § FM Workforce – Snapshot § Civilian Developmental Education (CDE) § Career Field Sponsored Training and Tuition Assistance § my. FM Career and the Career Planning Cycle (CPC) § Force Development Structure § Career Field Team § Questions One Team, One Family, One Mission 2
Some Air Force FM Statistics Includes US Direct Hire, Full Time Only Civilians >70% of FM Workforce – “faces” and “spaces” One Team, One Family, One Mission 3
Snapshot – FM Civilians (As of 31 Dec 16) 6, 993 Civilians (Encumbered) +1, 307 (Vacancies) 8, 300 Civilians One Team, One Family, One Mission FM Opportunities are World-Wide! 4
Eglin/Hulburt Field Area Financial Management Career Field Composition (305 Encumbered Positions) % 71. 15 27. 87 0. 98 POSITION TYPE NOT CENTRALLY MGD PAL ACQ (PAQ) INT POSN 12 Series # 67 162 62 14 % 21. 97 53. 11 20. 33 4. 59 PRIOR MIL SERVICE MIL SVC, NOT RET NO MILITARY CRED RETIRED ENLISTED RETIRED OFFICER Core Series 0501 0560 1515 35. 1% Number of Employees # 217 85 3 Retirement Eligible Encumbered Positions by Location # 104 81 44 25 15 15 14 7 % 34. 10 26. 56 14. 43 8. 20 4. 92 4. 59 2. 30 LOCATION AF LIFE CYCLE MGT CENTER 96 th WG/GRP/SQ OTHERS AF-SPEC-OPNS COMMAND 1 st SPEC OPS SQAUDRONS AF RESEARCH LAB AF NUCLEAR WPNS CENTER AF COST ANA AG (305 Encumbered Positions) Vacancy Rates by Location # 15 13 10 3 1 0 2 0 % 12. 61 13. 83 18. 52 10. 71 6. 25 0. 00 12. 50 0. 00 LOCATION AF LIFE CYCLE MGT CENTER 96 th WG/GRP/SQ OTHERS AF-SPEC-OPNS COMMAND 1 st SPEC OPS SQAUDRONS AF RESEARCH LAB AF NUCLEAR WPNS CENTER AF COST ANA AG (44 Vacant Positions) Vacancies by Category Tactical Level (GS 07 -11) Operational Level (GS 12 -13; NH-03) Strategic Level (GS 14 -15; NH-04) # 26 18 0
Civilian Force Development Roadmaps http: //go. usa. gov/x 8 Ra. D One Team, One Family, One Mission 6
Civilian Developmental Education (CDE) One Team, One Family, One Mission 7
What’s Valued FM Career Field Experience Breadth Technical Depth Supervisory and/or Leadership Education Training Certification Performance Bachelor’s Functional (DFMC, Decision Support, etc. ) Test-based (CDFM, etc. ) Supervisor and/or Endorser input Masters Professional Military Education (PME) Do. D FM Civilian Developmental Education (CDE) APDP Comparable One Team, One Family, One Mission 8
New Programs n Developing Team Leader Course (DTLC) n Replaced the Civilian Acculturation Leadership Training (CALT) program n Open to GS-07 to GS-13 n Organizational Leader Course (OLC) n Open to GS-12 and GS-13 n Civilian Associate Degree Program (CADP) n Open to permanent full-time appropriated fund Air Force civilian in all grade levels One Team, One Family, One Mission 9
Civilian Developmental Education (CDE) § § § Entry Level (BDE) § GS 7 -13 DCELP (GS 7 -11) § § EWI (GS 11 -13) § SOS (GS 9 -12) § Developing Team Leader Course (GS § -7 -13) § § § ** Require PCS to NCR w/ follow -on in NCR or waiver to go TDY status § Mid-Level (IDE) § GS 12 -13 ACSC-OLMP (GS 12 -14) ACSC (in-residence) AF Legislative Fellows Harvard School of Gov’t Academic Programs § AFIT ELDP E-GOV-EIG Organizational Leader Course (GS-12 -13) § § § Senior Level (SDE) § (GS 14 -15) Air War College DSLDP ** Eisenhower (ICAF) ** Eisenhower (SAC) RAND Fellowship **Nat’nl War College **IRMC- Cyber Strat Stanford Masters MIT Masters STRAT I (GS 14 -15) STRAT II (GS 15) Programs in RED will. One Family, One Mission a relocation One Team, most likely require 10
CSLP Mission/Strategy Mission n Civilian Strategic Leader Program (CSLP) is an Air Force’s civilian development program designed to ensure a highly-qualified leadership pipeline is available to meet future mission requirements. Through career broadening and enhancement opportunities, CSLP augments the knowledge, skills and abilities possessed by its participants by providing challenging assignments with roles and responsibilities that have Air Force enterprise or Do. D-wide impact Strategy § § § Return on Investment For Enterprise: Developing and building a leadership hierarchy of civilian leaders deliberately and methodically while broadening the members leadership opportunities and making that person more valuable to the AF For Members: Opportunity outside of members functional community to further develop leadership skills while gaining enterprise level perspective Recruit highly qualified GS 13/14/15’s ready for increased responsibilities Assign 36 month experiential assignment at the Installation level, HAF, or Joint DT’s/CSLP selection board makes competitive selections based on endorsements, DT vector, return on investment, and leadership abilities Changes for AY 18 § Allows promotion from GS-13 to GS-14 to the Deputy Director, Installation Support (DDIS) § Final 1 year or as outplacement, CSLP candidate may volunteer for civilian deployment opportunity Ministry of Defense (Mo. D) positions identified GS-13 Promotion into GS-14 Allowed; Two-Part Application Process One Team, One Family, One Mission 11
Developmental Education Academic Year (AY) 2018 Timeline • Civilian Development Education (CDE) Call • Releaesed 1 Mar • Civilian Strategic Leader Program (CSLP) Call Civilian DE packages due 1 May to AFPC • AF CDE Board • CSLP Director Screening Board (DSB) • Military fellowship/intern program board Development Team (DT) cycle • FM DT meets 3 -4 Aug 2017 • Review Civilian DE packages CSAF approval of military & civilian DE selectees Public release of selects CDE is Open NOW!!! One Team, One Family, One Mission 12
Air Force Personnel Center Career Field Sponsored Training
AFPC Funded Leadership Training § Leadership development through short-term courses § Grades GS-12 through GS-15 (some opportunity for GS-09+) § Examples of courses § Basic Project Management in Government § The Challenge of Leadership § Leadership for Technical People § Leadership Skills for Non-Supervisors § Funding (based on availability) § AFPC covers course cost and limited TDYs § FM-CFT submits call to MAJCOM Training POCs One Team, One Family, One Mission 14
Civilian Tuition Assistance (TA) Non-ACQ/Non-PAQ Interns Acquisition All Grades* GS-7 thru GS-12 centrally funded Must be in an acquisition coded position 75% funded $4, 500 annual cap 100% funded no annual cap $50 K total for a degree Amount over $50 K must be funded by employee first May only take one course at a time* § § Available to assist employees with completion of formal education AFI 36 -401 governs TA policy § Does not allow funding for a 2 nd Masters or a Doctorate *FY 17 Policy Change Apply via my. Pers search on Tuition Assistance One Team, One Family, One Mission 15
AF Civilian - Associate Degree AF Leadership & Management Studies Expanding Development Opportunities for our Civilian Workforce Program Description Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree in Air Force Leadership and Management Studies to eligible AF civilian employees. Program Benefits § Provides employees with competencies that enhance supervisory & leadership skills. § Opens up new possibilities and opportunities for Air Force civilians to include the pathway towards a bachelor’s degree attending Professional Military Education (PME). § U. S. Air Force will pay for the 30 -credit hour online classes and the first attempt at credit by exams allowing our civilian workforce to academically grow through a little to no-cost Associate Degree. AF Leadership and Management Studies Annual Enrollment: 90 Students Credit Hours: Total of 60 credit hours (twoyears online) Core Program Curriculum: History and Heritage of the AF Professionalism in the Air Force Foundations of Leadership Intro to Management Principles of Leadership I Thinking, Logic & Decision Making Conflict Resolution Organizational Culture Process Improvement Principles of Leadership II Start your academic journey One Team, One Family, One Mission 16
https: //www. myfmcareer. hq. af. mil Planning for Your Success One Team, One Family, One Mission 17
FM Force Development Corporate Structure – Executive Session or Board of Directors –Comprised of FM most senior leadership and chaired by SAF/FM –Meets twice yearly (April or May) and (Oct or Nov) –Addresses strategic issues / priorities impacting FM career field and AF enterprise – Development Team (DT) – Separated military and civilian DT’s –Comprised of FM senior leadership and co-chaired by PDAS (Civ) and SAF/FMB (Off) –Meets twice yearly (June or July) and (December/ January) –Oversees military/civilian development to meet functional and AF corporate needs – Civilian DT Advisory Committee (CDTAC) –Comprised of MAJCOM/FM Deputies, SAF/3 -Ltr, Acquisition, Installation Support, & Sustainment at GS-15 level and co-chaired by SAF/FME & FM Career Field Team Chief –Meets quarterly Mar/Aug via telecon; Jun/Nov in-person to prep for Civ DT –Champions civilian talent management, program ambassadors, and advises DT Jan One Team, One Family, One Mission Feb 18
What is my. FM Career FM Leadership Intention: Standardize the Individual Development Plan (IDP) format by utilizing a webbased environment for employee and supervisor access n Implementation approved for 1 Apr 17 n MAJCOM POCs and implementation being identified now; training in Feb/Mar n Enables all employees to create an IDP and communicate with supervisors through continuous communication and in conjunction with appraisal cycle and feedback n Continuous civilian development – Consider plans two years out Revolutionizes the IDP & foundation to NEW CPC! One Team, One Family, One Mission 19
https: //www. myfmcareer. hq. af. mil
How It Works Career Planning Cycle Process By design, the Career Planning Cycle (CPC) process builds upon the recurring and frequent supervisor/employee interaction facilitated by the Individual Development Plan (IDP). The employee starts the CPC process by opting-in to receive career planning guidance. The levels of endorsement within the CPC Process are Supervisor, Local, MAJCOM and AF FM Development Team. With guidance, each level determines its recommendation and chooses to either Address the submission at their level or Push the submission for higher level endorsement.
Air Force Personnel Center Civilian Career Field Team
FM Career Field Team Crystal Moore Director Regina Rudy Career Field Administrator Bennie Butler Career Field Administrator Lizzie Brown Career Broadener Matt Daniels Career Broadener Michelle Sims Career Broadener So what do we do? One Team, One Family, One Mission 24
FM Career Field Team What We Do § § § § § Personnel Liaison Career Counseling & Force Development FM Development Team Support Civilian Developmental Education (CDE) & Outplacement Career Broadening Program & Outplacement Key Career Position (KCP) Management Tuition Assistance & Leadership Training Palace Acquire Program (PAQ) Campus Recruiting We Are Here to Support YOU! One Team, One Family, One Mission 25
AFPC Contact Information § FM Career Field Team § § Telephone: DSN 665 -2595 / Comm (210) 565 -2595 Email § General Inbox: afpc. fm. cft@US. AF. MIL § Audit Career Field Team § § § Telephone: DSN 665 -4569 / Comm (210) 565 -4569 § “US Air Force Financial Management Civilian Career Field Team” Email: afpc. audit. cft@US. AF. MIL One Team, One Family, One Mission 26
Questions ? One Team, One Family, One Mission 27
Air Force Personnel Center One Team, One Family, One Mission 28
FM Positions Vacant As of 31 Dec 16 1, 307 Vacancies One Team, One Family, One Mission 29
CPC Employee Input and Supervisor Approval CPC Local level (Base/Center) CPC MALCOM Level Official Deadline of 1 Nov *Note: Extra time due to closeout in September CPC Employee Input and Supervisor Approval Recommended Timeline for MAJCOM 1 Apr – 1 Nov Mar Apr Year 1 CPC May Jun Jul Aug Sept MAJCOM CPC Time 1 Apr – 1 Nov Oct Nov Dec Winter DT (MAJCOM) CPC Year 1 Strategic Communication (Year 1 CPC) Jan Feb Recommended Timeline for MAJCOM 1 Apr – 1 Nov Year 2 CPC Year 1 CDE / DT CPC Complete Year 1 Mar CDE Call CPC Year 1 DT Feedback CPC Year 1 CPC Local level (Base/Center) CPC MALCOM Level Official Deadline of 1 Nov *Note: Extra time due to closeout in September Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept MAJCOM CPC Time 1 Apr – 1 Nov DT “Endorsed” Employee Submits CDE Pkg CPC Year 1 Strategic Communication (Year 2 CPC) Summer DT (San Antonio) CPC Year 1 Oct DT Feedback to Employees CPC Year 1 Nov Dec DT MAJCOM CPC Year 2
AF Civilian - Associate Degree AF Leadership & Management Studies Expanding Development Opportunities for our Civilian Workforce Air Force Civilian Associate Degree § A new program is being offered to Air Force Civilians to voluntarily develop themselves through a little to no-cost associate degree, enabling them to start their academic journey. § Air Force will fund the online classes, offered by Air University, and the first attempt at credit by exams, allowing students to obtain an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Air Force Leadership and Management Studies. § This new accredited degree will open the pathway towards a bachelor's degree and opportunities to attend higher levels of developmental education. Start your academic journey One Team, One Family, One Mission 3131
Student Selection Process Expanding Development Opportunities for (Student Eligibility) our Civilian Workforce Minimum Qualifications § § § § Full-time Permanent Appropriated Fund Air Force civilians Any grade may apply 2 years federal civil service (by application deadline) May have some college credit, but must not have been awarded a post-secondary degree from a regionally accredited 2 or 4 -year college or university Acceptable rating on most recent performance appraisal Bargaining requirements must have been completed by end of application window for bargaining unit employees” applications to be considered HS Diploma or GED or equivalent Desired Attributes § § § Leadership and management ability and/or potential Seeks advancement and development opportunities High probability of program completion *Application details and submission, please visit My. Pers under Force Development Start your academic journey One Team, One Family, One Mission 3232