AGS Innovations In Industry
AGS is a company that develop and manufacture Aluminum based products that combining with materials like wood and glass to a complete design peace. Fully developed products (patented) include: Kitchen and cabinet doors Out door systems In door systems (fire rated on development) Wall elements (in door and out door) Tails for in door use Counter tops and working surfaces
Kitchen line
Kitchen line
Kitchen line
Kitchen line
Out doors and in doors
Out doors and in doors
Out doors and in doors
Wall elements
Wall elements
Wall elements
Wall elements
Wall elements
In door use and furniture
In door use and furniture
In door use and furniture
In door use and furniture
In door use and furniture
AGS is based in the logistic hub of Las - vegas Nevada, our facility spared on 50, 000 sqf located on 3001 N. Nellis Blvd.
AGS started to post her products in show rooms across the west cost and the mid west: Costa mesa, California Van nays, California San Diego, California Phoenix, Arizona Las Vegas, Nevada 50+ locations are in our plan, we are putting our attention In California, Texas and British Colombia witch enjoy a real-estate boom this days after 5 years of recession.
AGS plans to move all production to the U. S. A by 2015. Today there is only door production in our facility in Las Vegas, rest of the products manufactured in Israel and shipped over sea. All development made by Segment Metal design Ltd. In Israel to the U. S. A. market demands, owned and managed by Mr. Guy Ben Ezri, Development manager is Mr. Abraham Ben Ezri. Mr. Ben Ezri have over 40 years of expertise in metals and he worked with top companies in Israel and world wide. A. G. S. managing director Mr. Shahar Levi mange the U. S. A. operations and have a deep knowledge with the market in the U. S. A. and its demands. U. S. A. local partner is Mr. Jacob Haliva which is a leader in door manufacturing in Nevada for the past 30 years, his company NCD Llc. Deals only with door manufacturing.
AGS plan is to open a 700 -1000 sqf show room in California for architects and designers that will assemble all products and marketing in the U. S. A. , online website with online store and tools for architects and designers. Marketing will be operated by one operating manager on the field on daily basis, office support by a trained secretary on working hours. All know how will be given on site by us to staff, professionals and licensed installers.
Finance first year needs: Show room design and building 70, 000$ Show room rent and costs 75, 000$ yearly Overhead 150, 000$ gross yearly Website design and managing 15, 000$+ 5, 000$ Marketing materials and samples 120, 000$ for 500 kits Marketing costs (ongoing) 50, 000$ Marketing costs (tread shows) 60, 000$+40, 000$ (1 main show and 2 side Marketing costs (internet) 60, 000$ (5, 000$ monthly budget) Legal and bookkeeping year) + 18, 000$ 50, 000$ (rights protecting only on first Misc. 30, 000$ Total – 738, 000$
AGS target California as her main market, California has over 3, 000 privet houses that worth over 1 M$ each. Last year 480, 000 houses on average worth of 600, 000$ changed hands in California. The average American change kitchen doors every 10 years and front door every 12 years, furniture and home styling every 9 years. California has a population of 40, 000 and it’s the world 5 th economy, building and home improvement is a multi billion market. Privet house kitchen size is 300 sqf in average price of 120$ per sqf for end customer. Main front door (not over size) price is 6, 000 -9, 000 to the end costumer. Kitchen profit is 25 -35$ per sqf and front door is 1, 500 -2, 500$ per opening. Panels and furniture pricing is ad hook for projects.
AGS sales goals for 2014 -2015 (first 2 years) 60, 000 sqf of kitchen doors 300 front doors 3 -4 projects in paneling for constructor housing or public buildings Total sales of 6, 000$ and gross profit of 2, 500, 000$
AGS goals for 2014 -2015 To have a visibility in 50+ show rooms To handle and manage nation wide rep. network To participate in all of the important trade shows nation wide Manufacture and fabricate all products in house in the U. S. A. (exclude glass) Continue developing new products
AGS Innovations In Industry