- Количество слайдов: 48
AHS IV Trivia Game Mc. Creary Centre Society www. mcs. bc. ca
Introduction to the Adolescent Health Survey • Surveys in 1992, 1998, 2003 and 2008 • Almost 30, 000 students in Grades 7 -12 completed the survey in 2008 • 50 of BC’s 59 school districts participated • 147 questions on physical and emotional health, risk behaviours and protective factors www. mcs. bc. ca
What percent of students were born outside of Canada? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 8% 18% 28% Q. 1 BC Youth
What percent of students had an adult INSIDE their family who they could talk to if they had a serious problem? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 75% 55% 35% Q. 2 Home & Family
What percent of students had an adult OUTSIDE their family who they could talk to if they had a serious problem? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 76% 56% 36% Q. 3 Home & Family
How many youth sometimes went to bed hungry because there was not enough money for food? A. B. C. About 1 in 100 About 1 in 50 About 1 in 10 www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 4 Home & Family
What percent of youth reported good or excellent health? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 84% 64% 44% Q. 5 Physical Health
What main reason did youth give for not accessing medical care when they needed it? A. Thought or hoped the problem would go away B. Afraid of what the doctor would say or do C. Didn’t want my parents to know D. Afraid someone I know might see me www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 6 Physical Health
True or false? The percent of youth who had ever been seriously injured has risen since 1998. A. B. www. mcs. bc. ca True False Q. 7 Injuries
At what age are youth most likely to wear a seatbelt? A. B. C. D. 12 14 16 18 years www. mcs. bc. ca or younger old old Q. 8 Injuries
Who was most likely to wear a bike helmet? A. B. C. D. www. mcs. bc. ca 12 14 16 18 years or younger year olds Q. 9 Injuries
The rate of youth drinking and driving ______ between 2003 to 2008. A. B. C. Increased Decreased Stayed the same www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 10 Injuries
How many youth did not get their required daily amount of fruit and vegetables? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca About 1 in 10 About 1 in 5 About 1 in 2 Q. 11 Nutrition
What percent of healthy weight girls were trying to lose weight? A. B. C. 33% 53% 73% www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 12 Weight & Body Image
What percent of healthy weight boys were trying to gain weight? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 11% 31% 51% Q. 13 Weight & Body Image
Who was most likely to report that they were experiencing extreme stress? A. B. C. 13 year olds 15 year olds 17 year olds www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 14 Mental & Emotional Health
Did suicide attempts go up or down between 2003 and 2008? A. B. www. mcs. bc. ca Up Down Q. 15 Mental & Emotional Health
True or false? The percent of youth who had ever tried smoking decreasedbetween 2003 and 2008. A. B. True False www. mcs. bc. ca Q, 16 Smoking
What percent of youth had been exposed to secondhand smoke at home or in a vehicle? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 8% 28% 48% Q. 17 Smoking
True or false? Fewer students reported trying alcohol and marijuana in 2008 than in 2003. A. B. True False www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 18 Substance Use
What percent of youth who had tried alcohol reported binge drinking in the past month? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 14% 44% 74% Q. 19 Substance Use
Youth who had used drugs or alcohol reported experiencing which of the following: A. B. C. D. E. Not being able to remember what they had done Passing out Family and relationship problems All of the above None of the above www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 20 Substance Use
What percent of students had ever used crystal meth? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 2% 12% 22% Q. 21 Substance Use
Did the percent of youth who had used prescription pills without a doctor’s consent increase or decrease between 2003 and 2008? A. B. Increased Decreased www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 22 Substance Use
What percent of youth had never had sexual intercourse? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 78% 48% 18% Q. 23 Sexual Behavior
What percent of youth had ever had oral sex? A. B. C. 86% 56% 26% www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 24 Sexual Behavior
True or false? The more sexual partners a person has, the more likely they are to get an STI (sexually transmitted infection). A. True B. False www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 25 Sexual Behavior
Condom use ________ between 2003 and 2008? A. Increased B. Decreased C. Stayed the same www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 26 Sexual Behavior
What age group was least likely to use a condom? A. 14 year olds B. 16 year olds C. 18 year olds www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 27 Sexual Behavior
The number of students who experienced sexual abuse ________ between 2003 and 2008. A. B. C. Increased Decreased Stayed the same www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 28 Abuse & Violence
What percent of youth have had contact with someone on the Internet who made them feel unsafe? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 13% 33% 63% Q. 29 Abuse & Violence
Of youth who were cyber bullied in the past year, what percent had ever seriously considered suicide? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 4% 24% 44% Q. 30 Abuse & Violence
Rates of relationship violence ________ between 2003 and 2008? A. Increased B. Decreased C. Stayed the same www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 31 Abuse & Violence
What percent of youth reported that they had been discriminated against because of their physical appearance in the past year? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 8% 18% 38% Q. 32 Abuse & Violence
True or false? The majority of students said they liked school. A. B. True False www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 33 School & Work
Where did youth say they felt least safe at school? A. B. C. D. E. F. Washroom Classroom Cafeteria Hallways Library Outside on school property www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 34 School & Work
What percent of students worked at a paid job during the school year? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 21% 41% 61% Q. 35 School & Work
Who was more likely to exercise: males or females? A. B. Males Females www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 36 Sports & Leisure Activities
What percent of youth did some kind of volunteer work in the past 12 months? A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca 2% 32% 62% Q. 37 Sports & Leisure Activities
On a typical school day what percent of youth spent time watching TV? A. B. C. 30% 60% 90% www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 38 Sports & Leisure Activities
True or false? More BC youth gambled in 2003 than in 2008. A. B. www. mcs. bc. ca True False Q. 39 Sports & Leisure Activities
Compared to youth who felt less connected to their culture, youth who felt a strong connection to their culture reported: A. B. C. D. E. F. Less binge drinking Less fighting and weapon carrying Less thoughts of suicide Better health All of the above None of the above www. mcs. bc. ca Q. 40 Protective Factors
Youth who felt highly connected to school were less likely than those who felt less connected to report: A. Binge drinking B. Poor health C. Carrying a weapon D. Getting in a fight E. Having suicidal thoughts F. All of the above G. None of the above www. mcs. bc. ca 41. Protective Factors
Youth who felt that their friends would be upset with them if they got drunk were ________ likely to binge drink than those who felt their friends would notmind. A. B. C. www. mcs. bc. ca More Less Equally 42. Protective Factors
Key Findings Top marks ® Most BC youth are in good or excellent health ® Serious injuries have declined ® More students are wearing a seatbelt than in 2003 ® Fewer youth are smoking ® For the first time since 1992, the percentage of youth who seriously thought about suicide decreased ® Fewer youth are using alcohol and marijuana www. mcs. bc. ca
Key Findings Room for improvement ® 1 in 8 students did not access medical care when they thought they needed it ® Most youth reported feeling some stress or pressure in the past 30 days ® 1 in 5 females had contact with a stranger on the Internet who made them feel unsafe ® More youth reported using prescription pills without a doctor’s consent than in 2003 www. mcs. bc. ca
Key Findings Room for improvement ® Many students continue to face harassment and discrimination ® At least half of youth did not eat the recommended daily portions of fruits and vegetables ® Lots of youth who are a healthy weight think they need to lose or gain weight ® 1 in 10 students go to bed hungry because there is not enough money to buy food www. mcs. bc. ca
Thank you Results of the Adolescent Health Survey are available in a series of youth friendly fact sheets at: www. mcs. bc. ca