- Количество слайдов: 58
Aim: How are classical and Operant conditioning differed/ similar? How do we learn in Operant Conditioning? Do Now: What is difference b/w classical and operant? HW: • Choose a behavior for Behavior Modification Project • Learning Test – 1/3
If the organism is learning associations between its behavior and the resulting events, it is. . . operant conditioning If the organism is learning associations between events that it does not control, it is. . . classical conditioning Operant vs. Classical Conditioning
Classical vs Operant Conditioning Classical Operant Conditioning Behavior is determined by the what PRECEDES it. anticipation of what FOLLOWS it. Involuntary Voluntary Dog salivates after Dog sits in a tone anticipation of getting a treat.
Which is which? • Page 4 – Classical or Operant? ? ?
The Law of Effect • Edward Thorndike • Locked cats in a cage • Behavior changes because of its consequences. • Rewards strengthen behavior. • If consequences are unpleasant, the Stimulus. Reward connection will weaken. • Called the whole process instrumental learning. http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=Vk 6 H 7 Ukp 6 To
Operant Conditioning • Learning in which behavior is strengthened by reinforcement or weakened by punishment. • Organism operates on the environment to acquire some consequences. • Builds on Thorndike’s principle of Law of Effect: rewarded behavior is likely to recur.
Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning involves adjusting to the consequences of our behaviors. Examples: §We may smile more at work after this repeatedly gets us bigger tips. §We learn how to ride a bike using the strategies that don’t make us crash. Response: balancing a ball How it works: An act of chosen behavior (a “response”) is followed by a reward or punitive feedback from the environment. Results: §Reinforced behavior is more likely to be tried again. §Punished behavior is less likely to be chosen in the future. Consequence: receiving food Behavior strengthened
BF Skinner • Father of operant conditioning techniques. • Skinner Box (Operant Chamber): major tool used in operant conditioning research. • “Box” contains a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain reinforcement.
Skinner Box
Shaping How would you have trained this cat to become potty trained? • An operant conditioning technique in which you mold a behavior, by reinforcing the organism as it gets closer and closer towards a desired goal ( successive approximations) http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=mm 5 FGr. QEy. BY
Shaping Behavior Reinforcing Successive Approximations Shaping: guiding a creature toward the behavior by reward behavior that comes closer and closer to the desired behavior. http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=mm 5 FGr QEy. BY Shaping the teacher: Students could smile and nod more when the instructor moves left, until the instructor stays pinned to the left wall.
Behavior Modification Assignment • Pick a Behavior • Observe and record baseline (4 days) – frequency or duration • Design Behavior Modification plan using classical or operant • Implement the plan – 4 days • Create a histogram • 2 – 3 page write up (target behavior, baseline data, plan, results, histogram) Due 1/9
Aim: How can reinforcement and punishments be used to shape behavior? Do Now/Warm Up: 1. Go over test. 2. *What behavior will you observe/track? How will you measure it? 3. **Imagine you had to train a tiger to jump thru a flaming hoop. Apply the basic principle of shaping to achieving this goal. HW: • Complete p. 15 – 17 in packet. • Day 1 Behavior Modification Tomorrow
Shaping a Tiger • Shaping • Successive Approximations With Acquisition use Continuous Reinforcement – so the stimuli response connection is strengthened!
Chaining Behaviors • Subjects are taught a number of responses successively in order to get a reward. Click picture to see a rat chaining beha https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=j. AQSEO 25 fa 4 Click to see a cool example of chaining behaviors.
Reinforcement § Reinforcement: feedback from the environment that makes a behavior more likely to be done again. § Positive + reinforcement: the reward is adding something desirable § Negative reinforcement: the reward is ending something unpleasant This meerkat has just completed a task out in the cold For the meerkat, this warm light is desirable.
Operant Effect: Punishments have the opposite effects of reinforcement. These consequences make the target behavior less likely to occur in the future. + Positive Punishment You ADD something unpleasant/aversive (ex: spank the child) - Negative Punishment You TAKE AWAY something pleasant/ desired (ex: no TV time, no attention)-MINUS is the “negative” here Positive does not mean “good” or “desirable” and negative does not mean “bad” or “undesirable. ”
Summary: Types of Consequences Adding stimuli Subtract stimuli Outcome Positive + Reinforcement (You get candy) Negative – Reinforcement (I stop yelling) Strengthens target behavior (You do chores) Positive + Punishment (You get spanked) Negative – Punishment (No cell phone) Reduces target behavior (cursing) uses desirable stimuli uses unpleasant stimuli
Summary: Types of Consequences Adding stimuli Subtract stimuli Outcome Positive + Reinforcement (You get candy) Negative – Reinforcement (I stop yelling) Strengthens target behavior (You take notes in class) Positive + Punishment (You get spanked) Negative – Punishment (No cell phone) uses desirable stimuli uses unpleasant stimuli
Types of Consequences Reinforcement versus Punishment p. 17 Reinforcement: Increases the likelihood of a behavior Positive: adding something Negative: taking something away Punishment: Decreases the likelihood of a behavior
Positive or Negative? Putting your seatbelt on. Faking sick to avoid AP Psych class. Studying for a test. Breaking out of jail. Having a headache and taking an aspirin. Getting a kiss for doing the dishes.
Punishment Meant to decrease a behavior. Positive Punishment • Addition of something unpleasant. Negative Punishment (Omission Training) • Removal of something pleasant. Punishment works best when it is immediately done after behavior and if it is harsh!
Types of Reinforcers • Primary Reinforcer: an innately reinforcing stimulus, such as one that satisfies a biological need. – Ex: Food, sex. • Secondary Reinforcer (Conditioned Reinforcer): reinforcer that you have to learn usually through its association with a primary reinforcer. – Ex: Money, Applause, lever in skinner box.
10 Super Cool Dog Tricks • http: //animal. discovery. com/videos/superfetch-cool-dog-tricks/
Aim: How can schedules of reinforcement be used to shape behavior? What are some limitations of operant conditioning? Do Now: 1. New Seats 2. Take out your HW Packet page 15 and 16 3. What is the difference b/w primary and secondary reinforcers? Intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcers? HW: • Day 1 – Baseline • Complete p. 25 in packet – Schedules of Reinforcement
A cycle of mutual reinforcement Children who have a temper tantrum when they are frustrated may get positively reinforced for this behavior when parents occasionally respond by giving in to a child’s demands. Result: stronger, more frequent tantrums Parents who occasionally give in to tantrums may get negatively reinforced when the child responds by ending the tantrum. Result: parents giving-in behavior is strengthened (giving in sooner and more often) 26
What behavior is Sheldon molding? What reinforcements is he applying? What schedule of reinforcement is being applied? • http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=qy_m. IEnnl. F 4&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active
A Human Talent: Responding to Delayed Reinforcers § Dogs learn from immediate reinforcement; a treat five minutes after a trick won’t reinforce the trick. § Humans have the ability to link a consequence to a behavior even if they aren’t linked sequentially in time. § A piece of paper (paycheck) can be a delayed reinforcer, paid a month later, if we link it to our performance. § Delaying gratification, a skill related to impulse control, enables longer-term goal setting. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=QX_oy 9614 HQ
How often should we reinforce? § Do we need to give a reward every single time? Or is that even best? § B. F. Skinner “schedules” to determine what worked best to establish and maintain a target behavior. § In continuous reinforcement (giving a reward after the target every single time), the subject acquires the desired behavior quickly. § In partial/intermittent reinforcement (giving rewards part of the time), the target behavior takes longer to be acquired/established but persists longer without reward.
Reinforcement Schedules How often to you give the reinforcer? • Every time or just sometimes you see the behavior.
Different Schedules of Partial/Intermittent Reinforcement p. 23 - 24 We may schedule our reinforcements based on an interval of time that has gone by. § Fixed interval schedule: § Every so often § Variable interval schedule: § Unpredictably often We may plan for a certain ratio of rewards per number of instances of the desired behavior. § Fixed ratio schedule: § Every so many behaviors § Variable ratio schedule: § After an unpredictable number of behaviors
Continuous v. Partial Reinforcement • • Continuous Reinforce the behavior EVERYTIME the behavior is exhibited. Usually done when the subject is first learning to make the association. Acquisition comes really fast. But so does extinction. Partial • Reinforce the behavior only SOME of the times it is exhibited. • Acquisition comes more slowly. • But is more resistant to extinction. • FOUR types of Partial Reinforcement schedules.
Reinforcement Schedule Patterns https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=I_ct. Jqjlr. HA
Results of the different schedules of reinforcement Which reinforcements produce more “responding” (more target behavior)? § Fixed interval: slow, unsustained responding If I’m only paid for my Saturday work, I’m not going to work as hard on the other days. § Variable interval: slow, consistent responding If I never know which day my lucky lottery number will pay off, I better play it every day. Rapid responding near time for reinforcement Variable interval Fixed interval Steady responding
Effectiveness of the ratio schedules of Reinforcement § Fixed ratio: high rate of responding Buy two drinks, get one free? I’ll buy a lot of them! § Variable ratio: high, consistent responding, even if reinforcement stops (resists extinction) If the slot machine sometimes pays, I’ll pull the lever as many times as possible because it may pay this time! Fixed ratio Reinforcers Variable ratio
Which Schedule of Reinforcement is This? Ratio or Interval? Fixed or Variable? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rat gets food every third time it presses the lever FR Getting paid weekly no matter how much work is done FI Getting paid for every ten boxes you make FR Hitting a jackpot sometimes on the slot machine VR Winning sometimes on the lottery you play once a day VI Checking cell phone all day; sometimes getting a text VI Buy eight pizzas, get the next one free Fundraiser averages one donation for every eight houses FR VR visited 9. Kid has tantrum, parents sometimes give in VR 10. Repeatedly checking mail until paycheck arrives FI
Reinforcement Schedules RATIO INTERVAL (reinforcement is (reinforcement in contingent upon # of responses time) by organism) FIXED(reinforce ment of a behavior follows a set constant pattern) FR FI VARIABLE (reinforcement is unpredictable) VR VI
Ratio Schedules Fixed Ratio • Provides a reinforcement after a SET number of responses. Variable Ratio • Provides a reinforcement after a RANDOM number of responses. • Very hard to get acquisition but also very resistant to extinction. Fixed Ratio- She gets a manicure for every 5 pounds she loses.
Interval Schedules Fixed Interval Variable Interval • Requires a SET amount • Requires a RANDOM of time to elapse before amount of time to elapse giving the reinforcement. before giving the reinforcement. • Very hard to get acquisition but also very resistant to extinction. Fixed Interval: She gets a manicure for every 7 days she stays on her diet.
Aim: What are some limitations of operant conditioning? What are cognitive views of learning Do Now: 1. Take out your HW Packet page 25 HW: • Day 2 – Baseline • Read Packet pps. 39 – 44 and answer Q’s on Handout (Maps in Your Mind)
Reinforcement Schedules • Acquisition of a behavior is best under a continuous schedule. Acquisition of a behavior is slower with a partial reinforcement schedule. • Ratio schedules causes a greater response rate. • Variable schedules are most resistant to extinction • Immediate reinforcement is more effective than delayed.
Lets imagine I use operant conditioning to encourage my kids to get good grades. Give an example of the following terms. • Acquisition • Extinction • Spontaneous Recovery • Generalization • Discrimination *Note – These terms happen in operant AND in classical too!
The Effectiveness of Punishment When/Why it is ineffective? • • • Creates fear Creates a feeling of helplessness Increases aggression Does not guide or model correct behavior most misbehavior is hard to punish right away Administered inappropriately subject responds with fear, rage or anxiety effectiveness is temporary contains little info can end up being reinforcing
Applying operant conditioning to parenting Problems with Physical Punishment § Punished behaviors may simply be suppressed, and restart when the punishment is over. § Instead of learning behaviors, the child may learn to discriminate among situations, and avoid those in which punishment might occur. § Instead of behaviors, the child might learn an attitude of fear or hatred, which can interfere with learning. This can generalize to a fear/hatred of all adults or many settings. § Physical punishment models aggression and control as a method of dealing with problems.
When is punishment effective? § Punishment works best in natural settings when we encounter punishing consequences from actions such as reaching into a fire. § In that case, operant conditioning helps us to avoid dangers. § Punishment is less effective when we try to artificially create punishing consequences for other’s choices; Severity of punishments is not as helpful as making the punishments immediate and certain.
Effective Punishment 1. Should be swift and brief – don’t wait too long after the undesired behavior to punish 2. CONSISTENT – punish EVERY time undesired behavior occurs; when it fails to occur the effect can be rewarding 3. Target the behavior, not the person 4. Don’t send mixed messages – ex: spanking a child for hitting his/her sibling 5. Negative punishment (taking away privileges) works better than positive punishment (adding pain) 6. Explain reasoning and linked with info about appropriate behavior followed by reinforcement of appropriate behavior
Learning, Rewards, and Motivation § Intrinsic motivation refers to the desire to perform a behavior well for its own sake. The reward is internalized as a feeling of satisfaction. § Extrinsic motivation refers to doing a behavior to receive rewards from others. § Intrinsic motivation can sometimes be reduced by external rewards overjustification effect) , and can be prevented by using continuous reinforcement. § One principle for maintaining behavior is to use as few rewards as possible, and fade the rewards over time. What might happen if we begin to reward a behavior someone was already doing and enjoying?
Criticisms of Behaviorism • Deemphasizes the role of internal thoughts and feelings in behavior • Presents humans as lacking free will • Ignores biological predispositions (Instinctual Drift - tendency for an organism to revert to instinctive behavior) https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=D 52 s. QJEQI 0 Y
Role of Biology in Conditioning § Can a monkey be trained to peck with its nose? No, but a pigeon can. § Can a pigeon be trained to dive underwater? No, but a dolphin can. § Operant conditioning encounters biological tendencies and limits that are difficult to override. § What can we most easily train a dog to do based on natural tendencies? § detecting scents? § climbing and balancing? § putting on clothes? § Just like classical conditioning, animals more easily learn behaviors that are natural or conducive to survival during
Limitations of Operant Conditioning TASK: • Read about the study on p. 28 of the packet. (Overjustification Effect) • What do you think happened? Why? Which group do you think spent the most time drawing in the next room?
Overjustification Effect • Reliance on external incentives can diminish intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic reinforcer Extrinsic reinforcer
Premack Principle • A more preferred activity can be used to reinforce a less preferred activity. • High probability behaviors (those the organism performs under conditions of free choice) could be used to reinforce low probability behaviors. • Therefore what reinforcer could a parent give to a child if they want them to… • Clean their room? • Eat their vegetables?
Token Economy • Every time a desired behavior is performed, a token is given. • They can trade tokens in for a variety of prizes (reinforcers) • Used in homes, prisons, mental institutions and schools.
More Operant Conditioning Applications Parenting 1. Rewarding small improvements toward desired behaviors works better than expecting complete success, and also works better than punishing problem behaviors. 2. Giving in to temper tantrums stops them in the short run but increases them in the long run. Self-Improvement Reward yourself for steps you take toward your goals. As you establish good habits, then make your rewards more infrequent (intermittent).
Fun Theory • http: //www. thefuntheory. com/
Behavior Modification “A New Toy for Teddy” US UR CS CR • Operant Conditioning • Negative Reinforcement • Escape/ Avoidance Conditioning ***Was it ethical? Would you have recommended this treatment?
Applications of Operant Conditioning Sports: athletes School: long before improve most in the tablet computers, B. F. shaping approach in Skinner proposed which they are machines that would reinforced for reinforce students for performance that correct responses, comes closer and allowing students to closer to the target improve at different skill (e. g. , hitting rates and work on pitches that are different learning goals. progressively faster). Work: some companies make pay a function of performance or company profit rather than seniority; they target more specific behaviors to reinforce.
Boy Who Wouldn’t Eat • How would the 2 Factor Theory explain the development of this disorder? • How would you use classical or operant conditioning to modify this behavior? BEFORE http: //news. bbc. co. uk/local/nottingham/hi/people_and_pla ces/newsid_9171000/9171204. stm AFTER http: //www. bbc. co. uk/news/ukengland-nottinghamshire-13546510