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AGW Clubs and Activities 2016 -2017
Best Buddies® is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) world-wide organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one -to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Best Buddies The Best Buddies Program at AGW is an after school club where a peer buddy and a buddy are paired together. It is expected that the students have contact with each other outside of school (Face-Time, mall trips, movies, talking on the phone, hanging out, birthday parties) on a weekly basis, as well as attend two after school events or meetings. Staff: Shannon Clayton Email: shannon. clayton@appo. k 12. de. us
ASL (American Sign Language) Club The ASL club is for any student who is interested in ASL (you do not need to be current ASL student). We will learn about ASL songs, play games and watch videos in ASL! Students will learn to sign/interpret songs into ASL. The club will meet twice a month on Mondays from 2: 40 -4 pm. Start Date – 9/27 STAFF: Trish Warriner Email: patricia. wariner@appo. k 12. de. us
French Club The French club is for any student who has an interest in the French language or culture (you do not need to be current French student). We will learn new vocabulary, play games, and watch videos in French. The club will meet monthly on Thursdays from 2: 40 -4 pm in Room (T 103). Staff: Rebecca Kalmbach Email: Rebecca. Kalmbach@appo. k 12. de. us
Board Game Club meets on Tuesdays in Mr. Clifton’s room beginning on October 4 th. Increase your knowledge of various board games, meet new people, learn how to play strategically and have fun! Staff: Brian Clifton Email: brian. Clifton@appo. k 12. de. us
BPA: Business Professionals of America • Are you interested in Leadership, Business, Technology? • Are you interested in honing your skills and learning new ones? • Are you interested in volunteering in the community? • Are you interested in meeting new friends and joining in fun activities? • Are you interested in competitions and representing AGW? • Are you interested in carrying on a tradition of becoming the best? If you answered yes, this club is for you! Our Chapter is proud of its previous winners in the area of Video Production and leaders on state and national leadership boards. SEE MRS. PRICKETT IN B 137 FOR INFORMATION FIRST MEETING IN SEPTEMBER HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!
Techno Sharks Do you love technology? Are you able to follow through with complex tasks? Can you problem solve and collaborate with your peers? Then the Techno-Sharks is for you. This club is specifically designed to help students and staff with any and all technology related matters. Whether it be finding equipment for staff, to helping set-up an entire computer lab, to helping students with i. Pad related issues, the Techno-Sharks do it all! Sign-ups began the first week of school, and Mr. Clifton has a group for first marking period. See him if you’re interested in joining later this school year! Notice: This club meets during Period ZERO and will replace your current Period ZERO. Certain stipulations apply (i. e. Math Support, RTI Reading, or any Language).
Library Lunch Clubs These clubs are tentative based on library use! Please listen to announcements for more information. Monday - Minecraft Monday Tuesday - Tinker Tuesday (Maker Space) Wednesday - Book clubs September: All the Broken Pieces by Ann Burg October: A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass November: The Crossover by Kwame Alexander Thursday - Digital Storytelling OR Story time with Mrs. Scott Friday - Library Lunch Bunch OR Coloring Club Staff – Katelynn Scott Email – katelynn. scott@appo. k 12. de. us
Library Book Art Club Once a marking period, we’ll do an after school Book Art club to turn old books into something new and fresh! Supplies provided – bring yourself and your creativity. Donations of older books (hard back please) are accepted! Encyclopedias ** NOT Harlequin Classic novels romance! Staff: Katelynn Scott Email – Katelynn. scott@appo. k 12. de. us
Drama Club Like to be on stage? Consider joining the drama production. Shows occur in April with casting beginning in January. Annie, Grease, Legally Blonde, and The Wizard of Oz have all been a huge success at AGW! Staff: Lisa Velardi Email: lisa. velardi@appo. k 12. de. us
Drama Club Auditions: Early January, with rehearsals beginning the following week. Who can participate? : PERFORMERS: Open to all 6 th, 7 th and 8 th graders. We are looking for actors, singers, dancers, costumers, make-up artists, set constructors, set painters, prop masters. 35 -45 students selected. Time commitment: 2 -3 days per week (2: 30 – 4: 30) January and February. 4 days per week March and April (2: 30 – 4: 30). No Friday rehearsals. No rehearsals during spring break.
Stage Crew Advisor: Christine Curcuru Email: christine. Curcuru@appo. k 12. de. us Open To: 7 th and 8 th graders, by application (late Feb) Typically Meets: T and TH in March, M-TH in April The student stage crew works to construct, paint, and move the scenery in our spring musical productions. They also assist with make-up, props, sound and lighting.
AGW FFA Chapter As part of the National FFA Organization, the AGW FFA chapter members participate in activities which help develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. To be eligible to be a member students must have Agriculture on their schedule. Students who are interested in joining should ask Ms. Handlin for a membership form. Activities: bowling, strawberry picking, gardening, Milk Run, competitions, leadership workshops, and more Meetings: once a month on Tuesdays. Attendance at meetings is optional. Staff: Marian Handlin Email: marian. handlin@appo. k 12. de. us
Science Fair Our building participates in a district-wide science fair in which students create a project of their choice that reflects the scientific method. Each year, there are three projects that win at the building level, and those students compete at the district science fair for a chance to win prizes such as an i. Pod or gift cards. The science fair generally takes place in the early spring. Staff: Kim Cochran Email: kim. Cochran@appo. k 12. de. us
Intramurals Last year students had the opportunity to participate in intramural soccer in the fall and intramural basketball in the winter. Intramurals take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays with activity buses available for students. Listen to the announcements for information about fall intramurals! Fall: Dave Shinton – david. shinton@appo. k 12. de. us Winter: Steve Tolliver – steven. tolliver@appo. k 12. de. us
Math League is for students who love to problem-solve and think outside the box! We have 5 practices during the school year and 5 competitions. Our first practice will be on Tuesday, September 27 th afterschool until 3: 30 pm. All information is posted on the AGW website. Students can sign up using a Google Doc link available from their math teachers. Staff: Kathleen Olenderski Email: kathleen. olenderski@appo. k 12. de. us
National Junior Honor Society NJHS is a service organization that serves our school and community. NJHS is by invitation only based on excellent grades here at AGW. Invited students may complete a candidate form in the spring. The faculty council looks for a candidate that possesses experience in school activities, extra-curricular activities, leadership, service and awards. Staff: Gretchen Hertzog-Mahar Email: gretchen. hertzog-mahar@appo. k 12. de. us
Odyssey of the Mind The Odyssey of the Mind teaches students to learn creative problem-solving methods while having fun in the process. Students are provided open-ended problems that appeal to a wide range of interests. They learn how to identify challenges and to think creatively to solve those problems. Teams consist of 5 -7 students who are coached by their parents and other adult volunteers. OM teams do not usually meet at AGW. Meetings usually take place after school/in the evening at a team member’s house. Staff: Mary Koster Email: mary. koster@appo. k 12. de. us
Model UN *Model UN is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about civics, current events, effective communication, and globalization. *Students will work with other students with similar interests to explore world issues, debate, and attempt to create resolutions for world problems. *District conference held in spring. Other conference opportunities are being explored. *Meets every other Tuesday after school. Staff: Jaime Churchill Email: jaime. churchill@appo. k 12. de. us
Running Club The AGW Running Club is open to all 6 th, 7 th and 8 th graders who are interested in running, fitness, having fun and meeting new people. Running Club takes place in the spring. The cost is $15 which includes a Running Club T -Shirt and both a mid and end of season celebration. Permission slips are made available in March and practices are held after school on Mondays and Thursdays in April and May. We also register the team for an end of season 5 K that usually takes place in Middletown. Staff: Lisa Donaldson / Maria Smith Email: lisa. Donaldson@appo. k 12. de. us / maria. smith@appo. k 12. de. us
Quiz Bowl – This club focuses on competitive trivia, which consists of a game in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, sports, and popular culture. 2014 -15 was the first year AGW fielded a Quiz Bowl club and we were extremely successful. The AGW A team qualified for Nationals and won the Great Valley Quiz Bowl Tournament. Staff: Luke Crossan Email: luke. crossan @appo. k 12. de. us